scholarly journals Physiological and proteomic analysis on long-term drought resistance of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Zhongying Shan ◽  
Xinglu Luo ◽  
Maogui Wei ◽  
Tangwei Huang ◽  
Aziz Khan ◽  
PLoS ONE ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. e0152154 ◽  
Feifei An ◽  
Ting Chen ◽  
Djabou Mouafi Astride Stéphanie ◽  
Kaimian Li ◽  
Qing X. Li ◽  

PLoS ONE ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. e0174238 ◽  
Yuling Qin ◽  
Astride Stéphanie Mouafi Djabou ◽  
Feifei An ◽  
Kaimian Li ◽  
Zhaogui Li ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 140-144
Celyane Portilho Santos ◽  
Indiamara Marasca ◽  
Gilmar Oliveira Santos ◽  
Raisa Gomes Diniz ◽  
Stella Vanucci Lemos ◽  

The experiment aims to implement a sustainable system that will allow long - term research to evaluate the productive behavior of vegetables, fruits and trees, as well as to observe issues related to compaction and soil moisture content. Based on agroforestry implantation methodologies, agroforestry systems were adopted to allow a greater scale of production, starting with the implementation of a SAF for the production of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), mango (Mangifera indica L), ipê (Tabebuia chrysotricha) , manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantz), banana (Musa spp.), and pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.). Forming a system with lines of alternating lines with lines of other fruit trees, timber species and fertilizers like brachiaria grass (Brachiaria decumbens), crotalaria (Crotalaria juncea L.). Cultures adopted the number of plants / spacing in the respective dimensions: ipê / 1 / 7,5x5, manioc / 1,20x1,20, mango / 1 / 7,5x5, banana / 1 / 7,5x5, beans / 2 / 5x5, pumpkin2 / 5x5. The productive behavior of vegetables: pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.). Are in development phase as well as manioc (Manihot esculenta Crantze); fruits: mango (Mangifera indica L) and banana (Musa spp.) and arboreal: ipê (Tabebuia chrysotricha) need more time to be evaluated due to their long development cycle.

Planta ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 233 (6) ◽  
pp. 1209-1221 ◽  
Mashamon Mitprasat ◽  
Sittiruk Roytrakul ◽  
Surasak Jiemsup ◽  
Opas Boonseng ◽  
Kittisak Yokthongwattana

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Izabel Aparecida Soares ◽  
Mauro Sérgio Téo ◽  
Carlise DEBASTIANI ◽  
Suzymeire BARONI ◽  
Vanessa Silva RETUCI

O trabalho teve por objetivo verificar diferenças entre rendimento do concentrado proteico e proteína bruta da folha da mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz), obtidos a partir de três variedades comerciais: branca, cascuda e vermelha. As manivas foram plantadas seguindo o delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Nas comparações entre as variedades, considerou coletas escalonadas pós-plantio, realizadas aos 12, 14 e 16 meses. O concentrado proteico foi obtido a partir da farinha das folhas inteiras e submetido ao método de termo - coagulação ácido e a proteína bruta pelo método padrão AOAC. Os dados foram submetidos a análise de variância e comparados pelo teste de Tukey - 5% de probabilidade. Os resultados não indicaram diferença significativa entre as médias obtidas para rendimento de concentrado proteico. Para a variável porcentagem de proteína bruta a variedade Branca foi a que apresentou maior valor, com média de 46,25%, seguida pela Cascuda e Vermelha, 44,52% e 37,30%, sucessivamente. Conclui-se que outros estudos devem avaliar condições que possam influenciar no teor de proteína foliar, como clima e solo, e, avaliar os níveis de ácido cianídrico de cada variedade, indicando qual das três é a melhor para a extração do concentrado proteico das folhas. Palavras chaves: Manihot esculenta Crantz, variedades comerciais, concentrado proteico, proteína bruta. ABSTRACT: The study aimed to assess the differences between income protein concentrate, crude protein of cassava leaf (Manihot esculenta Crantz), obtained from three commercial varieties: white, red and cascuda. The cuttings were planted following the completely randomized design with three replications. Comparisons between the varieties considered after planting staggered collections, held on 12, 14 and 16 months. The protein concentrate was obtained from flour of whole sheets and subjected to the term method - acid coagulation and crude protein by AOAC standard method. The data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test - 5% probability. The results indicated no significant difference between the mean values obtained for protein concentrate income. For the variable percentage of crude protein White variety showed the highest, with an average of 46.25%, followed by cascuda and Red, 44.52% and 37.30%, successively. We conclude that further studies should evaluate conditions that may affect the leaf protein content, such as climate and soil, and evaluate the hydrocyanic acid levels of each variety, indicating which of the three is the best for the extraction of protein concentrate from leaves Key words: Manihot esculenta Crantz, commercial varieties, protein concentrate, crude protein.

Barros Sâmela Leal ◽  
Santos Newton Carlos ◽  
Araújo Thaís Jaciane ◽  
Melo Mylena Olga Pessoa ◽  
Nascimento Amanda Priscila Silva

Brochado Maura Gabriela da Silva ◽  
Botelho Matheus Gabriel Lopes ◽  
Souza Camila Eduarda Sousa de ◽  
Nunes Mariana Lameira ◽  
Ferreira Leonardo Elias

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
Fadhillah Laila ◽  
Budi Waluyo ◽  
Agung Kurniawan

Indonesia memiliki kekayaan plasma nutfah ubi kayu yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Ubi kayu mengandung karbohidrat tinggi dan berperan dalam diversifikasi pangan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menyeleksi 80 varietas ubi kayu budidaya lokal asal berbagai wilayah di Indonesia yang berpotensi hasil tinggi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 80 aksesi ubi kayu dari seluruh pulau-pulau besar di Indonesia yang disusun dalam rancangan Augmented dengan 3 tanaman kontrol per baris. Penelitian dilakukan dari Juli 2013-November 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keragaman genetik dan fenotipik yang luas pada ubi kayu asal Indonesia berdasarkan karakter umbi. Potensi genetik berdasarkan karakter hasil dan komponen hasil terkategorikan tinggi dengan nilai heritabilitas 0,59-0,75. Uji lanjut LSI (Least Significant Increase) menyeleksi aksesi yang memiliki daya hasil tinggi pada karakter umbi diantaranya karakter jumlah ubi/tanaman pada aksesi 563, 570, dan 599. Karakter bobot ubi/tanaman pada aksesi 507,563, 598, dan 541. Karakter bobot/ubi pada aksesi aksesi 534,528 dan 541. Karakter bobot ubi/plot pada aksesi 629. Karakter potensi hasil pada aksesi 629. Hal ini dapat memberikan informasi mengenai diversitas genetik aksesi-aksesi ubi kayu lokal Indonesia sehingga dapat dievaluasi untuk didapatkan hasil tinggi ubi kayu untuk diversifikasi pangan.

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