Agriculture and plant sciences: theory and practice
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Published By National Scientific Centre &Quot;Institute Of Agriculture Of The National Academy Of Agrarian Sciences Of Ukraine&Quot;


R.E. Hryshchenko ◽  
O.G. Lyubchych ◽  
O.V. Glieva

The article highlights the main results of research conducted in the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine on typical soils of the zone – dark gray podzolic coarse-grained light loam to study the productivity of sorghum grain variety Armida. The efficiency of seed treatment with biological preparation, mineral fertilizers, foliar fertilization and nitrogen fertilization during the growing season on crop productivity was established. The combination of these components provides an increase in crop yields. The fertilizer system, which provided for the introduction of N60P60K60, turned out to be optimal for sorghum cultivation. Crop productivity with this technology was 8,49 t/ha, and for sowing seeds treated with biological preparation – increased by 32%.The productivity of the crop increased by 30,6% and with complex application – seed treatment, application of N60P60K60 in the main and application of microfertilizer in foliar fertilization, compared to the option without seed treatment (7,74 t/ha).The percentage of grain of the main shoot, panicle and tillering shoots in the biological yield of the crop is determined. It is determined that the main panicle always has a higher percentage (62,8–70,4) in the formation of crop productivity. The growth of the role of the main shoot in the formation of the overall biological yield depends on the smaller number of side shoots.

V.M. Yula ◽  
М.О. Drozd

Research goal. Determination of the effectiveness of growth biostimulants in the technology of growing soft spring wheat in the northern forest-steppe of Ukraine to obtain high yield and grain quality. Methods. Field, laboratory research, mathematical and statistical analysis. Results. Under the conditions of the northern forest-steppe of Ukraine the effect of the complex application of elements of adaptive technology of cultivation, in particular, mineral fertilizers, protection system and biostimulants of plant growth on the productivity of soft spring wheat variety Nedra was established.The cultivation technology, which provided for the application of N45P90K90 before sowing and by N45 during IV and VIII stages of organogenesis against the background of ensiling the by-products of predecessor and integrated crop protection in combination with the use of biostimulants in the average years of research, received the highest yield of spring wheat - 4.08 t/ha. Yield increase with this technology compared to the control was 2.03 t/ha. Crude protein content under these growing conditions was 16.3 %, crude gluten – 32.8 %, which corresponds to the 1st class of grain quality according to DSTU 3768: 2019. At low production costs for purchase and application of biostimulants of growth (only 200 UAH/ha) the economic effect of their use varied from 0,85 to 1,6 thousand UAH/ha in different fertilization technologies of growing soft spring wheat of Nedra variety. The cost of 1 ton of grain was reduced by 0,20–0,57 thousand UAH. Conclusions. The average yield increase of spring wheat from biostimulants application was 0.2–0.35 t/ha depending on fertilization level in growing technology. иThe use of biostimulants in combination with mineral fertilizers, to a greater extent, influenced the increase in the weight of 1000 grains. At technology, which provided the introduction of mineral fertilizer in a dose of N45P90K90 before sowing and by N45 on IV and VIII stages of organogenesis on the background of encroaching by-products predecessor and integrated system of protection received the highest economic effect of biostimulants application – 1.6 thousand UAH/ha, for reducing the cost of producing 1 ton of grain at 0.33 thousand UAH.

L.S. Romanyuk

The aim of the research was to study the nature of variability of the main quantitative traits in hybrid populations of the second generation Phaseolus vulgaris L. within the framework of the task F “To study the nature of the inheritance of quantitative traits in hybrids of create a starting material with improved flavoring properties.As a result of the studies carried out, it was found that regardless of the duration of the growing season of the parent components of the crossing, in the hybrid populations of the second generation, the limits of variability for this indicator went beyond the limits of the variability of the parent forms. The average values of the duration of the growing season in hybrids were intermediate between the indicators of the corresponding parent forms. The coefficients of variation in the parent forms were insignificant (1.1 – 1.4%); in hybrid populations they were low – from 4.9% (Line 744-14 / Ukrainka) to 9.2% (Line 741-14 / Suita).In terms of plant height, the limits of variability of hybrid offspring F2 went beyond the limits of variability of the parent components. The average values of the trait in hybrid populations significantly exceeded the corresponding indicators of the parent forms. The degree of variability in plant height of hybrid populations was significant in the combination Line 872-14 / Podolyanka-1 (the parent components differ in the type of plant growth) and was equal to 20.6% versus 3.5% and 4.9% for the corresponding parent forms. In other hybrid populations, the coefficient of variation was average (Ukrainka / Suita-16.5%; Line 741-14 / Suita – 13.5%; Line 744-14 / Ukrainka -10.1%) The degree of variability of the corresponding parental forms was in the range from 2.8% to 3.1%.The widest range of variability was observed according to the characteristics of the mass of seeds from the plant, the number of seeds from the plant, the number of beans from the plant. The degree of variability of the seed mass from the plant in hybrid populations ranged from 30.3% to 39.1% (in the parent forms from 9.1% to 21.7%); the number of seeds from the plant from 22.3% to 40.7% (in the parent forms from 9.8% to 20.1%); the number of beans from the plant from 28.1% to 38.3% (in the parent forms from 4.7% to 16.2%). The degree of variation of the studied traits in hybrid populations was 2–3 times higher than in the parent forms.By the weight of 100 seeds in the offspring of the second generation, the range of variation was much wider than this indicator in the parent forms. The degree of variability on this trait was average for hybrid populations (from 10.6% to 13.4%), and insignificant for parental forms (from 3.7% to 6.6%).It is possible that the most valuable in terms of breeding may be the hybrid combination Line 872-14/Podolyanka, from the widest range of variability in the studied traits in the second generation population.

M.M. Ptashnik ◽  
P.S. Zaiats ◽  
S.V. Dudnyk ◽  
F.J. Brukhal ◽  
O.L. Oksimets

As a result of many years of research in a stationary field experiment conducted in the conditions of the northern forest-steppe on Gray forest large-sawn light loamy soil, the regularities of the influence of methods of its main cultivation, doses and terms of herbicide application on the level of contamination of crops with segetal vegetation and the competitiveness of winter wheat in short-term crop rotation were established.It was found that the competitive pressure of weeds on winter wheat both for plowing and flat–cutting loosening to a depth of 20–22 cm was minimal and amounted to 6.9–13.2%, and the crop pressure on weed cenosis was noted in the range of 81.5–84.8%. The use of a herbicide based on D. R. prosulfuron (750 g/kg) increased this indicator to 90%.With flat-cutting loosening, the potential contamination of the upper 0–5-centimeter layer of soil, from which the bulk of weeds germinate, in the crops of the studied crop was 31.3–31.8% higher compared to plowing. Indicators of potential contamination and the rate of germination of weed seeds with this method of basic tillage caused a high level of actual weediness of winter wheat crops in a short-term crop rotation. However, systematic tillage without layer turnover ensured gradual self-cleaning of the lower part of the arable soil layer from weed seeds.The highest yield of winter wheat 6.11 t/ha of grain was obtained during plowing and the autumn period of application of the herbicide based on D. R. prosulfuron (750 g/kg) at a rate of 20 g/ha in the development phase of the BBCH 11–13. The use of the herbicide in autumn compared to spring periods provided an increase in the grain yield by 0.24–0.54 t/ha for plowing and by 0.48–0.64 t/ha for non – polar cultivation.Economically, the most appropriate technology for controlling segetal vegetation in winter wheat crops is recognized, which provides for plowing to a depth of 20–22 cm as the main tillage with the introduction of N80P60K80 and earning by-products of its predecessors into the soil. To increase the effectiveness of crop contamination control in the integrated plant protection system, it is also proposed to use autumn application of a herbicide based on D. R. prosulfuron (750 g/kg) at a dose of 20 g/ha in the phase of 2–3 leaves in the culture.

S.E. Dehodiuk ◽  
Е.G. Degodiyk ◽  
Yu.P. Borko

The aim is to develop conceptual principles of sustainable development of the agrosphere and reproduction of degraded riverbeds of small rivers under climate change. Methods. Methodology and methods of system approach, monitoring, statistical analysis, and synthesis of scientific data. Results. It has been determined the ecological condition in Ukraine and the world has been by the manifestations of degradation processes in terrestrial ecosystems and small river basins on the principle of causation. It has been suggested the conceptual bases of restoration of channels of small rivers and their basins by carrying out engineering, culture-technical works in channels and floodplains of small rivers, the organization of adaptive landscaping of the territory, and also carrying out agro-, chemo-, bio- and phyto-meliorations in their basins without disturbance the basis of erosion and giving impetus to self-renewal of natural fauna and flora. In the processes of nature restoration, the leading role of domestic science in the methodological and methodological support of projects has been identified, and importance is attached to the restoration of natural biodiversity and biologization in agricultural systems. We proposed to create a state mortgage land bank with a concentration in it of land fees of ecological funds with the involvement of domestic and foreign investment. It is recommended to test the idea in several model pools of soil-climatic zones with further replication in Ukraine and the spread of technology beyond its borders. Conclusions. А systematic approach is needed to carry out reclamation works in the basins of small rivers is to implement the basin approach. To implement the program, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine must adopt the Law of Ukraine “On Agriculture, Sustainable Development of the Biosphere and Ecological Nature Management”, the project of which was developed at the NSC “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS”. The NSC “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS” with appropriate financial and personnel support on a multifunctional basis can perform the functions of a methodological center for the development of methodology and techniques of land management and reclamation in the process of restoring small river basins.

V.H. Kyrhak ◽  
U.M. Karbivska ◽  
M.D. Voloshchuk ◽  
V.F. Martyshchuk

Purpose. To determine the peculiarities of formation of productivity, as well as the chemical composition, nutritional value and energy intensity of grass forage, depending on the measures of surface improvement of the meadows of the Carpathian mountain forest zone. Methods. Field works, laboratory, mathematical-statistical. Results. Productivity of haymaking and perennial mowing fluctuated on the range of 2.15–4.77 t/ha and 1.95–4.11 t/ha during the 3-year research of dry mass yield. Compared to the variants without additional sowing of grasses and fertilizer use, the highest productivity of haymaking was upon the additional sowing of cereal grass mixtures and applying of N60P30K60 – 12 % and 85 %, respectively. Productivity of perennial mowing increased upon the additional sowing of Trifolium repens and applying of P30K60 on 85 % and 111 % respectively. The best uniformity of distribution of biomass crop by slopes was obtained by the use of multifaceted use of creeping clover with the introduction of P30K60, when the proportion of 1st slope was 39%, 2nd - 33 and 3rd – 28% with unevenness, which is expressed by the coefficient variation - 18%. Among the measures of surface improvement on the quality of feed by chemical composition, increasing, first of all, the content of crude protein, influenced by the introduction of N60P30K60 or 15 t / ha of manure, and in the case of multi-grade use - the sowing of clover on the background P30K60. Irrespective of the measures of surface improvement, higher crude protein content, better energy consumption and nutritious nutritional value of feed were characterized by a multi-use (pasture imitation) mode of use than hay. Conclusions. For surface improvement of the meadows of the Carpathian mountain forest belt with natural herbage, the annual application of N60P30K60, or 15 t / ha of manure, or – N60P30K60 + sowing of a mixture of grass meadows and sapwood with sapwood, on the grass meadows, is a factor of increasing their productivity and improving the quality of herbage. use or – P30K60 + clover seeding for high quality use. The best positive effect is the application of mineral fertilizers in combination with sowing of perennial grasses.

V. F. Kaminskyі ◽  
S.P. Dvoretska ◽  
T.V. Karazhbey ◽  
M.I. Shevchuk

The aim of the research was: to study ways to increase the productivity of beans by combining in a single process fertilizer, pre-sowing seed treatment with drugs based on an active strain of nodule bacteria, growth stimulants of biological origin, micronutrients in the form of negligence. Methods. The research program included: phenological observations of plant development (development phases and stages of organogenesis), morphological - on the formation of elements of productivity, leaf apparatus and duration of its functioning, morphophysiological - on the dynamics of development of productivity elements, the formation of productive potential. Results. The article presents the results of research on the effectiveness of mineral fertilizers, growth stimulants and microfertilizers to increase the productivity of beans and its quality. It is established that the maximum yield of beans - 2.81 t / ha (in 2018 3.30 t / ha) at the level of absolute control, respectively 1.05 t / ha was formed on the option, which involves the application of mineral fertilizers at a dose of P60K60 + N30 + N30 kg / ha d.r., sowing of seeds treated with a strain of nodule bacteria BTU - p and joint treatment of crops with growth stimulants in the physique of branching and budding with microfertilizers in the budding phase. The maximum increase in yield was 0.92 t / ha, and 0.86 t / ha from the application of fertilizers was obtained with the application of P60K60 + N30 + N15 and P 0 K0 + N30 + N30, with the control of 1.05 t / ha. Pre-sowing inoculation of seeds with a strain of nitrogen-fixing bacteria BTU-r provided an increase in yield - 0.24 - 0.39 t / ha. The use of growth stimulator in the technology of cultivation provided an increase in crop productivity by 1.04 t / ha on the background without seed inoculation, with inoculation - 2.22 t / ha compared to the absolute control (1.05 t / ha). Co-application of growth stimulant with microfertilizers on crops yielded 2.41 t / ha with a protein content of 20.39%.

I.V. Martyniuk ◽  
Ya.S. Tsimbal ◽  
E.V. Zadubinna

Leaders of the agro-industrial complex of various forms of economic ownership must remember that the Earth is the main bioresource of mankind. Industrial, biological (organic) and ecological systems of agriculture are now introduced. The first in this list is used for 90 % of arable land. As the agricultural sector cannot immediately abandon the industrial system of agriculture, softened options for its biological direction must be developed.The information on development and introduction of systems of organic production in agro-industrial production which was formed in the world and in Ukraine during the last decades is generalized. The dependence of the distribution of organic production on the development of productive forces and production relations is revealed.The organization of ecologically balanced crop rotations with optimal saturation, ratio and location of crops should be soil-ecological approach, which combines all biological factors of agriculture and aims to ensure the rational use of land resources, soil protection and the environment.The structure of short-rotation crop rotations with 100 % saturation with grain crops (winter-wheat peas-corn for spring-barley grain) with the use of organic fertilization systems in conditions of unstable moisture of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe was developed, and the study of 3 fundamentally new models was developed and started. crop rotations with saturation of cereals, cereals and legumes (soybean-spring wheat-buckwheat; soybean-spring-wheat millet), which under different fertilizer systems (by-products of predecessors, green manures, biofertilizers and their complexes) will provide a sufficiently high yield of ecological high quality grains will contribute to the gradual growth of natural fertility of chernozems of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.The studied short-rotation crop rotations in the conditions of climate change will ensure the yield of high-quality ecological grain at the level of 3.5-4.5 t/ha of crop rotation area.

І.M. Malynovska ◽  
M.A. Tkachenko

The aim of the research was to form connections between separate groups of microorganisms as a part of groups of gray forest soil (Haplic Luvisol) during the cultivation of spring wheat with the use of various fertilizers and liming systems. Research methods: microbiological, laboratory-analytical, statistical. The research was carried out in the landfill monitoring system on the basis of a stationary experiment of the Department of Agrosoil Science and Soil Microbiology at the NSC “Institute of Agriculture of NAAS” - Development and improvement of intensive cultivation technologies of agricultural crops on the basis of the expanded soil fertility reproduction. The main results of the study: The number of ammonifiers is positively correlated with the total number of microorganisms (0,955), the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers, denitrifiers, nitrifiers, cellulose-destroying bacteria, actin- and micromycetes, the coefficient of nitrogen mineralization compounds, the total biological activity (0,911). The conclusions of previous research are confirmed: Azotobacter is not a diagnostic microorganism for effective soil fertility, as evidenced by the insignificance of the correlation coefficients between the number of Azotobacter and the yield of spring wheat (0,265), winter wheat (0,131), soybeans (0,303). The number of Azotobacter correlates inversely with most of the studied indicators, especially significant - with the number of polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms, actinomycetes, melanin-synthesizing micromycetes (-0,719), acid-forming microorganisms (- 0,611), physiological and biochemical activity of own cells, pedotrophic index. The direct nature of the relationship is established between the number of polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms as a diagnostic group for the optimal mineral nutrition of plants and the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers (0,854), pedotrophs (0,970), cellulose-destructive (0,724) and autochthonous (0,878) microorganisms, actinomycetes, micromycetes, the total number of microorganisms (0,588), probability of colony formation of denitrifiers, autochthonous microorganisms and micromycetes, nitrogen mineralization coefficient, total biological activity (0,646). Indigenous microorganisms show a high level of direct dependence on the number of mineral nitrogen immobilizers, pedotrophs, cellulose-destroying and polysaccharide-synthesizing microorganisms, the total number of microorganisms, physiological and biochemical activity of denitrifiers and own cells (0,935).

V.F. Kaminskyі ◽  
L.P. Kolomіets ◽  
I.P. Shevtchenko ◽  
N. I. Shkvyr ◽  
V.M. Povydalo

On results undertaken studies systematization is carried out and in theory - methodological positions are deep on this basis practical recommendations are offered in relation to basic directions of ecological optimization of the use of earth-resource potential erosive dangerous agrolandscape by working and development of theoretical and applied bases of the adaptive-landscape systems of agriculture, newest systems of land-tenure, aimed at the rational use and protection of agricultural land, differentiated adaptation of technological means to soil-landscape-climatic factors and economic conditions of modern agricultural.The research was aimed at identifying the latest approaches to the organization of modern land use, which will necessitate the development of farming and land use systems on an ecological and landscape basis, given the different levels of intensification and resource provision, which in turn requires the improvement of existing and development of new components and the whole complex of agricultural systems, in particular in the context of climate change, risks of water and wind erosion and desertification.Many years of domestic experience in developing the scientific basis for the organization and management of agricultural land use, taking into account the basic principles of the concept of sustainable development shows that land management design based on landscape-ecological approach to the organization of agricultural land use is quite capable of becoming a link. unified system of theory and practice of organization of ecologically balanced land use at all levels.The principles of designing the organization of the territory of erosively dangerous sloping agrolandscapes for the development of soil protection adaptive-landscape system of agriculture on sloping lands (theoretical and methodological principles of landscape-adaptive land management, methodological approaches to substantiate land management projects on a landscape-ecological basis).

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