Book Review: Time Maps: Collective Memory and the Social Shape of the Past

Sociology ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 181-182
Alan Warde
Politeja ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2(65)) ◽  
pp. 189-204
Katarzyna Marcol

The Role of Language in Releasing from Inherited Traumas. Negotiations of the Social Position of the Silesian Minority in Serbian Banat The aim of the paper is to show the dependence between language, collective memory (also post-memory) and sense of identity. This issue is analysed using the example of an ethnic minority living in the village of Ostojićevo (Banat, Serbia) called ‘Toutowie.’ Their ancestors came in the 19th century from Wisła (Silesian Cieszyn, Poland); they left their homes because of great hunger and were looking for jobs in Banat. Narratives about the past contain traumatic experiences of the past generations transmitted in the Silesian dialect and constituting communicative memory. At the same time, a new Polish national identity is being constructed, supported by institutions and authorities; it carries a new image of the world and creates a new cultural memory. This new identity – shaped on the basis of national categories – leads to changes of its self-identification and gives the opportunity to raise its social position in the multi-ethnic Banat community.

Sarina Bakić

The author will emphasize the importance of both the existence and the further development of the Srebrenica - Potočari Memorial Center, in the context of the continued need to understand the genocide that took place in and around Srebrenica, from the aspect of building a culture of remembrance throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). This is necessary in order to continue fighting the ongoing genocide denial. At first glance, a culture of remembrance presupposes immobility and focus on the past to some, but it is essentially dynamic, and connects three temporal dimensions: it evokes the present, refers to the past but always deliberates over the future. In this paper, the emphasis is placed on the concept of the place of remembrance, the lieu de memoire as introduced by the historian Pierre Nora. In this sense, a place of remembrance such as the Srebrenica - Potočari Memorial Center is an expression of a process in which people are no longer just immersed in their past but read and analyze it in the present. Furthermore, looking to the future, they also become mediators of relations between people and communities, which in sociological theory is an important issue of social relations. The author of this paper emphasizes that collective memory in the specific case of genocide in and around Srebrenica is only possible when the social relations around the building (Srebrenica - Potočari Memorial Center) crystallize, which is then much more than just the content of the culture of remembrance.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Nandang Rusnandar

Uga merupakan salah satu tradisi lisan masyarakat Sunda, di dalamnya terkumpul segenap memori kolektif. Analisis terhadap uga meliputi nilai-nilai dalam bentuk simbol yang tersirat di dalamnya. Uga mampu meramalkan perubahan sosial sesuai dengan zamannya. Apabila dilihat dari orientasi waktu, uga dapat  menunjukkan: (1) tercipta dan dituturkan pada masa lampau; (2) dituturkan pada masa lampau dan terjadi pada waktu lalu; (3) dituturkan pada masa lampau dan sekarang (sedang terjadi); (4) dituturkan pada masa lampau, ramalan untuk masa yang akan datang. Fungsi uga di samping memprediksi ia juga harus dijadikan sebagai alat antisipasi tentang sesuatu yang bakal terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.Abstract:Uga is one of Sundanese oral tradition containing most collective memory. Analysis of the Uga includes the values in the form of symbols that implied in it. It  is able to predict social change in accordance with its time when viewed from the orientation of time. It  can  show that (1) it could be created and spoken in the past; (2) it was spoken and taken place in the past;(3) it was spoken in the past and is still being used now; (4)  it was spoken in the past and predictions for the future. Besides its functions to predict the social change, it  can serve as a tool in anticipation of something that might happen in the future.

Sociology ◽  
2019 ◽  
Christina Simko

Collective memory encompasses both the shared frameworks that shape and filter ostensibly “individual” or “personal” memories and representations of the past sui generis, including official texts, commemorative ceremonies, and physical symbols such as monuments and memorials. Sociological work on collective memory traces its origins to Émile Durkheim and his student, Maurice Halbwachs. In the United States, the contemporary sociology of memory coalesced in the 1980s and 1990s, after Barry Schwartz brought renewed attention to Durkheim’s focus on commemoration as well as Halbwachs’s interest in how the past is reconstructed in the present, in the service of present needs, interests, and desires. Though this line of research initially emphasized heroic pasts—particularly national commemorations that bolstered state legitimacy with reference to triumphant episodes—scholars quickly began to address the ways that collectivities grapple with “difficult pasts,” or episodes that evoke shame, regret, and/or dissensus, and that threaten to “spoil” national identity. What is the relationship between memory and forgetting, and related concepts such as silence and denial? Can the increasingly pervasive language of “trauma” help us understand the current preoccupation with difficult pasts in both scholarly literature and public culture? More recently, scholars have critiqued the field’s overwhelming focus on national memory from two angles. First, studies of micro-level memories have revived Halbwachs’s initial interest in the social frameworks that structure (seemingly) individual memories. Second, globalization facilitates connectedness and identification beyond and/or outside of national frames of reference, and thus scholars have pointed to the emergence of “cosmopolitan” memories that create community and solidarity beyond and outside formal political borders.

2021 ◽  
Farras Kartika Kusumadewi ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

The study of Islamic history today may not have been regulated through literature, either in foreign languages or using Indonesian (translations or works of the nation's children). Many books have studied the history of Islam that we can get to fill our information, but no one book is so complete, one literature with another can complement each other to form knowledge of Islamic history. From the thought that no single work is perfect and on the contrary will complement each other, the author of this book aims to present the book Sejarah Peradaban Islam to be a reference and teaching material for the history of Islamic civilization course. The author hopes that this work will not only serve as a reference for students majoring in history at various universities, but has also become a public reading as an important contribution to reinventing Islamic civilization in the past, present, and future.Previously, this book entitled Sejarah Islam was only published in a limited edition (30 copies) by Rayhan Intermedia six years ago for student reading. After undergoing revisions in several parts as well as adjusting the curriculum and lecture materials, a book with the title Sejarah Peradaban Islam was presented. This book is intended for everyone, from all walks of life. Although it focuses on Islam, it can be read by anyone who wants to gain additional knowledge about Islamic history.The flow of study in the book does not follow the periodization of Islamic history as written by Harun Nasution, which is divided into the classical period (650-1250 AD), the middle period (1250-1800 AD), and the modern period (1800 AD). His presentation in the book is more based on the growth and development of Islamic civilization in various regions and the reign of a certain caliph or king, however, it does not ignore the characteristics of the times and the character of the period in which Islam grew and developed. In certain parts of the book, it also reviews the roots and implications of the social revolution, the glorious achievements of the rulers, and the peaks of the development of Islamic civilization in various parts of the world.The book of Sejarah Peradaban Islam from Ahmadin needs to be reviewed to know what is in the book, considering some of the previous things. In addition, also to find out what weaknesses and strengths are contained in the book, it is possible to recommend the book as additional reading for others.

2018 ◽  
pp. 57-71
О. В. Богомолець

Developing the strategies for conserving and rendering the social experience, and hence the basis of group identity, was unchangeable corner stone for social outlook at all stages of social development. In the meantime, it is acquiring a special significance in recent years, primarily because the globalization substantially undermines the basics of national identity, thereby causing an increase of public attention to the problems of the collective, and above all, ethnocultural identity, the mechanisms of its reproduction and legitimation.These problems are especially topical for modern Ukrainian society, which, on the one hand, is the fruit of a civilizational split and, on the other hand, of the internal and external political elites manipulative policy and low living standards.To preserve its political boundaries, the society requires not only economic stability, but also new, more effective mechanisms and strategies for social consolidation. The latter, as shown by A. Bayburin and P. Conner, can effectively be provided by thoroughly developed or historically formed spectrum of typical behavior programs that regulate all spheres of human life in society, thus forming some socially significant norms. In other words, according to the above-mentioned researchers, it is stereotypical behavior that guarantees a community existence in time as some distinct ethnographic group.Оne of the most prominent examples of stereotyped behavior is ritual practice. Possessing the established set of behavior patterns, it is able to maintain the community’s accomplished image even when its proper values lose their social significance, but continue to exist as a habit. Thus, this work highlights the role of traditional ritual practice in the process of forming the modern Ukrainian identity. In particular, the idea is defended that ritual practice is not only an inseparable element of people’s collective memory, but also the means of forming the group identity, which is perfectly confirmed by Ukrainian family ritual practice’s pecularities.It is revealed that the timeless and expressive character of ceremonial actions has a decisive importance for preserving the group identity and the established social order. Despite of the irrecurring nature, which provides the connection to the past, it always means the beginning and the end at the same time. An illustrative example in this context may be wedding, maternity and economic ceremonies. All of them are permanent and repetitive transitions from one state to another. At the same time, ritual practice gives the sense to the whole spectrum of non-ritual actions, thus defining the future’s perspective.In general, the work considers ritual practice as a specific kind of the social one. It is characterized by the set of formalized and stylized symbolic actions of the community, usually aimed at preserving the established social or by means of forming certain ideas and feelings in a person. In the course of research work, it was emphasized that the formalized, stylized and, most importantly, the repeatable nature of the ritual practice, which manifests itself through commemoration of certain historical events, memorable days or heroes, ensures its clear intention to perpetuate the connection with the past. Thus, it plays an important role in the process of preserving the collective memory. On the other hand, the formation of the community’s value system is taking place, thus contributing to the preservation of its unity.Considering the consolidating significance of the ritual practice in terms of blurring the Ukrainian cultural identity, the studying and popularization of ritual practices seems to be important and promising, which would be accompanied by commemoration of their symbolic part. Such an activity could become a significant factor in the revival of the ethno-cultural identity of the Ukrainians and promote social consolidation

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