Studies of the reactions of excited oxygen atoms and molecules produced in the flash photolysis of ozone

The photolytic decomposition of ozone has been further investigated using the technique of flash photolysis. Earlier results have been extended and a detailed mechanism for the production of vibrationally excited oxygen molecules put forward. Comparative studies of the decomposition with and without traces of water present have shown that the 1 D oxygen atom must be responsible for the chain reaction in both cases. When dry ozone is photolyzed under isothermal conditions, absorption due to vibrationally excited oxygen molecules in their electronic ground states is detected. These molecules are produced by the reaction O + O 3 → O* 2 + O 2 with up to 17 quanta of vibrational energy, and are rotationally cold. When water is present, however, no absorption due to O* 2 occurs but strong OH absorption is seen and it is shown that OH radicals are responsible for propagating the chain reaction in this case. These radicals can only be formed by the reaction O( 1 D ) + H 2 O → 2OH + O 2 , leading to chain branching. It is an interesting observation that this reaction must be preferred to that with ozone stated above. This conclusion will be examined later. Reactions of 1 D oxygen atoms with fluorine, chlorine, bromine and hydrogen have also been investigated.

The flash photolysis of chlorine dioxide or of nitrogen dioxide in a great excess of inert gasyields oxygen molecules in their electronic ground states with up to eight quanta of vibrational energy. By a study of the reaction kinetics of the two systems, it is concluded that these excited molecules have their origin in the reactions O + NO 2 = NO + O 2 and O + CIO 2 = CIO + O 2 respectively. Thus, for the first time we have available a very convenient method of studying the collisional transfer and degradation of vibrational energy from molecules in the higher vibrational levels of the ground state and some preliminary measurements of the efficiency of deactivation by various molecules are given. It is concluded that the energy is removed most readily either when there is near resonance of the vibrational levels with those of the oxygen, or by free radicals. Some of the reactions of the chlorine oxides present are also discussed.

From measurements of the absolute concentrations of vibrationally excited oxygen produced in levels v" = 4 to v" = 13, it is concluded that ca . 20 % of the exothermicity of the reaction O( 3 P) + NO 2 → NO + O + 2 ( v" ≤11) (1) appears initially as vibrational energy in oxygen. Vibrationally excited nitric oxide ( v" = 1, 2) is also observed and may be produced in this reaction or in the primary process NO 2 + hv → NO ( v" ≤ 2) + O( 3 P). More highly excited oxygen ( v" ≤ 15), with energy exceeding the exothermicity of the reaction, is produced in reaction (1) when the NO 2 is first excited by radiation above the dissociation limit near 400 nm. The excited NO 2 thus produced can also transfer energy to nitric oxide. NO 2 * + NO( v" = 0) → NO 2 + NO( v" = 1).

1960 ◽  
Vol 38 (10) ◽  
pp. 1769-1779 ◽  
N. Basco ◽  
R. G. W. Norrish

Observations on the production of vibrationally excited oxygen molecules in the flash photolysis of nitrogen peroxide and of ozone have extended previous work on these systems. In the case of nitrogen peroxide it has been shown that oxygen molecules possessing the entire exothermicity of the reaction in the form of vibrational energy are produced. A new class of reactions is reported in which vibrationally excited hydroxyl radicals are produced under isothermal conditions by the reaction O(1D) + RH → OH* + R, in which the energy for excitation is contributed by the electronic energy of the oxygen atom.These and other cases of non-equilibrated energy distributions in reaction products and theories accounting for this phenomenon are reviewed.

The rate constants for the production of vibrationally excited oxygen in the reactions O + CIO 2 -----» O 2 (v''≤ 15) + CIO O + CIO -----» O 2 (v''≤ 14) + Cl are approximately equal for all values of v" ≤ 13. The oxygen initially receives 45+10% of the heat of reaction in the form of vibrational energy. Extinction coefficients have been measured for several bands of the C-X, D -X and E -X systems of CIO 2 in the vacuum ultraviolet. Five new systems are reported between 141 and 128 nm. Two of these, F-X and J-X , and the C-X system form a Rydberg series for an ionization potential of 10.36 eV.

2011 ◽  
Vol 13 (42) ◽  
pp. 19067 ◽  
Juan Carlos Juanes-Marcos ◽  
Goulven Quéméner ◽  
Brian K. Kendrick ◽  
Naduvalath Balakrishnan

A study of the flash photolysis of chlorine monoxide and of its photosensitized decomposition by chlorine and bromine has yielded rate constants for the reactions Cl + Cl 2 O → Cl 2 + ClO, k 1 = 4.1 x 10 8 l mol -1 s -1 , Br + Cl 2 O → BrCl + ClO, k 9 = 6.1 x 10 8 l mol -1 s -1 , ClO + Cl 2 O → ClO 2 + Cl 2 , k 3 = 2.6 x 10 5 l mol -1 s -1 , ClO + Cl 2 O → Cl 2 + O 2 + Cl, k 4 = 6.5 x 10 5 l mol -1 s -1 , 2ClO → Cl 2 + O 2 , k 2 = 2.8 x 10 7 l mol -1 s -1 . The quantum yield for the decomposition of chlorine monoxide was measured in each of the three systems and is quantitatively accounted for by the reactions given. The CIO free radical has been flash photolysed and the production of vibrationally excited oxygen in the reaction O + CIO → Cl + O* 2 ( v" ≼ 14), k 11 = 7.5 x 10 9 l mol -1 s -1 demonstrated. The same reaction is responsible for the production of O* 2 in the flash photo­lysis of Cl 2 O with radiation below ~ 300 nm. The relaxation of O* 2 by chlorine atoms is exceptionally efficient, with a rate constant for v" = 12 in excess of 2 x 10 9 l mol -1 s -1 . The corresponding rate constant for relaxation by Cl 2 O is < 10 8 l mol -1 s -1 .

1976 ◽  
Vol 54 (10) ◽  
pp. 1069-1076 ◽  
J. C. D. Brand ◽  
J. L. Hardwick ◽  
K. E. Teo

Measurements are reported of the resonance fluorescence of 15N16O2 and 14N18O2 excited by the 488,496, and 514 nm radiation of an Ar+ laser. The frequency displacements in these spectra are consistent with values calculated previously, using potential constants for the electronic ground state of NO2 derived from the rotational and vibrational constants of NO2 and 15N16O2 but containing no information from N18O2 spectra; the agreement obtained for the latter isotope is therefore a partial test of the potential field.In these spectra, fluorescence occurs from vibronic B2 levels of the Ã2B2 state possessing 7500–8500 cm−1 of vibrational energy. A number of examples are described in which the emission from these vibrationally excited levels shows an anomalous intensity distribution or K-selection rule (e.g., ΔK = ±2) as a result of Coriolis and/or spin–orbit coupling between vibrational levels of the upper electronic state.

The production and decay of the CIO radical and of vibrationally excited oxygen following the isothermal flash photolysis of chlorine dioxide has been studied. From their dependence on flash energy and from the effects of added chlorine, oxygen and chlorine monoxide on the system, the following mechanism and rate constants are proposed: CIO 2 + hv → CIO + O 2CIO → CI 2 + O 2 K 1 = 2.7 x 10 7 l mol -1 s -1 O + CIO 2 → CIO + O 2 * ( v " ≼ 15) k 3 = 3.0 x 10 10 l mol -1 s -1 O + CIO → CI + O 2 * ( v " ≼ 14) k 4 = 7.0 x 10 9 l mol -1 s -1 CIO (CIO 2 ) + O 2 * ( v " = n ) → CIO (CIO 2 ) + O 2 * ( v " < n ) k 10 ( v " = 12) = 2 x 10 8 l mol -1 s -1 CI + O 2 * ( v " = n ) → CI + O 2 * ( v " < n ) k 11 ( v " = 12) = 7 x 10 9 l mol -1 s -1 O + O 2 * ( v " = n ) → O + O 2 * ( v " < n ) k 12 ( v " = 12) = 2 x 10 10 l mol -1 s -1 O + Cl 2 O → 2CIO k 6 = 5.2 x 10 9 l mol -1 s -1 The rate constants k 10 , k 11 and k 12 for O 2 * (v" = 6) and the relative values of k 3 for various vibrational levels have also been measured. Studies of the flash photolysis of mixtures of chlo­rine monoxide and chlorine dioxide and of chlorine and oxygen have yielded values of k 1 in agreement with that given above. The extinction coefficients of the CIO radical at 257.7, 277.2 and 292 nm were found to be 1150, 1700 and 1050 l mol -1 cm -1 respectively.

The photolytic decomposition of ozone in ultra-violet radiation has been studied by kinetic spectroscopy. It has been shown that vibrationally excited oxygen in its ground electronic state plays a most important part in the decomposition. These molecules have sufficient vibrational energy to bring about dissociation of ozone, thus regenerating oxygen atoms which can again produce vibrationally excited oxygen. The importance of this energy chain is emphasized by comparative studies on the explosive decomposition of pure ozone, and the isothermal decomposition when an excess of inert gas is present. In the former case the O* 2 is removed so rapidly, mainly by reaction with ozone, that no absorption due to it can be detected. Using an excess of inert gas to obtain isothermal conditions it has been possible to observe Schumann–Runge absorption of oxygen molecules in their ground electronic state, with up to 16 quanta of vibrational energy. The vibrational energy distribution of the oxygen molecules formed has an apparent maximum at v " = 13 (53.5 kcal/mole) and falls off sharply at v " = 12 and 16 (49.0 and 63.2 kcal/mole). It is shown that the only reasonable reaction for the production of excited oxygen is O + O 3 → O* 2 + O 2 . Studies on the rate of ozone decay with time have also been carried out and the results analyzed in terms of the rate constants of reactions involving the deactivation of excited oxygen and the three-body recombination O + O 2 + M → O 3 + M . It is shown that the spherically symmetrical and chemically inert gases such as A, He and SF 6 are much less efficient in bringing about recombination than N 2 , N 2 O or CO 2 .

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