scholarly journals Effectiveness of biologization predecessors and methods in increasing grain crops productivity and field crop rotations productivity in Nizhneje Povolzhje region

2021 ◽  
Vol 843 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
A V Zelenev ◽  
O G Chamurliev ◽  
Yu A Laptina ◽  
L V Gubina ◽  
O N Romenskaya ◽  

Abstract Researches on the study of predecessors and biologization techniques in field crop rotations were carried out in 2018-2020 in the dry steppe zone of the chestnut subzone of light chestnut soils of the Nizhneje Povolzhje region. It is necessary to grow biennial melilot for green manure as a fallow-growing crop in a grain-steam five-field crop rotation in order to increase the organic matter input into the soil. A significant increase in yield was achieved in chickpeas for winter wheat, its straw was plowed into the soil. The highest increase in the spring barley yield was provided during the chickpeas and sorghum cultivation, which straw entered the soil. When growing spring barley on safflower, its straw was plowed into the soil, the yield was also higher than the control variant. The highest grain yield was achieved in the control grain-fallow four-field crop rotation with complete fallow, where the cultivated crops straw was removed from the field and grain-fallow-grass green manure seven-field crop rotation with seed fallow, where straw and melilot were plowed into the soil. Grain-fallow seven-field and grain-fallow-grass-cultivated green manure seven-field crop rotations, where oats and phacelia straw and green manure mass entered the soil, were inferior to the control.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 00152
Alexander A, Shatokhin ◽  
Omari G. Chamurliev ◽  
Alexander V. Zelenev ◽  
Georgy O. Chamurliev ◽  
Elena S. Vorontsova

Soil fertility in biologized crop rotations depends on the saturation of them with legumes and sideral crops, perennial grasses, the involvement of grain crops in the organic matter cycle. The crop rotation was studied: 1) four-field grain and steam: clean steam winter wheat chickpeas spring barley (control); 2) five-field grain and steam: occupied steam (clover green manure) winter wheat chickpeas spring barley mustard + clover; 3) seven-field grain and grass: occupied steam (green manure oats) winter wheat mustard chickpeas safflower dyeing spring barley sainfoin (hatcher field); 4) semi-field grass and grassland: occupied steam (phacelia green manure) winter wheat spring wheat chickpeas grain sorghum spring barley alfalfa (hatchery field). The highest balance of organic matter was ensured in a five-field grain-steam crop rotation with clover for green manure +1.92 t/ha, in this crop rotation the highest balance was observed for nitrogen +23.8 kg/ha and phosphorus +1.3 kg/ha, grain harvest from 1 ha of arable land 0.51 t/ha. The greatest balance of potassium was ensured in the seven-field grain and grass-crop rotation with facet on green manure +8.8 kg/ha. The highest humus balance was observed in a seven-field grain-grass-crop rotation with oats per green manure +0.12 t/ha.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (92) ◽  
pp. 62-68
R. Holod ◽  
О. Bilinska ◽  
H. Shubala

There were analyzed and disclosed the basic components of arable farming systems and their Meaning, the current state and scientific principles in the context of the further development of field crop cultivation in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe. The purpose of research. To study an effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative and analytical. Results. The results of researches on study of productivity of four-field crop rotations with short rotation depending on their saturation by the grain and tilled cultures, of various use of mineral fertilizers, green manure crops and collateral products which were conducted during 2014-2015 in the stationary experiment of the scientific and technological department of plant growing and arable farming, of the TDSGDS of the IKSGP of NAAN are resulted In the article. The elements of the biologization of farming are the basis of our development of crop rotations with short rotation. The study of the effect of green manure crops and collateral products in four-field crop rotations with a different set of crops on the change of soil fertility and productivity of crop rotations as a whole was carried out to this purpose. According to the results of the research, is provided the information on the effectiveness of improving the field crop rotations with short rotation with varying degrees of saturation by grain and tilled crops, that ensure the production of environmentally friendly products, reducing the cost of grain, improving the quality of marketable products. The study of the effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency showed that an increase in crop rotation productivity is observed in short-rotation crop rotations, if they are saturated by grain crops up to 100%, cereals crops reduction to 50% in crop rotations contributes to a decrease in crop productivity. Conclusion. Thus, the results of the research showed that with the correct construction of short rotational crop rotations, such problems as rational use of nutrients and soil moisture, control of weeds and pests of agricultural crops, improvement of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, increased efficiency in the use of fertilizers and equipment, Cheapening of the received agricultural product may be solved.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (5) ◽  
pp. 467-477
L. M. Kozlova ◽  
E. N. Noskova ◽  
F. A. Popov

The long-term research conducted in 2002-2017 in a long stationary experiment on studying different types of field crop rotations under conditions of the Kirov region showed that on sod-podzolic soils the loss of humus could be lowered using agro technical methods. The most critical of them include the reduction of a portion of bare fallow, transition to sown and green-manure fallow, expanded use of perennial legume and grain-legume crops and intercrop sowings. In eight-field crop rotations when using such means of a biologization as plowing of the root-stubble residues, aboveground mass of green-manure crops in fallow fields and intercrop sowings, the supply of organic substance was within 17.24-83.03 t/ha. By mineral-ization of this substance 7.64-11.51 t of humus were produced. In a crop rotation with bare fallow there is a negative balance of humus of -0.06 t/ha. The positive balance is obtained when using sown, green-manure fallows, intercrop sowings (two-three fields), and introduction of up to 25% perennial legumes to the structure of crop rotations. The formation of 0.96-1.44 t/ha of humus in the arable layer provides positive balance of 0.20-0.72 t/ha. The increase of the part of grain crops up to 62.5-75.0% in the structure of crop rotations resulted in rise of their efficiency up to 4.74-4.79 thousand fodder units. It was 0.27-0.32 thousand fodder units higher than in the control crop rotation with bare fallow. Dependence of productivity of agricultural crops on humus content was insignificantly negative (r = -0.16). The efficiency of the studied crop rotations depended considerably on the amount of productive moisture in the soil in a phase of ear formation of grain crops (r = -0.78) and on biological activity of the soil (r = -0.80).

2019 ◽  
pp. 40-43
Valerii Viktorovich Chibis

Results of researches of efficiency in short crop rotation with busy steam are given in this article. Researches were conducted in the Omsk district of the Omsk region on typical black soil, with the maintenance of humus of 6.7% (in a layer of earth of 0-30 cm).  Cultivation of field cultures against the background of application of means of chemicalixation was carried out in a crop rotation the occupied steam (green manure) – wheat – barley – oats. During the conducted researches the quantity and dynamics of moisture, the maintenance of the main macrocells in the soil, and efficiency of all crop rotation was defined. The received results allow to draw a conclusion that in a crop rotation with busy steam and four fields at application of means of chemicalixation the increase of a harvest of the first wheat for 45.2%, barley repeatedly 31.5% and oats for 9.9% is noted. Application of fertilizers, at the rate of N30P30 on 1 hectare of an arable land, and herbicides, provided increase in productivity grain on 0.53 t/hectare, an exit of grain of 0.44 t/hectare, and feed-protein units to 1.29 t/hectare. The resulting materials can be used in the development of crop rotations schemes for forest-steppe of Western Siberia.

Zakiulla Mtyullovich Azizov ◽  
Vladimir Viktorovich Arkhipov ◽  
Ildar Garifullovich Imashev

The analysis of the influence of species and the fullness of crop rotations on the productivity and efficiency of grain crops is given. It was revealed that the highest grain yield is observed in a 4-field grain-fallow crop rotation. The absence of a field of late spring crops (millet) in 2- and 3-field crop rotations reduces grain yield in comparison with 4- and 7-field crops, both on average over 28 years (1991-2018), and in wet and middle years. The bioenergy coefficient, judging by the costs and grain yield, was highest in a 2-field grain-fallow crop rotation (4.94), then in a 4-field rotation (4.60), then in decreasing order: 7-field (3.86) and 3- field (3.73). In calculating the costs of labor, fuel and energy per 1 ton of grain from arable land, the lowest indicators were obtained in 2-field and 4-field crop rotations. It has been established that in terms of production costs per hectare of arable land, the cost of production of 1 ton of grain, conditionally net income per hectare of arable land, the level of profitability, the leading place is occupied by a 2-field grain-fallow crop rotation. For example, the lowest production costs were noted in a 2-field grain-fallow crop rotation (7782.00 rubles), the highest - in a 7-field (13835.56 rubles). Hence, the lowest production cost of 1 ton of grain was obtained in a 2-field crop rotation, amounting to 5598.56 rubles, followed by a 4-field crop rotation with millet - 7392.66 rubles. And according to the level of profitability, as mentioned above, grain-fallow crop rotations are arranged in decreasing order with the advantage of a 2-field crop rotation in the following order: two-, four-, three- and seven-field - respectively 116.1; 53.2; 48.2 and 37.0 %.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 319-329
M. S. Shevchenko ◽  
L. M. Decyatnik ◽  
K. A. Derevenets-Shevchenko

Based on a broad experimental study of crop rotation productivity in different locations of the Steppe zone, a correlative model for estimating the role of predecessors in the formation of post-crop yields has been developed. The connection between quality of agrotechnologies and change of degree of crop rotation competitiveness of culture is presented. A retrospective analysis of the efficiency of farming and crop rotation systems showed that the constant improvement of varieties and hybrids of crops and technologies for their cultivation created objective agrobiological grounds for reassessment of predecessors in crop rotation. The main motive for this transformation was that in modern agricultural systems, high-potential biotechnological resources allow to obtain higher crop yields on the worst predecessors than on the best in the past. In order to universalize the evaluation of crop rotation efficiency and model their productivity, it is proposed to introduce a crop rotation depression coefficient, which shows the share of yield remaining after individual predecessors compared to its baseline level after black fallow. The most favorable conditions developed after crops with a coefficient above 0,80 – winter wheat, barley, rape, rye, spring barley, oats. At the same time, the development of post-rotational crops was significantly inhibited by sunflower, corn for grain and silage, beets, sorghum and soybeans, their depression coef-ficient was 0,66–0,78. The proposed methodology of system analysis for the assessment of predecessors opens wider opportunities for the formation of adapted crop rotations, optimization the set of crops to market requirements, formation important adjustments to crop rotations in extreme conditions, regulation crop rotation productivity taking into account agrotechnological modernization. Keywords: crop rotation, tillage, fertilizers, crops, grain, predecessors, harvest, minimization.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 ◽  
pp. 42-46
V. A. Pronevych

Introduction on drained peat soils of graingrass crop rotations had promoted relatively high microbiological activity of the plow layer, preservation of organic matter and had ensured the complete needs of cultures in mineral nitrogen. That ensures functioning of agro-ecosystems in conditions close to the natural ones. The intensive use of peat soils in tilled crop rotation leads to excessive microbiological activity and fast decomposition of the organic matter of peat deposits.

The article presents the productivity and quality of domestic and foreign potato varieties when grown in crop rotations with shortened rotation. As a green manure crop on control (permanent landing) we used mustard white after harvesting potatoes, in a two-field crop rotation-vicooat mixture, and in a three-field-rotationannual clover. The yield of potatoes of different varieties in crop rotations was significantly higher than in the control rotation. The prevalence of diseases in plantings and tubers on the background of 100% saturation was 1.5-2 times higher than in crop rotation. Plowing of green manure mass into the soil contributed to the containment of potato diseases. The most economically profitable are cultivation of a domestic variety Kolobok in crop rotations. Economic efficiency of growing potatoes in crop rotations with different degrees of saturation shows us that, on average, for 3 years, the most economically profitable cultivation of domestic variety Kolobok in the variants of 2 and 3 - full crop rotations, permanent culture are less effective. For example, the profit in the 2-pole crop rotation for the variety Kolobok amounted to 143 thousand rubles/ha, and in the 3-pole 193 thousand. rubles / ha, permanent culture-74 thousand rubles / ha (2-2. 5 times less). According to the variety Breeze, these indicators amounted to 133, 183 and 70 thousand rubles/ha, respectively.Cultivation of the Saturn variety was even less profitable, namely-112, 163 and 37 thousand rubles / ha, respectively.

Ya.S. Tsimbal ◽  
P.I. Boiko ◽  
I.V. Martyniuk

The study was conducted in the subzone of unstable humidification of the Forest-Steppe on chernozem typical low-humus Panfil research station NSC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS».The study was conducted in the subzone of unstable humidification of the Forest-Steppe on chernozem typical low-humus Panfil research station NSC «Institute of Agriculture NAAS».The aim of the research is to establish the influence of the structure, set and placement of field crops in a 4-field crop rotation for 100 % grain saturation on the overall productivity, yield and quality of corn grain in particular.The technology of growing crops in the experiment is generally accepted and recommended for the research area.Varieties and hybrids of agricultural crops entered into the State Register were sown in the experiment. Chemical plant protection products were used for the production of competitive commodity products of cereals.The results of studies conducted in a long-term stationary field experiment, established in 2001, to study crop rotations on typical chernozems of unstable moisture of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe, convincingly show that for highly specialized farms the most rational in this area are 4-field crop rotations. saturation with grain crops (winter wheat peas-corn for spring barley grain) using various fertilizer systems (without fertilizers), mineral (with the introduction of N60P60K60), organo-mineral (NPK + by-products of the predecessor), organic fertilizer systems (by-products of the predecessor)). The grain yield of corn depended on the fertilizer system and was in the range of 5.86–8.30 t/ha. Productivity of crop rotation area for harvesting from 1 ha of arable land with corn for grain in 4-field crop rotation was: grain – 4.54–6.29 tons, fodder units –7.48–10.47 tons; digestible protein – 0.60–0.84 tons. The economic efficiency of growing corn for grain in short-rotation crop rotation, depending on the fertilizer system, is: relatively net profit – 16.04–21.34 thousand UAH/ha, the level of profitability –112 –180 %.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 77-90
I.M. Malinovskaya ◽  
D.V Litvinov

The peculiarities of various microbiological processes at cultivation of winter wheat and pea crops in the permanent and short crop rotations were studied in stationary experiments. It was established that the cultivation of wheat in a monoculture results in intensification of consumption of soil organic matter as compared to the crop rotations: without applications mineral fertilizers on 52,2 %, with mineral fertilizers – on 77,8 %; increase of humus mineralization: without fertilizer on 111 %, with fertilizer (N60P60K60) – on 15 %; and activation of mineralization of nitrogen compounds on 100 and 60,0 %, respectively. Cultivation of peas in a monoculture was also accompanied by intensification of soil organic matter development: without the application of mineral fertilizers by 3,17 times, with mineral fertilizers – by 1,79 times; increase of humus mineralization by 1,73 and 1,88 times, respectively; and activation of mineralization of nitrogen compounds by 2,38 and 1,88 times, respectively. The decrease of humus mineralization activity in the root zone of pea plants as comparing to the wheat was at 45,7 % (monoculture), 19,2 % (crop rotation) and 46,9 % (crop rotation, NPK) levels.

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