Among patients with psoriasis, approximately 50% are women and almost 75 % of them are under the age of 40 years. Thus, most women with psoriasis have childbearing potential. When pregnancy occurs in 22 % of patients, the activity of psoriasis persists, characteristic of the course before pregnancy, in 23 % of women, the course of the disease worsens. The article provides up-to-date data on the management of pregnant patients with psoriasis. To improve pregnancy outcomes in patients with psoriasis, it is important to prevent exacerbation of the disease. The choice of drug therapy in this case is based on an assessment of the ratio of the risk of undesirable effects of the drugs on the developing fetus and the risk of the development of exacerbation of psoriasis, which can cause an adverse pregnancy outcome. Despite the fact that the available clinical experience of using genetically engineered drugs is still limited, with a certain degree of confidence we can say that there is no increase in the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with therapy with certolizumab pegol.