scholarly journals Ethnonationalism and the Rise of Donald Trump

Contexts ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-33 ◽  
Jeff Manza ◽  
Ned Crowley

Trump’s political breakthrough fits a larger American pattern, from Andrew Jackson to the present, recalling red scares, racial wars, and fears of foreign subversion and terrorism.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (III) ◽  
pp. 59-71
Muhammad Nadeem Mirza ◽  
Lubna Abid Ali ◽  
Irfan Hasnain Qaisrani

This study intends to explore the rise of Donald Trump to the White House. Why was Donald Trump considered a populist leader, and how did his populist rhetoric and actions impact the contours of American domestic and foreign policies? The study adopted qualitative exploratory and explanatory research techniques. Specific methods utilised to conduct the study remained political personality profiling. It finds that the populist leaders construct the binaries in the society by dividing the nation into two groups: �us� the people, against �them� the corrupt elite or other groups presented as a threat to the lives and livelihood of the nation. Though populism as a unique brand of politics remained active through most of the US history, yet these were only two occasions that populists were successful in winning the American presidential elections � Andrew Jackson in 1828 and Donald Trump in 2016. Structural and historical reasons became the biggest cause behind the election of Donald Trump, who successfully brought a revolution in American domestic and foreign policies. And if structural issues in the United States are not addressed, there is a clear chance that Trump � who is not withering away � will come back to contest and challenge any competitors in the 2024 presidential elections.

2020 ◽  
pp. 000276422097827
Robert E. Brown

This article begins with a consideration of the putative parallels between the presidencies of Andrew Jackson, the nation’s 7th president, and Donald Trump, the 45th. Underlying Trump’s and his supporters’ partisan case for his Jacksonian populism and similarly volatile temperament is another argument explored in this article: that such a Jacksonian framing implicitly situates Trump in the pantheon of the nation’s greatest, most consequential presidents who have expanded the powers of the office itself. Several standards of judgment are adduced for the critical consideration of the Trump presidency as it nears the completion of its first term. The consequentialism of the Trump presidency is weighed against standards of ethics and the personality trait known as Machiavellianism.

2021 ◽  
Vol VI (I) ◽  
pp. 12-23
Muhammad Nadeem Mirza ◽  
Summar Iqbal Babar ◽  
Farheen Qasim Nizamani

How do leaders' idiosyncrasies are developed, and how do these, in turn, impact their political behaviour? This study traces the idiosyncratic behaviour of Presidents Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump. It details four historical traditions - Hamiltonian, Wilsonian, Jeffersonian, and Jacksonian. The study expands upon Jacksonian tradition and sees that how Trump pursued this tradition and how is his political behaviour remained similar to that of Andrew Jackson. Three specific areas in which these variables are determined are personal lives, narcissism and authoritarian behaviour, and populism and corruption. The paper also charts out the ways and means through which Donald Trump's administration is termed as Jacksonian in nature.

2017 ◽  
Vol 46 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-26

This section comprises international, Arab, Israeli, and U.S. documents and source materials, as well as an annotated list of recommended reports. Significant developments this quarter: In the international diplomatic arena, the UN Security Council approved Resolution 2334, reaffirming the illegality of Israeli settlements and calling for a return to peace negotiations. Additionally, former U.S. secretary of state John Kerry delivered a final address on the Israel-Palestine conflict, outlining a groundwork for negotiations. Two weeks later, international diplomats met in Paris to establish incentives for Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas to return to the negotiating table. Despite international discussions of peace talks and the impediment settlements pose to a two-state solution, the Israeli Knesset passed the controversial Regulation Law, enabling the government to retroactively legalize settlements and confiscate Palestinian land throughout the West Bank. Meanwhile, U.S. president Donald Trump took office on 20 January 2017, and he wasted no time before inviting Netanyahu to the White House for their first meeting, in February.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (3) ◽  
pp. 130-134

This section, updated regularly on the blog Palestine Square, covers popular conversations related to the Palestinians and the Arab-Israeli conflict during the quarter 16 November 2017 to 15 February 2018: #JerusalemIstheCapitalofPalestine went viral after U.S. president Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and announced his intention to move the U.S. embassy there from Tel Aviv. The arrest of Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi for slapping an Israeli soldier also prompted a viral campaign under the hashtag #FreeAhed. A smaller campaign protested the exclusion of Palestinian human rights from the agenda of the annual Creating Change conference organized by the US-based National LGBTQ Task Force in Washington. And, UNRWA publicized its emergency funding appeal, following the decision of the United States to slash funding to the organization, with the hashtag #DignityIsPriceless.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 87
Lestari Manggong

ABSTRAKSajak “Song of Myself” karya pujangga Amerika abad ke-19, Walt Whitman,mengupas konsep demokrasi yang menjadi salah satu pondasi prinsip kebebasanberpendapat di Amerika. Makalah ini membahas pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasiyang dapat diperoleh dari sajak tersebut. Arah pembahasan menjadi spesifik ketikakonsep demokrasi dalam sajak tersebut dikaitkan dengan praktek demokrasi yang terjadidi Amerika sekarang, sejak Amerika berada dalam masa administrasi Presiden DonaldTrump. Dalam pembahasannya, makalah ini mengemukakan argumentasi bahwa dalamprakteknya, prinsip demokrasi yang mengedepankan kebebasan berpendapat bagi setiapindividu, secara dilematis mengantar Amerika pada masa kepresidenan Trump yang dinilaikontroversial. Selain “Song of Myslelf,” makalah ini juga membahas dan membandingkansajak Whitman yang lain, yaitu “For You O Democracy” untuk melihat lebih jauh lagi persepsiWhitman tentang demokrasi. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan melihat aspek pragmatis sajakWhitman dengan merujuk pada Mack (2002). Selain itu, pembahasan juga akan berfokuspada aspek xenofobia dalam karya Whitman dengan merujuk pada salah satu tulisan Price(2004). Simpulan dari pembahasan akan bermuara pada gagasan bahwa konsep utopissemacam demokrasi pun tidak sepenuhnya ideal. Karena, seperti yang terjadi di Amerikasekarang, prinsip demokrasi yang dipraktekkan membuat rakyatnya memasuki era yangbanyak menuai protes. Pada akhirnya, pembelajaran tentang konsep demokrasi ini secaraglobal juga dapat memberi sudut pandang yang lebih kritis mengenai konsep demokrasi.Kata kunci: pembelajaran sastra, Walt Whitman, demokrasi Amerika, Donald Trump,kajian pragmatis, xenofobia.ABSTRACT“Song of Myself,” by America’s nineteenth-century poet, Walt Whitman, describesthe concept of democracy which is one of foundations of the principle of freedom of speechin America. This essay discusses literature learning on the concept of democracy in thepoem. The discussion becomes specific when the concept of democracy in the poem is linkedwith the practice of democracy that occurs currently in America, ever since it is underPresident Trump’s administration. This essay argues that in its practice, the principle ofdemocracy that upholds freedom of speech to every individual, in a dillematic way bringsAmerica to today’s controversial administration by President Trump. Aside From “Songof Myslelf,” this essay also discusses and compares Whitman’s other poem, “For You ODemocracy,” to see further Whitman’s perception on democracy. The discussion will havea look at the pragmatic aspect of Whitman’s poem, by referring to Mack (2002), and it will1 Makalah ini telah dipresentasikan dalam Seminar Nasional HISKI: “Literasi, Sastra, dan Pembelajaran” yangdiselenggarakan di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Halu Oleo Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara, 29-30 April 2017.222 | METAHUMANIORA, Vol. 7, Nomor 2 September 2017: 221—233Lestari Manggongalso focus on the xenophobic aspect in the poem, by referring to Price (2004). This essayconcludes that even a utopian concept such as democracy is not entirely ideal, because thepractice of democracy today leads the American people to enter an era of protests. Thisessay proposes an idea that literature learning of the concept of democracy in the poemalso contributes to giving a more critical view on the concept of democracy.Keywords: literature learning, Walt Whitman, American democracy, Donald Trump,pragmatics studies, xenophobia.

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