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Published By Balai Penelitian Dan Pengembangan Agama Makassar

2540-895x, 0854-1221

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 265
AM Saifullah Aldeia ◽  
Israpil Israpil

<p><em>Pelaksanaan kegiatan wirausaha menjadi elemen penting yang harus mendapat perhatian oleh pengelola pesantren agar dapat menjadi lembaga pendidikan yang mandiri.  Pelaksanaannya juga harus dilaksanakan secara sistematis melalui penerapan fungsi-fungsi manajemen. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah mengapa kewirausahaan perlu dikembangkan di pondok pesantren Muhammadiyah Boarding School Prambanan; Bagaimana praktik manajemen kewirausahaan dalam membangun kemandirian di pondok pesantren Muhammadiyah Boarding School. Penelitian ini bertujuan Mendeskripsikan proses manajemen kewirausahaan sebagai upaya membangun kemandirian di pondok pesantren Muhammadiyah Boarding School Prambanan. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi.  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan hasil: (1) sejak awal berdiri pada tahun 2008, pondok pesantren MBS telah menjadikan  program kewirausahaan sebagai bagian dari master plan pengembangan lembaga. (2) Dalam pengelolaan kegiatan wirausaha diterapkan fungsi manajemen yaitu dari perencanaan, pengorganisasian, Pelaksanaan  dan pengawasan. (3) Fungsi perencanaan diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan rapat kerja yang dilaksanakan  setiap awal tahun ajaran. (4) Fungsi Pengorganisasian diimplementasikan melalui perpindahan wewenang dari direktur pesantren ke manajer lembaga wakaf center. (5) Fungsi pelaksanaan dalam kegiatan wirausaha di pondok pesantren MBS dijabarkan dalam tiga kegiatan inti yaitu coordinating, delegating, dan commanding. (6) fungsi pengawasan dilakukan secara insidental oleh manajer wkaf center dan secara rutin oleh kepala unit menggunakan rapot penilaian kerja individu. (7) Adanya unit usaha mampu menopang ekonomi dan financial pesantren. Selain itu pesantren juga mampu mandiri karena dapat menyediakan sumber daya yang dibutuhkan melalui uni usaha yang dimiliki.</em></p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 281
Muhammad Ali Saputra

<p>Meskipun telah dijamin oleh Konstitusi, pembangunan tempat ibadah di sejumlah wilayah, khususnya dalam konteks mayoritas-minoritas masih menemui banyak kendala. Pemerintah menyusun regulasi PBM No 9 dan 8 Tahun 2006 bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan problem pembangunan rumah ibadah tersebut secara administratif, namun seringkali, di hadapan kasus konflik pembanguan rumah ibadah, tidak memberi solusi yang diharapkan. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk melihat kearifan lokal sebagai modal alternatif bagi best practice pembangunan rumah ibadah di Kota kendari. Dengan menjadikan pembangunan Gereja Katolik Stasi Anduonohu sebagai kasus, peneliti menemukan Pembangunan Gereja Katolik Stasi Anduonohu berjalan dengan baik, dimana pihak gereja mampu memenuhi persyaratan-persyaratan administratif yang disyaratkan sesuai regulasi yang berlaku, tanpa penolakan dari warga sekitar yang dominan beragama muslim. Dalam pembangunan gereja tersebut, meskipun tidak secara eksplisit disebut didasarkan pada kearifan lokal, pembangunan Gereja Katolik Stasi Anduonohu ditunjang oleh adanya nilai/rasa tanggung jawab, saling menghargai dan mengasihi, maupaun kesediaaan untuk berkorban seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh pihak warga di sekitar lingkungan gereja maupun pihak gereja sendiri.  Masyarakat sekitar gereja tidak berpartisipasi bentuk pemberian bantuan material finansial maupun tenaga. Namun dalam wujud kerelaan menerima tempat ibadah yang berbeda di lingkungannya dengan tidak melakukan upaya-upaya penolakan. Sementara dari pihak pemerintah, partisipasi mengambil wujud pemberian izin dan rekomendasi maupun penyaluran bantuan. Keterbatasan waktu dalam pengumpulan data memerlukan eksplorasi yang lebih lanjut lagi terkait best practice pembangunan gereja tersebut serta kearifan lokal warga di sekitar lingkungannya.</p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 221
Nensia Nensia ◽  
St. Aflahah ◽  
Sitti Arafah

<p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>This research aims to describe the best practice of religious harmony in the Pasalae community, North Gorontalo. As a qualitative research, data collection techniques were used through direct observation of the Pasalae community activities in building relationships and practices of harmony which has been going on all this time. Interviews were intended to explore data from the key and regular informants as deep as possible, and documents aim to obtain data through articles related to best practices in Pasalae. The study results show that the people in Pasalae Village live in an excellent practice of religious harmony. The Muslim and Christian communities, living side by side peacefully and actively build relationships without being awkward. The basis of harmony in the Pasalae community is created through culture and local wisdom that is still rooted in society, economy, and kinship. The presence of religious groups considered fanatic is one of the threats in breaking up their harmony. Thus, the effort to prevent it is by increasing the awareness among the people of Pasalae so that they are not easily provoked, and building an intense dialogue on any problems that arise in the community.</p><p> </p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 347
Abd Karim ◽  
Wardiah Hamid ◽  
Muhammad Nur ◽  
Abu Muslim

<p><em>This article examines religious literacy in the veil Community. Religious literacy is seen as a forum for maintaining religious moderation and even strengthening religious moderation in the Veil Community, Takalar. The stigma of the veil is often a measure of how extreme a person is in religion. However, unlike the veiled village community in Galesong, they are very moderate and essential in overseeing religious moderation. They are very inclusive by building good relations with the local community, building educational institutions, prospering mosques, and building radio stations as a forum for preaching. In addition, this article also examines the long journey of forming a veiled village community. They were finally able to mingle with the local community with various approaches, although there were several rejections during the initial period of their arrival. The data found came from direct interviews with the local community and community. Data tracking and data processing are operated using qualitative research methods. </em></p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
Rahmi Amir ◽  
Syarifuddin Syarifuddin ◽  
Muhammad Saleh ◽  
M. Dahlan M.

<p>This paper is entitled: "Manuscript of I'tikaf on the Book of Syarah Minhaj Ath-Thalibin." Is a scientific work that discuss  Manuscript of I'tikaf on the Book of Syarah Minhaj Ath-Thalibin  ( philological analysis)  with two problem analyzes : How  condition of the text The Manuscript I'tikaf in the Book of Syarah Minhaj Ath- Thalibin? How critique of the text The Manuscript I'tikaf in the Book of Syarah Minhaj Ath- Thalibin? To finishing problems, researchers use scientific methods that include collection methods in the form of text criticism analysis theory and literature methods. On the stage of data collection using the library method then at the stage of data presentation using the narrative descriptive method and the critical method of the text. The text of the I'tikaf Manuscript in the Kitab Syarah Minhaj Ath-Thalibin belongs to Ashaf Zein He work as a teacher in one of the schools in Mandar inherited from his father Kiai Ahmad Bin Muh. Zein on located in Bonde village, Campalagian District, Polewali Mandar Regency. In general, the text of the manuscript is still good, but does not have some writing errors and the loss of some letters, words and sentences.</p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 381
Abdul Wahid Hasyim

<p><em>Majelis taklim</em> plays an essential and strategic role in the South Tangerang people's socio-cultural transformation. Amid the rapid flow of urban development, <em>majelis taklim</em> can still play their function in religious education and maintain the continuity and order of society's structure and socio-cultural system. Not only religious issues, but <em>majelis taklim</em> can also be a space to solve various socio-political problems. Using a qualitative method with a social history approach, this article aims to capture continuity and change, especially towards the expanding role of <em>majelis taklim</em> in South Tangerang. In addition to the achievements, various challenges faced by <em>majelis taklim</em> in carrying out its socio-religious role in the modern era were also discussed. This study identifies several things. First, <em>majelis taklim</em> is increasingly recruiting members of various ages, education, occupation, and insight. This makes the <em>majelis taklim</em> more open and encourages the socio-cultural transformation of the South Tangerang people. Second, in responding to the times, <em>majelis taklim</em> often face challenges in administration, equipment, and communication. Third, there is a collective awareness among Muslims about how important it is to study Islamic knowledge in <em>majelis taklim</em>. This motivated the community to establish <em>majelis taklim</em> until 2020 had reached more than 874 throughout the South Tangerang area. With the socio-religious role of <em>majelis taklim</em>, Muslims increasingly love their religion, deepening Islamic teachings through a religious education institution that plays an essential role in society's socio-cultural transformation.</p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Sarifa Halija ◽  
Andi Rasdiyanah ◽  
Amrah Kasim ◽  
Andi Marjuni ◽  
Sarifa Suhra

<p>This paper examines the role of the Majelis Taklim Nurul Huda in Strengthening Religious Character and social care in Bone Regency. This type of research is qualitative, located in the Nurul Huda mosque, the largest mosque in Bajoe, the capital of Tanete Riattang Timur District, Bone Regency. The primary data source is obtained from the management of the Assembly Taklim Nurul Huda, secondary data obtained from a variety of relevant posts. Data were collected through interviews and observations as well as document searches, so that the research instruments were in the form of observation guidelines, interview guides, and documentation tools. Data analysis was carried out in three stages, namely data reduction, data exposure, conclusion and verification. The results showed that the role of the Majelis Taklim Nurul Huda in Strengthening Religious Character was seen in the members and the surrounding community having a deep faith, diligent worship, and noble character. Meanwhile, the positive impact of the development of the Majelis Taklim in shaping the character of social care can be seen in the existence of various activities in facilitating social activities.</p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Nursalamah Siagian ◽  
Nur Alia

<p><em>The entry of new technology, in this case the internet, in people's lives demands adaptation by various groups, including students. With the use of the internet by students, there will be changes in their lifestyle, which in turn can affect their activities at school. This study focused on the intensity of internet use by students at Madrasah Aliyah Al Islamiyah Depok City, which then has a tendency to internet addiction. This study uses interview techniques to the head of Madrasah, teachers, and students. Document studies are also used to view case reports related to internet use recorded by Guidance Counseling (BK) teachers. This study also used a questionnaire distributed online to 340 students of MA Al-Islamiyah Depok City. This study found that 14% of students access the internet for more than 9 hours, 29% of students feel uncomfortable if they are not connected to the internet, and 54% of respondents feel anxious if they run out of internet quota so they will immediately buy the quota. The impact of the intensity of internet use makes students lazy to do other activities, such as playing with peers, and forgetting about their duties and responsibilities, namely learning. In addition, even when studying in class, they still use cell phones for social media and listening to music.</em></p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Idham Idham ◽  
Ulfiani Rahman

<p>Mandar as one of Indonesian ethnic groups is the majority population in West Sulawesi Province. This ethnic group has an assimilated culture with Islamic teaching values, one of which can be found in Pappasang as advices that are spoken and taught from generation to generation. This study examines Pappasang related to law enforcement. The purpose of this study is to photograph the types of Pappasang in Mandar and examine Pappasang related to law enforcement. This research is a qualitative descriptive. The data were obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. The study showed that there were many types of Pappasang found in Mandar, such as those related to agreements, law enforcement, unity, leadership, maintaining the trust, solidarity, transparency, accountability, foresight, and so on. As for Pappasang related to law enforcement in Mandar showed many statements. One of them stated that the law is not biased towards children, family, friends or others. All are equal before the law.</p>

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Mansur Mansur

<p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan MANHAJ PENDIDIKAN KH. ABD. RAHMAN AMBO DALLE sebagai suatu kajian tokoh pendidik islam yang bernama KH. ABD. RAHMAN AMBO DALLE. Kata-kata Manhaj dalam judul ini dapat digolongkan kedalam pengertian. Pengertian secara umum Manhaj yakni pemikiran, dan bila diartikan dengan judul pembahasan adalah corak pemikiran pendidikan yang telah dijalankan oleh KH. ABD. RAHMAN AMBO DALLE. Pemikiran pendidik KH. ABD. AMBO DALLE, serta ingin mengkaji lebih jauh dan dalam tentang metode yang diterapkan oleh KH. ABD. AMBO   DALLE   selama   beliau   membina   dan   memimpin   lembaga   pendidikan. Memaparkan pemikiran dan sistem pengembangan pendidikan islam oleh KH. ABD. RAHMAN AMBO DALLE di Indonesia. Memaparkan bentuk dan sistem pendidikan yang diterapkan  oleh  KH.  ABD.  AMBO  DALLE  mulai  dari  pendidikan  dasar  maupun pendidikan tinggi. Memaparkan prinsip-prinsip khsuus yang diterapkan dalam pembinaan lembaga  pendidikan  islam  Tes  ini  sifatnya  ilmiah,  maka  diharapkan  dapat  menjadi khasanah intelektual dalam kependidikan, dan hal ini menjadi tanggung jawab akademik dalam upaya memikirkan pendidikan islam yang di dasarkan pada pemikiran, dan metode yang disumbangkan oleh tokoh pendidik terdahulu.</p>

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