Fiber-Matrix Interactions in Tendon Anisotropic Tensile Behavior

Heather Anne Lynch ◽  
Dawn M. Elliott

A three dimensional anisotropic model for tendon behavior was used to fit experimental stress-strain data. This model was motivated by tendon microstructure and included the contributions of fibers, matrix, and fiber-matrix interactions. Our results suggest that fiber-matrix interactions contribute to tendon mechanical behavior.

2004 ◽  
Vol 127 (2) ◽  
pp. 345-350 ◽  
Heather Anne L. Guerin ◽  
Dawn M. Elliott

The objective of this study was to develop a nonlinear and anisotropic three-dimensional mathematical model of tendon behavior in which the structural components of fibers, matrix, and fiber-matrix interactions are explicitly incorporated and to use this model to infer the contributions of these structures to tendon mechanical behavior. We hypothesized that this model would show that: (i) tendon mechanical behavior is not solely governed by the isotropic matrix and fiber stretch, but is also influenced by fiber-matrix interactions; and (ii) shear fiber-matrix interaction terms will better describe tendon mechanical behavior than bulk fiber-matrix interaction terms. Model versions that did and did not include fiber-matrix interaction terms were applied to experimental tendon stress-strain data in longitudinal and transverse orientations, and the R2 goodness-of-fit was evaluated. This study showed that models that included fiber-matrix interaction terms improved the fit to longitudinal data (RToe2=0.88,RLin2=0.94) over models that only included isotropic matrix and fiber stretch terms (RToe2=0.36,RLin2=0.84). Shear fiber-matrix interaction terms proved to be responsible for the best fit to data and to contribute to stress-strain nonlinearity. The mathematical model of tendon behavior developed in this study showed that fiber-matrix interactions are an important contributor to tendon behavior. The more complete characterization of mechanical behavior afforded by this mathematical model can lead to an improved understanding of structure-function relationships in soft tissues and, ultimately, to the development of tissue-engineered therapies for injury or degeneration.

2010 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-256 ◽  
Duane A. Morrow ◽  
Tammy Haut Donahue ◽  
Gregory M. Odegard ◽  
Kenton R. Kaufman

2016 ◽  
Vol 51 (18) ◽  
pp. 2619-2629 ◽  
Junbo Xie ◽  
Guodong Fang ◽  
Zhen Chen ◽  
Jun Liang

Tensile experiments of three-dimensional needled C/C-SiC composite from room temperature to 1800℃ were performed to investigate tensile behavior. The damage characteristics and macroscopic mechanical behavior of the composite are relevant to the testing temperature and off-axis angles of the tensile loading. The tensile strength increased while the modulus decreased with the increase of temperature. A high-temperature nonlinear constitutive model was established to analyze the nonlinear stress–strain relationship of the composite. Plastic strain accumulation and stiffness degeneration were described by the plasticity and damage theories. The effect of temperature on the tensile behavior of the composite was particularly considered in this model by introducing a thermal damage variable. The proposed constitutive model can predict the stress–strain behavior of the material subjected to different off-axis tensile load, and at different temperatures. Fairly good agreement was achieved between the predicted and experimental results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Shaoling Ding ◽  
Chao Fang ◽  
Shulin Zhang

The nonlinear flow behaviors of BT22 alloy were investigated by thermal simulation experiments at different temperature and strain rates. Taking the experimental stress-strain data as samples, the support vector regression (SVR) model and back propagation artificial neural network (BPANN) model were established by cross-validation (CV) method to describe the nonlinear flow behaviors of BT22 alloy. Genetic algorithm (GA) was used to optimize the parameters of the SVR model and establish the GA-SVR model. At the same time, the physical model optimized by GA algorithm is compared with the machine learning model. Average absolute relative error (AARE), absolute relative error (ARE), and correlation coefficient (R) were used to evaluate the predictive ability of the four models. The results show that the order of model accuracy and generalization ability is GA-SVR > BPANN > SVR > physical model. The AARE value of the GA-SVR model is 1.5752%, and the R value is as high as 0.9984, which can accurately predict the flow behaviors of BT22 alloy. According to the GA-SVR model, the flow behaviors under other conditions could be predicted to expand the experimental stress-strain data and avoid a large number of artificial tests.

2004 ◽  
Vol 126 (3) ◽  
pp. 277-283 ◽  
Yun-Jae Kim ◽  
Nam-Su Huh ◽  
Young-Jin Kim ◽  
Young-Hwan Choi ◽  
Jun-Seok Yang

The present paper proposes a robust method for the Ramberg-Osgood (R-O) fit to accurately estimate elastic-plastic J from the engineering fracture mechanics analysis based on deformation plasticity. The proposal is based on engineering stress-strain data to determine the R-O parameters, instead of true stress-strain data. Moreover, for practical applications, the method is given not only for the case when full stress-strain data are available but also for the case when only yield and tensile strengths are available. The reliability of the proposed method for the R-O fit is validated against detailed three-dimensional FE analyses for through-wall cracked pipes under global bending using five different materials, three stainless steels and two ferritic steels. Taking the FE J results based on incremental plasticity using actual stress-strain data as the reference, the FE J results based on deformation plasticity using various R-O fits are compared with reference J values. Comparisons show that the proposed R-O fit provides more accurate J values for all cases, compared to existing methods for the R-O fit. Advantages of the proposed R-O fit in practical applications are discussed, together with its accuracy.

1982 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-54 ◽  
M. Kumar ◽  
C. W. Bert

Abstract Unidirectional cord-rubber specimens in the form of tensile coupons and sandwich beams were used. Using specimens with the cords oriented at 0°, 45°, and 90° to the loading direction and appropriate data reduction, we were able to obtain complete characterization for the in-plane stress-strain response of single-ply, unidirectional cord-rubber composites. All strains were measured by means of liquid mercury strain gages, for which the nonlinear strain response characteristic was obtained by calibration. Stress-strain data were obtained for the cases of both cord tension and cord compression. Materials investigated were aramid-rubber, polyester-rubber, and steel-rubber.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 691
Francisco-José Gallardo-Basile ◽  
Yannick Naunheim ◽  
Franz Roters ◽  
Martin Diehl

Lath martensite is a complex hierarchical compound structure that forms during rapid cooling of carbon steels from the austenitic phase. At the smallest, i.e., ‘single crystal’ scale, individual, elongated domains, form the elemental microstructural building blocks: the name-giving laths. Several laths of nearly identical crystallographic orientation are grouped together to blocks, in which–depending on the exact material characteristics–clearly distinguishable subblocks might be observed. Several blocks with the same habit plane together form a packet of which typically three to four together finally make up the former parent austenitic grain. Here, a fully parametrized approach is presented which converts an austenitic polycrystal representation into martensitic microstructures incorporating all these details. Two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) Representative Volume Elements (RVEs) are generated based on prior austenite microstructure reconstructed from a 2D experimental martensitic microstructure. The RVEs are used for high-resolution crystal plasticity simulations with a fast spectral method-based solver and a phenomenological constitutive description. The comparison of the results obtained from the 2D experimental microstructure and the 2D RVEs reveals a high quantitative agreement. The stress and strain distributions and their characteristics change significantly if 3D microstructures are used. Further simulations are conducted to systematically investigate the influence of microstructural parameters, such as lath aspect ratio, lath volume, subblock thickness, orientation scatter, and prior austenitic grain shape on the global and local mechanical behavior. These microstructural features happen to change the local mechanical behavior, whereas the average stress–strain response is not significantly altered. Correlations between the microstructure and the plastic behavior are established.

Jonas F. Eichinger ◽  
Maximilian J. Grill ◽  
Iman Davoodi Kermani ◽  
Roland C. Aydin ◽  
Wolfgang A. Wall ◽  

AbstractLiving soft tissues appear to promote the development and maintenance of a preferred mechanical state within a defined tolerance around a so-called set point. This phenomenon is often referred to as mechanical homeostasis. In contradiction to the prominent role of mechanical homeostasis in various (patho)physiological processes, its underlying micromechanical mechanisms acting on the level of individual cells and fibers remain poorly understood, especially how these mechanisms on the microscale lead to what we macroscopically call mechanical homeostasis. Here, we present a novel computational framework based on the finite element method that is constructed bottom up, that is, it models key mechanobiological mechanisms such as actin cytoskeleton contraction and molecular clutch behavior of individual cells interacting with a reconstructed three-dimensional extracellular fiber matrix. The framework reproduces many experimental observations regarding mechanical homeostasis on short time scales (hours), in which the deposition and degradation of extracellular matrix can largely be neglected. This model can serve as a systematic tool for future in silico studies of the origin of the numerous still unexplained experimental observations about mechanical homeostasis.

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