inclusion process
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2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 196-208
Luana Pereira de Novais Silva ◽  
Jhenifer Prescilla Dias Fuzinelli ◽  
Rosemary Aparecida de Almeida Moraes ◽  
Fabiana Frolini Marques Mangili

Faced with the theme of inclusion, discussions about the importance of the family-school relationship are relevant with regard to the socialization of children with Down Syndrome. In this perspective, the main objective of this essay was to explore the scientific literature about the challenges faced by parents, family and teachers in the process of inclusion of children with Down syndrome. Specifically, this article sought to propose discussions on the importance of community awareness and collaboration to change the paradigm of inclusion. Therefore, scientific articles, books and academic papers found in the Google Scholar database were selected, between the period 2011 to 2021, based on the following keywords: People with disabilities; Down's syndrome; Inclusion; History of people with disabilities; Diagnosis of a child with a disability and; Family-School Relationship. Among the main factors influencing the inclusion process of children with Down's Syndrome, beliefs and stigmas of parents, family members, school professionals and society about the child's ability to deal with other people and learn, stand out. family support and the lack of support/guidance from an interdisciplinary team. The inclusion of people with disabilities still faces barriers and challenges that need to be overcome, however, through the active participation of the scientific community and political-social movements, studies on the theme of inclusion show that changes in this scenario have occurred gradually.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 122-138
Melissa Rayanne Bezerra de Oliveira ◽  
Maria Patrícia Lourenço Barros

Resumo: A inclusão é uma conquista do movimento das pessoas com deficiência para terem direito de acesso à escola assim como as demais pessoas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal analisar o processo de inclusão do estudante surdo no ensino fundamental na rede municipal de Salgueiro- PE. Assim, buscando entender qual o verdadeiro processo de inclusão do aluno surdo no ensino fundamental no município de Salgueiro- PE? Como isso visou-se identificar a inclusão do estudante Surdo do Ensino Regular, compreender o processo de inclusão a partir da legislação, identificar o processo de inclusão tendo como referência a educação como principal meio de favorecimento a uma convivência humana saudável, pautada no respeito pela diversidade que constitui a sociedade e ainda refletir a luz da importância da Libras/interprete para facilitação da aprendizagem do surdo na sala de aula numa experiência de escola regular na cidade de Salgueiro- PE. A presente pesquisa foi de base qualitativa, sendo parte reflexiva aos diálogos de autores citados no mesmo e de uma pesquisa semiestruturada com a secretaria de educação da rede municipal de Salgueiro- PE. Onde verificou-se que através desses questionamentos existe uma barreira desafiante que precisa ser urgente resolvida no processo de inclusão do aluno surdo nas escolas da rede. Faz-se necessário o reconhecimento da língua de sinais como importante para os alunos surdos, formação continuada e especifica para os profissionais da educação na perspectiva de qualifica-los, entendendo que a formação constitui elemento fundamental para se atingir os objetivos visados pela educação.       Palavras chave: Aluno surdo. Educação. Inclusão. Libras. Professor.  Abstract: Inclusion is an achievement of the movement of people with disabilities to have the right to access school just like other people. The main objective of this study was to analyze the process of inclusion of deaf students in elementary education in the municipal network of Salgueiro-PE. So, trying to understand what is the real process of inclusion of deaf students in elementary school in the city of Salgueiro-PE? As such, the aim was to identify the inclusion of Deaf students in Regular Education, understand the inclusion process from the legislation, identify the inclusion process with reference to education as the main means of favoring a healthy human coexistence, based on respect for diversity that constitutes society and still reflect the light of the importance of Libras/interpreter to facilitate the learning of the deaf in the classroom in a regular school experience in the city of Salgueiro-PE. The present research was qualitatively based, being a reflexive part of the dialogues of authors mentioned in the same and of a semi-structured research with the education department of the municipal network of Salgueiro-PE. Where it was found that through these questions there is a challenging barrier that needs to be urgently resolved in the process of inclusion of deaf students in schools in the network. It is necessary to recognize sign language as important for deaf students, continuing and specific training for education professionals with a view to qualifying them, understanding that training is a fundamental element to achieve the goals pursued by education. Keywords: Deaf student. Education. Inclusion. LIBRAS. Teacher. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 292-303
Gabriela Gonçalves Pires ◽  
Venceslau José Da Silva Filho ◽  
Kennya De Lima Almeida

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como principal objetivo abordar o processo de inclusão na Escola Doutor Severino Alves de Sá, uma instituição pública de ensino que tem como proposta um ensino inclusivo próprio para atender aos alunos com deficiências que têm seus direitos garantidos por Lei. Sendo que um dos objetivos específicos deste trabalho é fazer uma análise sobre a historicidade do ensino inclusivo, o aspecto inclusivo no contexto educacional, a formação docente na perspectiva escolar e os benefícios da inclusão escolar para os alunos. Já a justificativa vem ao encontro da temática ser bastante quente e sempre está em discussão no meio educacional. O estudo visa ainda uma explanação bibliográfica sobre o tema apontando, inclusão escolar para pessoas com deficiências. Vale salientar que por muito tempo as pessoas com deficiências foram mantidas segregadas e praticamente privadas de convívio social. Apenas a partir do século XX, quando teve início sua desinstitucionalização e sua educação escolar é que se verificou uma melhor aceitação do deficiente. A problemática presente no artigo vem ao encontro de como se dá a prática do ensino inclusivo mediante teórica descrita no PPP. A metodologia utilizada consiste na revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema e no estudo do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) da referida instituição de ensino. O principal resultado encontrado é que a escola embora tenha como proposta o ensino inclusivo, é perceptível que esse objetivo ainda está em implementação na instituição. Palavras-chave: Inclusão; Deficiência; Escola; Família; Sociedade.                            Abstract: The main aim of this article is to address the inclusion process at Escola Doutor Severino Alves de Sá, a public educational institution that proposes an inclusive education to serve students with disabilities who have their rights guaranteed by law. One of the specific objectives of this work is to carry out an analysis of the historicity of inclusive education, the inclusive aspect in the educational context, teacher education from a school perspective and the benefits of school inclusion for students.  The justification, on the other hand, is in line with the fact that the theme is quite hot and is always under discussion in the educational environment.  The study also aims to provide a bibliographical explanation on the topic, pointing to school inclusion for people with disabilities.  It is worth noting that for a long time people with disabilities were kept segregated and practically deprived of social interaction.  It was only from the 20th century onwards, when its deinstitutionalization and school education began, that there was a better acceptance of the disabled.  The issue present in the article is in line with how the practice of inclusive education takes place through the theoretical described in the PPP.  The methodology used consists of a literature review on the topic and the study of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) of the aforementioned educational institution.  The main result found is that the school, although its proposal is inclusive education, it is noticeable that this objective is still being implemented in the institution.Keywords: Inclusion, Disability, School, Family, Society. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 467-474
Danielle Nunes Martins do Prado ◽  
Celia Regina Vitaliano ◽  
Isabel Rodrigues Sanches

ResumoA partir do movimento da inclusão escolar, os alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) passam a frequentar o ensino regular nas classes comuns, paralelamente amplia-se a presença do professor de apoio à inclusão para atendê-los. Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar as sugestões relatadas por professores de apoio visando aprimorar o seu trabalho junto aos alunos com NEE para favorecer o processo de inclusão. O aporte teórico deste texto está sustentado pelos pressupostos da educação inclusiva, aliado com a análises de diversos estudos sobre o papel do professor de apoio no contexto da escola inclusiva. Participaram da pesquisa 67 professores desenvolvendo a função de apoio à inclusão. A coleta dos dados ocorreu por meio da aplicação de um questionário. Entre os resultados se destaca a necessidade de maior investimento na formação continuada para os professores de apoio à inclusão, juntamente com os professores regentes sobre o processo de inclusão dos alunos com NEE, bem como de se estabelecer um trabalho entre eles na perspectiva colaborativa, aliado aos demais profissionais internos e externos à escola e familiares. Palavras-chave: Educação Inclusiva. Serviço de Apoio. Trabalho Colaborativo. AbstractFrom the school inclusion movement, students with special educational needs (SEN) start to attend regular education in common classes, in parallel the presence of the inclusion support teacher is expanded to serve them. This article aims to present the suggestions reported by support teachers in order to improve their work with SEN students to favor the inclusion process. The theoretical contribution of this text is supported by the assumptions of inclusive education, combined with the analysis of several studies on the role of the support teacher in the inclusive school context. 67 teachers engaged the research, developing the role of supporting inclusion. Data collection occurred through the application of a questionnaire. Among the results, the need is highlighted for greater investment in continuing education for teachers to support inclusion together with the governing teachers on the inclusion process of SEN students, as well as establishing a work between them in a collaborative perspective, allied to other internal and external professionals at the school and family. Keywords: Inclusive Education. Support Service. Collaborative Work

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Mirta Vernice ◽  
Barbara Carretti ◽  
Daniela Sarti ◽  
Daniela Traficante ◽  
Maria Luisa Lorusso

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 93358-93372
Glauco José Rocha Diniz ◽  
Ana Patrícia Oliveira Santos ◽  
Claudia Ângela de Sousa Pereira ◽  
Claudemir Brito Da Silva ◽  
Daniel Souza César ◽  

2021 ◽  
Aleksandar Krastev

Inclusive education happens when all children and students regardless of their specific features, disabilities or gifts are placed under conditions that enhance their personal potential and talents to develop. Successful inclusive education is being achieved mainly when the differences and diversity among children and students are accepted, comprehended and taken into account. Extremely significant appears also the attitude of the adults applying the integration in practice. All pedagogic professionals and concerned sides such as parents and community are responsible for the inclusion quality. The ability of everybody participating in the inclusion process to support, tolerate and accept the diversity and individuality is in itself intelligence – inclusive intelligence. The degree of inclusive intelligence depends not only on the information volume, knowledge and experience, but also on the willingness of every pedagogic professional to support and accept the diversity in children.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (26) ◽  
pp. 44
Marta Alexandra Gonçalves Nogueira ◽  
Célia Maria Adão de Oliveira Aguiar de Sousa

The inclusion of People with Disabilities (PwD's) in the labor market is a challenge and a great opportunity for companies. This inclusion process has the power to generate a great social impact in the life of PwD since they can be paid and can also play an important role that makes them feel proud and useful to society. However, this community faces many difficulties both in their inclusion and during their day-to-day work. This paper, therefore, focuses on exploring and understanding how organizations welcome these workers, what emotions they feel and how they manage them, and how well communication takes place in this context. A mixed methodology was used, with recourse to qualitative and quantitative research. Fifty disabled workers and 314 of their co-workers, employees of the Auchan Portugal Group, participated in the study. The results showed that PwD's recognize their emotions when interacting with their co-workers, but most of them disguise themselves when they feel discomfort. The feeling/emotion that mostly characterizes the daily professional life of these people is pride, which refers to the importance that work plays in their daily lives. As for organizational communication, PwD's consider it to be accessible. It was also possible to notice that although most PwD feel integrated, they suggest greater sensitivity from the employer, adapted work, and more accessibility in the workplace.

2021 ◽  
Vol 183 (3) ◽  
Mario Ayala ◽  
Gioia Carinci ◽  
Frank Redig

AbstractWe study the symmetric inclusion process (SIP) in the condensation regime. We obtain an explicit scaling for the variance of the density field in this regime, when initially started from a homogeneous product measure. This provides relevant new information on the coarsening dynamics of condensing interacting particle systems on the infinite lattice. We obtain our result by proving convergence to sticky Brownian motion for the difference of positions of two SIP particles in the sense of Mosco convergence of Dirichlet forms. Our approach implies the convergence of the probabilities of two SIP particles to be together at time t. This, combined with self-duality, allows us to obtain the explicit scaling for the variance of the fluctuation field.

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