The Old Order, the New Order—Political Climate

2009 ◽  
pp. 329-332
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-141
Arthur Aritonang

“Kekristenan dan Nasionalisme di Indonesia” membahas mengenai sejarah kekristenan di Indonesia yang diasumsikan sebagai agama yang pro terhadap penjajah dari Barat namun asumsi itu tidak benar sebagai bukti ada banyak tokoh Kristen yang ikut memperjuangkan kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan didasarkan semangat nasionalisme. Kemudian pasca-kolonial Belanda kekristenan ingin menampilkan wajah baru yang sungguh-sungguh keindonesiaan dengan lahirnya organisasi DGI/PGI. Namun seiring waktu ketika berakhirnya era orde baru dan memasuki era reformasi, kekristenan dan masyarakat lainnya di Indonesia menghadapi arus gelombang yang mengatas-namakan agama yang pergerakannya cukup masif dibandingkan di era orde lama diantaranya: kelompok Islam fundamentalis yang ingin menjadikan NKRI bersyariat Islam, adanya gerakan politik transnasional HTI yang ingin menghidupkan kembali kejayaan Islam pada abad ke-6 dan faham Wahabisme yang sarat dengan kekerasan. Persoalan lainnya ialah adanya kemiskinan yang terstruktur akibat dari krisis moneter yang melanda di Indonesia tahun 1997. Melalui masalah ini, setiap agama-agama di Indonesia harus melakukan konvergensi atas dasar keprihatinan yang sama. Abstract: Christianity and Nationalism in Indonesia” discuss the history of Christianity in Indonesia, which is assumed to be a religion that is pro to Western colonialism. Still, this assumption is incorrect as evidence that many Christian figures fought for Indonesian independence based on the spirit of nationalism. Then post-colonial of Dutch, Christianity wanted to be presented a truly Indonesian face with the birth of the DGI / PGI organization. But over time when the end of the new order and entering the era of reform, Christianity and the other societies in Indonesia faced challenges in the name of religion whose movements were quite massive compared to the old order including fundamentalist Islamic groups who wanted to make the Republic of Syariat Muslim Indonesia, a transnational HTI political movement that wanted to revive the glory of Islam in the 6th century and the ideology of Wahhabism which is loaded with violence. Another problem is the existence of structured poverty due to the monetary crisis that hit Indonesia in 1997. Through this problem, every religion in Indonesia must converge on the basis of the same concerns.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
Amirul Mustofa

Political reform has occurred in Indonesia, namely when the regime transition of power from the old order to new order, and when the transition toward the new order has yet to reform the order form is of very local government councils. Local government councils according to the opinion of the writer has never showed good political performance, they simply just as political actors who seek personal gain or rent seeking, either the status quo as well as rent-seeking hunters.In connection with these conditions the local government councils is a form of democracy at local government level is very importance role in accommodating the aspirations of the community and promote development at the local level. Referring to this idea the authors approach the study of reform as the basic options that can be found those items essential for local government reform towards a quality council. Variables of important reforms that opinion writer are:  minimize the number of political parties; amendment to the constitution need to be rethinking;political education to be a prerequisite determination of local government councils; and scope of work development of local government council.Key words: local government councils, policy reform, political parties

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-342
Zubair Ahmad

AbstrakTulisan ini bermaksud mengungkap kiprah K.H. Abdullah Syafi’ie dalam gerakan dakwah dan pendidikan Islam di Jakarta pada masa Orde Lama dan Orde Baru. Dalam mengumpulkan data, penulis memanfaatkan dokumen kepustakaan di samping juga menggunakan metode wawancara dan pengamatan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan sejarah sosial. Hasil riset menunjukkan bahwa K.H. Abdullah Syafi’ie adalah ulama Betawi yang terdidik di dalam negeri tetapi mampu memberikan kontribusi dakwah dan pendidikan yang bersifat modern. Dalam bidang dakwah, ia memanfaatkan radio siaran untuk menyampaikan ceramahnya sehingga dapat disimak oleh masyarakat Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Melalui siaran radio, ia juga melibatkan diri dalam propaganda anti Komunis di masa Orde Lama dan anti kebijakan pemerintah DKI Jakarta yang merugikan umat Islam pada masa Orde Baru. Dalam bidang pendidikan, ia mendirikan sekolah modern dari tingkat sekolah dasar hingga perguruan tinggi dengan sistem klasikal.---Abstract This paper intends to reveal gait K.H. Abdullah Syafi'ie in missionary movement and Islamic education in Jakarta during the Old Order and New Order. In collecting the data, the authors utilize the document library while also using interviews and observations. The approach used is the approach of social history. The results showed that K.H. Betawi cleric Abdullah Syafi'ie was educated in the country but is able to contribute propaganda and education that is modern. In the field of propaganda, he used radio broadcasts to convey his lecture so that it can be listened to by people in Jakarta and surrounding areas. Through radio broadcasts, he is also involved in anti-Communist propaganda in the Old Order and anti Jakarta government policies that harm the Muslims in the New Order. In education, he founded the modern school from primary school level to college with a classical system.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Eko Putro Hendro

The politics of ethnic assimilation and discrimination, especially one which was directed toward Tionghoa ethnic during the Old Order as well as the New Order, has resulted in social conflicts which threatens the process of national integration. Multiculturalism approach is a strategic offer to support the emergence of new social institutions to support the effort of developing civil society in Indonesia. Through the multiculturalism approach, recent stereotypical views, which have triggered conflicts, can be eliminated and the existence of Tionghoa ethnic group, including their presence as citizens, can be appreciated and respected. In that manner, the conflicts can be eliminated and altered into a mutualistic-simbiosist relation,

2018 ◽  
Vol 65 ◽  
pp. 01003
Kani Muthmainnah ◽  
Kemas Ridwan Kurniawan

The paradigm of traditionality in Indonesian modern architecture becomes a polemical discourse especially in relation to the development of Indonesian architecture identity in the post-colonial era. The awareness and spirit of exploring identities give birth to new experiments and ideas, assuming traditionality as the anti-thesis of Indonesian International-Style modernism initiated during the Old Order. The focus of this research is to explore different operation and practice of the paradigm in Indonesian architecture discourse much or less alluded with power and politics during the Old and New Order. The aim of this research is to redefine the meaning of traditionality in Indonesian Modern Architecture. This research uses qualitative approach by using a discursive method to analyse the representation of traditionality in Indonesian post-colonial architecture. The author expects to elaborate the manifesto of traditionality through a categorization that is based on the implementation of values, forms, processes, and changes toward the condition of the current development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 136-158
Arif Wijaya

Abstract; this paper highlights democracy in the history of the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. In the history of the nation, from independence to now, there are three kinds of democracy that once applied in the constitutional life of Indonesia, namely the liberal democracy, the guided democracy, and the Pancasila democracy. The liberal democracy leads to a failure of the Constituent establishing Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 as a replacement of Undang-Undang Dasar Sementara 1950. The Guided Democracy is under the reign of the old order and the Pancasila democracy is under the rule of the new order. Although the initial concept for the period intended as an implementation of the fourth principle of Pancasila, but the power was ultimately centralized on the hand of President. A failure of the old and the new order to uphold the values of democracy cause a reformation. In this reformation era, the values of democracy are expected to be enforced.Keywords: The liberal democracy, the guided democracy, the Pancasila democracy

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