talk show
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2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-197
Sri Yulianti ◽  
Burhanuddin Arafah ◽  
Ummu Rofikah ◽  
Andi Muhammad Syafri Idris ◽  
Nurfaizah Samsur ◽  

Conversational implicature seems to be an everlasting concern in pragmatics for its wide-ranging investigation possibility. Applying Gricean’s principles, the present study examined the types of conversational implicatures found in the Saturday Night Live talk show. This research used a qualitative method with a pragmatic approach. The research data were collected from the utterances in Season 46 Episode 5 accessed from MBC's channel (www. saturday night live – NBC.COM). The result indicated that there were two types of conversational implicatures found in Saturday Night Live talk show namely: First, particularized conversational implicature, and second, generalized conversational implicature. We found that the utterances containing particularized implicature outnumbered the ones with generalized implicature. In our interpretation, the dominance of particularized implicature reflects the centrality of the particular context in producing and inferring utterances for meaningful and effective communication.

CALL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Astrid Astrid ◽  
Faidah Yusuf ◽  
Jumharia Djamereng

This study is to determine the various forms of conversational implicature and their function on the talk show Oprah Winfrey Network's SuperSoul Sunday Program. The data were evaluated descriptively qualitatively. The results show that three types of data classified as generalized conversational implicature and eleven types of data classified as particularized conversational implicature, depending on the utterance. Each host has a unique personality and circumstance, which contributes to defiance of the dictum. By floating the maxim, the speaker inferred meaning through his or her justifications, which either too brief or too detailed. As a result, the speaker delivered an irrelevant and ambiguous speech in response to the interlocutor. In conclusion, this implicature discovered the representational, directive, expressive, and declarative functions of utterances.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (12) ◽  
pp. 122-131
Dita Sukmawati Putri ◽  
Djatmika ◽  
Miftah Nugroho

The use of impolite language is often found in various areas of conversation, both formal and informal conversations. Being polite is different from speaking rudely. Impoliteness is often expressed with harsh words. Impoliteness can be expressed even with a sentence of praise. The Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show is a television program that presents formal discussions on political and government issues in Indonesia. This study focuses on the reasons for using impoliteness that occurs in the dialogue on the Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a pragmatic approach. The data in this study are in the form of dialogues that contain impoliteness. The source of this research data is taken from the talk show Indonesia Lawyers Club. The data analyzed in this study are in the form of natural oral data. The data analysis method used is the referential equivalent method. The presentation of data analysis used is informal presentation techniques. The results of this study indicate the discovery of 4 impoliteness strategies and 3 reasons for using impoliteness. The 4 strategies are bald on record, positive impoliteness, negative impoliteness, and mock politeness. The reasons for using impoliteness in the Indonesia Lawyers Club talk show include the feeling that their opinion is the most correct, wanting to embarrass the speech partner and the speaker's personal interests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Fornia Fornia ◽  
Arif Susanto

Voice of Indonesia is part of institution broadcast public that owned by Radio of Republic Indonesia. Diplomatic Forum is one of Voice of Indonesia's program. The concept of this program is talk show who talking about politic, economic and culture issues. The participant of this program are the ambbassador, part of the ministry or academics who expert in discussion topic. This research is to describe, analysis role of Voice of Indonesia through Diplomatic Forum Programme. This research is use by qualitative methods with constructivist paradigm. The result of this research taken by semi-structure interview and use literature study. The result of this research found that Diplomatic Forum Programme is one of Voice of Indonesia's implementation from vision and mission Voice of Indonesia to become one of Instution owned by nation that can to build character nation and make positive image into foreign. Through diplomatic forum, foreigner listeners more understand about policies that apply in Indonesia thru the result of expert's discussion in that programme and also help promote Indonesia into foreigners.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 210-225
Tetiana Kushnirova ◽  
Anna Pavelieva ◽  
Olena Kobzar ◽  
Inha Kapustian

The present article concentrates on the concept of “narrative” as a literary category, its characteristics and structural elements. The authors of the article concretize the idea of “narrative”, analyze the main narrative theories, and compare the basic concepts of narratology in the scientific works of outstanding scholars. The “multiple” narrator can be found in the works of original genre with complex compositional and narrative structure. In such narrative structures, the narrator can create his own “reality”, his own author's myth through the view angle of each character. This is typical of modern genre forms, where the plot is built on new genre canons, such as novel forms of the “talk show” format or “SMS” novel. The “multiple” narrator forms the structure, provides plot-compositional unity, “leads” narrative story and influences the genre modification of the literary work. Structural types of “multiple” narrator can perceive the reality subjectively and have the ability to present their own vision of reality and interact with other narrative components such as narrator, recipient, author-demiurge, the signs of which are closely interwoven in the modern text. The narrative component of the novel “Olive Kitteridge” by E. Strout is examined in the article as multi-vector, characterized by free narrative and by a heterodiegetic narrator in an extradiegetic situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-50
Mohammad Muhassin

Political discourse on the 2019 Indonesian presidential election has been studied from a variety of linguistic viewpoints.  However, the  pros and cons discourse on  Joko Widodo's coalition with Prabowo in spite of their rivalry has not been examined through  critical discourse analysis.  This study aims to explore the text structure, social cognition, and social context of the pros dan cons discourse as the theme of Mata Najwa talk show. This is a kind of qualitative analytical research using van Dijk’s (1996, 2015) critical discourse analysis framework. The data comprised utterances of the talk show participants examined through three levels of analysis: description of text structure, interpretation of social cognition, and explanation of social context. The study found the use of macrostructure, superstructure, and microstructure as textual elements that support the discourse theme. Meanwhile, the theme selection is influenced by the host’s ideology that serves the theme's pro-coalition stance. The social context underlying the discourse production is the representation of  Joko Widodo, who utilized his power to forge a coalition with the opponents through political bargaining. The implication of this study is to increase public awareness on the importance of critically viewing political news so that the negative excesses of political propaganda do not easily provoke them through mass media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Eko Suroso ◽  
Siti Fathonah

Ketika peneliti melihat acara talk show Hotman Paris Show di youtube Januari 2020, peneliti menemukan tuturan Kamu diundang ke sini sebatas entertaiment kalau saya terima kado dari kamu, nanti saya seolah saya menghianati klien saya. Jadi kita hanya diskusi sebatas dunia akting tidak membahas kasus makanya pertama suara kamu kok bikin jangkrik bangun. Pada tuturan itu tampak adanya implikatur percakapan dengan fungsi menyatakan. Fungsi implikatur percakapan yang lain juga peneliti temukan pada beberapa percakapan yang berbeda. Permasalahan yang kemudian muncul adalah Fungsi Implikatur apa sajakah yang terdapat pada Para Pelaku Talk Show Hotman Paris Show Unggahan Youtube 2020? Impilikatur adalah penggunaan makna dibalik makna yang harfiah (makna non natural). Fungsi tuturan adalah Tuturan yang disampaikan penutur dengan maksud tersirat kepada mitra tutur. Fungsi tuturan itu ada tiga yaitu menyatatakan, menanyakan, dan menyuruh. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data penelitian ini adalah tuturan Para Pelaku Talk Show Hotman Paris Show.  Teknik pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap. Analisis  data dilakukan  dengan teknik padan pragmatik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tuturan para pelaku pada Talk Show Hotman Paris Show memiliki tiga fungsi implikatur percakapan yaitu fungsi menyatakan (Terbanyak), menanyakan (Cukup banyak), dan memerintah (sedikit).

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 7
Armin Langer

Since 2015, Israeli-born German artist Shahak Shapira has initiated several satirical campaigns targeting antisemitism and racism in Germany and the country’s relation to the Holocaust. These interventions set Shapira’s career in motion, and in 2019 he landed a slot on the ZDF public broadcasting channel for the talk show Shapira Shapira. The show mocked antisemitism and far-right movements in Germany and reminded the viewers of the country’s history with Jews. His jokes about concentration camps and their contemporary perceptions proved to be especially effective. This article shows how Shahak Shapira and his show challenged the official narratives about Jews, antisemitism and the Holocaust. It argues that Shapira’s jokes might empower Jews and foster Holocaust awareness among the general public in Germany.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 229-232
Meixuan Li

The article crawls the audience comments from some videos on the YouTube platform of "Talk Show Conference Season 3", extracts relevant content about popular champions Wang Mian and Wang Jianguo for sentiment analysis, uses Google Data API to design a crawler to obtain comment content, and to crawl After the received content is preprocessed, Word2vec is used to build a word vector model, and finally an LSTM model is built for training prediction. It can be seen that the popularity of the player Wang Mian is higher than that of Wang Jianguo. The entertainment company where the two are located can adjust the artist's work according to the changes in the public's love for the players.

2021 ◽  
pp. 213-214
Kent Cartwright

I completed the manuscript for this book during the COVID-19 pandemic of Spring 2020. I happened to have been in Italy, where people spent almost three months in unusually restrictive “lockdown.” Connected with the outside through digital publications and social media, Italy and the world responded to the pandemic not only with recognition and empathy regarding the unfolding tragedy but also with pervasive and inventive humor. Immediately after rules for “social distancing” were promulgated, an Italian cartoon appeared in which a man and a woman are chatting each other up while an official kneels between them measuring the distance. When handshakes and hugs were discouraged, comic videos popped up on YouTube with individuals touching elbows or shoes in dance-like choreography; indeed, YouTube became loaded with hilarious skits, send-ups, and funny talk-show bits related to the pandemic. My old roommate from college, who kept an e-mailing list for social and political jokes, used it for the pandemic almost every day. Comedy, of course, cannot remove sickness and death, as Berowne acknowledges, but it can help us endure, and, even more, it can provide the shift in perspective that allows us to engage with something in a new way, to reimagine it, just as a joke can alter the momentum and possibilities of a casual conversation or a committee meeting. Shifting into the comic moment requires us to put our political, social, economic, religious, or other differences aside. We just might come back from it having changed our attitudes, and we might find ourselves, later, in the wake of the moment of comic enchantment, thinking more deeply still about matters....

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