Abstract Objective: To understand how elderly persons perceive subjective aspects linked to current and other life experiences related to the process of becoming frail. Method: A qualitative study, anchored in interpretative anthropology, was performed. The elderly were selected from the FIBRA Network database from those classified as robust or pre-frail, according to the frailty phenotype of Fried et al., in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil in 2009. We interviewed 15 elderly people of different genders, ages, income, religion and functional status, in 2016. In data collection and analysis, the "signs, meanings and actions" analysis model was used, which allows the understanding of the elements that are significant for a population to read a given situation and to position themselves in relation to it. Results: From the analysis the following categories emerged: a) suffering throughout life and b) suffering and the resources to deal with them. Conclusion: The interviewees described sufferings of different aspects that constitute their life, from birth to aging, according to experiences related to pain, loss and learning. The perception of current frailty refers to their life history, marked by physical or mental suffering, whether insidious or temporary - as well as illnesses, how they manifest themselves today, and a lack of financial resources and urban security. The narratives bring us closer to the perception of frailty as being constitutive of human beings, who can easily break.