Self-Report Coping Scale for Children

2020 ◽  
Charlotte Dunkeld ◽  
Mark L. Wright ◽  
Robin A. Banerjee ◽  
Matthew J. Easterbrook ◽  
Lance Slade
1995 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-17
Vivian Wisniewski ◽  
Erica Frydenberg

ABSTRACTThe coping actions of a group of young people with an intellectual disability were investigated using an adapted version of The Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS; Frydenberg & Lewis, 1993a). Generally, the coping of this population has been addressed by focusing on adaptive behaviours that, generally, have been determined on the basis of reports by significant others rather than by self-report instruments. The lack of suitable instruments rarely gives these young people opportunities to reflect on their behaviour. In this exploratory investigation, an adapted version of the ACS, a recently developed Australian self-report measure of coping, was administered to young people with intellectual disabilities who were in employment (n = 4) or who were unemployed (n = 18). It was found that employed young people coped in more positive ways than did the unemployed group. The only distinguishing characteristic between the ways in which males and females coped was a declaration by females that they lacked the strategies with which to cope. There was a general concurrence between self-reported coping actions and those reported by significant others. The findings suggest that an adapted version of the ACS may be useful with this population of young people. Further development and validation of the instrument with this population are recommended.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 177
Rita Orska ◽  
Tamara Pigozne ◽  
Svetlana Usca

<p>The article presents the results of the first stage of the Latvia-Lithuania cross-border project “Developing of Social Psychological Support Service System through Implementation of Method of Positive Coping Strategies and Enhancement of Social Inclusion for People in Vulnerable Groups” (POZCOPING), in which, based on the adolescents’ self-report and using the methodology (Adolescent Coping Scale) developed by E. Freidenberg and R.<strong> </strong>Lewis, stress-causing problems and the use and helpfulness of stress coping strategies of adolescents’ in Latvia were identified and analysed.<strong></strong></p>

2021 ◽  
Κωνσταντίνος Γάκης

Σκοπός της παρούσας έρευνας ήταν η διερεύνηση της σχέσης της σχολικής και διαδικτυακής θυματοποίησης και των στρατηγικών αντιμετώπισης αγχογόνων καταστάσεων (προσέγγισης, συναισθήματος, αποστασιοποίησης) με την ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια σε μαθητές με και χωρίς Διαταραχή Ελλειμματικής Προσοχής/ Υπερκινητικότητα (ΔΕΠ-Υ). Στην έρευνα συμμετείχαν 682 μαθητές Πρωτοβάθμιας (Ε΄ και Στ΄ Δημοτικού) και Δευτεροβάθμιας (Α΄, Β΄ και Γ΄ Γυμνασίου) Εκπαίδευσης (Μ.Ο. ηλικίας: 12,74 έτη, Τ.Α.=±1,48 , 46% αγόρια) εκ των οποίων οι 107 είχαν διάγνωση ΔΕΠ-Υ. Για τις ανάγκες της έρευνας χορηγήθηκαν: Το Ερωτηματολόγιο Εκφοβισμού/Θυματοποίησης (The Revised Olweus Bully/Victim Questionnaire, [OBVQ], (Olweus, 1996, 2006. Solberg & Olweus, 2003), το Ερωτηματολόγιο Διαδικτυακού Εκφοβισμού (Cyberbullying Questionnaire, Smith, Mahdavi, Carvalho, & Tippett, 2006), το Εργαλείο Ψυχοκοινωνικής Προσαρμογής παιδιών σχολικής ηλικίας ή Τεστ Ψυχοκοινωνικής Προσαρμογής (Χατζηχρήστου, Πολυχρόνη, Μπεζεβέγκης, & Μυλωνάς, 2008α), το Ερωτηματολόγιο Στρατηγικών Αντιμετώπισης Αγχογόνων Καταστάσεων (Self-Report Coping Scale, [SRCS], Causey & Dubow, 1992. Kochenderfer-Ladd & Skinner, 2002) και ένα ερωτηματολόγιο δημογραφικών στοιχείων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, για τον έλεγχο των υποθέσεων της έρευνας, στην περίπτωση των μαθητών χωρίς τη διαταραχή (Ομάδα Ελέγχου-ΟΕ) δημιουργήθηκε ένα δομικό μοντέλο εξίσωσης με εξαρτημένη μεταβλητή την ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια και ανεξάρτητες μεταβλητές τη σχολική και διαδικτυακή θυματοποίηση. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό, επιχειρήθηκε η εξέταση του διαμεσολαβητικού ρόλου των επιμέρους στρατηγικών αντιμετώπισης αγχογόνων καταστάσεων. Το μοντέλο είχε καλή προσαρμογή στα δεδομένα, καθώς με βάση τους δείκτες καλής προσαρμογής που μελετήθηκαν, παρατηρήθηκε ότι οι τιμές του μοντέλου ήταν ικανοποιητικές (χ2/df = 4,12 < 5, df = 56, CFI =0,96 ≥ 0,90, RMSEA =0,07 & SRMR =0,04 <0,08). Η έρευνα εντόπισε ότι η σχολική και διαδικτυακή θυματοποίηση για τους μαθητές της ΟΕ προέβλεπε αρνητικά την ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια τόσο άμεσα όσο και έμμεσα, διαμέσου των στρατηγικών προσέγγισης και συναισθήματος. Παράλληλα, οι στρατηγικές προσέγγισης αποτέλεσαν θετικό προβλεπτικό παράγοντα της ψυχοκοινωνικής επάρκειας. Τα ευρήματα αυτά επισημαίνουν τον σημαντικό ρόλο που ενδέχεται να διαδραματίζει η επιλογή και η αποφυγή συγκεκριμένων στρατηγικών στην ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια των μαθητών. Παράλληλα, στην περίπτωση των παιδιών με ΔΕΠ-Υ, προκειμένου να ελεγχθούν οι παραπάνω σχέσεις, πραγματοποιήθηκε διαμεσολαβητική ανάλυση παλινδρόμησης. Τα ευρήματα επιβεβαιώνουν και για τους μαθητές με ΔΕΠ-Υ τη διαμεσολαβητική επίδραση των στρατηγικών και ειδικότερα τη θετική επίδραση των στρατηγικών προσέγγισης στην ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια και τη δυσπροσαρμοστικότητα των στρατηγικών συναισθήματος και αποστασιοποίησης στην εν λόγω μεταβλητή. Επίσης, οι ομάδες του δείγματος συγκρίθηκαν ως προς τον σχολικό και διαδικτυακό εκφοβισμό, τις στρατηγικές και την ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας αναδεικνύουν την ανάγκη πρόληψης και αντιμετώπισης φαινομένων σχολικού και διαδικτυακού εκφοβισμού για την ψυχοκοινωνική επάρκεια όλων των μαθητών, ενώ παράλληλα υπογραμμίζουν τη σημασία της διδασκαλίας των κατάλληλων στρατηγικών αντιμετώπισης αγχογόνων καταστάσεων. Ιδιαίτερη μέριμνα θα πρέπει να δοθεί στους μαθητές με ΔΕΠ-Υ, λόγω της υψηλής εμπλοκής στο φαινόμενο και της αναποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης του αγχογόνου παραγοντα.

2010 ◽  
Mark Wright ◽  
Robin Banerjee ◽  
Willemijn Hoek ◽  
Carolien Rieffe ◽  
Sheida Novin

1996 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 224-235 ◽  
Erica Frydenberg ◽  
Ramon Lewis

This paper reports two independent studies designed to investigate the reliability and validity of the Long and the Short Form of the Adolescent Coping Scale (ACS). Since we have found from our research that much of an individual's behaviour is situation-specific there is a Specific Form of the ACS which allows for the measurement of responses to a particular self-nominated (or administrator-nominated) concern. However, it is also clear that an individual's choice of coping strategies is, to a large extent, consistent regardless of the nature of the concern. Thus, there is a General Form of the instrument which addresses how an individual copes with concerns in general. The two sets of data reported, utilising the General and the Specific Form (in a Long and Short format), show the value of utilising separately 18 coping scales when measuring adolescent coping strategies. The reliability, validity and empirical distinctiveness of each scale is demonstrated. Nevertheless, factor analyses reported here show that there is some benefit to be gained from considering three coping styles comprising combinations of between four and seven coping strategies. The use of coping styles is particularly relevant when the Short Form of the ACS has been administered. The justification of the use of the different forms of the scale in both educational and clinical contexts, is discussed. The instrument provides an individual or group coping profile which can be used by respondents to guide them in the self-directed change of the coping repertoire.

2007 ◽  
Martine Hébert ◽  
Nathalie Parent ◽  
Isabelle V. Daignault

1992 ◽  
David L. Causey ◽  
Eric F. Dubow

Sai-fu Fung

This study presents a cross-cultural examination of the psychometric properties of two commonly used brief self-report resilience scales, the 6-item Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) and the 4-item Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS). Five hundred and eleven Chinese university undergraduate students were recruited for this cross-sectional research. Various psychometric evaluation tools were used to evaluate the internal consistency, criterion validity, factorial validity and construct validity of these resilience scales. The results showed that both scales had good criterion validity, with well-established measures of well-being, optimism, self-esteem, self-efficacy and mental health, as suggested in the resilience literature. The BRS (a = 0.71) showed better internal consistency than the BRCS (a = 0.59). The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) results also indicated that the BRS, with a two-factor structure, had better construct validity than the BRCS. The CFA results for the BRS met all of the criteria for a good model fit. The BRS was found to have better psychometric properties than the BRCS in the Chinese context. The findings will help researchers to select an appropriate resilience measure when conducting epistemological surveys of Chinese university students or the Chinese diaspora in other contexts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
Teodora Gliga ◽  
Mayada Elsabbagh

Abstract Autistic individuals can be socially motivated. We disagree with the idea that self-report is sufficient to understand their social drive. Instead, we underscore evidence for typical non-verbal signatures of social reward during the early development of autistic individuals. Instead of focusing on whether or not social motivation is typical, research should investigate the factors that modulate social drives.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 274-284 ◽  
Elizabeth Convery ◽  
Gitte Keidser ◽  
Louise Hickson ◽  
Carly Meyer

Purpose Hearing loss self-management refers to the knowledge and skills people use to manage the effects of hearing loss on all aspects of their daily lives. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-reported hearing loss self-management and hearing aid benefit and satisfaction. Method Thirty-seven adults with hearing loss, all of whom were current users of bilateral hearing aids, participated in this observational study. The participants completed self-report inventories probing their hearing loss self-management and hearing aid benefit and satisfaction. Correlation analysis was used to investigate the relationship between individual domains of hearing loss self-management and hearing aid benefit and satisfaction. Results Participants who reported better self-management of the effects of their hearing loss on their emotional well-being and social participation were more likely to report less aided listening difficulty in noisy and reverberant environments and greater satisfaction with the effect of their hearing aids on their self-image. Participants who reported better self-management in the areas of adhering to treatment, participating in shared decision making, accessing services and resources, attending appointments, and monitoring for changes in their hearing and functional status were more likely to report greater satisfaction with the sound quality and performance of their hearing aids. Conclusion Study findings highlight the potential for using information about a patient's hearing loss self-management in different domains as part of clinical decision making and management planning.

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