Corruption trials will benefit South Korean government

Headline SOUTH KOREA: Corruption trials will benefit government

Significance The same day, a South Korean government source revealed that Beijing has ended bilateral military contacts since Seoul decided last July to deploy a US THAAD missile defence battery. China is also harassing mutual commerce across a growing range of sectors. Impacts Beijing seems heedless of the suspicions that its conduct raises, regionally and globally, over its trustworthiness as an economic partner. Whatever THAAD's fate, South Korea will remain structurally torn between its US ally and its Chinese neighbour and main trading partner. These disputes benefit Pyongyang, which will press ahead with the nuclear missile programme that THAAD is intended to counter.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 13-36
Norma Caroine

South Korea enacted Legislation in 2004 that penalizes pimps, traffickers, and sex industry customers while decriminalizing people in prostitution and offering assistance to leave the sex industry. In contrast, Australia Legally recognizes most sex industry activities. This article argues that Australia`s Laissezfaire approach to the sex industry hampers South Korean government efforts to prevent the crime of sex trafficking. Since 2004, pimps and traffickers have moved their activities from South Korea to countries like Australia and the US that maintain relatively hospitable operating environments for the sex industry. The Australian government should reconsider its approach to prostitution on the basis of its diplomatic obligations to countries Like South Korea and the need to uphold the human rights of women in Asia who are being trafficked and murdered as a result of sexual demand emanating from Australia. Australia should coordinate its policy on prostitution with South Korea to strengthen the region`s transnational anti-trafficking response.

2007 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-22
Soonhee Kim

This paper anlyzes the family-friendly policies and benefits currently offered by public organizations in South Korea and the United States. This study found that leaves of absence are the first types of family-friendly policy that reflect an acknowledgement on the part of government agencies in South Korea and the United States aht both men and women must face work/family conflicts in their lives. The South Korean government provides more generous leave policies than those of the American public sector. Hoewver, several family-friendly benefits provided by federal agencies in the United States, including flexible workplace and telecommuting programs, job sharing, and dependent care counseling and referral services were rarely offered by the South Korean government. Finally, the paper discussed policy implications and emphasizes managerial leadership affecting the implementation process behind these policies in public agencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-133
Ratnaningsih Hidayati ◽  
Nadya Megawati Rachman

Global pandemic of COVID-19 has bee creating economic disruption in many countries including South Korea. The decline in the trade sector due to the COVID-19 pandemic does not only affect large-scale industries. The Small and Medium Enterprises sector is also affected by the impact of the implementation of various policies in place to anticipate the spread of this virus. This study aims to provide an overview of government policies and business strategies for South Korean SMEs in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic and this study is also expected to provide input for the Government to design appropriate, fast and quality economic recovery programs for SMEs affected by COVID-19. . This paper uses a qualitative approach. The data collection technique was carried out through literature study / literature study and interviews with the Republic of Indonesia Trade Representative in South Korea. The results showed that as a country that was first affected by COVID-19, the response of the South Korean government was relatively fast and sufficient to guarantee business continuity for SMEs, there are five main policies implemented by the South Korean Government and five Business Strategies of SMEs in dealing with COVID- 19.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-136
Fajar Iswahyudi ◽  
Muhadjir Darwin ◽  
Agus Heruanto Hadna ◽  
Pande Made Kutanegara

South Korea is one of the countries that has successfully controlled Covid-19. The successes obtained by implementing policies, namely: tests, tracking, treatment, and social distancing. This success invited other countries to adopt policies. Policy adoption needs to be done by considering the policy context through three perspectives, namely rationality, organizational, and political. This research will reveal the context of South Korean policy from each perspective. The research method used to discuss the topic is document analysis. From a rationality perspective, the South Korean Government's policy has potent correlation both theoretically and empirically in controlling Covid-19. From an organizational perspective, the determination of South Korean government policy is limited by the rules apply in the organization. From a political perspective, the determination of the policy of the South Korean Government is limited by political pressure on policy makers. This condition is the reason the South Korean Government tends chooses policies for conducting tests, tracking, maintaining, and social distancing over other policies to control Covid-19. Although other policies have a better ability to control Covid-19, those who wish to adopt the policy of the South Korean Government can seek and take advantage of other policy alternatives. Especially, not experiencing organizational and political boundaries as happened in South Korea. Keywords: Covid-19, South Korea Government, Policy, Control Abstrak Korea Selatan menjadi salah satu negara yang berhasil mengendalikan Covid-19. Keberhasilan tersebut diperoleh dengan melaksanakan empat kebijakan, yaitu: pelaksanaan tes, penelusuran, perawatan, dan menjaga jarak fisik. Keberhasilan ini mengundang negara lain untuk melakukan adopsi kebijakan. Adopsi kebijakan perlu dilakukan dengan memperhatikan konteks kebijakan melalui tiga perspektif, yaitu rasionalitas, organisasional, dan politik. Penelitian ini akan mengungkap konteks kebijakan Korea Selatan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk membahas permasalahan tersebut adalah analisis dokumen. Dari perspektif rasionalitas, kebijakan Pemerintah Korea Selatan tersebut memiliki korelasi yang kuat, baik secara teoritis maupun empiris dalam mengendalikan Covid-19. Dari perspektif organisasional, penentuan kebijakan pemerintah Korea Selatan dibatasi oleh aturan yang berlaku dalam organisasi. Dari perspektif politik, penentuan kebijakan Pemerintah Korea Selatan dibatasi oleh adanya tekanan politik kepada pembuat kebijakan. Kondisi tersebut menjadi alasan mengapa Pemerintah Korea Selatan cenderung memilih kebijakan untuk pelaksanaan tes, penelusuran, perawatan, dan menjaga jarak fisik dibandingkan kebijakan lain guna mengendalikan Covid-19. Walaupun kebijakan lain tersebut memiliki kemampuan yang lebih baik dalam mengendalikan Covid-19. Untuk itu bagi para pihak yang ingin mengadopsi kebijakan Pemerintah Korea Selatan dapat mencari dan memanfaatkan alternatif kebijakan lain. Khususnya ketika tidak mengalami batasan organisasional dan politik seperti yang terjadi di Korea Selatan. Kata Kunci: Covid-19, Korea Selatan, Kebijakan, Pengendalian

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 3505
Youngjune Kim ◽  
Ji Yong Lee

The South Korean government provides large amounts of its total agricultural budget on direct payments to increase farm productivity due to the importance of the agricultural sector in South Korea. Providing direct payments can positively influence farm productivity by liquidating farm credit in input markets, while it can negatively affect farm productivity by distorting farmers’ behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to rigorously assess the effect of direct payments on productivity. This study investigated the impact of direct payments on farm productivity with a better estimation strategy, using a farm-level panel dataset from the Korean Farm Household Economy Survey. We first derived an individual farm-level productivity measure using a control function approach. We then estimated the effect of direct payments on farm productivity using the propensity score matching method. Our results showed that direct payments were associated with an increase in agricultural productivity by about 12 percent on average. The results imply that direct payments play an important role in farm production. Given that the South Korean government is currently revising the direct-payment system, our results have implications for the design of the new direct-payment system and deserve attention from policy makers.

Shin-Kue Ryu ◽  
Soon-Gwan Chung

South Korea was a hotspot of the COVID-19 pandemic with confirmed infections quickly surpassing 10,000 people. However, the country quickly responded and contained additional infections with minimal costs of lives. Hence, the question, “what did they do differently?” Building on empirical fingerprints from over 1507 pages of South Korean government press briefings on their public sector response between 31 January 2020 and 1 July 2020, we capture the sufficiency-based mechanism in operation with two key findings. First, mechanisms matter in pandemic containment, i.e., sequence, complementary activities, and systematic settings are consequential to the witnessed outcome. Second, central government-led efforts were effective and in parts necessary to deal with invisible and rapidly spreading infections beyond a single jurisdictional boundary. These findings lead to a timely discussion on whether pandemics should be treated in the same scholarly limelight as other natural disasters.

2012 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-63
Won Jee Cho ◽  
Denise Lewis

This study explored multidimensional meanings related to “becoming old” for the young-old in South Korean society. Six persons aged 62 to 68 were interviewed in-depth. They chronologically, physically, and socially experienced the transition to old age at different times determined through “Hwan-Gap” (at age 60) and through current social policies that define entry into elderhood (at age 65). However, most did not psychologically accept their own aging as beginning at age 60 with “Hwan-Gap.” They reported that they were “forced” to become old at that time, even though they did not yet qualify for old age benefits provided by the South Korean government. In addition, they did not consider others’ perceptions of them as “old” as a psychological obstacle to defining themselves as young. Knowledge about young-old persons’ dissonance between their identities and sociopolitical views of entry into elderhood is important for understanding their experiences during the five-year gap between sociocultural entry into old age at age 60 and entry into the nationally defined elderhood at age 65.

Theresia Avila Rencidiptya Gitanati Firstantin ◽  
Ummul Hasanah

The large number of tourists, students, and Muslim migrant workers in South Korea has prompted the South Korean government to start developing various kinds of halal tourism programs. These programs are very interesting and helpful for tourists, students and Muslim migrant workers to visit or live in South Korea. To find out the extent of the development of halal tourism in South Korea, this study was conducted using a descriptive -quantitative method with Indonesian people in South Korea as the object of this research. The object of this study was selected because of the large number of tourists, students, and Indonesian workers in South Korea and the majority of them as Muslim can represent other Muslim communities in South Korea. The results of this study indicate that Muslim-friendly facilities such as halal restaurants, halal food shopping applications, mosques, and prayer rooms in South Korea are quite numerous and scattered in various cities. This is certainly welcomed positively by tourists and the Muslim communities in South Korea. However, there are several things that Korean government still needs to pay attention to, especially related to the socialization of halal food that there is a standardization and process in it. Keywords: Halal Tourism, South Korea, Tourism, Halal Korea, Halal Food

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 223-228
Rudi Wibowo ◽  
Ratnawati Ratnawati

This thesis discusses Indonesia's efforts in dealing with allegations of dumping Indonesian paper products from the South Korean government. The lengthy process of negotiations and negotiations between the two countries is an obstacle in the process of settling trade disputes that occur. In this matter, Indonesia and South Korea conduct negotiations to resolve the problem of imposition of Anti-Dumping Import Duty (BMAD) for Indonesian paper products under the supervision of the authorized body of the WTO, namely the Disputes Settlement Body (DSB). The negotiations proposed by Indonesia as the claimant country to South Korea are a form of trade dispute settlement through a diplomatic mechanism. Through diplomatic steps, trade problems that occur between the two countries can be resolved concretely and peacefully. However, after the trial was running and the DSB had issued its results by winning Indonesia, both the Korea Trade Commission (KTC) and the South Korean government were reluctant to apply the results of the DSB panel session decisions. Therefore, Indonesia is trying to uphold the results of the DSB WTO panel decision through diplomacy. First, diplomacy is carried out by involving state actors directly, namely the Indonesian government. Both diplomatic efforts were carried out by Indonesian business actors in a cooperative manner at the time the KTC investigation was conducted. Indonesia is trying to uphold the results of the DSB WTO panel decision through diplomacy. First, diplomacy is carried out by involving state actors directly, namely the Indonesian government. Both diplomatic efforts were carried out by Indonesian business actors in a cooperative manner at the time the KTC investigation was conducted. Indonesia is trying to uphold the results of the DSB WTO panel decision through diplomacy. First, diplomacy is carried out by involving state actors directly, namely the Indonesian government. Both diplomatic efforts were carried out by Indonesian business actors in a cooperative manner at the time the KTC investigation was conducted. This thesis aims to describe the efforts and steps to resolve the allegation of dumping on Indonesian paper products by the South Korean government through KTC. Explain the chronology of the problem of accusations of dumping Indonesian paper products and the determination of dumping losses by the WTO. Then analyze how the efforts to resolve the problems made by the government and Indonesian businessmen in trying to implement the results of the WTO DSB panel session decisions through diplomacy.

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