Substitution of Four Residues Revealed by High-Throughput Screening of Human Factor VIII A2 Domain Generated a Recombinant Molecule That Escapes to Anti-Factor VIII Antibodies

Blood ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 3067-3067
Jean-Luc Plantier ◽  
Didier Saboulard ◽  
Marc Delcourt ◽  
Nathalie Enjolras ◽  
Claude Negrier

Abstract Using Massive Mutagenesis technique® we performed a high-throughput alanine substitution of 206 residues between aminoacids 376 to 649 from factor VIII (FVIII) A2 domain. The pattern of activity and the levels of production of FVIII mutants were assessed following transient expression in COS-1 cells. FVIII mutants that kept at least 50% of wild-type activity were then screened in an inhibitor assay against total immunoglobulin G (IgG) fractions from patients with severe hemophilia A who had developed inhibitory antibodies (n=4; range 6–15 BU/mL) or a non immune IgG as control. In this assay, the cell culture supernatants containing FVIII were incubated in a volume of FVIII-depleted plasma for 1h30 in the presence of IgG. The residual activity was then measured in a chronometric assay. No single mutations were able to significantly allow FVIII to escape inhibitors. Four mutations (S409A, L462A, E507A, L629A) having a tendency to resist to inhibitors were selected and recombined two by two leading to a significant but insufficient resistance to anti-FVIII antibodies. The effect of the mutations was additive since a molecule (FVIII-4A2) combining the 4 substitutions significantly resisted to the inhibitory antibodies. Residual activity of FVIII-4A2 ranged from 8% to up to 82% of the initial activity depending on the inhibitor plasma whereas this residual activity never exceeded 30% for control wild-type FVIII. Following production by CHO cells, purified FVIII-4A2 demonstrated a similar pattern of resistance to the four IgG fractions already assayed. FVIII-4A2 was then assayed against 11 additional unrelated inhibitors (range 3–2662 BU/mL) and displayed also a resistance against 10 out of the 11 IgG fractions. The resistance was in all case only partial in relation with the likely presence of anti-C2 and/or anti-A3-C1 inhibitors within the IgG fractions. As detected in a solid-phase assay, the decrease in inhibitory effect was for some of the IgG fractions partly related to a decrease in their binding capacity. As a control experiment, FVIII-4A2 was poorly recognized by the monoclonal antibody GMA012 directed against the A2 domain. In contrast, the binding to ESH4, an anti-C2 monoclonal antibody was not affected. Such combination of mutations opened the perspective for the generation of a recombinant FVIII molecule that can be used as an effective substitutive FVIII therapy in patients with inhibitors.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 1018-1018 ◽  
Keiji Nogami ◽  
Midori Shima ◽  
Katsumi Nishiya ◽  
Evgueni L. Saenko ◽  
Masahiro Takeyama ◽  

Abstract Factor VIII (FVIII) is inactivated by limited proteolytic cleavage by plasmin immediately after the activation. However, the plasmin-interactive region(s) in FVIII remain to be determined. Recently, we reported that the A2 domain may interact with plasmin during FVIII inactivation by this protease (Abst #1991, BLOOD102, 2002). In the current study, several approaches were employed to examine the localization and role of plasmin-interactive region(s). Activation and inactivation rate constants of plasmin-catalyzed FVIII and FVIIIa by the addition of isolated A2 subunit were reduced by ~4 and ~13-folds, respectively, in dose-dependent manners using one-stage clotting assay. The addition of Glu-Gly-Arg active-site modified factor IXa, interacts with the A2 domain, also reduced the rate constant of FVIIIa inactivation by ~4-fold. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that an anti-A2 monoclonal antibody 413, recognizing residues 484–509 in factor IXa-interactive site, blocked the plasmin-catalyzed cleavages at Arg336, Arg372, and Arg740 in the heavy chain. Surface plasmon resonance-based assay using anhydro-plasmin, catalytically inactive derivative of plasmin in which the active-site serine was converted to dehydroalanine, showed that FVIII and isolated A2 subunit bound to anhydro-plasmin with Kd values of 4 and 21 nM, respectively. The binding assay using ELISA with immobilized anhydro-plasmin also showed the similar binding affinities. Monoclonal antibody 413 blocked the A2 subunit binding to anhydro-plasmin by ~80% (IC50: 151 nM). Furthermore, synthetic peptide with sequences 479–504 inhibited this binding by ~55% (Ki: 3 microM), however, peptide with sequences 489–514 had a very weak inhibition (by <20%). To investigate the responsible residues in A2 domain for plasmin binding, the mutant forms of the A2 domain were expressed in baculovirus system and purified. Compared with wild type (23 nM), the affinity of R484A mutant was dramatically decreased by ~250-fold, and the affinities of K377A, K466A, R471A, and K523A mutants also were decreased by 10~40-folds, respectively. Especially, the addition of R484A mutant was reduced inactivation rate constant of plasmin-catalyzed FVIIIa by only ~40% of that of wild type. These findings demonstrate that Arg484 in the A2 domain contains plasmin-binding site responsible for plasmin-catalyzed FVIII(a) inactivation.

1992 ◽  
Vol 67 (06) ◽  
pp. 665-671 ◽  
Dorothea Scandella ◽  
Lisa Timmons ◽  
Mora Mattingly ◽  
Norma Trabold ◽  
Leon W Hoyer

SummaryHuman factor VIII (f VIII) inhibitors are pathologic antibodies that inactivate fVIII. A cDNA clone was modified to encode f VIII amino acid residues 373-740 for expression in a baculovirus vector in insect cells. The encoded protein fragment H2 was produced as a soluble, secreted protein, and it was used to test inhibitor plasmas for the presence of antibodies that were not detected by immunoblotting. Seven of 13 inhibitors that bound, only to the fVIII light chain by immunoblotting also bound to fragment H2 in an immunoprecipitation assay. Thus multi-chain inhibitor reactivity of inhibitors is more frequent than previously reported. One of these inhibitors was shown to share the epitope for other inhibitors that bind to H2 within amino acid residues 373-541 in immunoblotting assays. The sensitive immunoprecipitation assay described allows determination of relative H2 binding capacity of the total IgG and epitope localization of inhibitors that cannot be similarly characterized by immunoblotting.

H. A. Cooper ◽  
D. Lee ◽  
M. A. Lamb ◽  
R. H. Wagner

An antibody was raised in rabbits to the small active fragment of human factor VIII. The antigen was obtained by Ca2+ dissociation of a human factor VIII preparation made from a multidonor pool of plasma. After two adsorptions with 0.1 volume of normal human plasma, the antibody neutralized the F. VIII coagulant activity of normal human plasma, but did not precipitate with any plasma or plasma fractions nor did it neutralize vWF activity as measured by ristocetin aggregation of fixed washed platelets. A solid phase immunochemical reagent was prepared by CNBr binding of the partially purified rabbit antibody to 1% agarose beads. Non-immune beads were similarly prepared with IgG fractions from a normal non-immunized rabbit. Using a batch technique the beads were studied for their ability to remove F. VIII coagulant, F. VIII Ag, and vWF activity from normal human plasma. Assay of the supernatant plasma after 2 hrs, 22°, from 10 replicate experiments gave the following results for residual activity, as per cent of non-immune bead control:F. VIII (37.5±4), F. VIII-Ag (30.8±9.7), and vWF (72.1±16). The experiment was repeated with 6 replicate samples with higher ratio of beads to plasma with essentially similar results. This unexpected separation of F. VIII-Ag from vWF activity prompted further investigation into how these activities are related to the molecular structure of F. VIII and vWF.

1981 ◽  
J A van Mourik ◽  
P H G Lantinga ◽  
J A Hellings

Solid-phase immunoradiometric assays specific for Factor VIII coagulant antigen (VIII:CAg) and Factor VIII related antigen (VIIIR:Ag) have been used to assay the immunoreactivity of these antigens in plasma and whole blood during coagulation at physiological calcium concentration. When non-anticoagulated plasma, prepared from blood immediately after venipuncture, was incubated at 37°C, the concentration of VIII:CAg and VIlIR:Ag did not change. However, when whole blood, collected withoutanticoagulant, was incubated, the concentration of VIII:CAg gradually decreased to 50% of the initial value whereas the concentration of VIIIR:Ag remained unchanged. Gelchromatographic analyses revealed that coagulation of plasma leads to progressive dissociation of VIII:CAg from the factor VIII:VWF complex. When plasma was chromatographed before the onset of coagulation, VIII:CAg was eluted at the void volume together with VIIIR:Ag whereas after coagulation of the plasma VIII:CAg devoid of VIIIR:Ag was eluted after the void volume. Similarly, when the supernatant plasma from blood was chromatographed before the onset of coagulation, VIII:CAg together with VIIIR:Ag was eluted at the void volume whereas during and after coagulation the amount of VIII:CAg associated with VIIIR:Ag gradually decreased. However, no concomitant increase of the concentration of dissociated VIII:CAg was noted under the latter conditions. It seems likely, therefore, that adherance of dissociated VIII:CAg to cellular constituents accounts for the loss of VIII:CAg during coagulation of blood. On the other hand, it can not be excluded that cellular enzymes, extruded during coagulation, affect the antibody-binding capacity of VIII:CAg.Further studies indicate that, at least in part, dissociation of the factor VIII:VWF complex during coagulation is mediated by thrombin.

2010 ◽  
Vol 103 (01) ◽  
pp. 94-102 ◽  
Masahiro Takeyama ◽  
Keiji Nogami ◽  
Tomoko Matsumoto ◽  
Tetsuhiro Soeda ◽  
Tsukasa Suzuki ◽  

SummaryMany reports have identified factor (F)VIII inhibitory antibodies with epitopes located in all subunits of the FVIII molecule. Antibodies that promote FVIII activity do not appear to have been reported. We characterised, for the first time, a unique anti-FVIII monoclonal antibody, mAb216, that enhanced FVIII coagulant activity. The mAb216 shortened the activated partial thromboplastin time and specifically increased FVIII activity by ~1.5-fold dose-dependently. FXa generation and thrombin generation were similarly increased by ~1.4- and ~2.5-fold, respectively. An A2 epitope, not overlapping the common A2 epitope, was identified and the antibody was shown to enhance thrombin (and FXa)-catalysed activation of FVIII by modestly accelerating cleavage at Arg372. The presence of mAb216 mediated an ~1.5-fold decrease in Km for the FVIII-thrombin interaction. Enhanced FVIII activity was evident to an equal degree, even the presence of anti-FVIII neutralising antibodies with epitopes in each subunit. In addition, mAb216 depressed the rates of heat-denatured loss of FVIII activity and FVIIIa decay by 2 to ~2.5-fold. We have developed an anti-A2, FVIII mAb216 that augmented procoagulant activity. This enhancing effect could be attributed to an increase in thrombin-induced activation of FVIII, mediated by cleavage at Arg372 and a tighter interaction of thrombin with the A2 domain. The findings may cast new light on new principles for improving the treatment of haemophilia A patients.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 117 (3) ◽  
pp. 798-807 ◽  
Natalie J. Ward ◽  
Suzanne M. K. Buckley ◽  
Simon N. Waddington ◽  
Thierry VandenDriessche ◽  
Marinee K. L. Chuah ◽  

Abstract Gene therapy for hemophilia A would be facilitated by development of smaller expression cassettes encoding factor VIII (FVIII), which demonstrate improved biosynthesis and/or enhanced biologic properties. B domain deleted (BDD) FVIII retains full procoagulant function and is expressed at higher levels than wild-type FVIII. However, a partial BDD FVIII, leaving an N-terminal 226 amino acid stretch (N6), increases in vitro secretion of FVIII tenfold compared with BDD-FVIII. In this study, we tested various BDD constructs in the context of either wild-type or codon-optimized cDNA sequences expressed under control of the strong, ubiquitous Spleen Focus Forming Virus promoter within a self-inactivating HIV-based lentiviral vector. Transduced 293T cells in vitro demonstrated detectable FVIII activity. Hemophilic mice treated with lentiviral vectors showed expression of FVIII activity and phenotypic correction sustained over 250 days. Importantly, codon-optimized constructs achieved an unprecedented 29- to 44-fold increase in expression, yielding more than 200% normal human FVIII levels. Addition of B domain sequences to BDD-FVIII did not significantly increase in vivo expression. These significant findings demonstrate that shorter FVIII constructs that can be more easily accommodated in viral vectors can result in increased therapeutic efficacy and may deliver effective gene therapy for hemophilia A.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 1711-1711 ◽  
Keiji Nogami ◽  
Qian Zhou ◽  
Hironao Wakabayashi ◽  
Timothy Myles ◽  
Lawrence L. Leung ◽  

Abstract Factor VIII is activated by proteolytic cleavages catalyzed by thrombin or factor Xa. An earlier study indicated that thrombin binding within the C2 domain facilitated cleavage at Arg1689 of factor VIII light chain (Nogami et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 25774–25780). However, thrombin-interactive region(s) within the heavy chain involved with cleaving the A1-A2 and A2-B domainal junctions remain to be determined. Several approaches were employed to examine the interactions between factor VIII heavy chain and thrombin. Fluorescence energy transfer using acrylodan-labeled A1 or A2 subunits (fluorescence donors) and a fluorescein-labeled, Phe-Pro-Arg-chloromethyl ketone active site-modified thrombin (Fl-FPR-thrombin; fluorescence acceptor) showed that FPR-thrombin bound to the A2 subunit with an ~6-fold higher affinity (Kd =36.6 nM) compared with the A1 subunit (Kd=234 nM). Solid phase binding assays using immobilized thrombin S205A, where the active-site Ser205 was converted to Ala by site directed mutagenesis, showed that the binding affinity of A2 subunit was ~3-fold greater than that of A1 subunit. Similar solid phase assays indicated that hirudin, a ligand for anion-binding exosite I of thrombin (ABE-I), effectively blocked thrombin interaction with A1 subunit while having little if any effect on its interaction with A2 subunit. Conversely, heparin, which binds ABE-II, blocked thrombin interaction with A2 subunit while showing only a marginal effect on A1 subunit binding. To identify an interactive site for thrombin in the A2 domain, we focused on two regions containing clustered acidic residues (389GluGluGluAspTrpAsp394 and 720GluAspSerTyrGluAsp725), which are localized near the N- and C-termini of the A2 domain, respectively. SDS-PAGE analyses using isolated factor VIII heavy chain as substrate showed peptides with the sequences 373–395 and 719–740 encompassing these acidic regions, blocked thrombin cleavage at both Arg372 (A1–A2 junction) and Arg740 (A2–B junction) while a 373–385 peptide did not block either cleavage. The 373–395 and 719–740 peptides competitively inhibited A2 binding to S205A thrombin in a solid phase assay (Ki=11.5 and 12.4 μM, respectively), and quenched the fluorescence of Fl-FPR-thrombin. These data demonstrate that both A2 terminal regions support interaction with thrombin. Furthermore, a B-domainless, factor VIII double mutant D392A/D394A was constructed and possessed specific activity equivalent to a severe hemophilia phenotype (<1% compared with wild type). This mutant was resistant to cleavage at Arg740 whereas cleavage at Arg372 was not appreciably affected. Thus the low specific activity of this mutant was attributed to small C-terminal extensions on the A2 subunit that were not removed following cleavage at Arg740. However, factor Xa cleavage of the mutant at Arg740 was not affected. These data suggest the acidic region comprising residues 389–394 in factor VIII A2 domain interacts with thrombin via ABE-II of the proteinase facilitating cleavage at Arg740.

Blood ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 110 (11) ◽  
pp. 2686-2686
Jennifer Newell ◽  
Qian Zhou ◽  
Philip J. Fay

Abstract Factor VIIIa acts as an essential cofactor for the serine protease factor IXa, together forming the Xase complex which catalyzes the conversion of factor X to factor Xa. The procofactor, factor VIII circulates as a heterodimeric protein comprised of a heavy chain (A1–A2-B domains) and a light chain (A3-C1-C2 domains) and is activated by proteolytic cleavage by thrombin at Arg372 (A1–A2 junction), Arg740 (A2-B junction), and Arg1689 (near the N-terminus of A3). The regions adjacent to the A1, A2, and A3 domains contain high concentrations of acidic residues and are designated a1 (residues 337–372), a2 (residues 711–740), and a3 (residues 1649–1689). In addition, the N-terminus of the A2 domain (residues 373–395) is rich in acidic residues, and results from a previous study revealed that this region contributes to the rate of thrombin-catalyzed cleavage at Arg740 (Nogami et. al., J. Biol. Chem. 280:18476, 2005). In this study we reveal a role for the acidic region following the A2 domain (a2, residues 717–725) in thrombin-catalyzed cleavage at both Arg372 and Arg1689. The factor VIII mutations Asp717Ala, Glu720Ala, Asp721Ala, Glu724Ala, Asp725Ala, and the double mutations of Glu720Ala/Asp721Ala and Glu724Ala/Asp725Ala were constructed, expressed, and purified from stably-transfected BHK cells as B-domainless protein. Specific activity values for the variants, relative to the wild type value were reduced to 70% for Asp717Ala; ∼50% for Glu720Ala, Asp721Ala, Glu724Ala, and Asp725Ala; and ∼30% for Glu720Ala/Asp721Ala and Glu724Ala/Asp725Ala. SDS-PAGE and western blotting of reactions containing the factor VIII variants and thrombin showed reductions in the rates of thrombin cleavage at both Arg372 and Arg1689 as compared to wild-type factor VIII. The cleavage rates for the single mutations comprising acidic residues 720–724 of factor VIII were reduced from ∼3-5-fold at Arg372, whereas this rate for the Asp717Ala mutant was similar to the wild-type value. The double mutations of Glu720Ala/Asp721Ala and Glu724Ala/Asp725Ala showed rate reductions of ∼7- and ∼27-fold, respectively at Arg372. While the rate for thrombin-catalyzed cleavage at Arg1689 in the Glu720Ala variant was similar to wild-type, rates for cleavage at this site were reduced ∼30-fold compared to wild-type factor VIII for the Asp721Ala, Glu724Ala, Asp725Ala, and Glu720Ala/Asp721Ala mutants, and ∼50-fold for the Glu724Ala/Asp725Ala variant. Furthermore, the generation of factor VIIIa activity following reaction with thrombin as assayed by factor Xa generation showed that all the mutants possessed peak activity values that were ∼2-3-fold reduced compared to wild type factor VIIIa. Moreover, in all the mutants the characteristic peak of activation was replaced with a slower forming, broad plateau of activity, with the double mutants showing the broadest activation profiles. These results suggest that residues Glu720, Asp721, Glu724, and Asp725 following the A2 domain modulate thrombin interactions with factor VIII facilitating cleavage at Arg372 and Arg1689 during procofactor activation.

Blood ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 74 (5) ◽  
pp. 1618-1626 ◽  
D Scandella ◽  
M Mattingly ◽  
S de Graaf ◽  
CA Fulcher

Human factor VIII(FVIII) inhibitors are pathologic, circulating antibodies that inactivate FVIII. We have examined the location of epitopes on the FVIII protein for inhibitors from hemophilia A and nonhemophilic individuals. The inhibitors were of type I or type II in the kinetics of their inactivation of FVIII. A cDNA clone of human FVIII was used to express defined FVIII protein fragments in Escherichia coli for immunoblotting with inhibitor plasma. An epitope for 18 heavy-chain inhibitors was localized to the aminoterminal 18.3 Kd of the A2 domain. Two of these inhibitors also recognized an epitope located between A1 and A2 domains. Similarly, an epitope for 23 light- chain inhibitors was localized to the C2 domain. Weaker epitopes for 13 of the same inhibitors within the C1 and C2 domains were also observed. Four of the 23 inhibitors in addition bound strongly to the A3 domain. Most inhibitors (22 of 23) were neutralized in vitro only by the FVIII fragments to which they bound on immunoblots; however, one inhibitor that was neutralized by a fragment containing the A1 domain did not bind to it on immunoblots. Conversely, 3 of 3 inhibitors that bound to the A3 domain and 5 of 15 that bound to the A2 domain were not neutralized by the corresponding fragments. The epitope specificity of an inhibitor did not depend on its source or type. Our results show that FVIII inhibitors bind to limited areas within the heavy and light chains of FVIII. Some inhibitor plasmas contain additional antibodies that may not be inhibitory.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (3) ◽  
pp. 704-710 ◽  
Ernest T. Parker ◽  
John F. Healey ◽  
Rachel T. Barrow ◽  
Heather N. Craddock ◽  
Pete Lollar

AbstractApproximately 25% of patients with hemophilia A develop inhibitory antibodies after treatment with factor VIII. Most of the inhibitory activity is directed against epitopes in the A2 and C2 domains. Anti-A2 inhibitory antibodies recognize a 25-residue segment bounded by R484-I508. Several antigenic residues in this segment have been identified, including R484, R489, and P492. The immunogenicity of purified recombinant B domain–deleted (BDD) human factor VIII molecules containing mutations at R484A/R489A or R484A/R489A/P492A was studied in hemophilia A mice. Inhibitory antibody titers in mice receiving the R484A/R489A/P492A mutant, but not the R484A/R489A mutant, were significantly lower than in mice receiving control human BDD factor VIII. The specific coagulant activity and the in vivo clearance and hemostatic efficacy in hemophilia A mice of the R484A/R489A/P492A mutant were indistinguishable from human BDD factor VIII. Thus, the inhibitory antibody response to human factor VIII can be reduced by mutagenesis of a B-cell epitope without apparent loss of function, suggesting that this approach may be useful for developing a safer form of factor VIII in patients with hemophilia A.

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