Film Cooling Effectiveness Downstream of Compound and Fan-Shaped Holes

C. H. N. Yuen ◽  
R. F. Martinez-Botas ◽  
J. H. Whitelaw

The steady-state wide band liquid crystal technique is used to study the film cooling performance downstream of a variety of geometries in a flat plate. This technique provides a detailed measurement of both cooling effectiveness and heat transfer coefficient. This paper presents the effects of compound and fan–shaped holes, the effect of streamwise angle variation has been presented at previous meetings. The following configurations are investigated: a single hole, a row of holes with a pitch-to-diameter ratio, p/D, of 3, two inline rows with p/D of 3 and two staggered rows with p/D of 6; all with a stream–wise angle of 30°. The spacing between two rows was chosen as 12.4D. Two lateral injection are investigated: 30° and 60° compound angle. The fan shaped hole used comprised of a lateral expansion of 14° from the original simple cylindrical shape with streamwise inclination of 30°; forward expansion was not incorporated. The length-to-diameter ratio, L/D, was maintained at a value of 4 for all the compound cases, the L/D for the fan shaped-hole was 6, larger due to its physical limitation. The tests were performed with a jet-to-freestream density ratio of 1.5; achieved by using a foreign gas (CO2) injection. The range of momentum flux ratios (M) covered was 0.33 to 1.67. The row of 30° compound angle holes gave a lower value of effectiveness when compared to the non-compound case at M<0.67, but greater values and coverage at M>1.0, consistent with previous experiments. The row of 60° compound angle gave greater effectiveness, coverage and uniformity than the row of 30° compound at a given blowing ratio; the jet-to-jet interaction was greater for the 60° row due to the added lateral momentum. The row of 60° compound gave an increase of order 100% relative to the non-compounded row for M>1. Two inline rows of fan-shape holes delivered less effectiveness than the corresponding single row at the same spanwise distance for a given jet fluid mass, or blowing ratio with twice the jet fluid mass. For equal blowing ratios and equal flow rates the fan-shaped hole gave a much higher effectiveness.

Kevin Liu ◽  
Shang-Feng Yang ◽  
Je-Chin Han

Adiabatic film-cooling effectiveness is examined systematically on a typical high pressure turbine blade by varying three critical flow parameters: coolant blowing ratio, coolant-to-mainstream density ratio, and freestream turbulence intensity. Three average coolant blowing ratios 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0; three coolant density ratios 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0; two turbulence intensities 4.2% and 10.5%, are chosen for this study. Conduction-free pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique is used to measure film-cooling effectiveness. Three foreign gases — N2 for low density, CO2 for medium density, and a mixture of SF6 and Argon for high density are selected to study the effect of coolant density. The test blade features 45° compound-angle shaped holes on the suction side and pressure side, and 3 rows of 30° radial-angle cylindrical holes around the leading edge region. The inlet and the exit Mach number are 0.27 and 0.44, respectively. Reynolds number based on the exit velocity and blade axial chord length is 750,000. Results reveal that the PSP is a powerful technique capable of producing clear and detailed film effectiveness contours with diverse foreign gases. As blowing ratio exceeds the optimum value, it induces more mixing of coolant and mainstream. Thus film-cooling effectiveness reduces. Greater coolant-to-mainstream density ratio results in lower coolant-to-mainstream momentum and prevents coolant to lift-off; as a result, film-cooling increases. Higher freestream turbulence causes effectiveness to drop everywhere except in the region downstream of suction side. Results are also correlated with momentum flux ratio and compared with previous studies. It shows that compound shaped hole has the greatest optimum momentum flux ratio, and then followed by axial shaped hole, compound cylindrical hole, and axial cylindrical hole.

Kevin Liu ◽  
Shang-Feng Yang ◽  
Je-Chin Han

A detailed parametric study of film-cooling effectiveness was carried out on a turbine blade platform. The platform was cooled by purge flow from a simulated stator–rotor seal combined with discrete hole film-cooling. The cylindrical holes and laidback fan-shaped holes were accessed in terms of film-cooling effectiveness. This paper focuses on the effect of coolant-to-mainstream density ratio on platform film-cooling (DR = 1 to 2). Other fundamental parameters were also examined in this study—a fixed purge flow of 0.5%, three discrete-hole film-cooling blowing ratios between 1.0 and 2.0, and two freestream turbulence intensities of 4.2% and 10.5%. Experiments were done in a five-blade linear cascade with inlet and exit Mach number of 0.27 and 0.44, respectively. Reynolds number of the mainstream flow was 750,000 and was based on the exit velocity and chord length of the blade. The measurement technique adopted was the conduction-free pressure sensitive paint (PSP) technique. Results indicated that with the same density ratio, shaped holes present higher film-cooling effectiveness and wider film coverage than the cylindrical holes, particularly at higher blowing ratios. The optimum blowing ratio of 1.5 exists for the cylindrical holes, whereas the effectiveness for the shaped holes increases with an increase of blowing ratio. Results also indicate that the platform film-cooling effectiveness increases with density ratio but decreases with turbulence intensity.

2021 ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Chao Zhang ◽  
Xuebin Liu ◽  
Liming Song ◽  
Jun Li ◽  

Abstract Aiming at investigating the effects of crossflow and vortex generator on film cooling characteristics of fan-shaped hole, the film cooling performance was measured experimentally by infrared camera. The blowing ratio is fixed at 0.5 and 1.5. The Reynolds number of the mainstream based on the hole diameter remains at 7000 and the inlet Reynolds number of crossflow is 40000. The experimental results show that the film cooling performance becomes better when the blowing ratio increases from 0.5 to 1.5 for each model, and the film cooling performance becomes worse under the influence of crossflow. When the blowing ratio is 1.5, the area-averaged film cooling effectiveness of the fan-shaped hole model with vortex generator decreases by 16.6% because of the influence of crossflow. The combined model always performs better compared with the model without vortex generator under all working conditions. When the blowing ratio becomes 1.5, under the influence of crossflow, the area-averaged film cooling effectiveness of the combined model could increase by 14.8%, compared with the model without vortex generator. To further improve the film cooling performance, the global optimization algorithm based on the Kriging method and the CFD technology are coupled to optimize the combined model under crossflow condition at the high blowing ratio, and the optimized design is verified by experiments. The experimental results show that the area-averaged film cooling effectiveness of the optimized design increases by 17.8% compared with the reference model.

Nan Cao ◽  
Xue Li ◽  
Ze-yu Wu ◽  
Xiang Luo

Abstract Discrete hole film cooling has been commonly used as an effective cooling technique to protect gas turbine blades from hot gas. There have been numerous investigations on the cylindrical hole and shaped hole, but few experimental investigations on the cooling mechanism of the novel film holes with side holes (anti-vortex hole and sister hole) are available. This paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation to study the film cooling performance and flow structure of four kinds of film holes (cylindrical hole, fan-shaped hole, anti-vortex hole and sister hole) on the flat plate. The film holes have the same main hole diameter of 4mm and the same inclination angle of 45°. The adiabatic film cooling effectiveness is obtained by the steady-state Thermochromic Liquid Crystal (TLC). The flow visualization experiment and numerical investigation are performed to investigate the flow structure and counter-rotating vortex pair (CRVP) intensity. The smoke is selected as the tracer particle in the flow visualization experiment. The mainstream Reynolds number is 2900, the blowing ratio ranges from 0.3 to 2.0, and the density ratio of coolant to mainstream is 1.065. Experimental results show that compared with the cylindrical hole, the film cooling performance of the anti-vortex hole and sister hole shows significant improvement at all blowing ratios. The sister hole can achieve the best cooling performance at blowing ratios of 0.3 to 1.5. The fan-shaped hole only performs well at high blowing ratios and it performs best at the blowing ratio of 2.0. Flow visualization experiment and numerical investigation reveal that the anti-vortex hole and sister hole can decrease the CRVP intensity of the main hole and suppress the coolant lift-off because of side holes, which increases the film coverage and cooling effectiveness. For the sister hole, the side holes are parallel to the main hole, but for the anti-vortex hole, there are lateral angles between them. The coolant interaction between the side holes and main hole of the sister hole is stronger than that of the anti-vortex hole. Therefore, the sister hole provides better film cooling performance than the anti-vortex hole.

Bai-Tao An ◽  
Jian-Jun Liu ◽  
Si-Jing Zhou ◽  
Xiao-Dong Zhang ◽  
Chao Zhang

This paper presents a new configuration of discrete film hole, i.e., the slot-based diffusion hole. Retaining the similar diffusion features to a traditional diffusion hole, the slot-based diffusion hole transforms the cross section of circle for the traditional diffusion hole to a flattened rectangle with respect to the equivalent cross-sectional area. Consequently, the exit width of the new hole is effectively enlarged. To verify the film cooling effectiveness, a low speed flat plate experimental facility incorporated with Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) measurement technique was employed to obtain the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness. The experiments were performed with hole pitch to diameter ratio p/D=6 and density ratio DR=1.38. The blowing ratio was varied from M=0.5 to M=2.5. A fan-shaped hole and two slot-based diffusion holes were tested and compared. Three-dimensional numerical simulation was employed to analyze the flow field in detail. The experimental results showed that the area averaged effectiveness of two slot-based diffusion holes is significantly higher than that of the fan-shaped hole when the blowing ratio exceeds 1.0. The slot-based diffusion hole demonstrates the great advantage over the fan-shaped hole at hole exit and maintains this to far downstream. The numerical results showed that the ends shape of the flattened rectangular cross section has large influences on film distribution patterns and downstream vortex structures. The semi-circle and straight line ends shapes lead to a bi-peak and a single-peak effectiveness pattern, respectively. The optimal ends shape can regulate the vortex structures and improve the film cooling effectiveness further.

Chang Han ◽  
Zhongran Chi ◽  
Jing Ren ◽  
Hongde Jiang

Film cooling technique is widely used to protect the components from being destroyed by hot mainstream in a modern gas turbine. Combining round-holes is a promising way of improving film cooling effectiveness. A batch simulation of 75 cases focusing on the arrangements of combined-hole unit with two holes for improving film cooling performance are carried out in this work, and the influence of an aerodynamic parameter, blowing ratio, is considered as well. The lateral distance and compound-angle of the two holes have relative influence on the film cooling performance of a combined-hole unit. At a small lateral distance, the film cooling effectiveness increases significantly as compound-angle increases, whereas it deteriorates at a large distance and it is barely influenced by compound-angle at a medium lateral distance. Asymmetrical compound-angle is introduced aiming to balance the two branches of vortexes, but its film cooling performance is not as good as expected. The general film cooling effectiveness is in the position between that of the adjacent symmetrical compound-angle. Besides, the optimal arrangement of combined-hole unit for improving film cooling performance is relative to local aerodynamic parameter. The combination of the lateral distance of the two holes with their compound-angles for the highest film cooling effectiveness is different at different blowing ratios.

Siavash Khajehhasani ◽  
Bassam A. Jubran

The film cooling performance using novel sister shaped single-hole (SSSH) schemes are numerically investigated in the present study. The downstream, upstream and up/downstream SSSH configurations are formed by merging the discrete sister holes to the primary injection hole through a series of specific orientations. The obtained results are compared with a conventional cylindrical hole and a forward diffused shaped hole. The RANS simulations are performed using the realizable k-ε model with the standard wall function. Results are presented for low and high blowing ratios of 0.25 and 1.5, respectively. The film cooling effectiveness is notably increased for the novel shaped holes, particularly at the high blowing ratio of 1.5. Furthermore, a considerable decrease in the jet lift-off has been achieved for the proposed film hole geometries, wherein fully attached flow to the wall surface is observed for the upstream and up/downstream SSSH schemes.

Ping-Hei Chen ◽  
Di Ai ◽  
Szu-Hsien Lee

This paper presents the measured heat transfer and film cooling results over a flat plate as the secondary flow is ejected into the mainstream through a row of conical holes. A transient liquid crystal thermography was employed to derive the film cooling performance and heat transfer distribution over the test flat plate. Each conical injection hole, with a pitch-to-diameter ratio of 3 on the exit plane, had an expanded angle of 8 degrees. The effects of changing the spanwise injection angles and blowing ratios on both film cooling and heat transfer distributions were investigated. Test pieces in this study used different spanwise injection angles of β = 0°, 45°, and 90° but maintained the same inclination angle of γ = 35°. For each test piece, four different blowing ratios of 0.5, 1.0, 1.25 and 1.5 were tested at Re = 44,000, Tu = 2.3%, δ1/d = 0.22, p/d = 3, and R = 1.06. A baseline check was also conducted for the flat-plate film cooling through the use of straight circular holes. In addition, a comparison was made between the film cooling results using conical holes with those using straight circular holes. Measured results showed that the laterally averaged heat transfer coefficient increases with the blowing ratio for both straight circular and conical hole configurations. For the simple injection, a conical configuration was found to have better film cooling protection only at higher blowing ratio (M = 1.25 and 1.5). Compound angle injection does not have specific advantage for the film cooling protection in the case of conical configuration.

Chao Zhang ◽  
Jie Wang ◽  
Xin Luo ◽  
Liming Song ◽  
Jun Li ◽  

Abstract In our experiments, the film cooling performance of the configurations combined the different hole with the vortex generator was investigated experimentally, measured by the infrared camera. Four different configurations were studied at the blowing ratio varying at M = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0. In all cases, the Reynold number of the mainstream based on the hole diameter remained at Re = 8000, and the density ratio kept at DR = 1.7. Experimental results show that for the two models combining the cylindrical hole and fan-shaped hole with the vortex generator respectively, the film cooling performance becomes better when the blowing ratio increases from M = 0.5 to M = 2.0, and then decreases when the blowing ratio increases from M = 2.0 to M = 3.0. The model combining the fan-shaped hole with the vortex generator performs the best among the four models at each blowing ratio. Its film attachment holds the most extensive lateral distribution and its overall film cooling effectiveness could keep at a high level at a wide range of blowing ratios from M = 1.0 to M = 3.0. The combined model of the fan-shaped hole could improve the area-averaged film effectiveness at most 25.5% than that of the single hole model at M = 2.0. Moreover, the combined model of the cylindrical hole could improve the area-averaged film cooling effectiveness at most 431% than that of the single cylindrical hole model at M = 3.0.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-28
Zhi-Qiang Yu ◽  
Jianjun Liu ◽  
Chen Li ◽  
Baitao An ◽  
Guang-Yao Xu

Abstract This paper focuses on the influences of the discrete hole shape and layout on the blade endwall film cooling effectiveness. The diffusion slot hole was first applied to the blade endwall and compared with the fan-shaped hole. The effect of upstream purge slot injection on the film cooling performance of the discrete hole was also investigated. Experiments were performed in a linear cascade with a exit Reynolds number of 2.64×105. The film cooling effectiveness on the blade endwall were measured by the pressure sensitive paint technique. Results indicate that the diffusion slot hole significantly increases the film cooling effectiveness on the blade endwall compared to the fan-shaped hole, especially at high blowing ratio. The maximum relative increment of the cooling effectiveness is over 40%. The layout with the discrete holes arranged lining up with the tangent direction of the blade profile offset curves exhibits a comparable film cooling effectiveness with the layout with the discrete holes arranged according to the cross-flow direction. The film cooling effectiveness on the pressure surface corner is remarkably enhanced by deflecting the hole orientation angle towards the pressure surface. The combination of purge slot and diffusion slot holes supplies a full coverage film cooling for the entire blade endwall at coolant mass flow ratio of the purge slot of 1.5% and blowing ratio of 2.5. In addition, the slot injection leads to a non-negligible influence on the cooling performance of the discrete holes near the separation line.

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