scholarly journals Improving usability and correctness of a mobile tool to help a deaf person with pharmaceutical instruction

Michael B. Motlhabi ◽  
William D. Tucker ◽  
Mariam B. Parker ◽  
Meryl Glaser
Carlos Antonio Jacinto ◽  
Cristiane Lopes Rocha de Oliveira ◽  
Danila Ribeiro Gomes ◽  
Idalena Oliveira Chaves ◽  
Vinícius Catão de Assis Souza

This article discusses the educational and linguistic demands presented by a deaf person in the Bachelor of Rural Teachers, attended by a multidisciplinary team to develop strategic actions for the educational inclusion of the deaf. Knowledge of bilingual and scientific literacy practices was considered. For that, we used a qualitative approach characterized as action-critical research, including participant observation to describe the history and demands that led to the creation of this Literacy Project and the composition of the team that participated in the inclusion and literacy process. The results of educational actions pointed out the pertinence and need of considering the participation of this pre-service teacher deaf of the Rural Bachelor course as the guiding agent of the entire process. Since the team's articulation was only possible based on the considerations and notes given for this deaf referred. The results reveal the importance to articulate interventions about inclusive and bilingual approach in the University. Specifically, in the pre-service Science teacher courses, in order to discuss the presence of Brazilian Sign Language in inclusive or bilingual contexts, ensure the professional development of the deaf and the technical capacitation of the team members, through an effective evaluation of the educational process.

Diogenes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Anna Roydeva ◽  

Specialized psychotherapy for deaf people is still a young field of scientific research. The article describes collaboration and interaction between a therapist and a prelingually deaf person. This special collaborative relationship has several dimensions: language, Deaf culture, interpreting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 175
Samer Mohamed Abu Drei

This study aimed to investigate the psychometric characteristics of the Wechsler-4 scale of the intelligence of deaf people with Waardenburg syndrome and the level of intelligence according to the mental state. To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive survey method was used. The sample of the study consisted of (17) students from all deaf schools in Jordan, whose ages ranged between (8-17) years, and (WISC-IV) was applied in sign language. Indicators are reached for Construct Validity (2.741 - 0.243). And indications for reliability, where the correlation coefficients ranged between (0.487 - 0.898). The results showed that there were no differences in the IQ level of deaf people with Waardenburg syndrome due to gender. The absence of differences in the IQ level of deaf people with Waardenburg syndrome is due to the mental state variable in favor of the deaf group of those with the borderline between Gifted and Superior, but the overall IQ level of the deaf person with Waardenburg syndrome is within the lower limits (IQ = 71), which is Learning Disability. There are also differences in the level of the sub-tests of the scale for deaf people with Waardenburg syndrome, as the (Cancellation) test was the highest score and then (coding) in second place. The study recommends including this syndrome as part of the hearing impairment categories. Studies have been carried out on the development of the functional section of the Wechsler-4 scale to suit the visual perception of deaf people with Waardenburg syndrome.   Received: 27 February 2021 / Accepted: 5 June 2021 / Published: 8 July 2021

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 89
Waldma Maíra Menezes de Oliveira ◽  
Ivanilde Apoluceno de Oliveira

Apresenta um recorte da dissertação intitulada “Representações Sociais de educandos surdos sobre a atuação do Intérprete Educacional no Ensino Superior”, queobjetiva analisar as representações sociais de educandos surdos sobre o Intérprete Educacional, buscando identificar as implicações destas representações na aprendizagem e no processo de inclusão educacional dos educandos surdos. Os objetivos específicos são: investigar as imagens e os sentidos atribuídos pelos alunos surdos ao Intérprete de Língua de Sinais, na prática educacional; e identificar como as Representações Sociais sobre os Intérpretes, por parte dos educandos surdos, interferem no processo de sua aprendizagem educacional. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são dez educandos surdos que partilharam suas representações sobre atuação do Intérprete Educacional no nível superior A investigação apresenta enfoque qualitativo, com o uso, nos seus procedimentos, de um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e da técnica do desenho. A abordagem no campo das Representações Sociais é a processual, de Moscovici (2009), por tratar sobre a gênese das Representações Sociais, analisando os processos de sua formação, a partir da historicidade e do contexto de produção, formando, assim, dois processos de representações: a objetivação e a ancoragem, que têm uma relação dialética entre si. De acordo com os resultados das representações sociais dos educandos surdos, o Intérprete Educacional é peça fundamental na construção da inclusão, haja vista que, sem ele, esses educandos ficam isolados, sem informação e sem aprendizagem. Desse modo, a esse profissional é atribuída a responsabilidade de educar, interpretar e orientar o surdo no contexto do ensino superior.IMAGES AND MEANINGS OF THE EDUCATIONAL INTERPRETER BY DEAF LEARNERS IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAbstractI present a section of the dissertation titled “Social Representations of deaf students on the performance of the Educational Interpreter in Higher Education”. This paper main goal is to analyze the social representations by deaf learners on the educational interpreter, seeking to identify the implications of these representations for their learning and inclusion process. The specific objectives are: to investigate the images and meanings attributed by deaf students to the Sign Language Interpreter and to identify how the social representations interfere in their learning. The research participants are ten deaf students who shared their views on the Educational Interpreter’s performance at the higher education. The research presents a qualitative approach, with the use, in its procedures, of a semi-structured interview and drawing technique. This paper is based on the work of Moscovici (2009), which deals with the genesis of Social Representations. His theory analyses how they are constructed, considering the background and the production context and, thus, forming two processes of Representations: anchoring and objectification, which have a dialectical relationship between them and allow the creation of a figurative nucleus that presents itself with  a symbolic structure. The results show that the Educational Interpreter has a fundamental role in the inclusion, since without him the deaf learner becomes isolated, without access to information and without learning. Therefore, to this worker is assigned the responsibility of educating, interpreting and guiding the deaf person in the context of higher education.Keywords: Social Representations. Educational Interpreter. Deaf Learner.IMÁGENES Y SENTIDOS DE EDUCANDOS SORDOS SOBRE LA ACTUACIÓN DEL INTÉRPRETE EDUCACIONAL EN EDUCACIÓN SUPERIORResumenApresenta un recorte de la disertación titulada “Representaciones Sociales de los Estudiantes Sordos sobre la actuación del Interprete Educativo en la Educación Superior, que objetiva analizar las representaciones sociales de los educandos sordos sobre el intérprete educacional, buscando identificar las implicaciones de estas representaciones en el aprendizaje y proceso de inclusión educativo de los estudiantes sordos. Los objetivos específicos son: investigar las imágenes y los sentidos atribuidos por los alumnos sordos al Intérprete de Lenguaje de Señas en la práctica educacional e identificar como las Representaciones Sociales sobre los intérpretes, por parte de los estudiantes sordos, interfieren en el proceso de su aprendizaje educativo. Los sujetos de la investigación son 10 educandos sordos que compartieron sus representaciones sobre el trabajo del Interprete Educativo al nivel superior. La investigación presenta un enfoque cualitativo utilizando un plan de entrevistas semiestructuradas y una técnica de diseño. El enfoque utilizado en el campo de las Representaciones Sociales es el del proceso de Moscovici (2009), por tratar sobre el origen de las Representaciones Sociales, analizando los procesos de su formación, la cual considera la historicidad y el contexto de producción, formando así dos procesos de representaciones: la objetivación y el anclaje, que tienen una relación dialéctica entre sí. De acuerdo con los resultados de las representaciones sociales de los estudiantes sordos, el Intérprete Educativo es pieza fundamental en la construcción de la inclusión, ya que sin él, esos educandos quedan aislados, sin información y sin aprendizaje. De este modo, a este profesional le es atribuida la responsabilidad de educar, interpretar y orientar al sordo en el contexto de la enseñanza superior.Palabras claves: Representaciones Sociales. Intérprete educativo. Estudiante sordo.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Sean Borle

Uhlberg, Myron.  The Sound of All Things, illustrated by Ted Papoulas, Peachtree Publishers, 2016.This is an autobiographical story about Myron, who is the child of two deaf parents, attempting to explain sounds to them as they spend a day at the Coney Island amusement park. The illustrations in this book are spectacular. Ted Papoulas captures not only the detail of the amusement park, the library and fireworks, he also captures whole stories in the expressions on people’s faces. All of the illustrations reflect the 1920s, when Myron was a child. Many of the illustrations have a dark tone to them, using browns for building interiors, street scenes and evenings, adding to a vintage look. For a picture book this text is wordy, dense, and written at an adult reading level. Myron’s voice, however, is authentic. Only the child of a deaf person would be able to write, “My mother’s hands sat silent in her lap.” The text displays the intimate knowledge that Myron has of the deaf world and his struggles to translate sound to his parents. '“What does the ocean sound like?”  “It is loud,” I answered again. “Don’t be lazy,” [my father] signed.  I squirmed in my seat. I didn’t have enough words to tell my father what he wanted to know”'. Because the text is sophisticated for a picture book, it would be appropriate for upper elementary and above.I would recommend this book for public libraries and school libraries and to anyone who teaches deaf children or children of deaf people. Recommended: 3 stars out of 4Reviewer:  Sean BorleSean Borle is a University of Alberta undergraduate student who is an advocate for child health and safety. 

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