Marxism and Ideology

David Leopold

This chapter discusses the account of ideology found in the writings of Karl Marx (1818–83), and its fate in the subsequent Marxist tradition. Marx understood ideology as consisting of certain social ideas which periodically dominate in class-divided societies. More precisely, ideology was characterized as having a particular epistemological standing (being false or misleading), social origin (arising from the opaque structure of class-divided societies), and class function (sustaining the interests of the economically dominant group). In the subsequent Marxist tradition that ‘critical’ account was often displaced by non-critical, predominately ‘descriptive’, accounts of ideology. This historical pattern is exemplified by the writings of Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937) and Louis Althusser (1918–90). This displacement of critical by descriptive accounts is portrayed as regrettable, not least because it involves a loss of the explanatory purchase and emancipatory potential found in Marx’s original account.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 137-170

The author develops the concept of plural temporality as a tool for revising the Marxist tradition. This concept was not explicitly formulated by Marx, but the author maintains that it takes a latent form in those of his works which expose the inadequacy of understanding historical development through a linear model or as unfolding in stages. The author finds traces of plural temporality in the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right where Marx contrasts the modernity of German philosophy with the anachronistic nature of the German state. The article outlines the concept’s growing influence over a series of works from the Manifesto of the Communist Party to The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. However, it is most distinct in two later texts by Marx devoted to the Russian rural commune (obshchina). Marx notes its unprecedented historical character as a product of pre-capitalist social relations that is nevertheless contemporary with capitalism. Therefore, it is not so a hindrance to the development of capitalism in Russia, but more a model of the type of collective labor and collective property that are an alternative to capitalism. Marx thought that the future revolution, if it happens at the “appropriate time,” would necessarily establish the free development of the rural community and the superiority of Russian society over those countries in which capitalism dominates. The author analyzes the works of Marx’s followers who already consciously use the concept and metaphors of plural temporality in their works such as Ernest Bloch, Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser. In conclusion, the concept of plural temporality is not meant to completely refute the idea of a continuous course for history, but instead to elucidate its complex and contingent nature.

2021 ◽  
pp. 206-232
Borja García Vázquez

El presente artículo es producto de una revisión documental cuyo objetivo consistió en negar la originalidad del precariado como nueva clase social emergente, por medio de la exposición del concepto, confrontándolo a la noción de clase expuesta desde el marxismo, y las condiciones sociales existentes en la actualidad en República Popular China. Para ello se aplicó el método cualitativo de revisión documental de los trabajos del autor que acuñó el concepto de precariado, Guy Standing, oponiéndolo a escritos de Antonio Gramsci, Karl Marx, Louis Althusser, Mao Tse-Tung, y Slavoj Žižek, como representantes del marxismo; encontrándose que el empeoramiento de la situación de los trabajadores ha originado un fenómeno de precarización de sus condiciones de vida, concluyéndose que el precariado

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-34
Weini Wang

This thesis probes into the issue on pro-life and pro-choice contentions in Joyce Carol Oates’s: A Book of American Martyrs. Karl Marx explains how capitalists maneuver the deferred redemption intrinsic of religion per se to exploit and oppress workers and re-enforce capitalism proper. In the novel, the transformation of Luther and Gus provides a convincible account for Luther’s frenzy and Gus’s irreligion. This thesis discusses argues that the workers are unconsciously subjected to the governance of the dominant group via the conceptualization of religious ideology and religious culture industry. It should be condemned to impose one’s belief on the others, or even to commit murder ruthlessly in the name of God.

2020 ◽  
pp. 87-108
Anna L. Peterson

This chapter examines Marxist thought, which is primarily a sociological rather than an ethical framework. However, both Karl Marx and later Marxist thinkers developed theories with clear moral assumptions and goals, from their anthropology to visions of a revolutionized society. Marxist thought makes “human sensuous activities” central to everything, and that has to include its (implicit) ethical theory. Even though Marx showed little interest in moral theory, both meta-ethical and normative claims run throughout his work. This chapter reflects special interest in Marx’s emphases on the role of material forces in shaping ideas and on the creative tensions between individuals and structures. To explore these issues, the chapter engages the thought of Marx and some of his recent interpreters to understand the ways all ideas, including ideas about value, are grounded in material practices, experiences, and structures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. 39-52
Maria Socorro Ramos Militão ◽  
Oziel Rocha

O objetivo principal do estudo é explorar a relação existente entre a religião e a política nos escritos de Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937), investigando a religião a partir da atuação da Igreja Católica no contexto histórico-político italiano. A pesquisa também retoma esta discussão no pensamento de Nicolau Maquiavel (1469-1527), em Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872), explorando nesse, especialmente, o conceito de alienação, e ainda em Karl Marx (1818-1883) e Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), até chegar à questão em Gramsci. Esse percurso é necessário porque a investigação do político italiano remonta ao papel exercido pela Igreja no contexto da Idade Média, que tem a religião como ideologia oficial e a gênese dos movimentos populares que se distanciaram de tal ideologia. Somente após a compreensão do papel da religião ao longo da história é possível dar sustentação teórica solida à questão da religião como instrumento político em inúmeros períodos da história da Civilização Ocidental. Porém, o presente artigo não visa esgotar a discussão sobre a temática, mas apenas trazer à baila este, que é um tema muito recorrente na atualidade.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 112-128
Annie Noel Wildes

Climate change due to global warming is impacting the natural environment and humanity.  Yet, legislators in states whose economies are in oil production, a major contributor of carbon dioxide emissions through the combustion of fossil fuels, continue to reject the evidence.  Legislators go as far to say these findings are “hyperbole” and teaching such ideas would influence young students to a one sided argument.  Legislators, through bills and resolutions rejecting such language in state science academic standards, deny students access to equitable science education opportunities. I submit this denial is unethical. It denies students opportunities to analyze and develop solutions to a problem that jeopardizes their future and generations to come.  I use the frameworks of Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci to identify the underlying causes of this problem.  Understanding the underlying causes of the problem provides educators with a clearer vision of our responsibilities to act in providing equitable science education for our students.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Salyanna de Souza Silva

O presente artigo visou realizar um estudo bibliográfico a partir das obras de Karl Marx e Antonio Gramsci no sentido de identificar as contribuições críticas de tais autores para o debate dos fundamentos éticos do Serviço Social. Ao desmitificar o equívoco de que as obras marxianas e marxistas não se debruçaram sobre o estudo da ética, foi identificado quer seja Marx quanto Gramsci, fazem uma leitura ética acerca da economia política, do Estado, da sociedade, da (re)produção de desvalores e da alienação nas relações sociais capitalistas. Para o marxista sardo a “filosofia da práxis” deve voltar-se principalmente, mediante o partido político, para realização de uma reforma intelectual e moral e para formação de uma vontade coletiva nacional-popular, enquanto elementos no processo de transformação societária.

Muhamad Imron ◽  
Niki Puspita Sari

Abstraksi Eksploitasi pekerja pada industri manufaktur terbesar di China hingga kini masih terus berlangsung. Berdalih tingginya permintaan pasar membuat pabrik-pabrik menaikkan target produksi barang hingga mengabaikan kepentingan para pekerja. Pada saat yang sama para pekerja mengalami depresi yang berat karena berbagai kebutuhannya tereliminir oleh rakusnya korporasi yang berpedoman pada faham kapitalisme. Relasi yang terbentuk antara pemilik sarana dan alat-alat produksi dengan pemilik tenaga hanya berdasarkan pada faktor determinasi ekonomi. Kelompok dominan akan muncul dan ia cenderung memaksakan aturan, nilai dan norma yang ia percayai kepada kelompok bawah/yang tidak berdaya (subordinate) demi mempertahankan struktur sosial yang mereka anggap menguntungkan kelompoknya.Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui tentang bagaimana praktik eksploitasi pekerja dengan sudut pandang teori Karl Marx. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap praktik yang berlangsung dalam eksploitasi pekerja pada perusahaan Foxconn. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kualitatif yang dibalut dengan paradigma kritis. Dan hingga kini, eksploitasi terhadap pekerjamasih berlangsung. Melalui faham kapitalisme yang dianut, pihak korporasi terus melakukan praktik-praktik eksploitasi, subordinasi hingga alienasi pekerja. Hal lain yang tidak kalah penting, praktik itu melibatkan negara. Key Words: Marxist Approach, eksploitasi pekerja, subordinasi, alienasi   Abstract   Exploitation of workers in the largest manufacturing industry in China is still ongoing. Arguing that high market demand makes factories raise the target of production of goods to ignore the interests of the workers. At the same time workers experience a severe depression because their various needs were eliminated by the greed of corporations that are guided by the ideology of capitalism. The relationship formed between the owner of the means and means of production with the owner of power is only based on economic determinants. The dominant group will emerge and it tends to impose rules, values ??and norms that it believes on the subordinate / powerless (subordinate) group in order to maintain the social structure that they deem beneficial to the group. This study wanted to find out about how the practice of worker exploitation from the standpoint of Karl Marx's theory. This study aims to uncover the practices that take place in the exploitation of workers at Foxconn companies. The approach used in this study is qualitative wrapped with a critical paradigm. And until now, exploitation of workers is still ongoing. Through the ideology of capitalism adopted, the corporation continues to practice exploitation, subordination to alienation of workers. Another thing that is no less important, the practice involves the state.   Key Words: Marxist Approach, worker exploitation, subordination, alienation

Caio Bugiato

A polêmica tese de Louis Althusser sobre a ruptura epistemológina na obra de Karl Marx gerou uma série de divergências entre os marxistas nas últimas décadas do século XX. Sua ideia central é a divisão do pensamento de Marx em dois momentos: o jovem Marx, momento no qual o pensamento de Marx estaria inserido na problemática ideológica do humanismo teórico do filósofo Ludwig Feuerbach; e o Marx da maturidade, momento no qual Marx teria fundado a ciência da história e cunhado teses e conceitos para uma nova problemática, o materialismo histórico e dialético. Ideia esta que está em oposição à interpretação sobre uma evolução linear do pensamento marxiano, como se vê em György Lukács. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste texto é, mediante uma análise bibliográfica,  resgatar a tese de Althusser sobre a ruptura epistemológica no pensamenteo de Marx e, à luz desta, interpretar o pensamento de Ernesto “Che” Guevara, um dos líderes da Revolução Cubana de 1959. O pensamento de Che sobre o homem novo de moral socialista desencadeou debates sobre as condições materiais para a transição ao socialismo e fomentou práticas teóricas e concretas no curso inicial da revolução. Assim sendo, tal interpretação sobre as ideias e as práticas de Che nos indica que o seu pensamento está alicerçado no humanismo teórico que envolve o pensamento do jovem Marx.

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