Psikologika Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi
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Published By Universitas Islam Indonesia (Islamic University Of Indonesia)

2579-6518, 1410-1289

Fariza Nur Shabrina ◽  
Grace Elizabeth Romorani Sigumonrong ◽  
Nabila Isnandini ◽  
Syora Alya Eka Putri

COVID-19 merupakan situasi yang menimbulkan stres, di luar kendali individu, dan berdampak buruk pada well-being. Pada situasi stres, resiliensi dinilai sebagai faktor protektif dari well-being yang ditandai dengan optimisme dan fleksibilitas kognitif. Individu yang resilien dengan kata lain berpotensi memiliki persepsi distres psikologis rendah sehingga memiliki well-being yang baik bahkan selama pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini melihat peran distres psikologis sebagai mediator dalam hubungan antara resiliensi dan well-being pada situasi COVID-19 di Indonesia. Pengambilan data dilakukan menggunakan survei online dengan tiga alat ukur berbentuk self-reported inventory yaitu HSCL-10, RS-14, dan MHC-SF. Hasil analisis mediasi dari 260 partisipan menunjukan bahwa distres psikologis berperan sebagai mediator parsial dalam hubungan antara resiliensi dan well-being. Semakin tinggi resiliensi, maka semakin positif individu melihat situasi mereka yang ditandai dengan rendahnya distres psikologis. Distres psikologis yang rendah kemudian berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan well-being. Hasil penelitian ini menguatkan pentingnya peran persepsi kognitif terhadap well-being selama kondisi pandemi COVID-19. Intervensi psikologis dalam bentuk peningkatan fleksibilitas kognitif dan pendekatan mindfulness dapat menjadi alternatif dalam menanggulangi dampak negatif COVID-19 terhadap well-being.

Brianita Riga Pratiwi ◽  
Alice Salendu

Innovative work behavior is one of the keys to trust and success for organizations. In this era, how to form employees is a challenge and important for innovative organizations to see the factors that cause innovative behavior in their employees. This study involved three variables, namely openness to experience, ambidextrous organizational culture, and innovative work behavior. By using 3 measuring instruments, namely The Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI), Innovation Behavior Scale, and Ambidextreus Organizational Scale, as many as 127 respondents were obtained using the bold self-report method. Researchers examined the moderating role of ambidextrous organizational culture as analyzed by the PROCESS statistical technique developed by Hayes. The results showed a positive relationship between OTE and ambidextrous organizational culture was proven to be a significant predictor of employee innovative work behavior. F = 25.1475, p < .001, R2 = .384. From these results, it can be calculated that 38.4% variants of the two predictions have a significant effect on innovative work behavior. However, through the analysis it is also known that there is no significant interaction between the ambidextrous organizational culture variables, thus the the first hypothesis is accepted but not the second hypothesis. The result of this research can help companies to identify openness traits of the prospective employees.

Muhammad Novvaliant Filsuf Tasaufi ◽  
Syarifah Naimi Anisa ◽  
Nasifah Rahmi ◽  
Audiht Jasmine Sabrina

Every individual always faces problems, as well as undergraduate students. The problems are usually related to academic and non-academic issues which require the ability to manage and control themselves, so they are not overwhelmed by these problems. Father attachment can help undergraduate students in overcoming various kinds of problems. This study aims to examine the dynamics of these undergraduate students that focus on the relationship between fatherhood attachment and self-control in which subjective well-being (SWB) and psychological well-being (PWB) mediate among students in Yogyakarta. The subjects of this study were undergraduate students who lived in Yogyakarta (N = 245). This study uses five scales, two scales for the subjective well-being variable, one for the psychological well-being variable, one for the self-control variable and one for the fatherhood attachment variable. The scales used include (a) Satisfaction with Life Scale created by Diener et al (1985); (b) Positive and Negative Affect Scales by Watson et al (1988); (c) Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale developed by Ryff (1989); (d) Self-Control Scale from Tangney et al (2004); and (e) The fatherhood attachment scale developed by Armsden & Greenberg (1987). The data were then analyzed using mediation analysis techniques through the JASP application. The results showed that fatherhood attachment did not have a direct effect on self-control, but subjective well-being and psychological well-being could act as mediators of the relationship between fatherhood attachment and self-control.

Shukran Abdul Rahman ◽  
Muhammad Haikal Ahmad Pua’ad ◽  
Mohd Hasnal Atfi Mohd Helmi ◽  
Muhammad Rizki Azirwan ◽  
Aiman binti Mohammad ◽  

There have been emerging issues toward the increasing amount of zakat collection and the slower pace of zakat distribution (Lubis et al., 2011). These issues create dissatisfaction which increases negative perception towards Zakat Distribution Organizations (ZDOs) amongst the zakat payers (Yusof, 2010). The objective of this study is to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of ZDOs. The methods used in this study were document analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted among the employees of ZDOs. Findings from this study showed that the strengths are related to the aspects on human resource management, the stable financial sources, the broad network, the good organizations setup, the positive work culture among staff members, as well as opportunities for learning and development for ZDOs employees. The weaknesses of ZDOs are associated with workplace condition, staff members’ attitudes and work performance, and management system. In addition, external environment provides a significant opportunity for the organizations. Proactive distribution of zakat and collaboration with other agencies are external aspects that can be leveraged in order to improve the functions of ZDOs. The identified threats are the ZDOs’ surrounding, the attitudes of zakat recipients towards ZDOs, competition from outside parties, public dependency, and external interferences. These findings are expected to provide baseline information to guide ZDOs in designing change initiatives that will be effective and efficient in increasing both work and organizational performance.

Mar'atus Sholikhah ◽  
Faraz Faraz

During the economic crisis occurring in Indonesian, entrepreneurial sector has been the solution for Indonesian economic downturn. Until the current time, entrepreneurship keeps becoming the cornerstone for the government in improving Indonesia economic growth. However, entrepreneur women face more specific obstacles which complicate their steps, then it causes the fact that there are more entrepreneur women have contributions in Indonesian economic growth (60%) is less exposed (Tjahjadi et al., 2019). The study is aimed to identify the relationship between adversity quotients with entrepreneurial intentions of entrepreneur women. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a positive relationship between adversity quotients with entrepreneurial intentions of entrepreneur women. The research subjects were 100 batik entrepreneur women. The scale used in this study was made based on the aspects of the Theory Planned Behavior (TPB) by Ajzen for the entrepreneurial intention variable and aspects of the Adversity Response Profile (ARP) by Stotlz for the adversity quotient variable. The hypothesis test result using Pearson's product-moment showed a correlation number r of .497 and p = .000 (p < .01). It indicates that there is a significant relationship between Adversity Quotient and Entrepreneurial Intensity so that the proposed hypothesis is accepted. The implication of the research is for encouraging the entrepreneur women to create solution to overcome adversities in developing the business.

Cynthia Vivian Purwanto ◽  
Ananta Yudiarso

Numeracy is one of the most necessary skills needed. However, not every student has sufficient numeracy, therefore it is needed an effective intervention to improve students’ mathematics skill. The widely use of technology in education has provided a breakthrough for conducting digital-based interventions in learning mathematics. This study goal is to review the literature which measures the effectiveness of digital-based intervention to improve mathematics skill. Meta-analysis done to eighteen journals published in the past decade with 1,721 participants of experiment group and 1,219 participants of control groups which are relevant to this study. Based on mean differences (M, SD, and n) analysis, it is found that the effect size was g = .492 (95% CI = [.287, .706]; p < .001; I2 (inconsistency) = 84.43%). This shows that the effect size obtained is similar to Benavides-Varela et al. (2020) study which found digital-based interventions are effective to improve dyscalculia students’ mathematics skill. There is also no evidence which shows level of education affects the use of digital intervention to improve students’ mathematics skill (p = .359). The effect size obtained while using level of education as moderator is g =.398 (95% CI = [-.483, .175]; p < .001; I2 (inconsistency) = 84.02%). Therefore, educators can use digital media as a tool to support students’ mathematics learning, both at the preschool to college level.

Fani Eka Nurtjahjo ◽  
Ahmad Rusdi ◽  
Maudista Widi Anggraeni ◽  
Immawati Hanifah ◽  
Farida Nur Ummi ◽  

The concept of wisdom as one of the strengths of human character has been widely studied, both in terms of theoretical concepts and measurements. ISM-AV is the development of a theory-based wisdom measurement instrument from Muslim scholars ibn Miskawaih (2011). The existence of this instrument becomes a necessity to know the extent to which a person assesses his balance in using his mind to produce good actions/attitudes, in an academic context. This study was to validate ISW-AV using external criteria, namely SD-WISE, and PAPI-Kostick (only used aspects: leadership role), need to control others, ease in making decisions, and the theoretical type of thinking. The content validity process involving eight qualified panelists has guaranteed that the items used on this scale are most relevant (CVI > .80). The results of the second study involving 125 student respondents, found that the ISW-AV had similar constructs to the standard wisdom scale (SD-WISE) (r = .550, p =?). Furthermore, the results of the third study involving 666 students found that ISW-AV was positively correlated with leadership roles (r = .261), the need to control others (r = .232), and ease in decision making (r = .114), but negatively correlated with the theoretical type (r = -.117). This finding shows that wisdom is not the same as theoretical intelligence, it is closer to social leadership skills. In conclusion, this scale can be used for further research purposes. For the development of this scale, the process of normalizing and compiling a short form will be very useful to complement the features

Nyayu Nazihah Khairunnisa ◽  
Anissa Lestari Kadiyono ◽  
Witriani Witriani

Sebagai dampak dari perkembangan dunia kerja yang semakin fleksibel, individu dituntut untuk memiliki kemampuan adaptasi dalam konteks karier yang disebut dengan career adaptability. Career Adapt-Ability Scale merupakan alat ukur yang disusun oleh Savickas & Porfeli ditujukan untuk mengukur career adaptability. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi properti psikometri Career Adapt-Ability Scale yang telah diadaptasi ke Bahasa Indonesia. Subjek penelitian ini berjumlah 121 orang dengan rentang usia 14 – 17 tahun. Penelitian ini dibagi ke dalam dua tahapan: Pertama, melakukan uji reliabilitas melalui internal consistency dengan mengevaluasi nilai koefisien Cronbach’s alpha dan melalui analisis item discrimination dengan mengevaluasi nilai corrected-item total correlation pada masing-masing item. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur CAAS dapat diandalkan dan memiliki reliabilitas yang baik (alfa = 0,746 – 0,923). Kedua, menguji validitas konstruk menggunakan confirmatory factor analysis, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa data yang ada sesuai dengan model teori career adaptability dan setiap item pada alat ukur CAAS terbukti signifikan dalam mengukur dimensinya pada konstruk career adaptability. Dengan demikian, disimpulkan bahwa alat ukur CAAS ini dapat diandalkan untuk mengukur career adaptability

Naufil Istikhari

This research is to present a ninth-century Muslim polymath, Abu Zayd Al-Balkhi,and his theoretical contribution on the formation of the epistemological equilibrium betweenmental disorder and mental health which tends to be separated in the history of Westernpsychology. In his phenomenal treatise, The Sustenance of Body and Soul, Al-Balkhi made abridge between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ psychology in the common clinical approaches. Thisstudy also reveals the cognitive therapy approach as Al-Balkhi’s authentic finding in the Islamicworld, an approach well known long before modern psychology developed. Particular attentionis paid to Al-Balkhi’s emphasizes in positioning his theory of mental health, especially in apositive approach, in such as a pioneer of the Western psychological one.

Ghaisa Marin Hartono ◽  
Arum Etikariena

PT Bank Syariah XYZ is currently working to improve company efficiency by bringing out the organizational citizenship behavior of its employees. Organizational citizenship behavior is an initiative behavior of employees, beyond their required job duties. Based on social exchange theory, organizational citizenship behavior can be generated if there is an equal two-way exchange between employees and the organization. Previous studies also shown that by giving employees an opportunity to get a work-life balance, employee commitment to the organization will increase and leads to the emergence of organizational citizenship behavior among them. Therefore, this study aims to examine the effect of work-life balance on employee organizational citizenship behavior through the role of organizational commitment as a mediator. This research is a quantitative study using an adaptive questionnaire: OCB-C short version from Spector et al. (2010), the work-life balance scale from Hill et al. (2001), and Organizational Commitment from Mowday (1979). Respondents were 154 permanent employees of PT Bank Syariah XYZ Head Office. The analysis results by PROCESS Hayes showed the coefficient value = .42; p < .05; R2 = 28%; 95% CI [.25, .60]. This means that organizational commitment acts as a complete mediator on the effect of work-life balance on organizational citizenship behavior with a proportion of 28% of the total effect of the model. The results of this study are expected to provide insight for the organization to creat more positive work behavior by implementing proactive policies that can minimize conflicts between work and personal life

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