scholarly journals Validation of a perioperative population factor VIII pharmacokinetic model with a large cohort of pediatric hemophilia A patients

Tim Preijers ◽  
Ri Liesner ◽  
Hendrika C. A. M. Hazendonk ◽  
Pratima Chowdary ◽  
Mariëtte H. E. Driessens ◽  
Haematologica ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. haematol.2019.241554 ◽  
Andreas Tiede ◽  
Faraizah Abdul Karim ◽  
Victor Jiménez-Yuste ◽  
Robert Klamroth ◽  
Sandra Lejniece ◽  

Haematologica ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 101 (10) ◽  
pp. 1159-1169 ◽  
H. Hazendonk ◽  
K. Fijnvandraat ◽  
J. Lock ◽  
M. Driessens ◽  
F. van der Meer ◽  

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (01) ◽  
pp. 017-022 ◽  
Sylvia T Singer ◽  
Joseph E Addiego ◽  
Donald C Reason ◽  
Alexander H Lucas

SummaryIn this study we sought to determine whether factor VUI-reactive T lymphocytes were present in hemophilia A patients with inhibitor antibodies. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNC) were obtained from 12 severe hemophilia A patients having high titer inhibitors, 4 severe hemophilia A patients without inhibitors and 5 normal male subjects. B cell-depleted MNC were cultured in serum-free medium in the absence or presence of 2 µg of recombinant human factor VIII (rFVIII) per ml, and cellular proliferation was assessed after 5 days of culture by measuring 3H-thymidine incorporation. rFVIII induced marked cellular proliferation in cultures of 4 of 12 inhibitor-positive hemophilia patients: fold increase over background (stimulation index, SI) of 7.8 to 23.3. The remaining 8 inhibitor-positive patients, the 4 hemophilia patients without inhibitors and the 5 normal subjects, all had lower proliferative responses to rFVIII, SI range = 1.6 to 6.0. As a group, the inhibitor-positive subjects had significantly higher proliferative responses to rFVIII than did the inhibitor-negative and normal subjects (p < 0.05 by t-test). Cell fractionation experiments showed that T lymphocytes were the rFVIII-responsive cell type, and that monocytes were required for T cell proliferation. Thus, rFVIII-reactive T lymphocytes are present in the peripheral circulation of some inhibitor-positive hemophilia A patients. These T cells may recognize FVIII in an antigen-specific manner and play a central role in the regulation of inhibitor antibody production

1992 ◽  
Vol 67 (01) ◽  
pp. 019-027 ◽  
Joseph E Addiego ◽  
Edward Gomperts ◽  
Liu Shu-Len ◽  
Patricia Bailey ◽  
Suzanne G Courter ◽  

SummaryTo reduce the risk of pathogenic virus transmission associated with the therapeutic administration of plasma-derived antihemophilic factor (FVIIIc), a process utilizing anti-FVIIIc immunoaffinity chromatography to isolate FVIIIc has been developed. In addition, the starting cryoprecipitate solution has been treated with an organic solvent/detergent mixture to inactivate lipid-enveloped viruses. A final ion exchange chromatography step is used to further remove contaminants, e.g., anti-FVIIIc antibody, potentially leached with FVIIIc during the immunoaffinity step. The purified FVTII is stabilized for lyophili-zation and storage by the addition of human albumin. The monoclonal anti-FVIIIc antibody used in the immunoaffinity step of the process is not detectable in the final preparation. Viral reduction studies performed at specific steps of the process demonstrate that 11 logs of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and greater than 4-5 logs of other lipid-enveloped viruses are inactivated within the first 30 s of exposure to the solvent/ detergent mixture and 4-5 logs of various model viruses, e. g. Endomyocarditis virus (EMC), are physically removed during washing of the immunoaffinity column. The lyophilized product is reconstituted using sterile water in a matter of seconds.The pharmacokinetics of Hemofil® M were compared to those obtained using a standard heat-treated concentrate (Hemofil® CT) in five severe factor VIII deficient hemophiliacs in a randomized, cross-over study. No statistically significant differences were observed in mean half life (p >0.6) or median recovery (p = 0.4) between the two preparations. No clinically significant adverse effects were observed in patients receiving either FVIII preparation.In addition, 43 patients at 18 different centers underwent pharmacokinetic studies, with a nominal dose of 50 u/kg FVIIIc Hemofil® M. The mean recovery was 103.6%, and the t 1/2 was 14.6 h. The recovery of FVIII in this group was as expected, providing an increase of assayed FVIII of approximately 2% per unit of FVTII/kg infused.Clinical trials using Hemofil® M have been initiated in 124 hemophilia A patients. The safety and efficacy of Hemofil® M has been established. To date, 0 of 60 patients tested have seroconverted to HIV. None of the previously untreated patients show clinical or laboratory evidence of Non-A, Non-B hepatitis (NANB), with 21 patients remaining negative as far as presence of antibodies to the Hepatitis C virus (a-HCV negative) at least 6 months after the initial infusion. There is no evidence of neoantigenicity, evidenced by seroconversion to murine antibody. An 8.7% (2 of 23) prevalence of anti-FVIIIc inhibitor development has been observed in previously untreated patients with FVIIIc⩽3%, receiving only the monoclonally purified solvent/ detergent treated FVIII concentrate while on study and on poststudy surveillance. All patients demonstrated clinical hemostasis following product use for either on demand bleeding or surgical prophylaxis.

1980 ◽  
Vol 44 (01) ◽  
pp. 039-042 ◽  
Philip M Blatt ◽  
Doris Ménaché ◽  
Harold R Roberts

SummaryThe treatment of patients with hemophilia A and anti-Factor VIII antibodies is difficult. Between July 1977 and June 1978, a survey was carried out by an ad hoc working party of the subcommittee on Factor IX concentrates of the International Committee on Thrombosis and Hemostasis to assess the effectiveness of Prothrombin Complex Concentrates in controlling hemorrhage in these patients. The results are presented in this paper and, although subjective, support the view that these concentrates are not as effective in patients with inhibitors as Factor VIII concentrates are in patients without inhibitors.

1963 ◽  
Vol 09 (01) ◽  
pp. 030-052 ◽  
Eberhard Mammen

SummaryIn this paper an inhibitor is described that is found in hemophilic plasma and serum different from any till now described inhibitor. The inhibitor only inhibits prothrombin activation in the “intrinsic clotting systems”. This inhibitor is probably not present in normal human plasma or serum. It is destroyed by ether and freeze drying, is labile to acid and storage at room temperature. It is stable upon dialysis and has not been adsorbed on barium sulfate, aluminum hydroxide or kaolin. It precipitates at 50% v/v saturation with alcohol. The nature of this inhibitor seems to be a protein or lipoprotein.Factor VIII was isolated from hemophilic plasma. The amount isolated was the same as from normal plasma and the activity properties were not different. Hemophiliacs have normal amounts of factor VIII.

1966 ◽  
Vol 16 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 574-585
G. F Grannis ◽  
L. A Kazal

SummaryThe effects of hereditary deficiencies of thromboplastic proteins (hemophilia A and B) on the time course of thrombin appearance and disappearance in plasma (the thrombin activity curve, TAC) were compared with the effects of a naturally occurring gamma-globulin inhibitor of thromboplastic activity and with an anti-thromboplastic activity derived from cephalin (phosphatidylserine-lipoprotein complex).Both inhibitors inhibit reactions involving the protein in which hemophilia A plasma is deficient (factor VIII).

1966 ◽  
Vol 16 (03/04) ◽  
pp. 559-573 ◽  
L Uszyński

SummaryRabbits immunized against human AHG fibrinogen-free preparations, were shown to produce anti-AHG antibodies. The inhibitory activity of these antibodies was tested by thromboplastin generation test, thrombelastography, and the specific anti-AHG antibodies neutralization test. The latter test permitted quantitative determination of antigenic form of factor VIII. The inhibitory activity of anti-FI-O-Ta serum resulted exclusively from the anti-AHG antibodies which in coagulation tests behaved like circulating anticoagulants directed against factor VIII.The anti-AHG antibodies were neutralizable by normal human serum or plasma even contained only trace of AHG activity after storage. There was no antigenic form of factor VIII in the severely affected patients with hemophilia A, von Willebrand’s disease nor in the normal plasma adsorbed on bentonite. The presented results suggest a molecular defect of factor VIII in patients with hemophilia A. The severe form of this disease depends, probably, on a major impairment of AHG biosynthesis, leading to changes in the antigenic properties of the molecule. The AHG from rabbit, porcine and bovine plasma respectively did not neutralize the anti-AHG antibodies formed in rabbits immunized against human factor VIII preparations.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (05) ◽  
pp. 1352-1356 ◽  
Emel Aygören-Pürsün ◽  
Inge Scharrer ◽  

SummaryIn this open multicenter study the safety and efficacy of recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) was assessed in 39 previously treated patients with hemophilia A (factor VIII basal activity ≤15%).Recombinant FVIII was administered for prophylaxis and treatment of bleeding episodes and for surgical procedures. A total of 3679 infusions of rFVIII were given. Efficacy of rFVIII as assessed by subjective evaluation of response to infusion and mean annual consumption of rFVIII was comparable to that of plasma derived FVIII concentrates. The incremental recovery of FVIII (2.4 ± 0,83%/IU/kg, 2.12 ± 0.61%/IU/kg, resp.) was within the expected range. No clinical significant FVIII inhibitor was detected in this trial. Five of 16 susceptible patients showed a seroconversion for parvovirus B19. However, the results are ambiguous in two cases and might be explained otherwise in one further case. Thus, in two patients a reliable seroconversion for parvovirus B19 was observed.

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