Stability and Flexibility of Spatial Organization Based on Object Cues

2006 ◽  
Alycia M. Hund ◽  
Emily K. Foster
P.J. Phillips ◽  
J. Huang ◽  
S. M. Dunn

In this paper we present an efficient algorithm for automatically finding the correspondence between pairs of stereo micrographs, the key step in forming a stereo image. The computation burden in this problem is solving for the optimal mapping and transformation between the two micrographs. In this paper, we present a sieve algorithm for efficiently estimating the transformation and correspondence.In a sieve algorithm, a sequence of stages gradually reduce the number of transformations and correspondences that need to be examined, i.e., the analogy of sieving through the set of mappings with gradually finer meshes until the answer is found. The set of sieves is derived from an image model, here a planar graph that encodes the spatial organization of the features. In the sieve algorithm, the graph represents the spatial arrangement of objects in the image. The algorithm for finding the correspondence restricts its attention to the graph, with the correspondence being found by a combination of graph matchings, point set matching and geometric invariants.

2015 ◽  
Vol 57 ◽  
pp. 189-201 ◽  
Jay Shankar ◽  
Cecile Boscher ◽  
Ivan R. Nabi

Spatial organization of the plasma membrane is an essential feature of the cellular response to external stimuli. Receptor organization at the cell surface mediates transmission of extracellular stimuli to intracellular signalling molecules and effectors that impact various cellular processes including cell differentiation, metabolism, growth, migration and apoptosis. Membrane domains include morphologically distinct plasma membrane invaginations such as clathrin-coated pits and caveolae, but also less well-defined domains such as lipid rafts and the galectin lattice. In the present chapter, we will discuss interaction between caveolae, lipid rafts and the galectin lattice in the control of cancer cell signalling.

2010 ◽  
pp. 73-89
M.-F. Garcia

The article examines social conditions and mechanisms of the emergence in 1982 of a «Dutch» strawberry auction in Fontaines-en-Sologne, France. Empirical study of this case shows that perfect market does not arise per se due to an «invisible hand». It is a social construction, which could only be put into effect by a hard struggle between stakeholders and large investments of different forms of capital. Ordinary practices of the market dont differ from the predictions of economic theory, which is explained by the fact that economic theory served as a frame of reference for the designers of the auction. Technological and spatial organization as well as principal rules of trade was elaborated in line with economic views of perfect market resulting in the correspondence between theory and reality.

The article is devoted to reengineering of technological processes - a method of their qualitative transformation on an innovative basis, which in turn assumes the availability of tools that make it possible to establish the economic efficiency and technical capability of such transformations of construction production, to identify the effect of their implementation. In this regard, the problem of forming a parametric model of reengineering of construction technological processes, which involves four enlarged groups of indicators that reflect the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the processes: materials used, working time, machine time, spatial organization, is considered. It is established that parameters can have either an absolute (physical, cost) or relative (point, percentage) expression and also make their own decomposition. The practical significance of the provisions given in the article is determined by the development of methods of technical rationing, which leads to a reduction in the cost and duration of construction.

2019 ◽  
K.S. Ganzei ◽  
V.V. Zharikov ◽  
N.F. Pshenichnikova ◽  
A.M. Lebedev ◽  
A.G. Kiselyova ◽  

Важнейшим условием достижения устойчивого развития прибрежноморского природопользования в заливе Петра Великого системы является морское пространственное планирование. Основой для этого является информация о природных комплексах территории и акватории, полученная на основе ландшафтного подхода. Ключевым районом для изучения пространственной организации ландшафтов прибрежных геоструктур стала территория острова Шкота и его подводных склонов. Для наземных ландшафтов было описано 49 наблюдательных пунктов, 4 профиля были заложены для подводных ландшафтов описано 64 наблюдательных пункта, проложено 18 профилей. Выделено 22 вида ландшафтов, из них 16 наземных, 6 подводных. Берега острова сформированы преобладанием абразивноденудационного и абразивного типов. В результате всестороннего изучения показаны особенности пространственной организации воздушных и водных природных комплексов. Особенностью исследуемой территории является экспозиция дифференциации ландшафтов между юговосточной и северозападной частями острова, обусловленная муссонной природой климата. Результаты полевых и картографических работ послужили основой для выбора зон интенсивного, умеренного и ослабленного взаимодействия наземных и подводных ландшафтов. Пространственное расположение зон взаимодействия четко иллюстрируется значительными различиями экспозиции. Результаты статистического сравнения ландшафтов суши и мелководья, окружающего остров, на основе картометрических характеристик указывают на неоднородность геоструктуры острова, обусловленную, прежде всего, сочетанием ландшафтообразующих факторов. The most important condition for achieving sustainable development of coastalmarine environmental management in Peter the Great Bay is marine spatial planning. The basis for this is information about the natural complexes of the territory and water area, obtained based on the landscape approach. The main area for studying the spatial organization of landscapes of coastal geostructures was the territory of the island of Shkota and its underwater slopes. For terrestrial landscapes, 49 observation points were described, 4 profiles were laid 64 observation points were described for underwater landscapes, 18 profiles were laid. 22 species of landscapes have been identified, of which 16 are terrestrial, 6 are underwater. The shores of the island are formed by the predominance of abrasivedenudation and abrasive types. Because of a comprehensive study, features of the spatial organization of air and aquatic natural complexes are shown. A special feature of the study area is the exposure of the differentiation of landscapes between the southeastern and northwestern parts of the island, due to the monsoon nature of the climate. The results of field and cartographic works served as the basis for selecting areas of intense, moderate and weakened interaction of land and underwater landscapes. The spatial arrangement of the interaction zones is clearly illustrated by significant differences in exposure. The results of a statistical comparison of the land and shallow water landscapes surrounding the island, based on the cartometric characteristics, indicate the heterogeneity of the islands geostructure, primarily due to the combination of landscapeforming factors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 58 (10) ◽  
pp. 993-1008 ◽  
D.O. Kharchenko ◽  
V.O. Kharchenko ◽  
A.I. Bashtova ◽  

Marco Capitanio

The aging of Japanese society will inevitably restructure Tokyo’s spatial organization in the coming decades. Population loss will manifest itself unevenly, being most dramatic in peripheral areas—where ca. 87% of Greater Tokyo Area’s population lives—triggering a gradual spatial restructuring. Several scholars have tackled this issue from a geographical and planning perspective. From an architect’s viewpoint, such researches build a theoretical foundation upon which a more concrete investigation should be done, since the question of how liveability at the architectural and urban design scale could be tackled remains an open one. This paper focuses on one representative case study: Tama New Town, some 30km west of Tokyo Station. The emphasis is on four liveability factors relating to urban morphology, embedded in a wider socio-economic context: density/compactness, diversity of uses, walkability and green/water space. The significance of the research is threefold. On a theoretical level, we have assessed how urban design physical factors impact liveability in Tokyo’s peripheral areas. On a methodological level, we have tested workable methods that can be used by architects and urban designers to analyze neighborhood liveability in both quantitative and qualitative terms. On a practical level, we have provided new data and information about Tama New Town for the use of local municipalities and groups, suggesting strategies to address existing problems and highlighting potentials to be exploited.

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