scholarly journals Electron Microscopy of Globular Hyaline Micro-Thrombi

1977 ◽  
U. Bleyl

Globular hyaline micro-thrombi(GHM) are round or oval, eosinophilic, strongly PAS-positive intravascular coagulation products with a diameter between 3 and 60/u. Immunhistochemical investigations give strong evidence that they are composed of highly polymerized fibrinogen derivatives. The ultrastructure of these GHM is characterized by spherical space lattices of frequently interconnected bundles of fibres with a periodic transverse stria-tion and the fibrin-characteristic axial periodicity of 23 nm. The densely packed spherical space lattices are surrounded by a so-called corona, plump or slender bundles of fibrin fibres characterized by the same uniforme periodic axial striation of 23 nm that spread radially over the surface of the micro-thrombi. GHM apparently originate from the interlocking and internetting of intravascularly preformed, partly polymerized, filamentary intermediates of fibrinogen-fibrin conversion in the flowing blood. Part of these GHM, on the other hand, lack this axial periodicity and the fibrillary structure of the spherical space lattices is replaced by nearly amorphous finegrained precipitates. The disappearance of the axial periodicity and of the fibrillary structure of the spherical space lattices is considered to be the morphological equivalent of a secondary fibrinolysis in the centre of the GHM. The morphogenesis of GHM in states of hyperdynamic shock is discussed.

K.H. Westmacott

Life beyond 1MeV – like life after 40 – is not too different unless one takes advantage of past experience and is receptive to new opportunities. At first glance, the returns on performing electron microscopy at voltages greater than 1MeV diminish rather rapidly as the curves which describe the well-known advantages of HVEM often tend towards saturation. However, in a country with a significant HVEM capability, a good case can be made for investing in instruments with a range of maximum accelerating voltages. In this regard, the 1.5MeV KRATOS HVEM being installed in Berkeley will complement the other 650KeV, 1MeV, and 1.2MeV instruments currently operating in the U.S. One other consideration suggests that 1.5MeV is an optimum voltage machine – Its additional advantages may be purchased for not much more than a 1MeV instrument. On the other hand, the 3MeV HVEM's which seem to be operated at 2MeV maximum, are much more expensive.

1973 ◽  
Vol 74 (4) ◽  
pp. 769-774 ◽  
Akira Yokoyama ◽  
Hiroshi Tomogane ◽  
Katuaki Ôta

ABSTRACT A non-steroidal oestrogen antagonist, MER-25, was administered to cycling rats for elucidating the role of oestrogen in the surge of prolactin observed on the afternoon of pro-oestrus (POe). In animals injected with 20 mg of MER-25 intramuscularly on the afternoon (16.30 h) of the first day of dioestrus (D-1), the surge of prolactin was blocked while the level of prolactin on the afternoon of POe of these animals was significantly higher than that of the corresponding controls injected with oil. Ovulation was also blocked in these animals treated with the drug on the afternoon of D-l. On the other hand, treatment on the morning (10.30 h) of the 2nd day of dioestrus failed to prevent not only the surge of prolactin but also ovulation. These observations provide strong evidence for the view that oestrogen is responsible for the surge of prolactin on the afternoon of POe, and that the surge is accompanied by that of LH.

2007 ◽  
Vol 119 ◽  
pp. 111-114 ◽  
Yun Soo Lim ◽  
Hong Pyo Kim ◽  
Man Kyo Jung ◽  
Joung Soo Kim

The precipitates in the base metal and the fusion zone of an Alloy 600/182 weld were characterized through a transmission electron microscopy. Precipitates in the Alloy 600 base metal were identified as Cr7C3. On the other hand, (Nb,Ti)C, Al-rich and Ti-rich oxides were found on the dendritic interfaces, and tiny Cr-rich M23C6 were distributed on the grain boundaries in the Alloy 182 fusion zone.

Péter Véninger

During the examination of the two black glazed tile stoves from nyírbátor, we couldn’t decide if the black colour was the result of a technological mistake or it was coloured on purpose. Because of that, we have come to a decision to examine the tiles with the help of electron microscopy. Our hypothesis was that in the case of conscious color management we will find ordinary materials such as manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co), iron (Fe) in the glaze. On the other hand, if the black colour is the result of a mistake, it could be the consequence of an undue burning atmosphere. in this case, the outcome presumably would be a green or yellow glaze. the examination has come to a different conclusion.

J. Upadhyay ◽  
M. J. Schurr ◽  
R. J. Lesseps

The genera Hartmannella and Acanthamoeba have been controversial. Some species of Acanthamoeba have been cited as species of Acanthamoeba, Mayorella, or Amoeba and a confusing lack of agreement persists in current literature. The genus Hartmannella was redefined by Page in 1967 to include those species which assumed a simple monopodial, limax-like form during locomotion and, where known, the cysts were smooth-walled and rounded with no opercula. The genus Acanthamoeba, on the other hand, possessed tapering, hyaline pseudopods (acanthopodia) and a cyst made up of an ectocyst and a polyhedral or stellate endocyst, with excystment by removal of opercula.

2021 ◽  
Dobromir Rahnev

Humans often have to use different decision criteria in different tasks such as when detecting a mosquito against a white versus a patterned wall. However, it is debated whether people can maintain independent criteria for different tasks. Early work uncovered suboptimal biases when multiple tasks are performed simultaneously, and concluded that in such situations people inadvertently use the same decision criteria across different perceptual tasks. On the other hand, these studies could not measure the criterion location directly and more recent work has questioned whether the same criteria are indeed used across different tasks. To resolve this debate, here we develop a new external noise paradigm that can objectively quantify criterion location across two tasks that optimally require very different criteria. We find strong evidence of “criterion attraction” where the criteria across the two tasks move towards each other but do not become identical. This criterion attraction leads to a large and consistent confidence-accuracy dissociation in the absence of reaction time differences between the tasks. These results unify the seemingly disparate findings in the literature and establish a robust way of inducing dissociations between subjective and objective performance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 1221-1225 ◽  
Massimo Nespolo

Weber indices were introduced to provide a unique expression of a lattice direction with respect to the four-axis setting used for hexagonal and rhombohedral crystals. They are in general fractional indices, even in the case of a primitive hexagonal unit cell, but they are often carelessly reduced to integer values. This corresponds, on the one hand, to taking as direction indices the nodes of a lattice further from the origin and, on the other hand, to adopting a hybrid indexing between direct and reciprocal space. A critical analysis of the drawbacks of Weber indices is presented, which justifies the reluctance of crystallographers to adopt them, despite a more widespread use in fields like electron microscopy and metal science.

1972 ◽  
Vol 28 (03) ◽  
pp. 342-350 ◽  
Y. P Konttinen ◽  
L Kemppainen ◽  
O Turunen

SummaryPerformance and applicability of ethanol-induced gelation and protamine-induced paracoagulation for the demonstration of soluble fibrin monomer complexes and fragment Xo complexes was studied by using 1. fibrin monomer plasma prepared by adding small amounts of thrombin to plasma, 2. clot lysis products, and 3. thrombin -treated mixture of fibrinogen degradation products and plasma. To increase the specificity of the protamine tests only visible fibrin strand formation was recorded as positive. In addition to qualitative tests the amount of paracoagulable material was measured by a spectrophotometric method.The ethanol gelation test proved very simple, reproducible and considerably more sensitive than the protamine tests in demonstrating soluble fibrin monomer complexes, irrespective of whether fibrinogen degradation products were present or not. On the other hand, the protamine tests were clearly superior for demonstration of clot lysis products (fragment Xo complexes). Therefore it seems advisable to perform both types of tests when screening for intravascular coagulation.

2001 ◽  
Vol 205 ◽  
pp. 194-195
A.B. Peck ◽  
G.B. Taylor

We have used VLBI HI absorption imaging to search for evidence for a circumnuclear atomic structure in five radio galaxies. Of these, we have found that two, (PKS 2322-123 and 1946+708), are very symmetric on parsec scales and exhibit strong evidence for a circumnuclear torus, confirming the prediction of the unified scheme. The two nearby extended radio galaxies NGC 5128 and NGC 315, on the other hand, have asymmetric core-jet morphologies on parsec scales, and their HI absorption profiles appear to arise from gas in the host galaxy which is not associated with the AGN at all. This is also consistent with the unified scheme of AGN. One remaining source, NGC 3894, also has symmetric jets, but has a very complicated HI structure which changes on parsec scales. This source requires further study.

1981 ◽  
A Zuch ◽  
J Kloczko ◽  
M Bielawiec ◽  
K Buluk ◽  
E Pilecka

The aim of the investigation was to compare the activity of factor XIII in patients with malignant neoplasma with the changes in the blood plasma of rats with Guering epitheliomas and to evaluate the effects of this tumour on the activity of tissue transamidase capable of stabilizing fibrin.The investigations were carried out on 125 patients with several neoplasmas and 50 healthy subjects. A significant decrease in f. XIII activity in plasma was found in these patients, as well as decrease in the concentration of free SH groups on which its activity depends. Similar changes In the blood plasma were noted in rats examined 30 days after transplantation of the Guerin tumor. In the organs of these rats a fall in transamidase activity was observed. On the other hand the tumor rich in SH groups contains a very large amount of enzyme which like f. XIII is capable converting fibrin polimer into cross-linking fibrin. Concentration of this transamidase in neoplastic tissue was significant higher than in the tissue of the control animals.Our results suggest that activity of transamidase and SH groups are connected with neoplastic process and that decrease of f. XIII activity in the blood plasma is the result of its consumption during intravascular coagulation initiated by neoplasma.

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