
Odile Moreau

This chapter explores movement and circulation across the Mediterranean and seeks to contribute to a history of proto-nationalism in the Maghrib and the Middle East at a particular moment prior to World War I. The discussion is particularly concerned with the interface of two Mediterranean spaces: the Middle East (Egypt, Ottoman Empire) and North Africa (Morocco), where the latter is viewed as a case study where resistance movements sought external allies as a way of compensating for their internal weakness. Applying methods developed by Subaltern Studies, and linking macro-historical approaches, namely of a translocal movement in the Muslim Mediterranean, it explores how the Egypt-based society, al-Ittihad al-Maghribi, through its agent, Aref Taher, used the press as an instrument for political propaganda, promoting its Pan-Islamic programme and its goal of uniting North Africa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Діана Каліщук

У статті розглянуті мовленнєві маніпуляції як інструментальне вираження персуазивності у мовленні. Маніпуляцію розглядають як особливу комунікативно-мовленнєву стратегію здійснення впливу в політичному дискурсі, яка реалізується через низку тактик. Вибір тактик зазнає впливу концептуального стилю автора політичного дискурсу. У статті проаналізовані тактики реалізації стратегії негативної презентації «інших», зокрема, тактики «Надгенералізація» та «Екземпліфікація», як маркери концептуальних стилів президентів США Дж. Буша мол. та Б. Обами. Доведено, що особливості мовлення носіїв різних стилів зумовлюють вищу частотність певних тактик та, відповідно, нижчу частотність інших тактик. Тактика «Екземпліфікація» – це перенесення рис, що притаманні певній етнічній (чи іншій) групі загалом на конкретну подію чи особу. Ця тактика може вважатися типовою для дискурсу Дж. Буша мол., концептуальний стиль якого є аналітичним, що пояснюється дедуктивністю мовлення носіїв аналітичного стилю та їх схильністю до надмірного використання ярликів. Індуктивність мовлення Б. Обами, який є носієм реляційного концептуального стилю, пояснює вищу частотність тактики «Надгенералізація» у його дискурсі. «Надгенералізація» – це узагальнення одиничної моделі, певних аспектів часткового досвіду до загальної групової схеми. ЛітератураReferences Бережанська Ю. В. Лінгвостилістичні особливості персуазивного медичногодискурсу, присвяченого проблемі евтаназії // Наукові записки Національногоуніверситету «Острозька академія». Серія «Філологічна»: зб. наук. праць. 2014. Вип.44. С. 39–41.Berezhanska, Yu. (2014). Linhvostylistychni osoblyvosti persuazyvnoho medychnohodyskursu, prysvyachenoho problemi evtanasii [Linguo-stylistic peculiarities of medicaldiscourse dedicated to the issue of eutanasia]. Naukovi Zapysky NatsionalnohoUniversytetu “Ostroz’ka Academia”, 44, 39–41. 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2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-86 ◽  
Justin Fantauzzo

In March and December 1917 the British Empire won two much-needed victories in Mesopotamia and Palestine: Baghdad and Jerusalem. Both cities were steeped in biblical and oriental lore and both victories happened in a year that had been otherwise disastrous. Throughout the British Empire the press, public, and politicians debated the importance of the two successes, focusing on the effect they would have on the empire’s prestige, the Allies’ war strategy, and the post-war Middle East. Far from being overwhelmed by the ‘romance’ of the fighting in the Middle East, the press’s and public’s response reveals a remarkably well-informed, sophisticated, and occasionally combative debate about the empire’s Middle Eastern war effort.

1973 ◽  
Vol 13 (144) ◽  
pp. 141-144

Between the end of December 1972 and mid-January 1973, National Red Cross Societies opened three offices to trace missing persons: in Saigon, Vientiane and Phnom-Penh. The ICRC has sent to these three towns specialists from its Central Tracing Agency to help the Societies organize the offices, prepare the necessary equipment (printing index cards in the local vernaculars, for example), and train local staff. Work has already started on the registration of requests for news. At the same time, information campaigns have been launched through the press and over the radio in order to make the people and local authorities aware of the opening of these national tracing services.

1996 ◽  
Vol 101 (5) ◽  
pp. 1590
Rashid Khalidi ◽  
Ami Ayalon

Norah Saleh Almarzouqi

The study aimed to identify the credibility level of electronic press sites and their correlation with the reliability level as seen by the Saudi elite. To verify the aim, the study followed the descriptive approach. The study sample consisted of (102), representing the audience of the Saudi academic elite and media who use Internet as general and electronic press sites in particular, (Media faculty members of Saudi universities), the study was applied to the Saudi newspaper websites such as (Okaz newspaper, Middle East newspaper, Riyadh newspaper, and Sabk newspaper). The researcher conducted special criteria for the study of website reliability standards of the newspaper. The field study, survey applying, and data collection were conducted in October and November 2018. This study showed the following results: There is a statistically significant correlation between the exposure intensity of the Saudi elite to the study sample websites and their reliability level on it. This means that the greater the exposure of the Saudi elite to the electronic press sites, the greater the level of their reliability on it, and proved a statistically significant correlation between the intensity of the exposure of the Saudi elite to the electronic press sites of the study sample and the credibility level. It also showed a significant correlation between the intensity of the exposure of the Saudi elite to the website’s contents of the study press sample and the motivations of its pursuance in the future. The study concludes a number of recommendations, the most important of which is that the press websites should be concerned with the standard of interaction in terms of communication with the author, and conduct studies on the contact persons who working in the field of newspaper websites to find out the most important pressures and factors affecting their credibility of transferring information.

Dyala Hamzah

This chapter discusses the foundations of hegemonic reform and cultural revival discourses in the Arabic-speaking lands of the modern Middle East from the perspective of the most recent forays in scholarly fields such as Islamic and Ottoman studies. Teasing out periodization and geographies, it grounds the thought and practice of canonical and less canonical actors in the historical public sphere in which they operated, questioning the relationship between the Nahda and the Tanzimat, the Nahda and eighteenth-century revivalism, the Nahda and the seventeenth-century Arab-Islamic florescence, as well as the special status accorded “Islamic” reform within the Nahda. Finally, it probes the larger questions of modernity, subjectivity, and citizenship between the onset of the protectorates and the termination of the mandates, as these became encrypted within the major ideologies (pan-Islam, pan-Arabism, territorial nationalisms) and enacted through the most significant technologies mobilized by the actors (the press, the associations, the parties, and the schools).

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