scholarly journals JSim, an open-source modeling system for data analysis

F1000Research ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 288 ◽  
Erik Butterworth ◽  
Bartholomew E. Jardine ◽  
Gary M. Raymond ◽  
Maxwell L. Neal ◽  
James B. Bassingthwaighte

JSim is a simulation system for developing models, designing experiments, and evaluating hypotheses on physiological and pharmacological systems through the testing of model solutions against data. It is designed for interactive, iterative manipulation of the model code, handling of multiple data sets and parameter sets, and for making comparisons among different models running simultaneously or separately. Interactive use is supported by a large collection of graphical user interfaces for model writing and compilation diagnostics, defining input functions, model runs, selection of algorithms solving ordinary and partial differential equations, run-time multidimensional graphics, parameter optimization (8 methods), sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation for defining confidence ranges. JSim uses Mathematical Modeling Language (MML) a declarative syntax specifying algebraic and differential equations. Imperative constructs written in other languages (MATLAB, FORTRAN, C++, etc.) are accessed through procedure calls. MML syntax is simple, basically defining the parameters and variables, then writing the equations in a straightforward, easily read and understood mathematical form. This makes JSim good for teaching modeling as well as for model analysis for research.   For high throughput applications, JSim can be run as a batch job.  JSim can automatically translate models from the repositories for Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and CellML models. Stochastic modeling is supported. MML supports assigning physical units to constants and variables and automates checking dimensional balance as the first step in verification testing. Automatic unit scaling follows, e.g. seconds to minutes, if needed. The JSim Project File sets a standard for reproducible modeling analysis: it includes in one file everything for analyzing a set of experiments: the data, the models, the data fitting, and evaluation of parameter confidence ranges. JSim is open source; it and about 400 human readable open source physiological/biophysical models are available at

F1000Research ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 288 ◽  
Erik Butterworth ◽  
Bartholomew E. Jardine ◽  
Gary M. Raymond ◽  
Maxwell L. Neal ◽  
James B. Bassingthwaighte

JSim is a simulation system for developing models, designing experiments, and evaluating hypotheses on physiological and pharmacological systems through the testing of model solutions against data. It is designed for interactive, iterative manipulation of the model code, handling of multiple data sets and parameter sets, and for making comparisons among different models running simultaneously or separately. Interactive use is supported by a large collection of graphical user interfaces for model writing and compilation diagnostics, defining input functions, model runs, selection of algorithms solving ordinary and partial differential equations, run-time multidimensional graphics, parameter optimization (8 methods), sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation for defining confidence ranges. JSim uses Mathematical Modeling Language (MML) a declarative syntax specifying algebraic and differential equations. Imperative constructs written in other languages (MATLAB, FORTRAN, C++, etc.) are accessed through procedure calls. MML syntax is simple, basically defining the parameters and variables, then writing the equations in a straightforward, easily read and understood mathematical form. This makes JSim good for teaching modeling as well as for model analysis for research.   For high throughput applications, JSim can be run as a batch job.  JSim can automatically translate models from the repositories for Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and CellML models. Stochastic modeling is supported. MML supports assigning physical units to constants and variables and automates checking dimensional balance as the first step in verification testing. Automatic unit scaling follows, e.g. seconds to minutes, if needed. The JSim Project File sets a standard for reproducible modeling analysis: it includes in one file everything for analyzing a set of experiments: the data, the models, the data fitting, and evaluation of parameter confidence ranges. JSim is open source; it and about 400 human readable open source physiological/biophysical models are available at

F1000Research ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 288 ◽  
Erik Butterworth ◽  
Bartholomew E. Jardine ◽  
Gary M. Raymond ◽  
Maxwell L. Neal ◽  
James B. Bassingthwaighte

JSim is a simulation system for developing models, designing experiments, and evaluating hypotheses on physiological and pharmacological systems through the testing of model solutions against data. It is designed for interactive, iterative manipulation of the model code, handling of multiple data sets and parameter sets, and for making comparisons among different models running simultaneously or separately. Interactive use is supported by a large collection of graphical user interfaces for model writing and compilation diagnostics, defining input functions, model runs, selection of algorithms solving ordinary and partial differential equations, run-time multidimensional graphics, parameter optimization (8 methods), sensitivity analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation for defining confidence ranges. JSim uses Mathematical Modeling Language (MML) a declarative syntax specifying algebraic and differential equations. Imperative constructs written in other languages (MATLAB, FORTRAN, C++, etc.) are accessed through procedure calls. MML syntax is simple, basically defining the parameters and variables, then writing the equations in a straightforward, easily read and understood mathematical form. This makes JSim good for teaching modeling as well as for model analysis for research.   For high throughput applications, JSim can be run as a batch job.  JSim can automatically translate models from the repositories for Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) and CellML models. Stochastic modeling is supported. MML supports assigning physical units to constants and variables and automates checking dimensional balance as the first step in verification testing. Automatic unit scaling follows, e.g. seconds to minutes, if needed. The JSim Project File sets a standard for reproducible modeling analysis: it includes in one file everything for analyzing a set of experiments: the data, the models, the data fitting, and evaluation of parameter confidence ranges. JSim is open source; it and about 400 human readable open source physiological/biophysical models are available at

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
T. Dürig ◽  
L. S. Schmidt ◽  
J. D. L. White ◽  
M. H. Bowman

AbstractQuantitative shape analysis of juvenile pyroclasts is applied in volcanology to reconstruct the dynamics and styles of eruptions, and to explore the details of tephra transport, dispersal, and emplacement. Morphometric analyses often include comparison of multiple data sets with a set of dimensionless shape parameters. Here we present “DendroScan”, an open source Matlab program that provides the user with all the multivariate statistical methods needed to produce such morphometric comparisons. Serving as a statistical “toolbox”, DendroScan conducts Levene-, t-, and equivalence tests, presenting the results in ad hoc interpretable graphs. Furthermore, it is designed to conduct dendrogrammatic analyses of particle morphometry, a recently developed approach for the inter-comparison of multiple morphometric data sets. DendroScan produces tree diagrams, in which the analysed samples are sorted according to their morphometric dissimilarity, allowing the user to identify, e.g., samples that are statistically equivalent. To demonstrate DendroScan’s potential, ten experimental samples are compared with volcanic ash samples generated by the Havre 2012 deep-sea eruption in the Kermadec arc (New Zealand). We show how, using DendroScan-based results, information on the eruptive mechanism can be inferred, and how the cooling history of the experimental melt is reflected in the dissimilarity of thermally granulated fragments.

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 1153 ◽  
Jens Weibezahn ◽  
Mario Kendziorski

In this paper we introduce a five-fold approach to open science comprised of open data, open-source software (that is, programming and modeling tools, model code, and numerical solvers), as well as open-access dissemination. The advantages of open energy models are being discussed. A fully open-source bottom-up electricity sector model with high spatial resolution using the Julia programming environment is then being developed, describing source code and a data set for Germany. This large-scale model of the electricity market includes both generation dispatch from thermal and renewable sources in the spot market as well as the physical transmission network, minimizing total system costs in a linear approach. It calculates the economic dispatch on an hourly basis for a full year, taking into account demand, infeed from renewables, storage, and exchanges with neighboring countries. Following the open approach, the model code and used data set are fully publicly accessible and we use open-source solvers like ECOS and CLP. The model is then being benchmarked regarding runtime of building and solving against a representation in GAMS as a commercial algebraic modeling language and against Gurobi, CPLEX, and Mosek as commercial solvers. With this paper we demonstrate in a proof-of-concept the power and abilities, as well as the beauty of open-source modeling systems. This openness has the potential to increase the transparency of policy advice and to empower stakeholders with fewer financial possibilities.

2017 ◽  
Vol 73 (3) ◽  
pp. 267-278 ◽  
Tobias Krojer ◽  
Romain Talon ◽  
Nicholas Pearce ◽  
Patrick Collins ◽  
Alice Douangamath ◽  

XChemExplorer(XCE) is a data-management and workflow tool to support large-scale simultaneous analysis of protein–ligand complexes during structure-based ligand discovery (SBLD). The user interfaces of established crystallographic software packages such asCCP4 [Winnet al.(2011),Acta Cryst.D67, 235–242] orPHENIX[Adamset al.(2010),Acta Cryst.D66, 213–221] have entrenched the paradigm that a `project' is concerned with solving one structure. This does not hold for SBLD, where many almost identical structures need to be solved and analysed quickly in one batch of work. Functionality to track progress and annotate structures is essential.XCEprovides an intuitive graphical user interface which guides the user from data processing, initial map calculation, ligand identification and refinement up until data dissemination. It provides multiple entry points depending on the need of each project, enables batch processing of multiple data sets and records metadata, progress and annotations in an SQLite database.XCEis freely available and works on any Linux and Mac OS X system, and the only dependency is to have the latest version ofCCP4 installed. The design and usage of this tool are described here, and its usefulness is demonstrated in the context of fragment-screening campaigns at the Diamond Light Source. It is routinely used to analyse projects comprising 1000 data sets or more, and therefore scales well to even very large ligand-design projects.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 2944
Benjamin James Ralph ◽  
Marcel Sorger ◽  
Benjamin Schödinger ◽  
Hans-Jörg Schmölzer ◽  
Karin Hartl ◽  

Smart factories are an integral element of the manufacturing infrastructure in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. Nevertheless, there is frequently a deficiency of adequate training facilities for future engineering experts in the academic environment. For this reason, this paper describes the development and implementation of two different layer architectures for the metal processing environment. The first architecture is based on low-cost but resilient devices, allowing interested parties to work with mostly open-source interfaces and standard back-end programming environments. Additionally, one proprietary and two open-source graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were developed. Those interfaces can be adapted front-end as well as back-end, ensuring a holistic comprehension of their capabilities and limits. As a result, a six-layer architecture, from digitization to an interactive project management tool, was designed and implemented in the practical workflow at the academic institution. To take the complexity of thermo-mechanical processing in the metal processing field into account, an alternative layer, connected with the thermo-mechanical treatment simulator Gleeble 3800, was designed. This framework is capable of transferring sensor data with high frequency, enabling data collection for the numerical simulation of complex material behavior under high temperature processing. Finally, the possibility of connecting both systems by using open-source software packages is demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096973302110032
Sastrawan Sastrawan ◽  
Jennifer Weller-Newton ◽  
Gabrielle Brand ◽  
Gulzar Malik

Background: In the ever-changing and complex healthcare environment, nurses encounter challenging situations that may involve a clash between their personal and professional values resulting in a profound impact on their practice. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of literature on how nurses develop their personal–professional values. Aim: The aim of this study was to understand how nurses develop their foundational values as the base for their value system. Research design: A constructivist grounded theory methodology was employed to collect multiple data sets, including face-to-face focus group and individual interviews, along with anecdote and reflective stories. Participants and research context: Fifty-four nurses working across various nursing settings in Indonesia were recruited to participate. Ethical considerations: Ethics approval was obtained from the Monash University Human Ethics Committee, project approval number 1553. Findings: Foundational values acquisition was achieved through family upbringing, professional nurse education and organisational/institutional values reinforcement. These values are framed through three reference points: religious lens, humanity perspective and professionalism. This framing results in a unique combination of personal–professional values that comprise nurses’ values system. Values are transferred to other nurses either in a formal or informal way as part of one’s professional responsibility and customary social interaction via telling and sharing in person or through social media. Discussion: Values and ethics are inherently interweaved during nursing practice. Ethical and moral values are part of professional training, but other values are often buried in a hidden curriculum, and attained and activated through interactions during nurses’ training. Conclusion: Developing a value system is a complex undertaking that involves basic social processes of attaining, enacting and socialising values. These processes encompass several intertwined entities such as the sources of values, the pool of foundational values, value perspectives and framings, initial value structures, and methods of value transference.

2021 ◽  
Vol 94 ◽  
pp. 102793
Valentin Le Bescond ◽  
Arnaud Can ◽  
Pierre Aumond ◽  
Pascal Gastineau

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