scholarly journals J1/tenascin in substrate-bound and soluble form displays contrary effects on neurite outgrowth.

1991 ◽  
Vol 113 (5) ◽  
pp. 1159-1171 ◽  
A Lochter ◽  
L Vaughan ◽  
A Kaplony ◽  
A Prochiantz ◽  
M Schachner ◽  

The influence of J1/tenascin adsorbed to polyornithine-conditioned plastic (substrate-bound J1/tenascin) and J1/tenascin present in the culture medium (soluble J1/tenascin) on neurite outgrowth was studied with cultured single cells from hippocampus and mesencephalon of embryonic rats. Neurons at low density grew well on J1/tenascin substrates and extended neurites that were approximately 40% longer than on the polyornithine control substrate after 24 h in vitro. The neurite outgrowth promoting effect of substrate bound J1/tenascin was largely abolished in the presence of mAb J1/tn2, but not by mAb J1/tn1. In contrast to the neurite growth-promoting effects of substrate bound J1/tenascin, neurite outgrowth on polyornithine, laminin, fibronectin, or J1/tenascin as substrates was inhibited by addition of soluble J1/tenascin to the cultures. Neither of the two mAbs neutralized the neurite outgrowth-inhibitory properties of soluble J1/tenascin. In contrast to their opposite effects on neurite outgrowth, both substrate-bound and soluble J1/tenascin reduced spreading of the neuronal cell bodies, suggesting that the neurite outgrowth-promoting and antispreading effects are mediated by two different sites on the molecule. This was further supported by the inability of the mAb J1/tn2 to neutralize the antispreading effect. The J1/tn2 epitope localizes to a fibronectin type III homology domain that is presumably distinct from the putative Tn68 cell-binding domain of chicken tenascin for fibroblasts, as shown by electronmicroscopic localization of antibody binding sites. We infer from these experiments that J1/tenascin contains a neurite outgrowth promoting domain that is distinguishable from the cell-binding site and presumably not involved in the inhibition of neurite outgrowth or cell spreading. Our observations support the notion that J1/tenascin is a multifunctional extracellular matrix molecule.

1992 ◽  
Vol 116 (6) ◽  
pp. 1475-1486 ◽  
K Husmann ◽  
A Faissner ◽  
M Schachner

The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin has been implicated in neuron-glia recognition in the developing central and peripheral nervous system and in regeneration. In this study, its role in Bergmann glial process-mediated neuronal migration was assayed in vitro using tissue explants of the early postnatal mouse cerebellar cortex. Of the five mAbs reacting with nonoverlapping epitopes on tenascin, mAbs J1/tn1, J1/tn4, and J1/tn5, but not mAbs J1/tn2 and J1/tn3 inhibited granule cell migration. Localization of the immunoreactive domains by EM of rotary shadowed tenascin molecules revealed that the mAbs J1/tn4 and J1/tn5, like the previously described J1/tn1 antibody, bound between the third and fifth fibronectin type III homologous repeats and mAb J1/tn3 bound between the third and fifth EGF-like repeats. mAb J1/tn2 had previously been found to react between fibronectin type III homologous repeats 10 and 11 of the mouse molecule (Lochter, A., L. Vaughan, A. Kaplony, A. Prochiantz, M. Schachner, and A. Faissner. 1991. J. Cell Biol. 113:1159-1171). When postnatal granule cell neurons were cultured on tenascin adsorbed to polyornithine, both the percentage of neurite-bearing cells and the length of outgrowing neurites were increased when compared to neurons growing on polyornithine alone. This neurite outgrowth promoting effect of tenascin was abolished only by mAb J1/tn2 or tenascin added to the culture medium in soluble form. The other antibodies did not modify the stimulatory or inhibitory effects of the molecule. These observations indicate that tenascin influences neurite outgrowth and migration of cerebellar granule cells by different domains in the fibronectin type III homologous repeats.

1991 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 1113-1126 ◽  
T B Kuhn ◽  
E T Stoeckli ◽  
M A Condrau ◽  
F G Rathjen ◽  
P Sonderegger

Axonin-1 is an axon-associated cell adhesion molecule with dualistic expression, one form being glycophosphatidylinositol-anchored to the axonal membrane, the other secreted from axons in a soluble form. When presented as a substratum for neuronal cultures it strongly promotes neurite outgrowth from chicken embryonic dorsal root ganglia neurons. In this study, the axon-associated cell adhesion molecule G4, which is identical with Ng-CAM and 8D9, and homologous or closely related to L1 of the mouse and NILE of the rat, was investigated with respect to a receptor function for axonin-1. Using fluorescent microspheres with covalently coupled axonin-1 or L1(G4) at their surface we showed that these proteins bind to each other. Within the sensitivity of this microsphere assay, no interaction of axonin-1 with itself could be detected. Axonin-1-coated microspheres also bound to the neurites of cultured dorsal root ganglia neurons. This interaction was exclusively mediated by L1(G4), as indicated by complete binding suppression by monovalent anti-L1(G4) antibodies. The interaction between neuritic L1(G4) and immobilized axonin-1 was found to mediate the promotion of neurite growth on axonin-1, as evidenced by the virtually complete arrest of neurite outgrowth in the presence of anti-L1(G4) antibodies. Convincing evidence has recently been presented that neurite growth on L1(8D9) is mediated by the homophilic binding of neuritic L1(G4) (1989. Neuron. 2: 1597-1603). Thus, both L1(G4)- and axonin-1-expressing axons may serve as "substrate pathways" for the guidance of following axons expressing L1(G4) into their target area. Conceivably, differences in the concentration of axonin-1 and L1(G4), and/or modulatory influences on their specific binding parameters in leading pathways and following axons could represent elements in the control of axonal pathway selection.

1980 ◽  
Vol 87 (2) ◽  
pp. 370-378 ◽  
U Rutishauser ◽  
G M Edelman

This report describes the influence of neurite fasciculation on two aspects of nerve growth from chick spinal ganglia in vitro: the inhibition of outgrowth by high concentrations of nerve growth factor (NGF) and the preferential growth of neurites toward a capillary tube containing NGF. These studies involved a comparison of cultures of single cells, cell aggregates, and intact ganglia and the use of antibodies against the nerve cell adhesion molecule (CAM) to perturb fasciculation under a variety of conditions. The inhibition of outgrowth, which was observed with ganglia and aggregates but not with single cells, was correlated with a thickening of neurite fascicles. In accord with this observation, anti-CAM, which diminishes fasciculation by inhibiting side-to-side interactions between individual neurites, also partially reversed the inhibition of neurite outgrowth at high NGF concentrations. On the basis of these and other studies, we consider the possibility that neurite bundling causes an increase in the elastic tension of a fascicle without a compensatory increase in its adhesion to substratum. It is proposed that this imbalance could inhibit neurites from growing out from a ganglion and even result in retraction of preexisting outgrowth. In the analysis of NGF-directed growth, it was found that a capillary source of NGF produced a steep but transient NGF gradient that subsided before most neurites had emerged from the ganglion. Nevertheless, the presence of a single NGF capillary caused a dramatic and persistent asymmetry in the outgrowth of neurites from ganglia or cell aggregates. In contrast, processes of individual cells did not appear to orient themselves toward the capillary. The most revealing finding was that anti-CAM antibodies caused a decrease in the asymmetry of neurite outgrowth. These results suggest that side-to-side interactions among neurites can influence the guidance of nerve bundles by sustaining and amplifying an initial directional signal.

1990 ◽  
Vol 110 (2) ◽  
pp. 461-470 ◽  
P C Begovac ◽  
B D Shur

Neurite outgrowth from PC12 pheochromocytoma cells, as well as from peripheral and central nervous system neurons in vitro, is mediated by the extracellular matrix molecule, laminin. We have recently shown that mesenchymal cell spreading and migration on laminin is mediated, in part, by the cell surface enzyme, beta 1,4 galactosyltransferase (GalTase). GalTase is localized on lamellipodia of migrating cells where it functions as a laminin receptor by binding to specific N-linked oligosaccharides in laminin (Runyan et al., 1988; Eckstein and Shur, 1989). In the present study, we examined whether GalTase functions similarly during neutrite outgrowth on laminin using biochemical and immunological analyses. PC12 neurite outgrowth was inhibited by reagents that perturb cell surface GalTase activity, including anti-GalTase IgG and Fab fragments, as well as the GalTase modifier protein alpha-lactalbumin. Control reagents had no effect on neurite outgrowth. Furthermore, blocking GalTase substrates on laminin matrices by earlier galactosyltion or enzymatic removal of GalTase substrates also inhibited neurite outgrowth. Conversely, neurite outgrowth was enhanced by the addition of UDP-galactose, which completes the GalTase enzymatic reaction, while inappropriate sugar nucleotides had no effect. The effects of all these treatments were dose and/or time dependent. Surface GalTase was shown to function during both neurite initiation and elongation, although the effects of GalTase perturbation were most striking during the initiation stages of neurite formation. Consistent with this, surface GalTase was localized by indirect immunofluorescence to the growth cone and developing neurite. Collectively, these results demonstrate that GalTase mediates the initiation of neurite outgrowth on laminin, and to a lesser extent, neurite elongation. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that process extension from both mesenchymal cells and neuronal cells is partly dependent upon specific oligosaccharide residues in laminin.

1986 ◽  
Vol 102 (4) ◽  
pp. 1344-1349 ◽  
M Gramzow ◽  
M Bachmann ◽  
G Uhlenbruck ◽  
A Dorn ◽  
W E Müller

Monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) were raised against the aggregation factor (AF) from the marine sponge Geodia cydonium. Two clones were identified that secrete McAbs against the cell binding protein of the AF complex. Fab fragments of McAbs: 5D2-D11 completely abolished the activity of the AF to form secondary aggregates from single cells. The McAbs were determined to react with the AF in vitro; this interaction was prevented by addition of the aggregation receptor, isolated and purified from the same species. After dissociation of the AF by sodium dodecyl sulfate and 2-mercaptoethanol, followed by electrophoretical fractionation, a 47-kD protein was identified by immunoblotting which interacted with the McAbs: 5D2-D11. During this dissociation procedure, the sunburst structure of the AF was destroyed. In a second approach, the 47-kD protein was isolated by immunoprecipitation; 12 molecules of this protein species were calculated to be associated with the intact AF particle. The 47-kD AF fragment bound to dissociated Geodia cells with a high affinity (Ka of 7 X 10(8) M-1) even in the absence of Ca++ ions; the number of binding sites was approximately 4 X 10(6)/cell. This interaction was prevented by addition of the aggregation receptor to the 47-kD protein in the homologous cell system. Moreover, it was established that this binding occurs species-specifically. The 47-kD fragment of the AF was localized only extracellularly by indirect immunofluorescence staining in cryostat slices. These data suggest that the 47-kD protein is the cell binding molecule of the AF from Geodia.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Gulden Akcay ◽  
Regina Luttge

Over the past decade, hydrogels have shown great potential for mimicking three- dimensional (3D) brain architectures in vitro due to their biocompatibility, biodegradability, and wide range of tunable mechanical properties. To better comprehend in vitro human brain models and the mechanotransduction processes, we generated a 3D hydrogel model by casting photo-polymerized gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) in comparison to poly (ethylene glycol) diacrylate (PEGDA) atop of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells seeded with 150,000 cells/cm2 according to our previous experience in a microliter-sized polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) ring serving for confinement. 3D SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells in GelMA demonstrated an elongated, branched, and spreading morphology resembling neurons, while the cell survival in cast PEGDA was not supported. Confocal z-stack microscopy confirmed our hypothesis that stiff-to-soft material transitions promoted neuronal migration into the third dimension. Unfortunately, large cell aggregates were also observed. A subsequent cell seeding density study revealed a seeding cell density above 10,000 cells/cm2 started the formation of cell aggregates, and below 1500 cells/cm2 cells still appeared as single cells on day 6. These results allowed us to conclude that the optimum cell seeding density might be between 1500 and 5000 cells/cm2. This type of hydrogel construct is suitable to design a more advanced layered mechanotransduction model toward 3D microfluidic brain-on-a-chip applications.

1993 ◽  
Vol 106 (2) ◽  
pp. 597-610 ◽  
B. Wehrle-Haller ◽  
M. Chiquet

The extracellular matrix molecule tenascin is expressed within the developing peripheral nervous system, first by migrating neural crest cells and later by satellite (Schwann precursor) cells at the growing tips of peripheral nerves. Here we found that the neurite promoting activity of tenascin for sensory neurons is developmentally regulated: very young sensory ganglia of stage 23 (4 days old) embryos grew neurites on tenascin as fast as on laminin and fibronectin. The growth response of older (day 7 and 9) ganglia on laminin and fibronectin was similar to that of 4-day-old ganglia, while on tenascin neurite growth occurred only after a lag phase and at a slower rate. Neurite growth on tenascin was inhibited by antibodies to beta 1 integrin and by heparin. While tenascin promotes neurite outgrowth of peripheral neurons, we found that it does not allow satellite cell migration when it is present on the substratum, and it inhibits migration of satellite cells on fibronectin when added in soluble form. In contrast, soluble tenascin did not significantly alter the rate of neurite growth on tenascin, fibronectin or laminin substrata, although neurites were straighter and less attached. When isolated satellite cells were added to neurites grown on tenascin, they preferentially adhered to and elongated along neurite surfaces. Using patterned substrata of tenascin versus fibronectin or laminin confirmed that tenascin borders allow neurites to pass but act as barriers to migrating satellite cells. We postulate that tenascin or related molecules with dual functions in cell adhesion are important for peripheral nerve morphogenesis. Tenascin allows axonal growth, but may restrict random satellite cell migration into the fibronectin-rich mesenchyme, thereby inducing the compaction of nerve fascicles.

2016 ◽  
Vol 27 (10) ◽  
pp. 1676-1683 ◽  
Woan-Yuh Tarn ◽  
Hung-Che Kuo ◽  
Hsin-I. Yu ◽  
Shin-Wu Liu ◽  
Ching-Tzu Tseng ◽  

RBM4 participates in cell differentiation by regulating tissue-specific alternative pre-mRNA splicing. RBM4 also has been implicated in neurogenesis in the mouse embryonic brain. Using mouse embryonal carcinoma P19 cells as a neural differentiation model, we observed a temporal correlation between RBM4 expression and a change in splicing isoforms of Numb, a cell-fate determination gene. Knockdown of RBM4 affected the inclusion/exclusion of exons 3 and 9 of Numb in P19 cells. RBM4-deficient embryonic mouse brain also exhibited aberrant splicing of Numb pre-mRNA. Using a splicing reporter minigene assay, we demonstrated that RBM4 promoted exon 3 inclusion and exon 9 exclusion. Moreover, we found that RBM4 depletion reduced the expression of the proneural gene Mash1, and such reduction was reversed by an RBM4-induced Numb isoform containing exon 3 but lacking exon 9. Accordingly, induction of ectopic RBM4 expression in neuronal progenitor cells increased Mash1 expression and promoted cell differentiation. Finally, we found that RBM4 was also essential for neurite outgrowth from cortical neurons in vitro. Neurite outgrowth defects of RBM4-depleted neurons were rescued by RBM4-induced exon 9–lacking Numb isoforms. Therefore our findings indicate that RBM4 modulates exon selection of Numb to generate isoforms that promote neuronal cell differentiation and neurite outgrowth.

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