Design Research of Interactive Picture Books of Cultural Education Based on Augmented Reality Technology

Han Yan ◽  
Wenxi Liu ◽  
Xinran Xia ◽  
Yangying Xu ◽  
Tianyi Ssong
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 00002
Assajie Satyananda ◽  
R. Krismono ◽  
T. W. Yudialim

Candi is one of the most important cultural heritage which contains a lot of important values for Indonesian peoples. Those important values are being stated in many relief carvings on the Candi’s walls. These relief carvings reflect the values of life that should be applied by mankind. Moreover, relief carvings also reflect Indonesian national history and cultures which is a reflection of the nation’s identity and character. This research intends to design an application named Nirbana. Nirbana utilizes Unity Program as an image, audio, and texts processing software, Vuforia Program as an Augmented Reality processor for smartphones, and Augmented Reality technology as an output media in the form of visual graphics, this entire unit is incorporated into a system called Relief Identification System (SIRel). This application is expected to be a solution for the problems experienced by Indonesian people who have difficulty in accessing information about relief carvings in Candis. Nirbana is expected to be a prototype for every cultural heritage management in an effort to exploit the potency of technology for the benefit of Indonesian cultural education. Moreover, this program is targeted to become a medium to socialize and instill Indonesian noble values to the present and future generations. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Fendi Aji Purnomo

<p>Abstrak :</p><p>Usia dini merupakan salah satu masa penting bagi seorang anak dalam mengembangkan bakat dan potensinya. Dalam Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini juga diajari untuk mengenal tentang berbagai macam hewan contohnya serangga. Anak-anak mulai diperkenalkan pembelajaran tentang berbagai macam hewan serangga seperti belalang, kepik, wangwung, lalat, nyamuk dan sebagainya. Guru mengenalkan berbagai macam serangga tersebut dengan menggunakan media buku bergambar. Buku bergambar memiliki keterbatasan, yaitu hanya menampilkan gambar dan teks. Teknologi <em>Augmented Reality </em>dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media bantu pembelajaran mengenalkan berbagai macam serangga dengan menambahkan objek 3 dimensi di atas media buku tersebut. Metode penelitian mengadopsi metode <em>Multimedia Development Life Cycle</em> (MDLC). MDLC terdiri dari enam tahap yaitu pengonsepan, perancangan, pengumpulan materi, pembuatan, pengujian , dan pendistribusian. Hasil penelitian berupa aplikasi pembelajaran tentang pengenalan aneka macam serangga dalam aplikasi android. Aplikasi AR SERANGGA ini dibuat secara interaktif dengan menggunakan alat bantu <em>marker </em>untuk menampilkan obyek dalam bentuk 3 dimensi dan informasi yang ditampilkan agar anak usia dini tertarik atau antusias dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar yang dibuktikan dengan 70% responden memberikan nilai setuju atas aplikasi ini.</p><p>_____________________________</p><p>Abstract : </p><p><em>Early childhood is one of the important times for a child to develop his talents and potential. In Early Childhood Education, it is also taught to get to know various kinds of animals, for example insects. Children were introduced to learning about various kinds of insects such as grasshoppers, ladybugs, wangwung, flies, mosquitoes and so on. The teacher introduces the various kinds of insects using picture books as media. Picture books have limitations, which only display pictures and text. Augmented Reality technology can be used as a learning aid to introduce various kinds of insects by adding 3-dimensional objects on top of the book media. The research method adopted the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) method. The MDLC consists of six stages, namely drafting, designing, gathering materials, manufacturing, testing, and distributing. The results of the research are in the form of a learning application about the introduction of various kinds of insects in an android application. The AR SERANGGA application is made interactively by using marker tools to display objects in 3-dimensional form and the information displayed so that early childhood is interested or enthusiastic in teaching and learning activities as evidenced by 70% of respondents giving agreed scores on this application.</em></p>

Тетяна Грунтова ◽  
Юлія Єчкало ◽  
Андрій Стрюк ◽  
Андрій Пікільняк

Hruntova T. V., Yechkalo YU. V., Stryuk A. M. and Pikilʹnyak A. V. Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions. Research goal: the research is aimed at theoretical substantiation of applying the augmented reality technology and its peculiarities at higher technical educational institutions. Research objectives: the research is to solve the problems of determining the role and place of the technology in the educational process and its possible application to physics training. Object of research: teaching physics to students of higher technical educational institutions. Subject of research: the augmented reality technology as a component of the training process at higher educational institutions. Research methods used: theoretical methods include analysis of scientific and methodological literature; empirical methods include studying and observation of the training process. Research results: analysis of scientific publications allows defining the notion of augmented reality; application of augmented reality objects during laboratory practical works on physics is suggested. Main conclusions. introduction of the augmented reality technology in thetraining process at higher technical educational institutions increases learning efficiency, facilitates students’ training and cognitive activities, improves the quality of knowledge acquisition, provokes interest in a subject, promotesdevelopment of research skills and a future specialist’s competent personality.

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