scholarly journals Locus of control and involvement in videogaming

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 1613-1635 ◽  
Joanne Lloyd ◽  
Sally Frost ◽  
Ignas Kuliesius ◽  
Claire Jones

An external locus of control (feeling low personal control over one’s life) has been linked with excessive/addictive behaviours, including problematic videogaming. The current study sought to determine whether this is driven by the opportunity for greater control over one’s environment within a videogame. Participants ( n = 252, 59% males) completed a traditional locus of control scale, alongside a modified version assessing in-game feelings of control. Multiple linear regression analyses indicated that feeling less under the control of powerful others in-game than in the real world was a significant predictor of gaming frequency (standardised β = .31, p < .0005), while feeling comparatively more internal control in-game than in real life significantly predicted problematic gaming (standardised β = .17, p = .02). This demonstrates that locus of control in-game can diverge from that experienced in the real world, and the degree of divergence could be a risk factor for frequent and/or problematic gaming in some individuals.

1986 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Ronel Erwee

The objective of the study was to research the dimensionality of achievement motivation and locus of control in black university students. The Achievement Motivation Questionnaire (Pottas, Erwee, Boshoff & Lessing, 1980) and the Internal-External Locus of Control Scale (Rotter, 1966) were completed by 251 students. Three locus of control factors were extracted by means of principal factor analysis with varimax rotation, viz. Personal control, Political control, and Control over social relationships. The hypothesis that locus of control is a multi-dimensional construct was accepted. No significant sex differences occurred in the total scores obtained on the questionnaire. However, analyses of the subscales indicated that females seem to be more action-orientated, but believe that they can exert less control over political and world events than males. The hypothesis that locus of control and achievement motivation are two separate but interrelated constructs was supported. OpsommingDie doelwit van die studie was om die dimensionaliteit van swart studente se prestasiemotivering en lokus-van-kontrole na te vors. Die Prestasie-motiveringsvraelys (Pottas, Erwee, Boshoff en Lessing, 1980) en die Interne- Eksterne Lokus van Kontroleskaal (Rotter, 1966) is deur 251 studente voltooi. Drie lokus-van-kontrolefaktore, naamlik Persoonlike kontrole, Politieke kontrole en Kontrole oor interpersoonlike verhoudings, is deur middel van 'n hooffaktorontleding (met varimax-rotasie) onttrek. Die hipotese dat lokus-van- kontrole 'n multidimensionele konstruk is, is aanvaar. Geen beduidende geslagsverskille in die totaaltellings op die meetinstrumente het voorgekom nie. Analises van die subskale het egter aangetoon dat die vroue hulself as meer aksie-georienteerd beskou het, maar oortuig was dat hulle nie veel beheer oor politieke en wereldgebeure het nie. Die hipotese dat prestasiemotivering en lokus-van-kontrole twee afsonderlike maar verwante konstrukte is, is aanvaar.

1980 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 831-837 ◽  
Marilyn A. Borges ◽  
Anne Roth ◽  
George T. Nichols ◽  
Barbara S. Nichols

Test scores of four age-groups (<19, 20—24, 25—34, 35+ yr.) of students ( N = 169) on the Rotter I-E Locus of Control Scale, Coopersmith Self-esteem Inventory, and Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale were correlated with the students' accuracy in estimating their final course grades. Analysis showed that a combination of either high school self-esteem and internal control (females, 35+ yr. of age) or low school self-esteem and an external locus of control (18- and 19-yr.-old males) were associated with similar unrealistic estimates of classroom grades.

1985 ◽  
Vol 57 (3) ◽  
pp. 835-843 ◽  
Iva Ellen Deutchman

Rotter's 1966 Internal-External Locus of Control Scale (I-E) was administered to 20 men and 24 women, along with new projective techniques to measure power behavior and political participation. The power behavior studied included power style, power drive, and power salience. The political participation index was composed of a traditional political participation scale and a Sphere of Influence Profile designed for this study measuring participation in nonpolitical life spheres. Results confirmed previous findings which established a link between internal control and political participation. A further link was established' between power drive and internal control. However, previous work suggesting a relationship between locus of control and power style was not confirmed, and there was no relationship between power salience and locus of control.

2019 ◽  
Vol 47 (11) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Shichang Liang ◽  
Yaping Chang ◽  
XueBing Dong ◽  
Jinshan Wang

We examined the influence of locus of control on the relationship between social exclusion and preference for distinctive choices. Participants were 212 undergraduate students at a university in Central China, who completed measures of social exclusion, locus of control, choice, and perceived uniqueness. Results showed that participants who believed that the environment controlled their fate (external locus of control) preferred more distinctive choices in a social exclusion context than in a social inclusion context, whereas participants who believed that they could control the environment (internal locus of control) preferred less distinctive choices. Further, perceived uniqueness mediated the effect of social exclusion and locus of control on choice. These results add to the literature on social exclusion and personal control.

2021 ◽  
pp. 254-267
John Royce

Good readers evaluate as they go along, open to triggers and alarms which warn that something is not quite right, or that something has not been understood. Evaluation is a vital component of information literacy, a keystone for reading with understanding. It is also a complex, complicated process. Failure to evaluate well may prove expensive. The nature and amount of information on the Internet make evaluation skills ever more necessary. Looking at research studies in reading and in evaluation, real-life problems are suggested for teaching, modelling and discussion, to bring greater awareness to good, and to less good, readers.

2018 ◽  
Uri Korisky ◽  
Rony Hirschhorn ◽  
Liad Mudrik

Notice: a peer-reviewed version of this preprint has been published in Behavior Research Methods and is available freely at Flash Suppression (CFS) is a popular method for suppressing visual stimuli from awareness for relatively long periods. Thus far, it has only been used for suppressing two-dimensional images presented on-screen. We present a novel variant of CFS, termed ‘real-life CFS’, with which the actual immediate surroundings of an observer – including three-dimensional, real life objects – can be rendered unconscious. Real-life CFS uses augmented reality goggles to present subjects with CFS masks to their dominant eye, leaving their non-dominant eye exposed to the real world. In three experiments we demonstrate that real objects can indeed be suppressed from awareness using real-life CFS, and that duration suppression is comparable that obtained using the classic, on-screen CFS. We further provide an example for an experimental code, which can be modified for future studies using ‘real-life CFS’. This opens the gate for new questions in the study of consciousness and its functions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-54
Eko Sujadi ◽  
Muhammad Odha Meditamar

Locus of control merupakan salah satu aspek psikologis yang ada pada diri manusia. Setiap individu memiliki perbedaan dalam locus of control. Perbedaan ini dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya adalah agama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan locus of control penganut Agama Islam, Katolik dan Protestan, serta mengungkapkan perbedaan locus of control dari ketiga penganut agama tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif dan komparatif. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan yakni random sampling dengan jumlah total 546 orang. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Rotter's Internal-External Locus of Control Scale. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan anova satu arah. Temuan penelitian ini meliputi: 1) locus of control penganut agama Islam, Protestan dan Katolik berada pada kategori internal locus of control; dan 2) tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan locus of control antara tiga penganut agama tersebut. Peneliti memberi saran kepada seluruh penganut agama di Indonesia bahwa penting untuk memiliki internal locus of control. Internal locus of control yang dimaksud yakni meyakini bahwa diri memiliki kapasitas dan kontribusi untuk menentukan kehidupan namun dengan tidak melepaskan kewajiban berketuhanan. 

Abouzid Houda ◽  
Chakkor Otman

Blind source separation is a very known problem which refers to finding the original sources without the aid of information about the nature of the sources and the mixing process, to solve this kind of problem having only the mixtures, it is almost impossible , that why using some assumptions is needed in somehow according to the differents situations existing in the real world, for exemple, in laboratory condition, most of tested algorithms works very fine and having good performence because the  nature and the number of the input signals are almost known apriori and then the mixing process is well determined for the separation operation.  But in fact, the real-life scenario is much more different and of course the problem is becoming much more complicated due to the the fact of having the most of the parameters of the linear equation are unknown. In this paper, we present a novel method based on Gaussianity and Sparsity for signal separation algorithms where independent component analysis will be used. The Sparsity as a preprocessing step, then, as a final step, the Gaussianity based source separation block has been used to estimate the original sources. To validate our proposed method, the FPICA algorithm based on BSS technique has been used.

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