scholarly journals Blockade of current through single calcium channels by trivalent lanthanide cations. Effect of ionic radius on the rates of ion entry and exit.

1990 ◽  
Vol 95 (4) ◽  
pp. 679-696 ◽  
J B Lansman

Currents flowing through single dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channels were recorded from cell-attached patches on C2 myotubes. In the presence of dihydropyridine agonist to prolong the duration of single-channel openings, adding micromolar concentrations of lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), neodymium (Nd), gadolinium (Gd), dysprosium (Dy), or ytterbium (Yb) to patch electrodes containing 110 mM BaCl2 caused the unitary Ba2+ currents to fluctuate between fully open and shut states. The kinetics of channel blockade followed the predictions of a simple open channel block model in which the fluctuations of the single-channel current arose from the entry and exit of blocking ions from the pore. Entry rates for all the lanthanides tested were relatively insensitive to membrane potential, however, exit rates depended strongly on membrane potential increasing approximately e-fold per 23 mV with hyperpolarization. Individual lanthanide ions differed in both the absolute rates of ion entry and exit: entry rates decreased as cationic radius decreased; exit rates also decreased with cationic radius during the first part of the lanthanide series but then showed little change during the latter part of the series. Overall, the results support the idea that smaller ions enter the channel more slowly, presumably because they dehydrate more slowly; smaller ions also bind more tightly to a site within the channel pore, but lanthanide residence time within the channel approaches a maximum for the smaller cations with radii less than or equal to that of Ca2+.

1995 ◽  
Vol 268 (2) ◽  
pp. C389-C401 ◽  
S. Chepilko ◽  
H. Zhou ◽  
H. Sackin ◽  
L. G. Palmer

The renal K+ channel (ROMK2) was expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and the patch-clamp technique was used to assess its conducting and gating properties. In cell-attached patches with 110 mM K+ in the bath and pipette, the reversal potential was near zero and the inward conductance (36 pS) was larger than the outward conductance (17 pS). In excised inside-out patches the channels showed rectification in the presence of 5 mM Mg2+ on the cytoplasmic side but not in Mg(2+)-free solution. Inward currents were also observed when K+ was replaced in the pipette by Rb+, NH4+, or thallium (Tl+). The reversal potentials under these conditions yielded a selectivity sequence of Tl+ > K+ > Rb+ > NH4+. On the other hand, the slope conductances for inward current gave a selectivity sequence of K+ = NH4+ > Tl+ > Rb+. The differences in the two sequences can be explained by the presence of cation binding sites within the channel, which interact with Rb+ and Tl+ more strongly and with NH4+ less strongly than with K+. Two other ions, Ba2+ and Cs+, blocked the channel from the outside. The effect of Ba2+ (1 mM) was to reduce the open probability of the channels, whereas Cs+ (10 mM) reduced the apparent single-channel current. The effects of both blockers are enhanced by membrane hyperpolarization. The kinetics of the channel were also studied in cell-attached patches. With K+ in the pipette the distribution of open times could be described by a single exponential (tau 0 = 25 ms), whereas two exponentials (tau 1 = 1 ms, tau 2 = 30 ms) were required to describe the closed-time distribution. Hyperpolarization of the oocyte membrane decreased the open probability and tau 0, and increased tau 1, tau 2, and the number of long closures. The presence of Tl+ in the pipette significantly altered the kinetics, reducing tau 0 and eliminating the long-lived closures. These results suggest that the gating of the channel may depend on the nature of the ion in the pore.

1997 ◽  
Vol 109 (3) ◽  
pp. 401-414 ◽  
James P. Dilger ◽  
Rebecca Boguslavsky ◽  
Martin Barann ◽  
Tamir Katz ◽  
Ana Maria Vidal

We used patch clamp techniques to study the inhibitory effects of pentobarbital and barbital on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels from BC3H-1 cells. Single channel recording from outside-out patches reveals that both drugs cause acetylcholine-activated channel events to occur in bursts. The mean duration of gaps within bursts is 2 ms for 0.1 mM pentobarbital and 0.05 ms for 1 mM barbital. In addition, 1 mM barbital reduces the apparent single channel current by 15%. Both barbiturates decrease the duration of openings within a burst but have only a small effect on the burst duration. Macroscopic currents were activated by rapid perfusion of 300 μM acetylcholine to outside-out patches. The concentration dependence of peak current inhibition was fit with a Hill function; for pentobarbital, Ki = 32 μM, n = 1.09; for barbital, Ki = 1900 μM, n = 1.24. Inhibition is voltage independent. The kinetics of inhibition by pentobarbital are at least 30 times faster than inhibition by barbital (3 ms vs. <0.1 ms at the Ki). Pentobarbital binds ≥10-fold more tightly to open channels than to closed channels; we could not determine whether the binding of barbital is state dependent. Experiments performed with both barbiturates reveal that they do not compete for a single binding site on the acetylcholine receptor channel protein, but the binding of one barbiturate destabilizes the binding of the other. These results support a kinetic model in which barbiturates bind to both open and closed states of the AChR and block the flow of ions through the channel. An additional, lower-affinity binding site for pentobarbital may explain the effects seen at >100 μM pentobarbital.

1991 ◽  
Vol 97 (4) ◽  
pp. 641-665 ◽  
J Neyton ◽  
M Pelleschi

In this study, single-channel recordings of high-conductance Ca(2+)-activated K+ channels from rat skeletal muscle inserted into planar lipid bilayer were used to analyze the effects of two ionic blockers, Ba2+ and Na+, on the channel's gating reactions. The gating equilibrium of the Ba(2+)-blocked channel was investigated through the kinetics of the discrete blockade induced by Ba2+ ions. Gating properties of Na(+)-blocked channels could be directly characterized due to the very high rates of Na+ blocking/unblocking reactions. While in the presence of K+ (5 mM) in the external solution Ba2+ is known to stabilize the open state of the blocked channel (Miller, C., R. Latorre, and I. Reisin. 1987. J. Gen. Physiol. 90:427-449), we show that the divalent blocker stabilizes the closed-blocked state if permeant ions are removed from the external solution (K+ less than 10 microM). Ionic substitutions in the outer solution induce changes in the gating equilibrium of the Ba(2+)-blocked channel that are tightly correlated to the inhibition of Ba2+ dissociation by external monovalent cations. In permeant ion-free external solutions, blockade of the channel by internal Na+ induces a shift (around 15 mV) in the open probability--voltage curve toward more depolarized potentials, indicating that Na+ induces a stabilization of the closed-blocked state, as does Ba2+ under the same conditions. A kinetic analysis of the Na(+)-blocked channel indicates that the closed-blocked state is favored mainly by a decrease in opening rate. Addition of 1 mM external K+ completely inhibits the shift in the activation curve without affecting the Na(+)-induced reduction in the apparent single-channel amplitude. The results suggest that in the absence of external permeant ions internal blockers regulate the permeant ion occupancy of a site near the outer end of the channel. Occupancy of this site appears to modulate gating primarily by speeding the rate of channel opening.

2001 ◽  
Vol 118 (5) ◽  
pp. 509-522 ◽  
Tao Lu ◽  
Li Wu ◽  
Jun Xiao ◽  
Jian Yang

We studied the effect of monovalent thallium ion (Tl+) on the gating of single Kir2.1 channels, which open and close spontaneously at a constant membrane potential. In cell-attached recordings of single-channel inward current, changing the external permeant ion from K+ to Tl+ decreases the mean open-time by ∼20-fold. Furthermore, the channel resides predominantly at a subconductance level, which results from a slow decay (τ = 2.7 ms at −100 mV) from the fully open level immediately following channel opening. Mutation of a pore-lining cysteine (C169) to valine abolishes the slow decay and subconductance level, and single-channel recordings from channels formed by tandem tetramers containing one to three C169V mutant subunits indicate that Tl+ must interact with at least three C169 residues to induce these effects. However, the C169V mutation does not alter the single-channel closing kinetics of Tl+ current. These results suggest that Tl+ ions change the conformation of the ion conduction pathway during permeation and alter gating by two distinct mechanisms. First, they interact with the thiolate groups of C169 lining the cavity to induce conformational changes of the ion passageway, and thereby produce a slow decay of single-channel current and a dominant subconductance state. Second, they interact more strongly than K+ with the main chain carbonyl oxygens lining the selectivity filter to destabilize the open state of the channel and, thus, alter the open/close kinetics of gating. In addition to altering gating, Tl+ greatly diminishes Ba2+ block. The unblocking rate of Ba2+ is increased by >22-fold when the external permeant ion is switched from K+ to Tl+ regardless of the direction of Ba2+ exit. This effect cannot be explained solely by ion–ion interactions, but is consistent with the notion that Tl+ induces conformational changes in the selectivity filter.

2005 ◽  
Vol 70 (11) ◽  
pp. 1909-1942 ◽  
Petr Táborský ◽  
Přemysl Lubal ◽  
Josef Havel ◽  
Jan Kotek ◽  
Petr Hermann ◽  

Solution properties of complexes of a new H4dota-like ligand containing three acetate and one methylphosphonate pendant arms (H5do3ap, H5L) were studied. The ligand exhibits a high last dissociation constant (pKA = 13.83) as a consequence of the presence of phosphonate moiety. In solution, successive attachment of protons leads to several reorganizations of protonation sites and the neutral zwitterionic species H5do3ap has the same solution structure as in the solid state, where the nitrogen atom binding methylphosphonate and the opposite nitrogen atoms are protonated. Stability constants with Na+ and trivalent lanthanide ions (La3+, Ce3+, Eu3+, Gd3+, Lu3+) and Y3+ have been determined. The constants are comparable or higher than those of H4dota due to the higher overall basicity of H5do3ap. Formation of the stable protonated complexes, as well as complexes with the L:M = 1:2 stoichiometry, was proved. Formation and decomplexation kinetics of the Ce3+ and Gd3+ complexes were investigated. The mechanism of formation of the H5do3ap complexes is similar to that observed for H4dota complexes and the complex species with mono- or diprotonated ligand on the cyclen ring are considered as the reaction intermediates. Acid-assisted decomplexation of H5do3ap complexes is faster in comparison with those of H4dota. This is caused by higher basicity of the phosphonate pendant arm and the ring nitrogen atoms, which facilitates the proton transfer from the bulk solution to the nitrogen atoms of cyclen ring.

2017 ◽  
Olivier Charles Gagné

Bond-length distributions have been examined for eighty-four configurations of the lanthanide ions and twenty-two configurations of the actinide ions bonded to oxygen. The lanthanide contraction for the trivalent lanthanide ions bonded to O<sup>2-</sup> is shown to vary as a function of coordination number and to diminish in scale with increasing coordination number.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
pp. 5017
Małgorzata Polak ◽  
Waldemar Karcz

The fungal toxin fusicoccin (FC) induces rapid cell elongation, proton extrusion and plasma membrane hyperpolarization in maize coleoptile cells. Here, these three parameters were simultaneously measured using non-abraded and non-peeled segments with the incubation medium having access to their lumen. The dose–response curve for the FC-induced growth was sigmoidal shaped with the maximum at 10−6 M over 10 h. The amplitudes of the rapid growth and proton extrusion were significantly higher for FC than those for indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The differences between the membrane potential changes that were observed in the presence of FC and IAA relate to the permanent membrane hyperpolarization for FC and transient hyperpolarization for IAA. It was also found that the lag times of the rapid growth, proton extrusion and membrane hyperpolarization were shorter for FC compared to IAA. At 30 °C, the biphasic kinetics of the IAA-induced growth rate could be changed into a monophasic (parabolic) one, which is characteristic for FC-induced rapid growth. It has been suggested that the rates of the initial phase of the FC- and IAA-induced growth involve two common mechanisms that consist of the proton pumps and potassium channels whose contribution to the action of both effectors on the rapid growth is different.

1994 ◽  
Vol 103 (4) ◽  
pp. 647-663 ◽  
U Klöckner ◽  
G Isenberg

L-type Ca2+ channel currents were recorded from myocytes isolated from bovine pial and porcine coronary arteries to study the influence of changes in intracellular pH (pHi). Whole cell ICa fell when pHi was made more acidic by substituting HEPES/NaOH with CO2/bicarbonate buffer (pHo 7.4, 36 degrees C), and increased when pHi was made more alkaline by addition of 20 mM NH4Cl. Peak ICa was less pHi sensitive than late ICa (170 ms after depolarization to 0 mV). pHi-effects on single Ca2+ channel currents were studied with 110 mM BaCl2 as the charge carrier (22 degrees C, pHo 7.4). In cell-attached patches pHi was changed by extracellular NH4Cl or through the opened cell. In inside-out patches pHi was controlled through the bath. Independent of the method used the following results were obtained: (a) Single channel conductance (24 pS) and life time of the open state were not influenced by pHi (between pHi 6 and 8.4). (b) Alkaline pHi increased and acidic pHi reduced the channel availability (frequency of nonblank sweeps). (c) Alkaline pHi increased and acidic pHi reduced the frequency of late channel re-openings. The effects are discussed in terms of a deprotonation (protonation) of cytosolic binding sites that favor (prevent) the shift of the channels from a sleepy to an available state. Changes of bath pHo mimicked the pHi effects within 20 s, suggesting that protons can rapidly permeate through the surface membrane of vascular smooth muscle cells. The role of pHi in Ca2+ homeostases and vasotonus is discussed.

1986 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 367-374 ◽  
Cathryn J. Kerry ◽  
Karel S. Kits ◽  
Robert L. Ramsey ◽  
Mark S.P. Sansom ◽  
Peter N.R. Usherwood

Reproduction ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 129 (4) ◽  
pp. 525-530 ◽  
Xilian Bai ◽  
George J Bugg ◽  
Susan L Greenwood ◽  
Jocelyn D Glazier ◽  
Colin P Sibley ◽  

Two-pore domain K+channels are an emerging family of K+channels that may contribute to setting membrane potential in both electrically excitable and non-excitable cells and, as such, influence cellular function. The human uteroplacental unit contains both excitable (e.g. myometrial) and non-excitable cells, whose function depends upon the activity of K+channels. We have therefore investigated the expression of two members of this family, TWIK (two-pore domain weak inward rectifying K+channel)-related acid-sensitive K+channel (TASK) and TWIK-related K+channel (TREK) in human myometrium. Using RT-PCR the mRNA expression of TASK and TREK isoforms was examined in myometrial tissue from pregnant women. mRNAs encoding TASK1, 4 and 5 and TREK1 were detected whereas weak or no signals were observed for TASK2, TASK3 and TREK2. Western blotting for TASK1 gave two bands of approximately 44 and 65 kDa, whereas TREK1 gave bands of approximately 59 and 90 kDa in myometrium from pregnant women. TASK1 and TREK1 immunofluorescence was prominent in intracellular and plasmalemmal locations within myometrial cells. Therefore, we conclude that the human myometrium is a site of expression for the two-pore domain K+channel proteins TASK1 and TREK1.

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