Cardiovascular, metabolic, and ventilatory responses of women to equivalent cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise

1980 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 14???19 ◽  
1976 ◽  
Vol 40 (6) ◽  
pp. 864-867 ◽  
S. N. Koyal ◽  
B. J. Whipp ◽  
D. Huntsman ◽  
G. A. Bray ◽  
K. Wasserman

Ventilation and acid-base responses were studied at comparable levels of O2 uptake during cycle ergometer and treadmill exercise, to determine the extent to which the type of exercise affects these responses. Twenty male subjects performed 50-, 100-, and 150-W cycle ergometer exercise and three work rates of similar O2 uptake on a treadmill. At comparable oxygen uptakes, arterial lactate and VE were higher and arterial pH and bicarbonate were lower for cycle ergometer than treadmill exercise. These differences could be accounted for by the greater degree of metabolic acidosis during cycle ergometer work. The increment in VE over that predicted (from an extrapolation of the linear relationship of the VE-VO2 relationship for low work rates) was linearly related to the decrease in arterial bicarbonate; VE was increased by approximately 4 1/min for each meq/1 of bicarbonate decrease for both treadmill and cycle ergometry.

1980 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 1083-1091 ◽  
R. Casaburi ◽  
R. W. Stremel ◽  
B. J. Whipp ◽  
W. L. Beaver ◽  
K. Wasserman

The effects of hyperoxia on ventilatory and gas exchange dynamics were studied utilizing sinusoidal work rate forcings. Five subjects exercised on 14 occasions on a cycle ergometer for 30 min with a sinusoidally varying work load. Tests were performed at seven frequencies of work load during air or 100% O2 inspiration. From the breath-by-breath responses to these tests, dynamic characteristics were analyzed by extracting the mean level, amplitude of oscillation, and phase lag for each six variables with digital computer techniques. Calculation of the time constant (tau) of the ventilatory responses demonstrated that ventilatory kinetics were slower during hyperoxia than during normoxia (P less than 0.025; avg 1.56 and 1.13 min, respectively). Further, for identical work rate fluctuations, end-tidal CO2 tension fluctuations were increased by hyperpoxia. Ventilation during hyperoxia is slower to respond to variations in the level of metabolically produced CO2, presumably because hyperoxia attenuates carotid body output; the arterial CO2 tension is consequently less tightly regulated.

1994 ◽  
Vol 78 (3_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1335-1344 ◽  
Christopher C. Dunbar ◽  
Carole Goris ◽  
Donald W. Michielli ◽  
Michael I. Kalinski

The accuracy of regularing exercise intensity by Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) was examined. Subjects underwent 4 production trials, 2 on a treadmill (PIA, P1B) and 2 on a cycle ergometer (P2A, P2B). 9 untrained subjects used only their perceptions of effort to regulate exercise intensity. Target intensity was the RPE equivalent to 60% VO2mx. Exercise intensity (VO2) during P1A, P1B, and P2A did not differ from the target, but during P2B was lower than target. During P1A and P1B heart rate did not differ from the target but was lower than target during P2A and P2B. RPE seems a valid means of regulating exercise intensity during repeated bouts of treadmill exercise at 60% VO2max; however, exercise intensity during repeated bouts on the cycle ergometer may be lower than target.

2002 ◽  
Vol 94 (3) ◽  
pp. 851-859 ◽  
Teru Nabetani ◽  
Takeshi Ueda ◽  
Keisuke Teramoto

This study was conducted to assess whether respiratory frequency can be used as a valid parameter for estimating ventilatory threshold and for examining differences in exercise modes such as a cycle ergometer and a treadmill. 24 men and 12 women performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer and on a treadmill. Oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide output, pulmonary ventilation, ventilatory frequency, and heart rate were measured continuously every 30 sec. during the test. Three different and independent reviewers detected the ventilatory threshold point and break point of respiratory rate, which were then compared. Analysis indicated that (1) ventilatory threshold was well correlated with break point of respiratory rate for both cycle ( r = .88, p<.001) and treadmill exercise ( r = .96, p<.001). However, on the average, ventilatory threshold was only 71% (cycle) or 88% (treadmill) of break point of respiratory rare. (2) The regression equation for treadmill exercise was more accurate than that for cycling, but the detected data samples were smaller. The break point of respiratory rate was more easily detected for the cycle ergometer test (33 of 36 subjects) than for the treadmill test (only 15 of 36). The cycle ergometer test identified the break point of respiratory rate more easily than did the treadmill test. (3) There was an association between physical fitness and whether the break point of respiratory rate was detectable, and the more fit the subject (above average), the more likely the break point was to be undetected. Our study demonstrates that the break point of respiratory rate is closely associated with ventilatory threshold and that the cycle ergometer test is more conducive than the treadmill test to the detectability of break point of respiratory rate.

1971 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 433-442 ◽  
Sandra D. Anderson ◽  
S. Godfrey

1. Studies have been made of the response to running on a treadmill in forty boys and girls aged 5–15 years. 2. Each child was studied at two consecutive levels of steady-state work representing about 50% and 80% of his physical working capacity. Cardiac output was measured by the Indirect (CO2) Fick method. 3. The cardiac and ventilatory responses to exercise were similar to those seen during cycling on an ergometer except that the heart rate and the respiratory exchange ratio were a little lower. Stroke volume was the same. 4. The responses of children to running and cycling are discussed and the similarity to the responses of adults is noted.

1986 ◽  
Vol 61 (2) ◽  
pp. 603-610 ◽  
P. S. Clifford ◽  
J. T. Litzow ◽  
J. H. von Colditz ◽  
R. L. Coon

To assess the role of intrapulmonary receptors on the ventilatory responses to exercise we studied six beagle dogs before and after chronic pulmonary denervation and five dogs before and after sham thoracotomies. Each exercise challenge consisted of 6 min of treadmill exercise with measurements taken during the third minute at 3.2 km/h, 0% grade, and during the third minute at 5.0 km/h, 0% grade. Inspiratory and expiratory airflows were monitored with a low-dead-space latex mask and pneumotachographs coupled to differential pressure transducers. Both pre- and postsurgery, all dogs exhibited a significant arterial hypocapnia and alkalosis during exercise. Denervation of the lungs had no significant effect on minute ventilation at rest or during exercise, although there was a lower frequency and higher tidal volume in the lung-denervated dogs at all measurement periods. Breathing frequency increased significantly during exercise in lung-denervated dogs but to a lesser magnitude than in the control dogs. The changes that occurred in breathing frequency in all animals were due predominantly to the shortening of expiratory time. Inspiratory time did not shorten significantly during exercise following lung denervation. We conclude from these data that intrapulmonary receptors which are deafferented by sectioning the vagi at the hilum are not responsible for setting the level of ventilation during rest or exercise but are involved in determining the pattern of breathing.

1990 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 2604-2611 ◽  
A. Huszczuk ◽  
B. J. Whipp ◽  
T. D. Adams ◽  
A. G. Fisher ◽  
R. O. Crapo ◽  

To determine the role of cardiac reflexes in mediating exercise hyperpnea, we investigated ventilatory responses to treadmill exercise in seven calves with artificial hearts and seven controls. In both groups, the ventilatory responses were adequate for the metabolic demands of the exercise; this resulted in regulation of arterial PCO2 and pH despite the absence of cardiac output increase in the implanted group. In this group, there was a small but significant reduction of arterial PO2 by 4 +/- 3 Torr and a rise of blood lactate by 1.1 +/- 1 mmol/l. When cardiac output was experimentally increased in the implanted calves to a level commensurate with that spontaneously occurring in the control calves, ventilation was not affected. However, experimental reductions of cardiac output led to an immediate augmentation of exercise hyperpnea by 4.56 +/- 4.3 l/min and a further significant lactate increase of 1.2 +/- 1.22 mmol/l that was associated with a significant decrease in the exercise O2 consumption (0.32 +/- 0.13 l/min). These observations indicate that neither cardiac nor hemodynamic effects of increased cardiac output constitute an obligatory cause of exercise hyperpnea in the calf.

1982 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 436-439 ◽  
M. J. Buono ◽  
F. B. Roby

Acid-base, metabolic, and ventilatory responses to repeated bouts of exercise were examined. Ten male subjects performed two (T1, T2) 5-min work tests, on a cycle ergometer, separated by a 25-min rest. The results indicate the following. 1) T2 appears to have a larger aerobic energy component than T1, due to the fact that cumulative O2 uptake (Vo2) was significantly larger for T2 and that the immediate postexercise lactic acid (HLa) and delta HLa values were both significantly smaller for T2.2) CO2 production (Vco2) and the respiratory exchange ratio were both significantly lower for T2. This is probably due to greater fat metabolism and less nonmetabolic CO2 being produced from bicarbonate (HCO-3) buffering of HLa during T2.3) Even though Vco2 was significantly lower during T2, minute ventilation (VE) was not significantly different between T1 and T2. This suggests that the ventilatory response during exercise cannot be solely mediated via CO2 flux to the lungs. 4) HLa removal and (HCO-3) regeneration appear to be sequentially linked together as indicated by the almost identical mirror image and significant -0.93 correlation. In conclusion, it appears that a bout of high-intensity exercise (T1) can alter the acid-base and metabolic responses seen during subsequent performance (T2).

1987 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 1210-1217 ◽  
W. M. Bayly ◽  
D. A. Schultz ◽  
D. R. Hodgson ◽  
P. D. Gollnick

Experiments were undertaken to determine whether respiratory masks worn by horses exercising strenuously on a treadmill may interfere with normal gas exchange. Four collection systems, two flow-through systems and two incorporating one-way valve systems with subject-generated airflow were studied. Six horses performed standard treadmill exercise tests consisting of a 2-min warm up followed by galloping 1 min each at 8,9, and 10 m/s. Each horse exercised six times while wearing each of the four respiratory masks. Each flow-through system was used twice with flow rates of 2,360 and 3,840 l/min for one system, and 3,840 and 6,300 l/min for the other. Arterial blood gas tensions were measured during exercise at each speed for each system and were compared with values measured when the horses performed the same test without wearing a mask. Hypercapnia developed during exercise with each of the respiratory masks except with the 6,300–l/min flow-through system. All horses became hypoxemic during every exercise test, but it was most severe when systems incorporating one-way valves were used. This, plus the degree of hypercapnia observed and a suboptimal heart rate-O2 uptake relationship, indicated that such systems severely impede ventilation and suggest that experiments performed while utilizing them do not represent the normal exercise condition.

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