scholarly journals El transhogar: la fusión entre lo público y lo privado por las nuevas tecnologías / The trans- home: the fusion between the public and the private ambit through the new technologies.

Elisa Fernández Bascones

Hoy día se han roto los límites métricos y topológicos en las formas de interrelación entre el ser humano y su entorno. Como consecuencia de esta disolución de la distancia se produciría la transformación del Hogar en Transhogar. Este Trans-hogar se manifestaría, por un lado, en la intromisión de lo privado en lo público, y por otro, en la intromisión de lo público en lo privado. La clave de este fenómeno radicaría en la distorsión del Aquí-Allí. Reflexionaremos sobre la posibilidad de una devaluación de la experiencia como consecuencia de esta distorsión: que la ausencia de desplazamiento no solo se produzca en un sentido físico sino también en un sentido experiencial o existencial, que el Trans-hogar (más allá de sus múltiples beneficios, que también comentaremos) conlleve una pérdida de intimidad y recogimiento como posibilidad de Des-conexión.

Comunicar ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (36) ◽  
pp. 87-94 ◽  
Mercedes Medina-Laverón ◽  
Teresa Ojer-Goñi

Some authors question the existence of public television companies in the new environment of digitalization, Internet proliferation, growing competition and audience segmentation. However, others believe they should act as a driving force in the process of convergence and even that the new media present an opportunity to redefine the public broadcasting service (PBS) remit. The current challenge for the public media companies is to deliver their content through the maximum number of devices, not only via television sets but also broadband and mobile devices. Over the years, the BBC has adapted to new market situations and has implemented solutions that have been adopted by other public and private broadcasters around the world. The objective of this article is to show how the BBC has taken up the leadership of transforming public TV companies into online services in order to maintain market share; and how it has influenced Spain’s public TV broadcaster, RTVE. The methodology is based on internal and external documents of both corporations, and the findings are complemented by interviews with online service managers at RTVE. We conclude that these public companies have adapted their activities to the new technologies and have developed interactive services to reinforce their public service mission.Algunas voces cuestionan la permanencia de las televisiones públicas en el nuevo entorno digital, caracterizado por una mayor presencia de Internet, más competidores y la fragmentación de la audiencia. Sin embargo, hay otros que creen que deberían actuar como una fuerza motriz en el proceso de convergencia e incluso que los nuevos medios representan una posibilidad de redefinir la misión de las televisiones públicas. El reto actual de las corporaciones públicas es proporcionar los contenidos a través del mayor número de soportes posibles, no solo a través de la televisión, sino también a través de Internet y dispositivos móviles. Un rasgo de la BBC es haberse adaptado siempre a los cambios del mercado y muchas de sus soluciones han sido transferidas a otras empresas de comunicación tanto públicas como privadas de todo el mundo. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo la BBC es uno de los modelos en los que las empresas televisivas se han fijado para transformar sus servicios digitales a fin de mantener su existencia en el mercado, y conocer cuál ha sido su influencia en la televisión pública española RTVE. La metodología empleada radica en el análisis de los documentos internos y externos de las compañías y entrevistas realizadas a los responsables de los servicios digitales de RTVE. Las conclusiones apuntan a destacar que estas compañías han adaptado sus actividades a las nuevas tecnologías y han desarrollado servicios interactivos como refuerzo de su misión de servicio público.

Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar ◽  
Nuria Huete Alcocer

The Roman villa of Noheda has become one of the crucial site to understand the messages that the high Roman aristocracy intended to convey by the building infrastructure in these large rural complex of Late Antiquity. Therefore, for the application of a correct archaeological methodology we should add the use of the most modern techniques of research and analysis that were within our grasp, in order to document in the best possible detail, the archaeological remains. Understanding that only through a close reading we can get to properly decrypt the data housed in the cluster of structures and artifacts hosted in the stratigraphic sequence. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present concisely, how technological advances have been used such as ground penetrating radar, 3D scanning, laser scanner, photogrammetry, etc. and the best results which have been obtained. In the same way, we will explain that these results are just a first step, because today the project of musealisation of the site has begun in order to be ready for its opening to the public and, within the innovations that bring the new technologies will be taken into account and they will be used in situ with mobile telephony, such as 3D modeling of parts and its Georeferencing, the increased virtual reality, etc. Nonetheless we must not forget other advances which help understand, spread and bring archeology closer to society.


Los derechos de acceso, participación y tutela judicial, así como la difusión de información en materia ambiental han sufrido una gran evolución como consecuencia de la ratifi cación del Convenio de Aarhus. Tanto la Unión Europea como los diferentes Estados han ratifi cado este Convenio. No se puede menos que afi rmar el carácter democráticamente avanzado de esta normativa, aunque la distancia entre norma y realidad parece agrandarse en esta materia. Así lo pone de manifi esto el autor cuando evidencia la utilización de instrumentos como la validación legislativa, es decir, la intervención de los Parlamentos para legalizar en algunos casos, o permitir en otros, intervenciones que los Tribunales han considerado ilegales. En este punto la participación se niega radicalmente, imponiéndose vía parlamentaria decisiones de ordenación del territorio que deberían adoptarse por otros procedimientos y, en especial, respetando los procesos participativos de la población. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información ofrecen los instrumentos necesarios para lograr que el acceso y la difusión de la información sean más fácilmente realizables. En materia ambiental se ha producido un avance importante, aunque la confrontación entre los derechos a la información y la obligación de difusión de los poderes públicos no se cumple con la debida efi - cacia, tal como se evidencia en este estudio al realizar un análisis de las páginas web que deben tener un contenido informativo ambiental determinado. Concluye el autor llamando la atención sobre la necesidad de modifi car la cultura democrática existente para que los derechos de acceso y participación y la difusión de la información en materia de ordenación del territorio y el medio ambiente se apliquen adecuadamente. Ingurumen arloan, sarbide, partaidetza eta tutoretza judizialeko eskubideak, bai eta informazioaren zabalkundeak ere, bilakaera handia izan dute, Aarhusko Hitzarmena berrestearen ondorioz. Europar Batasunak nahiz estatu guztiek berretsi dute hitzarmen hori. Baieztatu egin behar da, inondik ere, araudi horren izaera demokratikoki aurreratua, nahiz eta arauaren eta errealitatearen arteko aldea handitu egiten bide den arlo honetan. Horrela jartzen du agerian egileak, legebiltzar-berrespena bezalako tresnak erabiltzen direla baieztatzen duenean, hau da, legebiltzarren esku-hartzea epaitegiek legez kanpokotzat jo dituzten esku- hartze batzuk legeztatzeko zenbait kasutan, edo ahalbidetzeko beste batzuetan. Gai horretan, partaidetza erabat ukatzen da, eta legebiltzarraren bidez beste prozedura batzuen bitartez ¿eta bereziki, biztanleriaren partaidetza-prozesuak errespetatuz¿ hartu beharko liratekeen erabakiak ezartzen dira lurralde-antolamenduaren arloan. Informazioaren teknologia berriek beharrezko tresnak eskaintzen dituzte, informazioaren sarbidea eta zabalkundea errazago egin ahal izaten daitezen. Ingurumenaren arloan, aurrerapen handi bat gertatu da, nahiz eta herritarrek informazioa jasotzeko eskubideen eta aginte publikoek zabalkundea egiteko betebeharraren arteko oreka ez den behar bezalako eraginkortasunez betetzen. Horrela frogatzen da azterlan honetan, ingurumen arloko informazioeduki jakin bat izan behar duten web-orrialdeen azterketa egiten denean. Eta amaitzeko, egileak honako hau nabarmentzen du: dagoen kultura demokratikoa aldatu behar da, sarbideko eta partaidetzako eskubideak eta informazioaren zabalkundea, lurraldearen antolamenduren eta ingurumenaren arloan, behar bezala aplika daitezen. The rights to access, participation and judicial protection together with the dissemination of information in environmental matters have undergone a great evolution because of the ratifi cation of the Aarhus Convention. Both the EU and different States did ratify this Convention. The democratically advanced nature of this Convention has to be stated, although the gap between rule and reality seems to become wider in this area. That is what the author points out by showing the use of instruments as the legislative convalidation, that is, the intervention by Parliaments to legalize in some cases, or authorizing in others, actions considered illegal by the courts. Regarding this point, participation is radically vetoed, and decisions on zoning which should have been adopted by means of other procedures, specially by observing participative procedures, are imposed by the Parliaments. New technologies of information offer the necessary instruments to attain that access to and dissemination of information are easy. There has been an important advance in the environmental fi eld although the confrontation between the rights to information and the obligation of dissemination by the public authorities is not fulfi lled with the due effectiveness, as it is proved by the analysis of the web sites which must have a specifi ed informative content. The author fi nishes this article attracting our attention to the need of change in the existing democratic culture so as to apply properly the rights of access and participation and the dissemination of the information in the fi eld of zoning and environment.

Carla González Collantes ◽  
Maria Lacueva i Lorenz

Resumen: Orxata Sound System es un colectivo musical de la comarca de l’Horta (País Valenciano) que se fundó el año 2003 y que se disolvió indefinidamente el año 2014. Su existencia ha dejado huella en la escena musical del ámbito catalanófono, no solamente por su estilo, sino también porque fueron pioneros en el uso de las nuevas tecnologías tanto para crear, producir y difundir su música como para (auto)gestionarse y comunicarse con el público de manera eminentemente horizontal. Este artículo observará la trayectoria musical de Orxata Sound System haciendo especial hincapié, por un lado, en la explotación artística que desarrollaron a partir de la hibridación de dos elementos aparentemente contradictorios: por otro lado, nos centraremos en las estrategias cooperativas en la creación musical.Palabras clave: cultura colectiva, activismo, música catalana, Estudios Culturales, València. Abstract: Orxata Sound System is a musical collective from l’Horta (Valencian Country) that was founded in 2003 and was dissolved indefinitely in 2014. Its existence has marked a before and after in the Catalan musical scene, not only because of its style, but also because it was a pioneer in the use of new technologies to create, produce and distribute its music as well as (auto) manage and communicate with the public in an eminently horizontal way. This article will observe the musical trajectory of Orxata Sound System with special emphasis, on the one hand, on the artistic exploitation that developed from the hybridization of two apparently contradictory elements; on the other hand, we will focus on the cooperative strategies in musical creativity. Keywords: collective culture, activism, catalan music, Cultural Studies, Valencia

Michael Szollosy

This chapter introduces the “Perspectives” section of the Handbook of Living Machines offering an overview of the different contributions gathered here that consider how biomimetic and biohybrid systems will transform our personal lives and social organizations, and how we might respond to the challenges that these transformations will inevitably pose to our ‘posthuman’ worlds. The authors in this section see it as essential that those who aspire to create living machines engage with the public to confront misconceptions, deep anxieties, and unrealistic aspirations that presently dominate the cultural imagination, and to include potential users in questions of design and utility as new technologies are being developed. Human augmentation and enhancement are other important themes addressed, raising important questions about what it means fundamentally to be ‘human’. These questions and challenges are addressed through the lens of the social and personal impacts of new technologies on human selves, the public imagination, ethics, and human relationships.

Buildings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 95
Ghazal Makvandia ◽  
Md. Safiuddin

Efforts have been put in place to minimize the effects of construction activities and occupancy, but the problem of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions continues to have detrimental effects on the environment. As an effort to reduce GHG emissions, particularly carbon emissions, countable commercial, industrial, institutional, and residential net-zero energy (NZE) buildings were built around the globe during the past few years, and they are still operating. But there exist many challenges and barriers for the construction of NZE buildings. This study identifies the obstacles to developing NZE buildings, with a focus on single-family homes, in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The study sought to identify the technical, organizational, and social challenges of constructing NZE buildings, realize the importance of the public awareness in making NZE homes, and provide recommendations on how to raise public knowledge. A qualitative approach was employed to collect the primary data through survey and interviews. The secondary data obtained from the literature review were also used to realize the benefits, challenges, and current situation of NZE buildings. Research results indicate that the construction of NZE buildings is faced with a myriad of challenges, including technical issues, the lack of governmental and institutional supports, and the lack of standardized measures. The public awareness of NZE homes has been found to be very low, thus limiting the uptake and adoption of the new technologies used in this type of homes. The present study also recommends that the government and the academic institutions should strive to support the NZE building technology through curriculum changes, technological uptake, and financial incentives to buyers and developers. The implementation of these recommendations may enhance the success and popularity of NZE homes in the GTA.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Mohamed Z. Elbashir ◽  
Steve G. Sutton ◽  
Vicky Arnold ◽  
Philip A. Collier

Purpose Recent research and policy reports indicate public sector organizations struggle to leverage information technology-based performance measurement systems and fail to effectively evaluate performance beyond financial metrics. This study aims to focus on organizational factors that influence the assimilation of business intelligence (BI) systems into integrated management control systems and the corollary impact on improving business process performance within public sector organizations. Design/methodology/approach The complete Australian client list was acquired from a leading BI vendor; and the authors surveyed all public sector organizations, receiving 226 individual responses representing 160 public sector organizations in Australia. Using latent construct measurement, structural equation modeling (SEM)-partial least squares is used to test the theoretical model. Findings When top management promotes knowledge creation among the organization’s operational level employees and support their activities with strong BI infrastructure, the same knowledge and infrastructure capabilities that are critical to assimilation in private sector hold in the public sector. However, public sector organizations generally have difficulty retaining staff with expertise in new technologies and attracting new innovative staff that can leverage smart systems to effect major change in performance measurement. When top management effectively manages knowledge importation from external entities to counteract deficiencies, public sector organizations effectively assimilate BI knowledge into performance measurement yielding strong process performance. Research limitations/implications When top management promotes knowledge creation among the organization’s operational level employees and support their activities with strong BI infrastructure, the same knowledge and infrastructure capabilities critical to assimilation in the private sector hold in the public sector. However, public sector organizations generally have difficulty retaining staff with expertise in new technologies and attracting new innovative staff that can leverage smart systems to effect major change in performance measurement. The research extends the theory behind organizational absorptive capacity by highlighting how knowledge importation can be used as an external source facilitating internal knowledge creation. This collaborative knowledge creation leads to affective assimilation of BI technologies and associated performance gains. Practical implications The results provide guidance to public sector organizations that struggle to measure and validate service outcomes under New Public Management regulations and mandates. Originality/value The results reveal that consistent with the philosophies behind New Public Management strategies, private sector measures for increasing organizational absorptive capacity can be applied in the public sector. However, knowledge importation appears to be a major catalyst in the public sector where the resources to retain skilled professionals with an ability to leverage contemporary technologies into service performance are often very limited. Top management team knowledge and skills are critical to effectively leveraging these internal and external knowledge creation mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Zhuo Zhao ◽  
Rui Li ◽  
Yangmyung Ma ◽  
Iman Islam ◽  
Abdul M. Azam Rajper ◽  

UNSTRUCTURED During COVID-19, the clinical and healthcare demands have been on the rapid rise. Major challenges to addressing the pandemic include a lack of testing kits and shortages of ventilators to treat severe cases of COVID-19, insufficient accessibility to personal protective equipment for both hospitals and the public. New technologies have been developed by scientists, researchers, and companies in response to these demands. In this paper, 90 news articles and scientific reports on COVID-19-related innovations during 2020-2021 were screened and shortlisted to form a pool of candidates yielding a total of 20 publications for review which were then categorized into three sections: personal protective equipment, testing methods, and medical treatments. Each study was analyzed for its engineering characteristics and potential social impact on the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the guidelines for future disease prevention, diagnosis and treatment were summarized and discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 251484862110614
Holly Jean Buck

Can fossil-based fuels become carbon neutral or carbon negative? The oil and gas industry is facing pressure to decarbonize, and new technologies are allowing companies and experts to imagine lower-carbon fossil fuels as part of a circular carbon economy. This paper draws on interviews with experts, ethnographic observations at carbontech and carbon management events, and interviews with members of the public along a suggested CO2 pipeline route from Iowa to Texas, to explore: What is driving the sociotechnical imaginary of circular fossil carbon among experts, and what are its prospects? How do people living in the landscapes that are expected to provide carbon utilization and removal services understand their desirability and workability? First, the paper examines a contradiction in views of carbon professionals: while experts understand the scale of infrastructure, energy, and capital required to build a circular carbon economy, they face constraints in advocating for policies commensurate with this scale, though they have developed strategies for managing this disconnect. Second, the paper describes views from the land in the central US, surfacing questions about the sustainability of new technologies, the prospect of carbon dioxide pipelines, and the way circular carbon industries could intersect trends of decline in small rural towns. Experts often fail to consider local priorities and expertise, and people in working landscapes may not see the priorities and plans of experts, constituting a “double unseeing.” Robust energy democracy involves not just resistance to dominant imaginaries of circular carbon, but articulation of alternatives. New forms of expert and community collaboration will be key to transcending this double unseeing and furthering energy democracy.

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