scholarly journals Biological and population parameters of Tiger Shark Galeocerdo cuvier, landed in Tanjung Luar, West Nusa Tenggara

2020 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 02010 ◽  
Irwan Jatmiko ◽  
Suciadi Catur Nugroho

Tiger shark is one of the important catch for small scale fisheries in West Nusa Tenggara. It is considered nearly threatened according the IUCN, thus information regarding to its estimated population is needed for conservative efforts. This study aimed to estimate the biological and population parameters of the tiger shark in Indonesia. Length data were collected from March to December 2018 in Tanjung Luar Port, West Nusa Tenggara. The length-weight relationship was calculated using equation W=aLb. Electronic length-frequency analysis (ELEFAN) in R Statistics with package “TropFishR” was used to estimate the population parameter. Length converted catch curve (LCCC) analysis was used to estimate the total mortality of the species. The results showed the length-weight relationship for combined sex, male and female was similar to the equation W=0.000001L3.15. The growth pattern for this species was positive allometric which means that the growth of weight is faster than its length. Total mortality was estimated at 0.33/yr, with natural and fishing mortality of 0.16/yr and 0.17/yr, respectively. The results from this study should be able to provide the basic information to support fisheries management of tiger sharks in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 960-973 ◽  
Maite Pons ◽  
Laurence Kell ◽  
Merrill B Rudd ◽  
Jason M Cope ◽  
Flávia Lucena Frédou

Abstract Large scombrids, commercial tuna species, are regularly assessed and managed. However, most of the small scombrids, many mackerels and bonitos, lack accurate catch data to implement traditional stock assessments despite their economic importance in many small-scale fisheries. In this study, we analysed different approaches using length composition data from multiple fleets with different gear selectivity to assess small scombrids in the Atlantic Ocean. Using simulated populations, we compared two length-based methods (length-based spawning potential ratio and length-based integrated mixed effects ), under different length data grouping scenarios. We found that using length data from the fleet targeting the broadest range of sizes resulted in the lowest bias in spawning potential ratio of all options tested. Based on these results, we used biological and length data to estimate a quantitative proxy of current stock status for ten small scombrid stocks in the Atlantic Ocean. We found that some stocks are likely to be overfished, such as little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus) in the Southeast Atlantic and wahoo (Acanthocybium solandri) in the Northwest Atlantic. This is a starting point in the estimation of stock status for these species, but should not be thought of as a replacement for other more data-intensive assessments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 253 ◽  
Umi Chodrijah ◽  
Agus Arifin Sentosa ◽  
Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih

Hiu macan (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron & Lesuer, 1822) merupakan predator puncak yang ditandai dengan sebaran yang luas dan ukurannya lebih besar.  Spesies hiu ini masuk dalam famili Carcharhinidae yang banyak tertangkap di perairan Samudera Hindia. Status konservasi jenis ini masuk dalam Daftar merah IUCN dan hampir terancam (NT) serta informasi tentang biologi khususnya parameter pertumbuhan spesies ini masih sangat terbatas.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi parameter pertumbuhan hiu macan di perairan Samudera Hindia bagian Selatan Nusa Tenggara Barat. Penelitian dilakukan di tempat pendaratan ikan  Tanjung Luar, Lombok Timur pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Desember 2016. Pengamatan meliputi panjang total tubuh dan jenis kelamin yang dilakukan dengan pengukuran dan pengamatan langsung secara visual di lapangan. Hasil penelitian terhadap 808 ekor ikan contoh menunjukkan bahwa kisaran panjang total untuk hiu macan (Galeocerdo cuvier)  terdistribusi pada ukuran antara 116 - 400 cmTL dengan panjang rata-rata 242,8 cm TL serta modus pada ukuran 240 cmTL. Perbandingan kelamin ikan hiu macan  jantan dan betina dalam keadaan tidak seimbang, dengan jumlah jantan lebih besar.  Estimasi panjang asimtotik (L∞) sebesar 420 cmTL dengan laju pertumbuhan (K) 0,260/tahun, laju kematian total (Z)  1,10/tahun, laju kematian alamiah (M) 0,35/tahun serta laju kematian akibat penangkapan (F) 0,75/tahun. Estimasi laju eksploitasi sudah mengarah kepada penangkapan yang berlebih (E = 0,68) oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan tindakan pengelolaan agar pemanfaatannya tetap lestari.Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier Peron & Lesuer, 1822) were widely held in the depths of the Indian Ocean. Its conservation status was on the IUCN Red List and was near threatened (NT). The purpose of this study was to obtain the parameters of growth in the South off West Nusa Tenggara waters. The study was conducted at Tanjung Luar landing site, East Lombok in January until December 2016. The observation included total length and sex with visual measurement and observation in the field. The results of the study showed the number of 808 individues that the total length range for tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) caught in Indian Ocean waters landed on Tanjung Luar was distributed on a size between 116-400 cmTL with an average length of 242.8 cmTL and a mode at 240 cmTL. The sex ratio of male and female tiger sharks was in an unbalanced state, with larger females. Estimation of asymptotic length (L∞) of 420 cmTL with growth rate (K) 0.260 / year, total mortality rate (Z) 1.10 / year, natural mortality rate (M) 0.35 / year and mortality rate due to arrest (F) 0.75 / year. Estimation of the rate of exploitation has led to overfishing (E = 0.68) therefore it was necessary to take regulatory and management measures to ensure sustainable utilization.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (12) ◽  
Dian Oktaviani ◽  
Setiya Triharyuni ◽  
Duto Nugroho

Abstract: Oktaviani D, Triharyuni S, Nugroho D. Population parameters and bio-exploitation status of Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta Cuvier, 1816) in Mayalibit Bay, Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 3545-3552. A small-scale fishery in Mayalibit bay, Raja Ampat is one among rare fisheries systems existing in Indonesia. The area already designated as a conservation zone, and Indian mackerel is the main target species by fishers. This species plays a significant role in supplying domestic food. Fisher harvest with a small wooden boat, no engine, one-night fishing using Petro-lamp, and harvested with a scoop net. Monthly based biological observations on population parameters were carried out from March 2011 to April 2012. The result shows that the fish landed with size from 10.0 to 27.0 cm, and 70% of the sample is within 21-23 cm length. Monthly length-weight relationships indicate b value statistically equal to 3. The average unsexed Fulton condition factor index is 1.516 + 0.13 and illustrates the fishes were in suitable environmental conditions. The growth rate (K) is estimated at 0.97, while length infinity (L∞) is 28.4 cm. To evaluate the fishery, repeated observation of fishing in Mayalibit bay conducted in 2016. A productivity and susceptibility analysis was applied to predict its bio-exploitation status, and the results indicate that harvest levels are relatively at low-to-medium risk. Nevertheless, most of the fish caught in the bay by traditional knowledge consisted of mature cohorts while limited desk study to semi-industrial fishing targetted the same species in surrounding waters indicated that a significant proportion of undersize or immature individuals are in their landing. This phenomenon suggested that managing the existing local knowledge could significantly contribute to maintaining sustainable spawning stocks in the conservation zone.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 129
Tegoeh Noegroho ◽  
Umi Chodrijah

Perikanan neritik tuna di perairan Barat Sumatera berkembang pesat beberapa dekade terakhir ini. Sementara belum banyak diperoleh hasil penelitian tentang populasi ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Penelitian tentang parameter populasi dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Desember 2013 di beberapa lokasi pendaratan ikan di Barat Sumatera. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh laju pertumbuhan, panjang asimptotik, laju kematian, laju eksploitasi, dan pola rekruitmen ikan tongkol lisong (Auxis rochei). Estimasi parameter populasi menggunakan model analitik berdasarkan program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Data frekuensi panjang dikumpulkan berkesinambungan di beberapa tempat pendaratan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan panjang cagak ikan tongkol lisong yang tertangkap berada pada kisaran 11-42 cmFL. Parameter pertumbuhan Von Bertalanffy diperoleh nilai laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,54/tahun, panjang asimptotik (L ) sebesar 43,5 cm FL, dan umur ikan pada saat panjang ke-0 (-t0) sebesar -0,076/tahun. Laju mortalitas total (Z) sebesar 1,96/tahun. Laju kematian karena penangkapan (F) sebesar ,07/tahun, dan laju kematian alami (M) 0,89/tahun. Laju eksploitasi (E) tongkol lisong di Barat Sumatera adalah 0,49/tahun atau berada pada tingkat eksploitasi moderat. Pola rekrutmen tongkol lisong terjadi dua kali dalam setahunnya, yaitu mencapai puncak pada bulan Maret dan Juni.Neritic tuna fishery in theWest Sumatra waters was developed very intensively in the captured.Meanwhile, study population of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei) in those are still limited. Research in population parameters and recruitmen pattern of bullet tuna has been conducted in February-December 2013 based on several landing place inWest Sumatra. The aim of this study is to obtain asymptotic length, mortality rate, exploitation rate, and recruitment pattern of bullet tuna (Auxis rochei). Estimation of population parameters using an analytical model based on the program “Electronic Length Frequency Analysis (ELEFAN 1)”. Length frequency data collected continuously in themain landing places The results showed the fork length of bullet tuna was caught in the range 11-42 cm FL. Von Bertalanffy growth parameters obtained the growth rate value (K) of 0,54/year, asymptotic length (L ) of 43,5 cm FL, and fish age when the length to the-0 (-t0) of -0,076/year. Total mortality was 1,96/year. Fishing mortality rate (F) was 1,07/year and natural mortality rate (M) 0,89/year. The exploitation rate (E) of bullet tiuna in West Sumatra was 0,49 / year or are at a moderate level of exploitation. Recruitment patterns of bullet tuna happen twice in a year, which reached a peak in March and June.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 165
Prihatiningsih Prihatiningsih ◽  
Nurainun Mukhlis ◽  
Sri Turni Hartati

Ikan bawal putih (Pampus argenteus) mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting dan sebagai salah satu komoditas unggulan di perairan Tarakan. Informasi tentang biologi perikanan ikan tersebut masih terbatas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengestimasi parameter populasi meliputi pertumbuhan, umur, mortalitas dan tingkat eksploitasi ikan bawal putih. Data frekuensi panjang bulanan dikumpulan pada Februari – Nopember 2013 dengan bantuan enumerator. Sebaran frekuensi panjang ikan dipisahkan kedalam sebaran normal menggunakan metode Bhattacharya pada progran FiSAT (FAO-ICLARM Stock Assessment Tools). Estimasi parameter populasi dengan aplikasi model analitikmenggunakan program ELEFAN-1 (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ukuran panjang ikan bawal putih berkisar antara 9,0 cm–35,0 cmFL. Hubungan panjangberat ikan bawal putih yang tertangkap dengan jaring insang bersifat allometrik negatif mengikuti persamaan W= 0,187L2,374. Nilai rata-rata panjang ikan pada saat pertama kali tertangkap (Lc) sama dengan ukuran pertama kali matang gonad (Lm). Laju pertumbuhan (K) sebesar 0,52/tahun dan panjang asimptotik (L ) sebesar 37,28 cmFL. Persamaan pertumbuhan dari Von Bertalanffy sebagai Lt = 37,28 (1 – e-0,52(t-+0,07)). Mortalitas alami (M) adalah 1,11/tahun, mortalitas karena penangkapan (F) = ,65/tahun dan mortalitas total (Z) = 1,65/tahun. Laju pengusahaan (E) sebesar 0,60 berarti tingkat eksploitasinya sudah melebihi dari nilai optimal (E=0,5) atau populasi ikan bawal putih dalam keadaan lebih tangkap (over exploited). Untuk itu diperlukan kebijakan pengelolaan secara hati-hati dengan mempertimbangkan aspek biologi dan aspek penangkapan yang sedang berjalan.White pomfret (Pampus argenteus) is one of the economically important fish and includes leading commodity in Tarakan waters. Information of fishing biology of those species were still limited. This study aims to determine the population parameters including growth, age, mortality and exploitation rate of white pomfret. Monthly length frequency data have been collected by enumerator from February to November 2013. Fish lengthfrequency distribution was separated into a normal distribution using the Bhattacharya method with software of FiSAT (FAO-ICLARMStock Assessment Tools). Estimation of population parameters were use analytical model application with ELEFAN-1 (Electronic Length Frequency Analysis) program. The results showed that lengths distribution of white pomfret ranged beetwen 9.0 cm -35.0 cmFL. Length-weight relationship was negatively allometric. Estimating the average length at first captured (Lc) was equal with average length at first maturity (Lm) with growth equation of Lt = 37.28 (1 - e-0, 52 (t +0.07)). Natural mortality (M) was 1.11/year, fishing mortality (F) was 1.65/yearand total mortality (Z) was 1.65/ year. The exploitation rate (E) was 0.60. It is mean that more higher than optimal exploitation so that the white pomfret fish population in a state of over fished. It is necessary to better policy in the management of white pomfret through precaution approach and describing of biologycal and fishing aspect in Tarakan, Kalimantan Timur.

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Ria Faizah ◽  
Lilis Sadiyah ◽  
Moh. Fauzi

Kwandang waters is one of the main base for small pelagic fisheries in Sulawesi sea in which the Indian mackerel  (Rastrelliger kanagurta) has been exploited. The objective of the research was to estimate the population parameters, exploitation rate and reproductive biology of Indian mackerel. Length frequency data were collected from PP Kwandang, between February and October 2012. Estimation of population parameters of Indian mackerel was done using FISAT II method. The results showed that growth rate as follows (K) = 0,80 year-1 , L∞=27,3 cm.  Total mortality rate (Z) = 2,72 year-1, with natural mortality (M) = 1,29 year-1 and fishing mortality (F) = 1,43 year-1 and exploitation rate (E)=0,53. Exploitation of Indian mackerel in Kwandang waters have reached its optimum level. The sex ratio of Indian mackerel was balance. The most commonly found is Gonado Maturity Stage of I. Based on the results, it is necessary to manage with  the responsible management through gradually increasing of the mesh size of the gears or restricting additional lift net or  by restricting fishing for certain seasons or declaring fish sanctuaries in certain areas, especially in spawning grounds to protect the Indian mackerel.

2019 ◽  
pp. 217-220
Eduardo Briceño-Souza ◽  
Nina Méndez-Domínguez ◽  
Ricardo j Cárdenas-Dajda ◽  
Walter Chin ◽  

Diving as a method of fishing is used worldwide in small-scale fisheries. However, one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality among fishermen is decompression sickness (DCS). We report the case of a 46-year-old male fisherman diver who presented with chronic inguinal pain that radiated to the lower left limb. Living and working in a fishing port in Yucatan, he had a prior history of DCS. A diagnosis of avascular necrosis in the left femoral head secondary to DCS was made via analysis of clinical and radiological findings. The necrosis was surgically resolved by a total hip arthroplasty. Dysbaric osteonecrosis is a more probable diagnosis. In this region fishermen undergo significant decompression stress in their daily fishing efforts. Further studies regarding prevalence of dysbaric osteonecrosis among small-scale fisheries divers are needed. In a community where DCS is endemic and has become an epidemic, as of late, the perception of this health risk remains low. Furthermore, training and decompression technique are lacking among the fishing communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 2026 ◽  
Stella Sofia I. Kyvelou ◽  
Dimitrios G. Ierapetritis

Small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean represent a significant part of the fisheries industry and their substantial social, economic and place attachment related role has always been acknowledged in the region. Despite the fact that this usually family-based endeavor has a vast economic impact on coastal and island communities of the sea-basin, data and insights on the Mediterranean artisanal fisheries continue to be inadequately developed and poorly integrated in the local development strategies. Thus, the aim of this research is two-fold. Firstly, it presents some data and facts on the fisheries sector in the region and secondly it explores the options of their survival, prosperity and sustainability, approaching the combination of fisheries and tourism as a small-scale and soft “multi-use” in the marine space. Greece, with a huge potential in both the fisheries and the tourism sector, was used as focus area where a co-development process was designed aiming to identify advantages/potentials and challenges/disadvantages of the co-existence of artisanal fisheries and tourism, as perceived by a series of stakeholders including the co-management schemes (Fisheries Local Action Groups, FLAGs) in the country. Key conclusion is that sustainable livelihood from small-scale fisheries depends on the correlation between fisheries and other marine activities. Despite some limitations, this can boost sustainable local development and be a unique pattern of a “win-win” and soft multi-use marine spatial planning (MSP), with economic, environmental, social, cultural and governance related benefits for the coastal communities.

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