A systematic review of social research data collection methods used to investigate voluntary animal disease reporting behaviour

Gareth Enticott ◽  
Lynsey Earl ◽  
M. Carolyn Gates
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-44
Deni Herdiyana

This research was conducted to analyze the accounting policy for excise tape inventory which is implemented in the KPPBC Type Madya Cukai Kediri. The research method used is through a qualitative approach. To support this research, data collection methods were carried out which included literature studies and field studies related to the supply of excise stamps for the 2019. The results of the study can be concluded that KPPBC TMC Kediri has recognized and recorded excise inventory accounting by applying accrual basis and as a whole is in accordance with the regulations of government accounting standards, but there is an acknowledgment of inventory excise stamps in KPPBC TMC Kediri which is not yet in accordance with PMK Number 224/PMK.05/2016. Furthermore, KPPBC TMC Kediri has implemented the SAKTI application to support its accounting business processes. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisa kebijakan akuntansi persediaan pita cukai yang diimplementasikan di KPPBC Tipe Madya Cukai Kediri. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Untuk mendukung penelitian tersebut, dilakukan metode pengumpulan data yang mencakup studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan terkait persediaan pita cukai TA 2019. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa KPPBC TMC Kediri telah melakukan pengakuan dan pencatatan akuntansi persediaan  cukai dengan penerapan basis akrual dan secara keseluruhan telah sesuai dengan peraturan standar akuntansi pemerintahan, namun terdapat salah satu pengakuan persediaan pita cukai di KPPBC TMC Kediri yang belum sesuai dengan PMK Nomor 224/PMK.05/2016. Selanjutnya,  KPPBC TMC Kediri telah mengimplementasikan aplikasi SAKTI untuk menunjang proses bisnis akuntansinya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 158
K.M. Widi Hutami ◽  
I.D.A. Made Budhyani ◽  
I.G. Sudirtha

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) tata rias wajah (2) tata rias rambut, (3) tata busana (4) aksesoris dari tata rias pengantin Agung Kabupaten Tabanan. Jenis penelitian merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara observasi dan wawancara. Sumber data dari A.A. Ayu Ketut Agung sebagai informan kunci, selaku pemilik LKP Salon Agung dan Penglingsir Puri Agung Kabupaten Tabanan, Sagung Oka Pradnyawati selaku pemiliki LKP Salon Anggun dan Made Rahayuni selaku pemilik salon Candra Dewi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni sampai Juli tahun 2019 di Kabupaten Kabupaten Tabanan. Instrumen penelitian ini adalah lembar observasi dan lembar wawancara. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah teknik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tata rias pengantin Agung Kabupaten Tabanan terdiri dari (1) tata rias wajah untuk pengantin pria yaitu alis- alis, perona mata, perona pipi, eyeliner, perona bibir dan tata rias wajah untuk pengantin wanita yaitu serinata, alis-alis, hiasan mata, hidung, perona pipi, hiasan bibir, gecek dan penampel pelengan. (2) tata rias rambut untuk pengantin pria menggunakan udeng emas dan tata rias rambut untuk pengantin wanita yaitu pembuatan semi, petitis meruncing berbentuk jantung hati, bunga mawar, bunga cempaka kuning, bunga cempaka putih, bunga sandat, bunga emas, bancangan, bunga kap, bunga kompyong, puspalembo, sanggul gelung tanduk. (3) tata busana untuk pengantin pria menggunakan baju kerah berdiri dengan hiasan emas, umpal prada, wastra prada, saput songket dan tata busana untuk pengantin wanita menggunakan selendang once jawa, selendang ktengsun, wastra songket, tapih prada, sabuk prada. (4) aksesoris untuk pengantin pria menggunakan rumbing dan keris dan aksesoris untuk pengantin wanita menggunakan kalung, subeng, gelang naga satru, gelang kana, sabuk emas, dan cincin. Kata kunci : aksesoris, busana, tata rias, pengantin agung Kabupaten Tabanan ABSTRACT This study aims to describe (1) facial make-up (2) hair make-up (3) fashion (4) accessories from bridal make-up Agung Kabupaten Tabanan. Type of research used is descriptive research. Data collection methods are done by observation and interviews. Source of data from A.A. Ayu Ketut Agung as the owner of the Agung salon LKP and Agung Kabupaten Tabanan castle chancellor, Sagung Oka Pradnyawati as the owner of the Anggung LKP, and Made Rahayuni as the owner of the Candra Dewi salon. This research was conducted from June to July 2019 in Kabupaten Tabanan Regency. The instrument of this study was the observation sheet and interview sheet. Data analysis used was descriptive technique. The results of this study indicate that bridal make-up Agung Kabupaten Tabanan for brides consists of (1) face make-up namely serinata, eyebrows, eye decoration, nose decoration, blush on, lip colour, gecek and penampel pelengan and bridal make-up Agung Kabupaten Tabanan for the groom is face make-up namely eyebrows, eye decoration, blush on, eyeliner, lip colour. (2) Hairdressing on the bride namely making semi, petitis heart shaped, roses, white cempaka flowers, yellow cempaka flowers, ylang flowers, golden flowers, bancangan, bunga kap, kompyong, puspalembo, and sanggul gelung tanduk and the groom’s hair dressing is using udeng emas. (3) Fashion used on the bride is the scarf once jawa, the scarf ktengsun, wastra songket, tapih prada, sabuk prada and the clothes used are baju kerah emas, umpal prada, saput songket, and wastra prada. (4) The accessories used on the bride are the rings, necklaces, gelang nagasatru, gelang kana, and sabuk emas and the accessories used are rumbing and keris. Keyword : Accessories, fashion, make-up, bridal Kabupaten Tabanan

Al-Qalam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 421
Khaerun Nisa'

This study aims to determine the process of implementation the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the Konjo community adult process, how is the existance of the <em>parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attarasa’s </em>tradition in the modern area, and how is the islamic perspective on the procession of tradition. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. Data sources are primary and secondary data. Researcher as a key instrument. Data collection methods are observation, deep interview and documentation. <em>Parunrungi baju </em>and <em>attrarasa’s </em>tradition is a traditional ceremony held by Konjo community in eastern Bulukumba, when  a child enters adulthood. The traditional still exists carried out by the community of Konjo until now, as a way to appreciate the ancestrals heritage. According to the islamic perpective on the procession of the traditional ceremonies, such as the presentation of offerings and flattening of teeth <em>(attarasa)</em> is considered contradictory to the existing rules in islam.<br /><p align="center"> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-172
Novrita Widiyastuti

Mata Najwa, a talk show hosted by Najwa Shihab, on September 29, 2020 uploaded unusual video which questioning the existence of Terawan Agus Putranto, The Minister of Health Republic Indonesia at that time, whom never appears in the media to make statement about Government’s treatment of pandemic Covid-19. Mata Najwa tried to attract public’s attention by uploading a video that using empty chair interview technique, pretends Terawan was shows up in the middle of the show. Until the video with hastag #MataNajwaMenantiTerawan became trending topic in Twitter and created new humor discourses from netizens. The humor discourses in this hashtag is interested to be researched, that makes the objective of this research is to discover humor discourses contained in the video #MataNajwaMenantiTerawan, as well as user’s tweets that created new humor discourses in Twitter. Concept framework of this research is concepts about satire, parody, parikena, dan sarcasm. Research method: constructivism paradigm with qualitative type of research. Data collection methods: observing video Mata Najwa duration 4 minutes 22 seconds, timeline on Twitter with hashtag #MataNajwaMenantiTerawan, interview with Executive Producer of Mata Najwa from Narasi TV and documentation from various sources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 352-371 ◽  
Heike Boeltzig-Brown ◽  
Allison R. Fleming ◽  
Miriam Heyman ◽  
Martha Gauthier ◽  
Julisa Cully ◽  

Purpose:To conduct a systematic review (SR) of 550 studies produced between 1970 and 2008 that focus on programs and/or services provided by state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies believed to impact client and/or program outcomes.Method:Authors used a 5-step SR protocol to evaluate and summarize study content and outcomes, study design, and data collection methods.Results:Results indicate that the VR research base is highly varied in terms of the research focus with respect to programs and services, populations, and outcomes and that it spans across a wide range of research designs and data collection methods.Conclusions:The majority of the studies included in this review relied on administrative data, particularly Rehabilitation Services Administration data, and surveys. Only a small number of studies employed some type of experimental design, suggesting a lack of application of this type of research design. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.

2017 ◽  
Mark D. Mann

Foundational Text for Coaching Action Research with detailed methods of collecting action research data using current best practices in web based data collection. The use of the ELM programming language is described with tutorials on collecting ones own data (using firebase and/or local storage) on tactical and technical coaching techniques, strategies, and outcomes. In turn, data aggregated from these innovative data collection methods will be used in Athlete Centered Coaching Research Initiatives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 187 ◽  
pp. 107329
Yan Feng ◽  
Dorine Duives ◽  
Winnie Daamen ◽  
Serge Hoogendoorn

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Siti Ayamil Choliyah ◽  
Muhammad Mas'ud

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pencapaian belajar dengan menerapkan materi Yanbu'a untuk membaca al-Qur'an dalam semester ganjil siswa kelas VII-D dan VII-E SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga tahun akademik 2014/2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan kelas. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara, dokumentasi, pengamatan, dan tes evaluasi. Indikator kesuksesan dalam studi ini adalah ketika nilai rata-rata kelas sebesar 65 kelas dan presentase ketuntasan belajar sebesar 75%. Penelitian ini didahului oleh tahap pra-siklus untuk mencari informasi tentang masalah dan apa penyebabnya. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, diberikan solusi untuk masalah-masalah dalam siklus 1 dan siklus 2. Setiap siklus terdiri dari empat tahap: perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Dalam siklus 1 dan siklus 2 diadakan masing-masing dua kali pertemuan. Nilai rata-rata penguasaan belajar klasik mencapai 60.78 dengan 36.84% sebelum melakukan tindakan. Pada tahap siklus 1 setelah langkah-langkah yang diimplementasikan nilai rata-rata siswa naik ke 73.70 dengan prosentase 73.68%. Kemudian dalam siklus 2 setelah evaluasi pelaksanaan langkah-langkah yang hasil siswa belajar telah meningkat 82.11, mencapai penguasaan 86.84% untuk belajar klasik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa belajar dengan menerapkan metode Yanbu'a dapat meningkatkan pencapaian untuk membaca al-Qur'an untuk siswa kelas VII-D dan VII-E SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga tahun akademik 2014/2015. This study aims to determine the achievement of learning by applying the material Yanbu'a to recite al-Qur’an in the odd semester students of class VII-D and VII-E SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015. This study uses a Classroom Action Research. Data collection methods used was interviews, documentation, and observation as well evaluation tests. Indicators of success in this study were an average of class 65 and classical learning completeness percentage of 75%. Based on the existing problems analyzed by the pre-test, the solution is given to the problems in cycle 1 and cycle 2. Each cycle consists of four phases: planning, implementation, observation and reflection and the meetings were held twice respectively. The average score on learning classical mastery is 60.78 with 36.84% before having action. In the cycle 1, after the treatment, the average learners’ score is 73.70 by 73.68% classical learning completeness. Then in cycle 2 after the evaluation, students’ learning outcomes has increased, reaching 82.11 to 86.84%. Based on the results, it can be concluded that learning by applying Yanbu’a method can improve students achievement to read al-Qur’an of VII-D and VII-E class of SMP Negeri 3 Salatiga in the academic year 2014/2015.  Kata Kunci: Yanbu’a method, al-Qur’an, Prestasi

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-93
Ahmad Nashir ◽  
Abdul Halib

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas daya ingat hafalan quran pondok pesantren dan emosional quetient para alumni setelah kembali kemasyarakat”dan untuk mengetahui Penelitian ini adalah merupakan penelitian (Field Research). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dengan jalan mengadakan penelitian secara langsung kelokasi yang menjadi tempat  penelitian. Untuk melengkapi data penelitian digunakan instrnment penelitian observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, sehingga data terkumpul dan dianalisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa,“Sistem Pembinaan Halaqah di Markaz Tahfidz Alquran Al-birr sudah diterapkan dan sudah menjadi program tahfidz Al-birr Malino yang diterapkan sejak dulu dan berjalan sampai saat ini” dimana dalam sistem pembinaan dalam menghafal Alquran yaitu, “sistem tahsin, sistem privat dan sistem mandiri” dan “faktor-faktor yang mendukung yaitu, mampu memahami ilmu tajwid dan mudah melafaskannya, kemauan santri itu sendiri, berkat dorongan dan motivasi orangtua, serta tidak jauh dari bimbingan ustdaz/pembina tahfidz”Kata Kunci: Pembinaan Halaqah, Kecerdasan Emosional  The purpose of this study is to investigate the recall memorizing the Quran of students at boarding school and graduated emotional quotient after returning the society "and to know it. This is a research study (Field Research). The method used is to use the data collection methods used to conduct the research directly to location as the place to study. To complement the research data used instrument observational studies, interviews, documentation, so that the data is collected and analyzed. The results showed that the "System Development Halaqah in Markaz Tahfidz Qur'an Al-birr has been implemented and is already a program Tahfidz Al-birr Malino applied since the first and walked up to the moment" in which the coaching system in memorizing the Qur'an that, "the system tahsin, system of private and self-contained system "and" the factors that support that is, able to understand the science of tajwid and easy to pronounce it, the willingness of the students themselves, thanks to the encouragement and motivation of parents, and not far from the guidance ustdaz / builder Tahfidz" Keywords: Halaqah Coaching, Emotional Intelligenc

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