Effects of dorsal column stimulation on primate spinothalamic tract neurons

1976 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 534-546 ◽  
R. D. Foreman ◽  
J. E. Beall ◽  
J. D. Coulter ◽  
W. D. Willis

The effect of dorsal column stimulation on spinothalamic tract cells was investigated in anesthetized monkeys. The dorsal column stimuli were applied at midthoracic or at cervical levels of the cord, while the responses of spinothalamic tract cells of the lumbosacral enlargement were examined. A dorsal column volley depressed the activity of spinothalamic tract cells for about 150 ms. A similar depression was observed whether the spinothalamic tract cell was classified as hair activated, low, or high threshold, based on its response properties to cutaneous stimulation. The hair-activated and low-threshold spinothalamic tract cells were initially excited by the dorsal column volley, but often it was possible to demonstrate that a depression could be produced by stimuli which were too weak to cause excitation of these cells. Depression was produced both of the responses of spinothalamic tract cells to electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves and to mechanical stimulation of cutaneous nociceptors. A similar depression was produced by electrical stimulation of large afferents in peripheral nerves.The pathway mediating the depression of spinothalamic tract cells was shown to involve antidromic invasion of collaterals of dorsal column fibers. The best points for stimulation of the cord to produce a depression were over the ipsilateral dorsal column. A lesion interrupting the dorsal column eliminated the depression of cells below the lesion, whereas a lesion of much of the lateral column had no effect.The mechanism of the depression is likely to be complex. Apart from interactions at an interneuronal level, dorsal column volleys can be presumed to collide with sensory input from afferents which project up the dorsal column; collision would interfere chiefly with the responses of hair-activated and low-threshold spinothalamic tract cells. In addition, dorsal column volleys were shown to evoke inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in some spinothalamic tract neurons, and they also produced primary afferent depolarization, at least of large cutaneous afferemts.The excitation of hair-activated and low-threshold spinothalamic tract cells argues against their participation in signaling pain, since dorsal column stimulation in humans does not produce pain at stimulus intensities and frequencies which should activate such neurons. Alternatively, an ascending volley in the dorsal column or in other pathways may interfere with pain transmission in the brain.

1991 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 697-703 ◽  
M. Catherine Bushnell ◽  
Serge Marchand ◽  
Nicole Tremblay ◽  
Gary H. Duncan

One method for the treatment of chronic musculoskeletal pain involves stimulation of the peripheral or central nervous system. Such stimulation includes transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, dorsal column stimulation, and deep brain stimulation. This review discusses the clinical use of electrical stimulation for the relief of musculoskeletal pain, and describes the results of studies conducted in our laboratory suggesting that such stimulation reduces pain transmission along sensory-discriminative pathways.Key words: pain, nociception, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, dorsal column stimulation, deep brain stimulation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (7) ◽  
pp. eaaw1297 ◽  
Saad S. Nagi ◽  
Andrew G. Marshall ◽  
Adarsh Makdani ◽  
Ewa Jarocka ◽  
Jaquette Liljencrantz ◽  

The canonical view is that touch is signaled by fast-conducting, thickly myelinated afferents, whereas pain is signaled by slow-conducting, thinly myelinated (“fast” pain) or unmyelinated (“slow” pain) afferents. While other mammals have thickly myelinated afferents signaling pain (ultrafast nociceptors), these have not been demonstrated in humans. Here, we performed single-unit axonal recordings (microneurography) from cutaneous mechanoreceptive afferents in healthy participants. We identified A-fiber high-threshold mechanoreceptors (A-HTMRs) that were insensitive to gentle touch, encoded noxious skin indentations, and displayed conduction velocities similar to A-fiber low-threshold mechanoreceptors. Intraneural electrical stimulation of single ultrafast A-HTMRs evoked painful percepts. Testing in patients with selective deafferentation revealed impaired pain judgments to graded mechanical stimuli only when thickly myelinated fibers were absent. This function was preserved in patients with a loss-of-function mutation in mechanotransduction channel PIEZO2. These findings demonstrate that human mechanical pain does not require PIEZO2 and can be signaled by fast-conducting, thickly myelinated afferents.

1997 ◽  
Vol 78 (6) ◽  
pp. 2924-2936 ◽  
Douglas D. Rasmusson ◽  
Stacey A. Northgrave

Rasmusson, Douglas D. and Stacey A. Northgrave. Reorganization of the raccoon cuneate nucleus after peripheral denervation. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2924–2936, 1997. The effects of peripheral nerve transection on the cuneate nucleus were studied in anesthetized raccoons using extracellular, single-unit recordings. The somatotopic organization of the cuneate nucleus first was examined in intact, control animals. The cuneate nucleus in the raccoon is organized with the digits represented in separate cell clusters. The dorsal cap region of the cuneate nucleus contains a representation of the claws and hairy skin of the digits. Within the representation of the glabrous skin, neurons with rapidly adapting properties tended to be segregated from those with slowly adapting properties. The representations of the distal and proximal pads on a digit also were segregated. Electrical stimulation of two adjacent digits provided a detailed description of the responses originating from the digit that contains the tactile receptive field (the on-focus digit) and from the adjacent (off-focus) digit. Stimulation of the on-focus digit produced a short latency excitation in all 99 neurons tested, with a mean of 10.5 ms. These responses had a low threshold (426 μA). Stimulation of an off-focus digit activated 65% of these neurons. These responses had a significantly longer latency (15.3 ms) than on-focus responses and the threshold was more than twice as large. Two to five months after amputation of digit 4, 97 cells were tested with stimulation of digits 3 and 5. A total of 44 were in the intact regions of the cuneate nucleus. They had small receptive fields on intact digits and their responses to electrical stimulation did not differ from the control neurons. The remaining 53 neurons were judged to be deafferented and in the fourth digit region on the basis of their location with respect to intact neurons. All but two of these cells had receptive fields that were much larger than normal, often including more than one digit and part of the palm. When compared with the off-focus control neurons, their responses to electrical stimulation had lower thresholds and an increased response probability and magnitude. The latencies of these cells did not decrease, however, and were the same as the off-focus control values. The enhanced responses of the deafferented neurons to adjacent digit stimulation indicate that there is a strengthening of synapses that were previously ineffective. The increased proportion of neurons that could be activated after amputation suggests that there is also a growth of new connections. This experiment demonstrates that reorganization in the adult somatotopic system does occur at the level of the dorsal column nuclei. As a consequence, many of the changes reported at the cortex and thalamus may be due to the changes occurring at this first synapse in the somatosensory pathway.

1990 ◽  
Vol 64 (6) ◽  
pp. 1791-1800 ◽  
Y. Sahara ◽  
Y. K. Xie ◽  
G. J. Bennett

1. The afferent-evoked synaptic input to lumbar spinal cord (L5-S1) neurons that were activated antidromically from the medial pontomedullary reticular formation (nucleus reticularis gigantocelluaris and vicinity) was investigated with the use of intracellular recordings in pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized cats. 2. Spinoreticular tract (SRT) neurons (n = 33) were categorized into three types (“deep-inhibited,” “deep-complex,” and “intermediate”) on the basis of their locations and of their responses to natural and electrical stimulation. 3. The deep-inhibited-type neurons, located in the medial part of the deeper laminae (approximately VI-VIII), comprised a large component of the sample (20/33). They had no demonstrable excitatory receptive field (RF). However, electrical stimulation of low-threshold cutaneous afferents of hindlimb nerves evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) via an oligosynaptic linkage. High-threshold cutaneous and muscle afferents also evoked IPSPs. 4. In the deep-complex-type neurons (8/33), electrical stimulation of low-threshold cutaneous afferents evoked complex IPSP-excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) sequences. With intense stimuli, long-latency C-fiber-like EPSPs were evoked. Two of these eight neurons were characterized as wide-dynamic-range (WDR) neurons with large, excitatory and inhibitory cutaneous RFs. 5. Intermediate-type neurons (5/33) were concentrated in the lateral spinal gray and relatively superficially (approximately lamina V). These neurons had convergent low- and high-threshold cutaneous inputs (WDR neurons). Electrical stimulation of low-threshold cutaneous afferent fibers from within the excitatory RF evoked mono- or disynaptic EPSPs followed by IPSPs. High-threshold muscle and cutaneous afferents also evoked EPSPs. 6. These results show that SRT neurons have a variety of response characteristics resulting from various degrees of spatial and temporal summation of primary afferent input. Neurons with widespread inhibitory responses but no excitatory drive from the periphery comprise a surprisingly large component of the SRT: the function of these cells is unknown. It is apparent that the spinoreticular projection has considerable functional heterogeneity.

1975 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 133-142 ◽  
Eddy Holmgren

Previous studies have shown that 2 Hz electrical conditioning stimulation of hands and cheeks increased the tooth pain threshold. In the present study the relation between strength of conditioning stimulation and amplitude of pain threshold increase is elucidated. Intense conditioning stimulation, giving subjective beating sensations and extensive muscles twitches, is required to obtain a substantial pain threshold increase. The results are discussed in relation to intensities used in electro-acupuncture and to interindividual variation of the effect. It is suggested that pain relief is obtained due to an inhibitory feed-back mechanism activated, not via low threshold afferents but via high threshold afferents.

1989 ◽  
Vol 143 (1) ◽  
pp. 419-434
B. A. Bannatyne ◽  
S. E. Blackshaw ◽  
M. McGregor

1. New growth in cutaneous mechanosensory neurones elicited by axotomy or axon crush was studied using intracellular injection of horseradish peroxidase at different times after the lesion, ranging from a few days to over a year. 2. Cutting or crushing major, large-calibre axon branches of mechanosensory neurones elicits sprouting of new processes, either centrally within the ganglion neuropile or at the site of the lesion in the peripheral nerve. In contrast, cutting or crushing fine-calibre axon branches supplying accessory parts of the receptive field does not elicit sprouting of the main arbor or main axon branches. 3. Different modalities of mechanosensory neurone respond differently to lesions of their axons. Cutting the axons of high-threshold units responding to noxious stimulation of the skin elicits sprouting of additional processes from the axon hillock region within the central nervous system (CNS), whereas cutting or crushing the axons of low-threshold cells responding to light touch of the skin elicits sprouting at the site of the lesion only, and not within the CNS. 4. In addition to the new growth directed into the peripheral nerve, damaged nociceptive neurones also form new processes that wrap the somata of particular cells within the ganglion. 5. Sprouted processes of axotomized neurones are retained for long periods after the lesion (up to 425 days). 6. The electrical properties of touch and nociceptive cells were studied between 1 and 60 days after axotomy, by intracellular recording from the centrally located cell bodies. The amplitude, width and maximum dV/dt of the action potential and after-hyperpolarization, as well as the resting potential and input resistance, did not change significantly after axotomy, despite the considerable process sprouting known to occur during this time.

1988 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 886-907 ◽  
D. G. Ferrington ◽  
J. W. Downie ◽  
W. D. Willis

1. Recordings were made from 67 neurons in the nucleus gracilis (NG) of anesthetized macaque monkeys. All of the cells were activated antidromically from the ventral posterior lateral (VPL) nucleus of the contralateral thalamus. Stimuli used to activate the cells orthodromically were graded innocuous and noxious mechanical stimuli, including sinusoidal vibration and thermal pulses. 2. The latencies of antidromic action potentials following stimulation in the VPL nucleus were significantly shorter for cells in the caudal compared with the rostral NG. The mean minimum afferent conduction velocity of the afferent conduction velocity of the afferent fibers exciting the NG cells was 52 m/s, as judged from the latencies of the cells to orthodromic volleys evoked by electrical stimulation of peripheral nerves. The overall conduction velocity of the pathway from peripheral nerve to thalamus was approximately 40 m/s. 3. Cutaneous receptive fields on the distal hindlimb usually occupied an area equivalent to much less than a single digit. However, a few cells had receptive fields up to or exceeding the area of the foot. 4. NG cells were classified by their responses to graded mechanical stimulation of the skin as low threshold (LT) or wide dynamic range (WDR). No high-threshold NG cells were found. A special subcategory of pressure-sensitive LT (SA) neurons was recognized. Many of these cells were maximally responsive to maintained indentation of the skin. The sample of NG cells differed from the population of primate spinothalamic and spinocervicothalamic pathways so far examined, in having a larger proportion of LT neurons and a smaller proportion of WDR cells. A few NG cells responded best to manipulation of subcutaneous tissue. 5. Discriminant analysis permitted the NG cells to be assigned to classes determined by a k-means cluster analysis of the responses of a reference set of 318 primate spinothalamic tract (STT) cells. There were four classes of cells based on normalized responses of individual neurons and another four classes based upon responses compared across the population of cells. The NG cells were allocated to the various categories in different proportions than either primate STT cells or spinocervicothalamic neurons, consistent with the view that the functional roles of these somatosensory pathways differ. 6. Some of the pressure-sensitive NG cells were excited when the skin was stretched, suggesting an input from type II slowly adapting (Ruffini) mechanoreceptors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)

1975 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 572-586 ◽  
A. E. Applebaum ◽  
J. E. Beall ◽  
R. D. Foreman ◽  
W. D. Willis

A technique is described for recording from axons belonging to the spinothalamic tract of the monkey. The axons arose from cell bodies located within the spinal cord since the latency of orthodromic activation by afferents within the dorsal funiculus was short. The axons were antidromically activated from the ipsilateral diencephalon. The spectrum of conduction velocities indicates that the recordings favored large-diamter axons. However, all of the classes of spinothalamic tract units described from soma-dendritic recordings were represented in the sample. When the locations of the axons in the ventrolateral white matter were mapped, there was virtually complete overlap in the distributions of hair-activated, low-, and high-threshold spinothalamic tract axons, suggesting that the "lateral spinothalamic tract" conveys tactile, as well as pain and temperature, information. The only segregated population of axons were those belonging to units activated by receptors in deep tissues, including muscle. These were in a band along the ventral surface of the cord. The stimulus points for antidromically activating spinothalamic cells of axons were in the known diencephalic course of the spinothalamic tract, including the ventral posterior lateral nucleus. Stimulus point locations were similar for high-threshold and other categories of units. Receptive-field sizes were smaller for high-threshold spinothalamic cells or axons than for hair-activated or low-threshold units. Receptive-field size was correlated with position on the hindlimb. The smallest fields belonged to cells in lamina I, with progressively larger sizes for cells in laminae IV and V. Receptive-field shape was evaluated by the length/width ratio, which was smallest for high-threshold units and progressively larger for low-threshold and hair-activated units. The receptive-field positions of spinothalamic tract axons were related to the locations of the axons. There was a rough somatotopic representation in the tract, with the most caudal dermatomes represented dorsolaterally, and the most rostral ventromedially.

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