High baseline ROMK activity in mouse late distal convoluted and early connecting tubule (DCT2/CNT) probably contributes to aldosterone-independent K+ secretion

Viatcheslav Nesterov ◽  
Marko Bertog ◽  
Christoph Korbmacher

The renal outer medullary K+ channel (ROMK) is co-localized with the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) in late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2), connecting tubule (CNT) and cortical collecting duct (CCD). ENaC-mediated Na+ absorption generates the electrical driving force for ROMK-mediated tubular K+ secretion which is critically important for maintaining renal K+ homeostasis. ENaC activity is aldosterone-dependent in late CNT and early CCD (CNT/CCD) but aldosterone-independent in DCT2 and early CNT (DCT2/CNT). This suggests that under baseline conditions with low plasma aldosterone ROMK-mediated K+ secretion mainly occurs in DCT2/CNT. Therefore, we hypothesized that baseline ROMK activity is higher in DCT2/CNT than in CNT/CCD. To test this hypothesis, patch-clamp experiments were performed in DCT2/CNT and CNT/CCD microdissected from mice maintained on standard diet. In single-channel recordings from outside-out patches we detected typical ROMK channel activity in both DCT2/CNT and CNT/CCD and confirmed that ROMK is the predominant K+ channel in the apical membrane. Amiloride-sensitive (ΔIami) and tertiapin-sensitive (ΔITPNQ) whole-cell currents were determined to assess ENaC and ROMK activity, respectively. As expected, baseline ΔIami was high in DCT2/CNT (~370 pA) but low in CNT/CCD (~60 pA). Importantly, ΔITPNQ was significantly higher in DCT2/CNT than in CNT/CCD (~810 pA versus ~350 pA). We conclude that high ROMK activity in DCT2/CNT is critical for aldosterone-independent renal K+ secretion under baseline conditions. A low potassium diet significantly reduced ENaC but not ROMK activity in DCT2/CNT. This suggests that modifying ENaC activity in DCT2/CNT plays a key regulatory role in adjusting renal K+ excretion to dietary K+ intake.

1985 ◽  
Vol 248 (6) ◽  
pp. F858-F868 ◽  
S. C. Sansom ◽  
R. G. O'Neil

The effects of mineralocorticoid (DOCA) treatment of rabbits on the Na+ and K+ transport properties of the cortical collecting duct apical cell membrane were assessed using microelectrode techniques. Applying standard cable techniques and equivalent circuit analysis to the isolated perfused tubule, the apical cell membrane K+ and Na+ currents and conductances could be estimated from the selective effects of the K+ channel blocker Ba2+ and the Na+ channel blocker amiloride on the apical membrane; amiloride treatment was observed also to decrease the tight junction conductance by an average of 10%. After 1 day of DOCA treatment, the Na+ conductance and current (Na+ influx) of the apical cell membrane doubled and remained elevated with prolonged treatment for up to 2 wk. The apical cell membrane K+ conductance was not influenced after 1 day, although the K+ current (K+ secretion) increased significantly due to an increased driving force for K+ exit. After 4 days or more of DOCA treatment the K+ conductance doubled, resulting in a further modest stimulation in K+ secretion. After 2 wk of DOCA treatment the tight junction conductance decreased by near 30%, resulting in an additional hyperpolarization of the transepithelial voltage, thereby favoring K+ secretion. It is concluded that the acute effect (within 1 day) of mineralocorticoids on Na+ and K+ transport is an increase in the apical membrane Na+ conductance followed by delayed chronic alterations in the apical membrane K+ conductance and tight junction conductance, thereby resulting in a sustained increased capacity of the tubule to reabsorb Na+ and secrete K+.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (6) ◽  
pp. C1423-C1429 ◽  
D. C. Marcus ◽  
S. Takeuchi ◽  
P. Wangemann

Patch-clamp recordings were made on cell-attached and excised apical membrane from dark cells of the semicircular canal of the gerbil. These cells are thought to secrete K+ and absorb Na+ from the luminal fluid (endolymph). Single-channel events were identified as being equally conductive (27.6 +/- 0.4 pS; n = 48) for K+, Na+, Rb+, Li+, and Cs+ and 1.4 times more permeable to NH4+ but not permeable to Cl-, Ca2+, Ba2+, nor to N-methyl-D-glucamine. The channels displayed linear current-voltage relations that passed nearly through the origin (intercept: -2.6 +/- 0.5 mV; n = 48) when conductive monovalent cations were present on both sides of the membrane in equal concentrations. Channel activity required the presence of Ca2+ at the cytosolic face; there was no activity at less than or equal to 10(-7) M Ca2+ and full activity at greater than or equal to 10(-5) M Ca2+. Cell-attached recordings had a mean reversal voltage of -36.4 +/- 7.9 mV (n = 7), which was interpreted to reflect the intracellular potential of dark cells under the present conditions. We have identified a nonselective cation channel in the apical membrane of vestibular dark cells that might participate in K+ secretion or Na+ absorption under stimulated conditions, but the density appears to be insufficient to fully account for the transepithelial K+ flux.

2001 ◽  
Vol 281 (1) ◽  
pp. C147-C156 ◽  
Roger T. Worrell ◽  
Hui-Fang Bao ◽  
Don D. Denson ◽  
Douglas C. Eaton

Activity of the epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is the limiting step for discretionary Na+reabsorption in the cortical collecting duct. Xenopus laeviskidney A6 cells were used to investigate the effects of cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) activity on Na+ transport. Application of aristolochic acid, a cPLA2 inhibitor, to the apical membrane of monolayers produced a decrease in apical [3H]arachidonic acid (AA) release and led to an approximate twofold increase in transepithelial Na+ current. Increased current was abolished by the nonmetabolized AA analog 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid (ETYA), suggesting that AA, rather than one of its metabolic products, affected current. In single channel studies, ETYA produced a decrease in ENaC open probability. This suggests that cPLA2 is tonically active in A6 cells and that the end effect of liberated AA at the apical membrane is to reduce Na+ transport via actions on ENaC. In contrast, aristolochic acid applied basolaterally inhibited current, and the effect was not reversed by ETYA. Basolateral application of the cyclooxygenase inhibitor ibuprofen also inhibited current. Both effects were reversed by prostaglandin E2(PGE2). This suggests that cPLA2 activity and free AA, which is metabolized to PGE2, are necessary to support transport. This study supports the fine-tuning of Na+ transport and reabsorption through the regulation of free AA and AA metabolism.

2007 ◽  
Vol 293 (1) ◽  
pp. F227-F235 ◽  
Wen Liu ◽  
Tetsuji Morimoto ◽  
Craig Woda ◽  
Thomas R. Kleyman ◽  
Lisa M. Satlin

Apical low-conductance SK and high-conductance Ca2+-activated BK channels are present in distal nephron, including the cortical collecting duct (CCD). Flow-stimulated net K secretion ( JK) in the CCD is 1) blocked by iberiotoxin, an inhibitor of BK but not SK channels, and 2) associated with an increase in [Ca2+]i, leading us to conclude that BK channels mediate flow-stimulated JK. To examine the Ca2+ dependence and sources of Ca2+ contributing to flow-stimulated JK, JK and net Na absorption ( JNa) were measured at slow (∼1) and fast (∼5 nl·min−1·mm−1) flow rates in rabbit CCDs microperfused in the absence of luminal Ca2+ or after pretreatment with BAPTA-AM to chelate intracellular Ca2+, 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), to inhibit the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptor or thapsigargin to deplete internal stores. These treatments, which do not affect flow-stimulated JNa (Morimoto et al. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 291: F663–F669, 2006), inhibited flow-stimulated JK. Increases in [Ca2+]i stimulate exocytosis. To test whether flow induces exocytic insertion of preformed BK channels into the apical membrane, CCDs were pretreated with 10 μM colchicine (COL) to disrupt microtubule function or 5 μg/ml brefeldin-A (BFA) to inhibit delivery of channels from the intracellular pool to the plasma membrane. Both agents inhibited flow-stimulated JK but not JNa (Morimoto et al. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 291: F663–F669, 2006), although COL but not BFA also blocked the flow-induced [Ca2+]i transient. We thus speculate that BK channel-mediated, flow-stimulated JK requires an increase in [Ca2+]i due, in part, to luminal Ca2+ entry and ER Ca2+ release, microtubule integrity, and exocytic insertion of preformed channels into the apical membrane.

2011 ◽  
Vol 300 (6) ◽  
pp. F1385-F1393 ◽  
James B. Wade ◽  
Liang Fang ◽  
Richard A. Coleman ◽  
Jie Liu ◽  
P. Richard Grimm ◽  

ROMK channels are well-known to play a central role in renal K secretion, but the absence of highly specific and avid-ROMK antibodies has presented significant roadblocks toward mapping the extent of expression along the entire distal nephron and determining whether surface density of these channels is regulated in response to physiological stimuli. Here, we prepared new ROMK antibodies verified to be highly specific, using ROMK knockout mice as a control. Characterization with segmental markers revealed a more extensive pattern of ROMK expression along the entire distal nephron than previously thought, localizing to distal convoluted tubule regions, DCT1 and DCT2; the connecting tubule (CNT); and cortical collecting duct (CD). ROMK was diffusely distributed in intracellular compartments and at the apical membrane of each tubular region. Apical labeling was significantly increased by high-K diet in DCT2, CNT1, CNT2, and CD ( P < 0.05) but not in DCT1. Consistent with the large increase in apical ROMK, dramatically increased mature glycosylation was observed following dietary potassium augmentation. We conclude 1) our new antibody provides a unique tool to characterize ROMK channel localization and expression and 2) high-K diet causes a large increase in apical expression of ROMK in DCT2, CNT, and CD but not in DCT1, indicating that different regulatory mechanisms are involved in K diet-regulated ROMK channel functions in the distal nephron.

2016 ◽  
Vol 311 (6) ◽  
pp. F1360-F1368 ◽  
Ming-Ming Wu ◽  
Yu-Jia Zhai ◽  
Yu-Xia Li ◽  
Qing-Qing Hu ◽  
Zhi-Rui Wang ◽  

A Ca2+-activated nonselective cation channel (NSCCa) is found in principal cells of the mouse cortical collecting duct (CCD). However, the molecular identity of this channel remains unclear. We used mpkCCDc14 cells, a mouse CCD principal cell line, to determine whether NSCCa represents the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel, the melastatin subfamily 4 (TRPM4). A Ca2+-sensitive single-channel current was observed in inside-out patches excised from the apical membrane of mpkCCDc14 cells. Like TRPM4 channels found in other cell types, this channel has an equal permeability for Na+ and K+ and has a linear current-voltage relationship with a slope conductance of ~23 pS. The channel was inhibited by a specific TRPM4 inhibitor, 9-phenanthrol. Moreover, the frequency of observing this channel was dramatically decreased in TRPM4 knockdown mpkCCDc14 cells. Unlike those previously reported in other cell types, the TRPM4 in mpkCCDc14 cells was unable to be activated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Conversely, after treatment with H2O2, TRPM4 density in the apical membrane of mpkCCDc14 cells was significantly decreased. The channel in intact cell-attached patches was activated by ionomycin (a Ca2+ ionophore), but not by ATP (a purinergic P2 receptor agonist). These data suggest that the NSCCa current previously described in CCD principal cells is actually carried through TRPM4 channels. However, the physiological role of this channel in the CCD remains to be further determined.

2012 ◽  
Vol 303 (1) ◽  
pp. F110-F119 ◽  
Dao-Hong Lin ◽  
Peng Yue ◽  
Jesse Rinehart ◽  
Peng Sun ◽  
Zhijian Wang ◽  

With-no-Lysine kinase 4 (WNK4) inhibited ROMK (Kir1.1) channels and the inhibitory effect of WNK4 was abolished by serum-glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (SGK1) but restored by c-Src. The aim of the present study is to explore the mechanism by which Src-family tyrosine kinase (SFK) modulates the effect of SGK1 on WNK4 and to test the role of SFK-WNK4-SGK1 interaction in regulating ROMK channels in the kidney. Immunoprecipitation demonstrated that protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) binds to WNK4 at amino acid (aa) residues 695–699 (PP1#1) and at aa 1211–1215 (PP1#2). WNK4−PP1#1 and WNK4−PP1#2, in which the PP1#1 or PP1#2 binding site was deleted or mutated, inhibited ROMK channels as potently as WNK4. However, c-Src restored the inhibitory effect of WNK4 but not WNK4−PP1#1 on ROMK channels in the presence of SGK1. Moreover, expression of c-Src inhibited SGK1-induced phosphorylation of WNK4 but not WNK4−PP1#1 at serine residue 1196 (Ser1196). In contrast, coexpression of c-Src restored the inhibitory effect of WNK4−PP1#2 on ROMK in the presence of SGK1 and diminished SGK1-induced WNK4 phosphorylation at Ser1196 in cells transfected with WNK4−PP1#2. This suggests the possibility that c-Src regulates the interaction between WNK4 and SGK1 through activating PP1 binding to aa 695–9 thereby decreasing WNK4 phosphorylation and restoring the inhibitory effect of WNK4. This mechanism plays a role in suppressing ROMK channel activity during the volume depletion because inhibition of SFK or serine/threonine phosphatases increases ROMK channel activity in the cortical collecting duct of rats on a low-Na diet. We conclude that regulation of phosphatase activity by SFK plays a role in determining the effect of aldosterone on ROMK channels and on renal K secretion.

2003 ◽  
Vol 285 (5) ◽  
pp. F945-F954 ◽  
Shigeaki Muto ◽  
Yasushi Asano ◽  
WenHui Wang ◽  
Donald Seldin ◽  
Gerhard Giebisch

Microelectrode and patch-clamp techniques were used in the isolated cortical collecting duct to study the effects of stimulating Na+-K+-ATPase by raising bath K+ (Fujii Y and Katz AI. Am J Physiol Renal Fluid Electrolyte Physiol 257: F595–F601, 1989 and Muto S, Asano Y, Seldin D, and Giebisch. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 276: F143–F158, 1999) on the transepithelial ( VT) and basolateral membrane ( VB) voltages and basolateral K+ channel activity. Increasing bath K+ from 2.5 to 8.5 mM resulted in an initial hyperpolarization of both VT and VB followed by a delayed depolarization. The effects of raising bath K+ on VT and VB were attenuated by decreasing luminal Na+ from 146.8 to 14.0 mM and were abolished by removal of luminal Na+, whereas those were magnified in desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-treated rabbits. Increasing bath K+ also led to a significant reduction of the intracellular Na+ and Ca2+ concentrations. The transepithelial conductance ( GT) or fractional apical membrane resistance (f RA) were unaltered during the initial hyperpolarization phase, whereas, in the late depolarization phase, there were an increase in GT and a decrease in f RA, both of which were attenuated in the presence of low luminal Na+ (14.0 mM). In tubules from DOCA-treated animals, bath Ba2+ not only caused a significantly larger initial hyperpolarization of VT and VB but also blunted the late depolarization by high bath K+. Nω-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester (l-NAME) partially mimicked the effect of Ba2+ and decreased the amplitude of the late depolarization. Patch-clamp experiments showed that raising bath K+ from 2.5 to 8.5 mM resulted in an increased activity of the basolateral K+ channel, which was absent in the presence of l-NAME. We conclude that stimulation of Na+-K+-ATPase increases the basolateral K+ conductance and that this effect involves suppression of nitric oxide-dependent inhibition of K+ channels.

1992 ◽  
Vol 262 (1) ◽  
pp. F86-F97 ◽  
T. Nonaka ◽  
D. H. Warden ◽  
J. B. Stokes

We studied the cellular pathways of K+ transport by the rabbit cortical collecting duct that was stimulated to absorb Na+ and to secrete K+. The vast majority of K+ secretion (into the lumen) was inhibited by benzamil, a blocker of epithelial Na+ channels. The residual K+ secretion was completely inhibited by ouabain. Thus all active K+ secretion was dependent on Na+ transport by the Na(+)-K+ pump. The passive pathways of K+ transport were further examined using tracer and electrophysiological measurements. K+ transfer across the apical membrane was predominantly or exclusively conductive; the apical K+ conductance was 31 mS/cm2. The basolateral membrane contained two pathways for K+ tracer translocation. The (barium-sensitive) conductive pathway accounted for a relatively small (12-20%) portion of the tracer permeation. A larger pathway appeared to be via K(+)-K+ exchange on the Na(+)-K+ pump. The magnitude of the Ba2(+)-sensitive (basolateral) K+ conductance predicted a substantially larger tracer flux than was actually measured. The best explanation for this difference is the presence of single-file diffusion through K+ channels on the apical and basolateral membranes. An analysis of the electrically silent K+ transport from lumen to bath suggests that the Na(+)-K+ pump can vary the ratio of its Na(+)-K+ and K(+)-K+ modes of operation. When the tubule is actively transporting Na+ and K+, the Na(+)-K+/K(+)-K+ turnover ratio is greater than 7. When Na+ transport is limited by inhibiting Na+ entry across the apical membrane, the ratio falls to less than 1. A major factor determining this ratio is probably the availability of Na+ to the cytoplasmic side of the pump.

2009 ◽  
Vol 297 (2) ◽  
pp. F499-F509 ◽  
Nilufar Mohebbi ◽  
Marija Mihailova ◽  
Carsten A. Wagner

Calcineurin inhibitors like FK506 (tacrolimus) are routinely used for immunosuppression following transplantation. Its use is limited by many side effects, including renal tubular acidosis (RTA), mainly of the distal type. In this study, rats were treated with FK506 and at baseline (after 9 days) systemic acid-base status was similar to that in control animals. However, FK506-treated rats given NH4Cl in the drinking water for 2 days developed a more severe metabolic acidosis than control animals. Urine pH was more alkaline, but net acid excretion was normal. After 7 days of acid load, all differences related to acid-base homeostasis were equalized in both groups. Protein abundance of type IIa Na-Pi cotransporter, type 3 Na+/H+ exchanger, and electrogenic Na+-bicarbonate cotransporter, and both a4 and B2 subunits of the vacuolar H+-ATPase were reduced under baseline conditions, while induction of metabolic acidosis enhanced protein abundance of these transporters in FK506-treated animals. In parallel, protein expression of AE1 was reduced at baseline and increased together with pendrin during NH4Cl loading in FK506 rats. Protein abundance of the Na+-bicarbonate cotransporter NBCn1 was reduced under baseline conditions but remained downregulated during metabolic acidosis. Morphological analysis revealed an increase in the relative number of non-type A intercalated cells in the connecting tubule and cortical collecting duct at the expense of principal cells. Additionally, subcellular distribution of the a4 subunit of the vacuolar H+-ATPase was affected by FK506 with less luminal localization in the connecting tubule and outer medullary collecting duct. These data suggest that FK506 impacts on several major acid-base transport proteins in the kidney, and its use is associated with transient metabolic acidosis and altered expression of key renal acid-base transport proteins.

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