scholarly journals Two different types of double-strand breaks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are repaired by similar RAD52-independent, nonhomologous recombination events

1994 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1293-1301
K M Kramer ◽  
J A Brock ◽  
K Bloom ◽  
J K Moore ◽  
J E Haber

In haploid rad52 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains unable to undergo homologous recombination, a chromosomal double-strand break (DSB) can be repaired by imprecise rejoining of the broken chromosome ends. We have used two different strategies to generate broken chromosomes: (i) a site-specific DSB generated at the MAT locus by HO endonuclease cutting or (ii) a random DSB generated by mechanical rupture during mitotic segregation of a conditionally dicentric chromosome. Broken chromosomes were repaired by deletions that were highly variable in size, all of which removed more sequences than was required either to prevent subsequent HO cleavage or to eliminate a functional centromere, respectively. The junction of the deletions frequently occurred where complementary strands from the flanking DNA could anneal to form 1 to 5 bp, although 12% (4 of 34) of the events appear to have occurred by blunt-end ligation. These types of deletions are very similar to the junctions observed in the repair of DSBs by mammalian cells (D. B. Roth and J. H. Wilson, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:4295-4304, 1986). When a high level of HO endonuclease, expressed in all phases of the cell cycle, was used to create DSBs, we also recovered a large class of very small (2- or 3-bp) insertions in the HO cleavage site. These insertions appear to represent still another mechanism of DSB repair, apparently by annealing and filling in the overhanging 3' ends of the cleavage site. These types of events have also been well documented for vertebrate cells.

1994 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 1293-1301 ◽  
K M Kramer ◽  
J A Brock ◽  
K Bloom ◽  
J K Moore ◽  
J E Haber

In haploid rad52 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains unable to undergo homologous recombination, a chromosomal double-strand break (DSB) can be repaired by imprecise rejoining of the broken chromosome ends. We have used two different strategies to generate broken chromosomes: (i) a site-specific DSB generated at the MAT locus by HO endonuclease cutting or (ii) a random DSB generated by mechanical rupture during mitotic segregation of a conditionally dicentric chromosome. Broken chromosomes were repaired by deletions that were highly variable in size, all of which removed more sequences than was required either to prevent subsequent HO cleavage or to eliminate a functional centromere, respectively. The junction of the deletions frequently occurred where complementary strands from the flanking DNA could anneal to form 1 to 5 bp, although 12% (4 of 34) of the events appear to have occurred by blunt-end ligation. These types of deletions are very similar to the junctions observed in the repair of DSBs by mammalian cells (D. B. Roth and J. H. Wilson, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:4295-4304, 1986). When a high level of HO endonuclease, expressed in all phases of the cell cycle, was used to create DSBs, we also recovered a large class of very small (2- or 3-bp) insertions in the HO cleavage site. These insertions appear to represent still another mechanism of DSB repair, apparently by annealing and filling in the overhanging 3' ends of the cleavage site. These types of events have also been well documented for vertebrate cells.

1996 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 2164-2173 ◽  
J K Moore ◽  
J E Haber

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, an HO endonuclease-induced double-strand break can be repaired by at least two pathways of nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) that closely resemble events in mammalian cells. In one pathway the chromosome ends are degraded to yield deletions with different sizes whose endpoints have 1 to 6 bp of homology. Alternatively, the 4-bp overhanging 3' ends of HO-cut DNA (5'-AACA-3') are not degraded but can be base paired in misalignment to produce +CA and +ACA insertions. When HO was expressed throughout the cell cycle, the efficiency of NHEJ repair was 30 times higher than when HO was expressed only in G1. The types of repair events were also very different when HO was expressed throughout the cell cycle; 78% of survivors had small insertions, while almost none had large deletions. When HO expression was confined to the G1 phase, only 21% were insertions and 38% had large deletions. These results suggest that there are distinct mechanisms of NHEJ repair producing either insertions or deletions and that these two pathways are differently affected by the time in the cell cycle when HO is expressed. The frequency of NHEJ is unaltered in strains from which RAD1, RAD2, RAD51, RAD52, RAD54, or RAD57 is deleted; however, deletions of RAD50, XRS2, or MRE11 reduced NHEJ by more than 70-fold when HO was not cell cycle regulated. Moreover, mutations in these three genes markedly reduced +CA insertions, while significantly increasing the proportion of both small (-ACA) and larger deletion events. In contrast, the rad5O mutation had little effect on the viability of G1-induced cells but significantly reduced the frequency of both +CA insertions and -ACA deletions in favor of larger deletions. Thus, RAD50 (and by extension XRS2 and MRE11) exerts a much more important role in the insertion-producing pathway of NHEJ repair found in S and/or G2 than in the less frequent deletion events that predominate when HO is expressed only in G1.

2001 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 196-201 ◽  
R. D. Johnson ◽  
M. Jasin

In mammalian cells, the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) occurs by both homologous and non-homologous mechanisms. Indirect evidence, including that from gene targeting and random integration experiments, had suggested that non-homologous mechanisms were significantly more frequent than homologous ones. However, more recent experiments indicate that homologous recombination is also a prominent DSB repair pathway. These experiments show that mammalian cells use homologous sequences located at multiple positions throughout the genome to repair a DSB. However, template preference appears to be biased, with the sister chromatid being preferred by 2–3 orders of magnitude over a homologous or heterologous chromosome. The outcome of homologous recombination in mammalian cells is predominantly gene conversion that is not associated with crossing-over. The preference for the sister chromatid and the bias against crossing-over seen in mitotic mammalian cells may have developed in order to reduce the potential for genome alterations that could occur when other homologous repair templates are utilized. In attempts to understand further the mechanism of homologous recombination, the proteins that promote this process are beginning to be identified. To date, four mammalian proteins have been demonstrated conclusively to be involved in DSB repair by homologous recombination: Rad54, XRCC2, XRCC3 and BRCAI. This paper summarizes results from a number of recent studies.

2007 ◽  
Vol 85 (6) ◽  
pp. 663-674 ◽  
Kendra L. Cann ◽  
Geoffrey G. Hicks

DNA double-strand breaks occur frequently in cycling cells, and are also induced by exogenous sources, including ionizing radiation. Cells have developed integrated double-strand break response pathways to cope with these lesions, including pathways that initiate DNA repair (either via homologous recombination or nonhomologous end joining), the cell-cycle checkpoints (G1–S, intra-S phase, and G2–M) that provide time for repair, and apoptosis. However, before any of these pathways can be activated, the damage must first be recognized. In this review, we will discuss how the response of mammalian cells to DNA double-strand breaks is regulated, beginning with the activation of ATM, the pinnacle kinase of the double-strand break signalling cascade.

1997 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 267-277 ◽  
R G Sargent ◽  
M A Brenneman ◽  
J H Wilson

In mammalian cells, chromosomal double-strand breaks are efficiently repaired, yet little is known about the relative contributions of homologous recombination and illegitimate recombination in the repair process. In this study, we used a loss-of-function assay to assess the repair of double-strand breaks by homologous and illegitimate recombination. We have used a hamster cell line engineered by gene targeting to contain a tandem duplication of the native adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) gene with an I-SceI recognition site in the otherwise wild-type APRT+ copy of the gene. Site-specific double-strand breaks were induced by intracellular expression of I-SceI, a rare-cutting endonuclease from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. I-SceI cleavage stimulated homologous recombination about 100-fold; however, illegitimate recombination was stimulated more than 1,000-fold. These results suggest that illegitimate recombination is an important competing pathway with homologous recombination for chromosomal double-strand break repair in mammalian cells.

1994 ◽  
Vol 14 (12) ◽  
pp. 8037-8050 ◽  
J Halbrook ◽  
M F Hoekstra

To isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective in recombinational DNA repair, we constructed a strain that contains duplicated ura3 alleles that flank LEU2 and ADE5 genes at the ura3 locus on chromosome V. When a HO endonuclease cleavage site is located within one of the ura3 alleles, Ura+ recombination is increased over 100-fold in wild-type strains following HO induction from the GAL1, 10 promoter. This strain was used to screen for mutants that exhibited reduced levels of HO-induced intrachromosomal recombination without significantly affecting the spontaneous frequency of Ura+ recombination. One of the mutations isolated through this screen was found to affect the essential gene CDC1. This mutation, cdc1-100, completely eliminated HO-induced Ura+ recombination yet maintained both spontaneous preinduced recombination levels and cell viability, cdc1-100 mutants were moderately sensitive to killing by methyl methanesulfonate and gamma irradiation. The effect of the cdc1-100 mutation on recombinational double-strand break repair indicates that a recombinationally silent mechanism other than sister chromatid exchange was responsible for the efficient repair of DNA double-strand breaks.

1995 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 1968-1973 ◽  
A Choulika ◽  
A Perrin ◽  
B Dujon ◽  
J F Nicolas

The mitochondrial intron-encoded endonuclease I-SceI of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has an 18-bp recognition sequence and, therefore, has a very low probability of cutting DNA, even within large genomes. We demonstrate that double-strand breaks can be initiated by the I-SceI endonuclease at a predetermined location in the mouse genome and that the breaks can be repaired with a donor molecule homologous regions flanking the breaks. This induced homologous recombination is approximately 2 orders of magnitude more frequent than spontaneous homologous recombination and at least 10 times more frequent than random integration near an active promoter. As a consequence of induced homologous recombination, a heterologous novel sequence can be inserted at the site of the break. This recombination can occur at a variety of chromosomal targets in differentiated and multipotential cells. These results demonstrate homologous recombination involving chromosomal DNA by the double-strand break repair mechanism in mammals and show the usefulness of very rare cutter endonucleases, such as I-SceI, for designing genome rearrangements.

2009 ◽  
Vol 423 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-168 ◽  
Andrea J. Hartlerode ◽  
Ralph Scully

DNA chromosomal DSBs (double-strand breaks) are potentially hazardous DNA lesions, and their accurate repair is essential for the successful maintenance and propagation of genetic information. Two major pathways have evolved to repair DSBs: HR (homologous recombination) and NHEJ (non-homologous end-joining). Depending on the context in which the break is encountered, HR and NHEJ may either compete or co-operate to fix DSBs in eukaryotic cells. Defects in either pathway are strongly associated with human disease, including immunodeficiency and cancer predisposition. Here we review the current knowledge of how NHEJ and HR are controlled in somatic mammalian cells, and discuss the role of the chromatin context in regulating each pathway. We also review evidence for both co-operation and competition between the two pathways.

2005 ◽  
Vol 171 (5) ◽  
pp. 765-771 ◽  
Michela Di Virgilio ◽  
Jean Gautier

Mre11–Rad50–Nbs1 (MRN) complex involvement in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) is controversial. The MRN complex is required for NHEJ in Saccharomyces cerevisiae but not in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. In vertebrates, Mre11, Rad50, and Nbs1 are essential genes, and studies have been limited to cells carrying hypomorphic mutations in Mre11 or Nbs1, which still perform several MRN complex–associated activities. In this study, we analyze the effects of Mre11 loss on the mechanism of vertebrate NHEJ by using a chromatinized plasmid double-strand break (DSB) repair assay in cell-free extracts from Xenopus laevis. Mre11-depleted extracts are able to support efficient NHEJ repair of DSBs regardless of the end structure. Mre11 depletion does not alter the kinetics of end joining or the type and frequency of junctions found in repaired products. Finally, Ku70-independent end-joining events are not affected by Mre11 loss. Our data demonstrate that the MRN complex is not required for efficient and accurate NHEJ-mediated repair of DSBs in this vertebrate system.

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