X-ray wavelength survey of iron and nickel L-shell emission and resonance contributions to their intensities

2008 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 191-198 ◽  
M F Gu

As part of the laboratory astrophysics program at the electron beam ion traps of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, L-shell X-ray emission of Fe and Ni ions have been studied extensively in the past decade. In this paper, we review these experimental efforts in line identification and wavelength surveys of Fe and Ni L-shell emission and resonance contributions to their intensities. PACS Nos.: 52.72.+v, 52.20.–j, 34.80.Kw

2008 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 267-276 ◽  
A S Safronova ◽  
V L Kantsyrev ◽  
P Neill ◽  
U I Safronova ◽  
D A Fedin ◽  

The results from the last six years of X-ray spectroscopy and spectropolarimetry of high-energy density Z-pinch plasmas complemented by experiments with the electron beam ion trap (EBIT) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) are presented. The two topics discussed are the development of M-shell X-ray W spectroscopic diagnostics and K-shell Ti spectropolarimetry of Z-pinch plasmas. The main focus is on radiation from a specific load configuration called an “X-pinch”. In this work the study of X-pinches with tungsten wires combined with wires from other, lower Z materials is reported. Utilizing data produced with the LLNL EBIT at different energies of the electron beam the theoretical prediction of line positions and intensity of M-shell W spectra were tested and calibrated. Polarization-sensitive X-pinch experiments at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) provide experimental evidence for the existence of strong electron beams in Ti and Mo X-pinch plasmas and motivate the development of X-ray spectropolarimetry of Z-pinch plasmas. This diagnostic is based on the measurement of spectra recorded simultaneously by two spectrometers with different sensitivity to the linear polarization of the observed lines and compared with theoretical models of polarization-dependent spectra. Polarization-dependent K-shell spectra from Ti X-pinches are presented and compared with model calculations and with spectra generated by a quasi-Maxwellian electron beam at the LLNL EBIT-II electron beam ion trap.PACS Nos.: 32.30.Rj, 52.58.Lq, 52.70.La

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 4317-4323
J. K. LIM ◽  

A recent development of the photo-cathode injector technology has greatly enhanced the beam quality necessary for the creation of high density/high brightness electron beam sources. In the Thomson backscattering x-ray experiment, there is an immense need for under 20 micron electron beam spot at the interaction point with a high-intensity laser in order to produce a large x-ray flux. This has been demonstrated successfully at PLEIADES in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. For this Thomson backscattering experiment, we employed an asymmetric triplet, high remanence permanent-magnet quads to produce smaller electron beams. Utilizing highly efficient optical transition radiation (OTR) beam spot imaging technique and varying electron focal spot sizes enabled a quadrupole scan at the interaction zone. Comparisons between Twiss parameters obtained upstream to those parameter values deduced from PMQ scan will be presented in this report.

2002 ◽  
Vol 80 (12) ◽  
pp. 1687-1700 ◽  
J.R. Crespo López-Urrutia ◽  
P Beiersdorfer ◽  
K Widmann ◽  
V Decaux

We present experimental data on visible transitions in highly charged ions observed in the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) electron beam ion traps, including results from lines within the ground-state configuration and the first excited configuration. Measurements of lines produced by Kr (q = 11+ to 22+), Xe (q = 18+ to 35+), and Ba (q = 28+ to 36+) ions, corresponding mainly to 3sl 3pm 3dn configurations, were carried out. The ionization stages were determined experimentally by sweeping the electron beam energy over the ionization threshold of each species. We propose possible identifications for the lines with the help of simple atomic structure calculations. However, most observed lines remained unidentified, demonstrating that the understanding of visible spectra from highly charged ions, even if obtained under nearly "ideal" experimental conditions, is still in its infancy. These spectral data may be useful for the diagnostics of magnetically confined plasmas and may set the stage for future measurements of radiative lifetimes. In our experiments, we used the emission from visible lines to image the intersection of the electron beam with a beam of neutral atoms injected into the trap at a right angle as well as the ion cloud in the trap. Under some conditions, the diameter of the ion cloud may be an order of magnitude larger than that of the electron beam. PACS Nos.: 32.30Jc, 39.30+w, 52.59Rz

2004 ◽  
Vol 82 (11) ◽  
pp. 931-942 ◽  
P Neill ◽  
C Harris ◽  
A S Safronova ◽  
S Hamasha ◽  
S Hansen ◽  

M-shell spectra of W ions have been produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory EBIT-II electron beam ion trap-II at different energies of the electron beam. A survey has been performed at 2.4, 2.8, and 3.6 keV, and for steps in energy of 100 eV over the 3.9–4.6 keV energy range. The analysis of 11 W spectra has shown the presence of a wide variety of ionization stages from Se-like to Cr-like W; the appearances of these ionization stages correlate well with the energy of their production. The present paper focuses on the identification of 63 experimental features of W ions in a spectral region from 5 to 6 Å (1 Å = 10–10 m) using calculations with inclusion of all ionization stages matching this spectral region. The majority of lines in all spectra have been identified and assigned to the 4f → 3d and 4d → 3p transitions. This is the first work that lists a comprehensive identification of so many resolved spectral features of X-ray M-shell transitions in W ions recorded in such detail in the laboratory. PACS Nos.: 52.58.Lq,32.30.Rj,52.70.La

2008 ◽  
Vol 86 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-182 ◽  
J K Lepson ◽  
P Beiersdorfer ◽  
M Bitter ◽  
S M Kahn

Electron beam ion traps are uniquely well suited for laboratory astrophysics because they can produce nearly any charge state of any element in a collisionally excited plasma that is comparable in density and temperature to many astronomical sources. The Lawrence Livermore EBIT facility has been optimized for laboratory astrophysics with a suite of dedicated instruments and has made significant advances in this field. This paper reviews some of the work performed at LLNL in compiling comprehensive spectral catalogues, discovery of a magnetic field line diagnostic in the EUV and soft X-ray regimes, and density diagnostics on EBIT and at the NSTX tokamak.PACS Nos.: 95.30.Ky, 32.30.Rj, 95.75.–z, 95.85.Nv, 97.10.Ex, 95.55.Ka, 95.85.Mt, 52.55.Fa

2004 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 221-244 ◽  
C.P.J. BARTY ◽  
S.M. BETTS ◽  

The Compton scattering of a terawatt-class, femtosecond laser pulse by a high-brightness, relativistic electron beam has been demonstrated as a viable approach toward compact, tunable sources of bright, femtosecond, hard X-ray flashes. The main focus of this article is a detailed description of such a novel X-ray source, namely the PLEIADES (Picosecond Laser–Electron Inter-Action for the Dynamical Evaluation of Structures) facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. PLEIADES has produced first light at 70 keV, thus enabling critical applications, such as advanced backlighting for the National Ignition Facility andin situtime-resolved studies of high-Zmaterials. To date, the electron beam has been focused down to σx= σy= 27 μm rms, at 57 MeV, with 266 pC of charge, a relative energy spread of 0.2%, a normalized horizontal emittance of 3.5 mm·mrad, a normalized vertical emittance of 11 mm·mrad, and a duration of 3 ps rms. The compressed laser pulse energy at focus is 480 mJ, the pulse duration 54 fs Intensity Full Width at Half-Maximum (IFWHM), and the 1/e2radius 36 μm. Initial X rays produced by head-on collisions between the laser and electron beams at a repetition rate of 10 Hz were captured with a cooled CCD using a CsI scintillator; the peak photon energy was approximately 78 keV, and the observed angular distribution was found to agree very well with three-dimensional codes. The current X-ray dose is 3 × 106photons per pulse, and the inferred peak brightness exceeds 1015photons/(mm2× mrad2× s × 0.1% bandwidth). Spectral measurements using calibrated foils of variable thickness are consistent with theory. Measurements of the X-ray dose as a function of the delay between the laser and electron beams show a 24-ps full width at half maximum (FWHM) window, as predicted by theory, in contrast with a measured timing jitter of 1.2 ps, which contributes to the stability of the source. In addition,K-edge radiographs of a Ta foil obtained at different electron beam energies clearly demonstrate the γ2-tunability of the source and show very good agreement with the theoretical divergence-angle dependence of the X-ray spectrum. Finally, electron bunch shortening experiments using velocity compression have also been performed and durations as short as 300 fs rms have been observed using coherent transition radiation; the corresponding inferred peak X-ray flux approaches 1019photons/s.

2011 ◽  
Vol 89 (5) ◽  
pp. 571-580 ◽  
J. Clementson ◽  
P. Beiersdorfer ◽  
G.V. Brown ◽  
M.F. Gu ◽  
H. Lundberg ◽  

The utilization of tungsten spectroscopy for diagnostics of magnetically confined fusion plasmas requires the radiative properties of tungsten ions to be accurately known. At the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a program to gather spectroscopic data on tungsten ions has been initiated with the purpose to study spectral signatures and identify candidate fusion plasma diagnostics. In this paper, an overview of recent results from the Livermore WOLFRAM spectroscopy project is presented, which includes experimental investigations at the EBIT-I and SuperEBIT electron beam ion traps. In particular, the spectra of highly charged M- and L-shell tungsten ions have been studied. These investigations cover energy measurements of n = 2 to n = 2, 3 transitions in Ne-like W64+ through Li-like W71+ ions and soft X-ray measurements of n = 3 to n = 3, 4 transitions in M-shell ions with emphasis on the Ni-like W46+ and Si-like W60+ through Na-like W63+ ions. The measurements are complemented by atomic-structure calculations and spectral modeling using the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC).

1992 ◽  
Vol 4 (7) ◽  
pp. 2326-2337 ◽  
B. J. MacGowan ◽  
L. B. Da Silva ◽  
D. J. Fields ◽  
C. J. Keane ◽  
J. A. Koch ◽  

J. Trebes ◽  
C. Annese ◽  
D. Birdsall ◽  
J. Brase ◽  
J. Gray ◽  

1986 ◽  
Vol 30 ◽  
pp. 583-594
P. L. Wallace

In this report, we summarize over 30 years of analytical x-ray safety history at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), and describe the safety procedures used in the operation of analytical x-ray equipment in the laboratories managed by the LLNL Chemistry and Materials Science Department (C&MSD). The present safety control system, which was developed by users of the equipment, has proven effective in keeping incidents at LLNL to a rate consistent with the national average.

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