Prospects for Russian politics to end-2016

Subject Prospects for Russian domestic politics and foreign policy to end-2016. Significance Elections to Russia's State Duma in September provide a focus for public criticism of the governing party, United Russia, but its victory is assured. In foreign policy, the emerging rapprochement with Turkey after months of animosity shows that President Vladimir Putin is prepared to adopt a more conciliatory tone in some areas in an attempt to reduce Russia's isolation.

Subject Prospects for Russian politics in 2016. Significance This has been another challenging year for President Vladimir Putin. Russian foreign policy adventures have plunged relations with the West to a new low, the economy continues to struggle and the assassination of Boris Nemtsov has exposed elite-level divisions. However, although the economic situation has forced the Kremlin to restrain budgetary spending, Russia's opposition is weak and demoralised.

Subject Brazilian foreign policy under Aloysio Nunes. Significance Senator Aloysio Nunes, who took office as foreign minister on March 7, is an experienced politician from the centre-right Social Democrats (PSDB). He led the bloc supporting the government of President Michel Temer in the Senate, where he was also since 2015 head of the Commission of Foreign Affairs and National Defence. Nunes replaces Jose Serra at the foreign ministry and will seek overall continuity of Serra's agenda focused on the pursuit of trade opening and border security. Impacts Brazil lacks a clear strategy for its crucial relationship with China. Border security, a key issue for Serra, will remain important for Nunes. Domestic politics may divert Nunes’s attention as the 2018 elections approach.

Subject Russian foreign policy in 2016. Significance Russian foreign policy is driven by an amalgam of realpolitik, nationalism and anti-Western ideology, and consists of both defensive and offensive strategies. The robust, confrontational approach championed by President Vladimir Putin in recent years has produced successes in such areas as the military campaign in Syria, but an undecided outcome in Ukraine and mixed results in other parts of the former Soviet Union. Impacts A NATO summit this July may result in a tougher, more coordinated stance on Russia. Following its official partial withdrawal from Syria, the Russian military will conduct selective attacks. Russia will need careful diplomacy to keep Belarus and Kazakhstan from drifting away as allies.

Subject The June 7 elections' consequences for Turkish foreign policy. Significance The elections are the first setback since 2002 for the Justice and Development Party (AKP), which has dominated and in many ways transformed Turkish foreign policy. The AKP's unquestioned prowess in domestic politics had rendered foreign policy almost a non-issue, with courses of action being determined by the party alone, even when the opposition voiced criticism. The elections have undermined AKP's grip on power and will lead to a weaker coalition, minority government or period of acute political uncertainty, if not instability, defined by possible early elections by late-2015. Impacts Turkey will adopt a more 'toned-down' discourse and policy on such divisive issues domestically as the Syrian civil war. Major policy shifts in long-term trends, including Turkey's EU, US and Russian relationships, are unlikely. Erdogan will probably adopt a 'softer' discourse with the West, moderating his former confrontational attitude. Potential for tensions exist with the increasing political clout and territorial reach of the Syrian Kurdish militia.

Subject Prospects for Russian domestic politics in 2019. Significance Although President Vladimir Putin was re-elected with a large majority in 2018, widely held grievances about pension reform and economic hardship present challenges to which the authorities are proving unable or unwilling to respond adequately. Putin's six-year economic stimulus package faces many obstacles and its mid-to-long-term aims mean it cannot deliver a swift political pay-off.

Subject Prospects for Russian foreign policy in 2017. Significance President Vladimir Putin and senior Russian officials have hailed Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election. Putin acknowledged that repairing bilateral relations would not be easy. Although some of Trump's campaign remarks will have pleased Moscow, the lack of clarity on what he will do in office means that a rapid 'reset' is not in sight. Moscow aspires to being treated as an equal superpower with its own spheres of interest, and has deployed military power and strong rhetoric to win this. The result is a deteriorating relationship with Western governments.

Subject Prospects for Russian politics in 2017 Significance The authority of President Vladimir Putin was tested at home and abroad in 2016. While the economy continued to struggle, he enjoyed successes with the parliamentary elections and his robust interventionism in Syria, where Russia established itself as the key external player. His success abroad has bolstered his domestic popularity.

Subject Qatar domestic politics. Significance Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani carried out a cabinet reshuffle on January 27. The reshuffle saw the promotion of a number of new ministers and a reduction in the overall number of ministries, reflecting efforts by the emir to clear out the 'old guard', and cut costs as the country enters a period of fiscal tightening after years of double-digit growth. Impacts Some of the pledged 200 billion dollars in spending ahead of the 2022 FIFA World Cup may also be at risk. Financial stress will temper Qatar's 'appetite' for foreign policy autonomy and reinforce its realignment with Saudi Arabia. Factional infighting within the royal family is likely to be a greater threat to political stability than social dissent.

Significance Peskov's comment reflects caution over Trump's domestic difficulties and evolving position on Russia. Russian officials and foreign policy experts harboured limited expectations of a swift reconciliation with Washington, and recent events only strengthen wait-and-see attitudes. Moscow wants an early meeting between Trump and President Vladimir Putin and increased working-level engagement, especially if the new US administration contains more pragmatists than hawks. Impacts Moscow expects hawks in Congress and cabinet to curb Trump's more pragmatic instincts. Trump's pressure on NATO states to increase defence spending will be a setback for Russia. While it would welcome sanctions relief, Moscow is making a point of not requesting it.

Subject Prospects for US foreign policy in 2020. Significance From January, the November elections will increasingly influence US foreign policy. While foreign policy is only one of many factors that can influence US voting behaviour, and rarely the leading one, President Donald Trump's administration will try to leverage it for political wins and votes. Yet if Trump feels his re-election effort is faltering, he may pull back from international engagement to focus on domestic politics.

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