Part I General Principles, 4 Comparative Law and its Relevance to Transnational Commercial Law

Comparative law plays a key role in the harmonisation of commercial law. This chapter outlines the history of comparative law and the classification of legal systems and goes on to examine the aims of comparative law, with particular reference to the enhancement of an understanding of one's own legal system, the development of transnational commercial law and the role of comparative law in transnational practice. A key part of the chapter is devoted to the purpose and methodology of comparative law. Is the objective to find common solutions or best solutions? Should the approach be formal or functional? The chapter concludes with a discussion of the problems confronting the comparative lawyer: the pitfalls of comparison, the effectivess or otherwise of legal transplants and the extent to which all those engaged in the work of harmonisation can realistically be expected to to be fully equipped as comparative lawyers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 98
Farihan Aulia ◽  
Sholahuddin Al-Fatih

The legal system or commonly referred to as the legal tradition, has a wealth of scientific treasures that can be examined in more depth through a holistic and comprehensive comparative process. Exactly, the comparison of the legal system must accommodate at least three legal systems that are widely used by countries in the world today. The three legal systems are the Continental European legal system, Anglo American and Islamic Law. The comparative study of the three types of legal systems found that the history of the Continental European legal system is divided into 6 phases, while Anglo American legal history began in the feudalistic era of England until it developed into America and continues to be studied until now. Meanwhile, the history of Islamic law is divided into 5 phases, starting from the Phase of the Prophet Muhammad to the Resurrection Phase (19th century until nowadays). In addition to history, the authors find that the Continental European legal system has the characteristic of anti-formalism thinking, while the Anglo American legal thinking characteristic tends to be formalism and is based on a relatively primitive mindset. While the thinking character of Islamic Law is much influenced by the thought of the fuqoha (fiqh experts) in determining the law to solve a problem, so relatively dynamic and moderate.

Виктор Момотов ◽  
Viktor Momotov

In Russian legal science there is a wide-spread belief according to which legal precedents are not sources of Russian law, because Russian legal system forms a part of continental legal system. Various researchers believe that judicial practice does not contain legal norms and consequently case law is not a component of Russian legal framework. The present paper contains the theoretical and historical legal research of the place and role of case law in Anglo-American and continental legal systems. It’s shown that for long historical periods legal precedents were recognized as sources of law not only in Great Britain and the USA, but also in major European legal systems, while at the present time differentiation of legal systems with respect to their attitude towards case law is becoming outdated. Furthermore, based on the research of various legal scholars’ traditions (principally of the positivistic and the sociological traditions) this article demonstrates that negative attitude towards case law is largely determined by the formalistic and obsolete understanding of the term ”source of law”, coming from the misinterpretation of positivism. The paper also presents the current development trends of case law as a source of law. In particular the article outlines the proactive interpretations of new statutory provisions issued by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the global uniqueness of such interpretations and the influence of scientific–technological progress and public needs on the highest court’s interpretations. The mutual interference of case law and statutory law is shown.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 9-12
L.B. Gandarova ◽  

The article examines the place of the theory of state and law in the system of legal sciences, and also emphasizes its fundamental role in the system of legal sciences. To substantiate his position, the author investigated the views of authoritative modern domestic legal scholars on the classification of legal sciences. The article identifies the main thematic blocks, which include all legal disciplines. The problems that hinder the development of the theory of state and law as a basic legal science are identified, its methodological nature is noted. It is concluded that without the assimilation of theoretical and legal knowledge, it is impossible to give a correct assessment of the complex state and legal phenomena of public life, to know their essence and purpose, to get an idea of the legal system as a whole

2001 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 751-765 ◽  
Roy Goode

The last few decades have seen a substantial growth in what has become known as transnational commercial law, by which I mean that body of commercial law principles and rules, from whatever source, which is common to a number of legal systems. The various types of harmonisation fall broadly into four groups, each possessing its own implementing agency:

1997 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 787-811
John W. Bridge

The law and legal system of Mauritius are an unusual hybrid and a remarkable instance of comparative law in action. As a consequence of its history, as an overseas possession of France from 1715 to 1810 and as a British colony from 1814 until it achieved independence within the Commonwealth in 1968, its law and legal system reflect the legal traditions of both its former colonial rulers. In general terms, Mauritian private law is based on the French Code Civil while public law and commercial law are based on English law: an example of what has recently been labelled a “bi-systemic legal system”. The Constitution, a version of the Westminster export model, was originally monarchical. It was amended in 1991 and Mauritius became a republic within the Commonwealth in 1992.

2013 ◽  
Vol 39 (6) ◽  
pp. 728-741 ◽  
Daniel Antunes Silva Pereira ◽  
Alexandre de Melo Kawassaki ◽  
Bruno Guedes Baldi

The initial evaluation of patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) primarily involves a comprehensive, active search for the cause. Autoantibody assays, which can suggest the presence of a rheumatic disease, are routinely performed at various referral centers. When interstitial lung involvement is the condition that allows the definitive diagnosis of connective tissue disease and the classical criteria are met, there is little debate. However, there is still debate regarding the significance, relevance, specificity, and pathophysiological role of autoimmunity in patients with predominant pulmonary involvement and only mild symptoms or formes frustes of connective tissue disease. The purpose of this article was to review the current knowledge of autoantibody positivity and to discuss its possible interpretations in patients with ILD and without clear etiologic associations, as well as to enhance the understanding of the natural history of an allegedly new disease and to describe the possible prognostic implications. We also discuss the proposition of a new term to be used in the classification of ILDs: lung-dominant connective tissue disease.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (4) ◽  
pp. 1099-1127 ◽  
Bo Yin ◽  
Peter Duff

Taxonomy, as a methodological tool introduced from natural science, brought the categorization of legal systems to comparative law.1The term ‘legal family’2is normally used as a metaphor, because it recognizes that within each grouping there are many variations. Each of the legal families is regarded as a combination of fundamental features of legal systems which have certain similarities. As an analytical device, taxonomy renders the comparison of different laws and legal institutions manageable by means of simplifying or abstracting the diverse and complicated realities of a myriad of legal systems. As a result, the concept of legal families acts as a support for legal borrowing and transplantation, as well as comprising an inevitable part of most comparative law works. Even where as few as two jurisdictions are involved, the categorization of legal families is still a useful tool for most comparative legal analysis. Assisted by the notion of legal families, comparativists can readily understand and explore an unfamiliar legal system.3Normally, such scholars tend to accept the conventional or widely accepted categorization of a particular legal system as belonging to a certain legal family. However, without detailed scrutiny of the first-hand material, distortions may arise as a result of preconceptions held at the beginning of the comparative study.4

2015 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 41-51
Elżbieta Koniusz

Co-existence of languages in the area of the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the light of the works of Jan KarłowiczThe article discusses the issues of the co-existence of languages in the former Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the consequences of the phenomenon as documented in the works of Jan Karłowicz – the outstanding scholar of the second half of the nineteenth century, an expert and researcher of the “Lithuanian” version of Polish language. The article emphasizes the fact that the research on languages in the area of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania and results of their co-existence goes back to the second half of the nineteenth century and Jan Karłowicz was the pioneer of this research. He was the first to observe the following phenomena of their co-existence: interference; bilingualism and multilingualism; prioritization of co-existing languages with the unique role of the Polish language in focusing various functions in the history of The Grand Duchy of Lithuania; the diversity of Polish with sociolinguistic classification of its provincia­lisms and their division in the view of their origin; and the dangers to the Polish language in the period of Russification. Karłowicz struggled with the lack of terminology to describe the linguistic phenomena characteristic for the area. The article focuses on the classification of provincial qualities of the “Lithuanian” Polish language executed by Karłowicz in the social and ethnolinguistic area; and on the presentation of the phenomenon of linguistic interference visible in the provincial vocabulary in The Grand Duchy of Lithuania collected in “Dictionary of Polish dialects” by Karłowicz. Сосуществование языков на территории бывшего Великого княжества Литовского в свете произведений Яна КарловичаЦель данной статьи – показать сосуществование языков на землях бывшего Великого княжества Литовского (ВКЛ) и последствий этого явления, засвидетельствованных в работах Яна Карловича, видного ученого второй половины девятнадцатого века, знатока и исследователя „литовского” польского языка. Автор статьи указывает на то, что изучение языков в Великом княжестве Литовском, последствиям их сосуществования относятся ко второй половине девятнадцатого века, а их первым исследователем был Карлович. Им впервые были отмечены такие проявления этого сосуществования, как языковая интерференция, билингвизм и многоязычие, иерархия сосуществующих языков и диалектов. Выделена особая роль польского языка, объединившего целый ряд функций в истории ВКЛ, дифференциация внутри польского языка, социолингвистическая классификация его диалектизмов и их деление по происхождению, угрозы для польского языка в период сильной русификации. Особое внимание автор статьи сосредоточил на классификации провинциальных особенностей „литовского” польского языка, осуществлённой Карловичем в социальном и этнолингвистическом плане, а также на проявлениях интерференции в провинциальной лексике, ведущей своё происхождение из Великого княжества Литовского, собранной в „Словаре польских диалектов” Карловича.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Jean-Louis Halpérin

<p><strong>RESUMÉ:</strong></p><p>La réflexion sur la diversité des approches méthodologiques en droit comparé n’a guère porté, au cours de ces dernières décennies, sur le droit pénal. Cette relative lacune de la littérature tient à une conception d’un droit pénal universel qui connaîtrait seulement quelques variations dans la sévérité plus ou moins grande de la répression. Il apparaît pourtant utile pour les comparatistes d’identifier de manière historique les développements de la discipline du droit pénal et de considérer que le champ pénal n’est pas identique à lui-même à travers le temps et l’espace. Cette contribution s’attache à montrer comment la spécialisation des pénalistes, à partir du XIXe siècle, s’est accompagnée longtemps d’une démarche comparative avant que ne s’installe une sorte de désintérêt pour la comparaison des infractions reconnues ou non par les différents ordres juridiques étatiques. Or, la prise en compte des phénomènes de criminalisation et de décriminalisation montre à quel point ces droits étatiques sont susceptibles de converger ou de diverger, en présentant des configurations beaucoup plus complexes que les traditionnelles familles de droit. En recourant à la théorie du droit, le droit pénal comparé alimente la réflexion sur la place des lois prohibitives, leur éventuelle relation avec des normes culturelles et le recours à des interdits dans des domaines qui font l’objet dans d’autres pays à des lois permissives.</p><p> </p><p><strong>RESUMO:</strong></p><p>A discussão sobre a diversidade de abordagens metodológicas em direito comparado, no decorrer das últimas décadas, pouco se debruçou sobre o direito penal. Esta lacuna se deve à uma concepção de direito penal universal que admitiria apenas variações no grau de severidade da repressão. Contudo, para os comparatistas mostra-se útil identificar historicamente o desenvolvimento da disciplina de direito penal e considerar que o campo não se mantém inalterado através do tempo e do espaço. Este trabalho visa mostrar como, a partir do século XIX, a especialização de penalistas foi acompanhada por muito tempo de uma abordagem comparativa, antes de que se instalasse um desinteresse pela comparação de infrações reconhecidas -ou não- por diferentes ordenamentos jurídicos estatais. A compreensão dos fenômenos de criminalização e descriminalização mostra até que ponto os direitos estatais são suscetíveis de convergir ou divergir, apresentando configurações muito mais complexas que as tradicionais famílias de direito. Assim, utilizando-se da teoria do direito, o direito penal comparado incita a reflexão sobre o papel das leis proibitivas, sua eventual relação com normas culturais e a possibilidade de proibições em determinadas matérias serem objetos de leis permissivas em outros países.</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong></p><p>The discussion about the methodological diversity in Comparative Law has barely touched upon criminal law. This gap in the literature is due to a conception of universal Criminal Law in which only variations regarding the severity of crime’s repression would be admitted. Nonetheless, the historical study of Criminal Law along with the reflection on changes in the discipline through time and space has proven to be useful for comparatists. The aim of this study is to show how the specialization of scholars of Criminal Law, since the 19th century, had been accompanied by a comparatist approach before a pervasive disinterest in comparing infractions under different legal systems came to be the rule. The phenomena of criminalization and decriminalization reveal to what point legal systems converge or diverge in a more elaborated way than those depicted by the traditional division of legal systems. Thus, Comparative Criminal Law, using the insights from Legal Theory, stimulates reflections on the role of prohibitive laws, their relation with cultural norms, and the possibility of a prohibition being permitted elsewhere – i.e. other countries.</p><p> </p>

Sarah Feldman

Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a produção recente no campo da história da legislação urbanística no Brasil, procurando detectar avanços e limites para a reflexão sobre desenvolvimento urbano e práticas urbanísticas. O texto organiza-se em três eixos analíticos. Em primeiro lugar, procura-se situar os trabalhos no processo de disseminação de estudos da história urbana no Brasil, vinculando-os ao movimento de ampliação do território da história que ocorre na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, a partir dos anos 60, com a chamada História Nova. Em segundo, baseado em um panorama da produção recente, são detectadas as vertentes dominantes e emergentes nos trabalhos sobre legislação. Em terceiro, são discutidos dois aspectos que se configuram como lacunas na historiografia da legislação: o lugar ocupado pelas normas, a partir do momento em que idéias e práticas urbanísticas têm um espaço institucionalizado na administração pública; e o lugar dos pressupostos modernistas na legislação brasileira, visto que o movimento modernista formula a proposta de um novo sistema legal para o urbanismo.Palavras-chave: legislação urbanística; história; movimento moderno. Abstract: This paper analyses recent developments in the history of Brazilian urban legislation, pointing out the progress made and limits faced, as a basis for reflection in the debate on urban development and planning practice. The analysis is divided into three parts. The first relates the dissemination of urban historical research in Brazil to the expansion of the field of history which began in the 1960s with the "New History" movement in Europe and the United States. The second part sets out the dominant and emerging approaches to urban legislation. Finally, there is a discussion of two aspects that are seen as gaps in the history of urban legislation: the role of norms, as the ideas and practices of urban planning become institutionalised within public administration, and the influences of modernist ideas on Brazilian urban legislation, taking into account that the modern movement proposes a new legal system for urban planning.Keywords: urban legislation; history; modernist movement.

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