
Los derechos de acceso, participación y tutela judicial, así como la difusión de información en materia ambiental han sufrido una gran evolución como consecuencia de la ratifi cación del Convenio de Aarhus. Tanto la Unión Europea como los diferentes Estados han ratifi cado este Convenio. No se puede menos que afi rmar el carácter democráticamente avanzado de esta normativa, aunque la distancia entre norma y realidad parece agrandarse en esta materia. Así lo pone de manifi esto el autor cuando evidencia la utilización de instrumentos como la validación legislativa, es decir, la intervención de los Parlamentos para legalizar en algunos casos, o permitir en otros, intervenciones que los Tribunales han considerado ilegales. En este punto la participación se niega radicalmente, imponiéndose vía parlamentaria decisiones de ordenación del territorio que deberían adoptarse por otros procedimientos y, en especial, respetando los procesos participativos de la población. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información ofrecen los instrumentos necesarios para lograr que el acceso y la difusión de la información sean más fácilmente realizables. En materia ambiental se ha producido un avance importante, aunque la confrontación entre los derechos a la información y la obligación de difusión de los poderes públicos no se cumple con la debida efi - cacia, tal como se evidencia en este estudio al realizar un análisis de las páginas web que deben tener un contenido informativo ambiental determinado. Concluye el autor llamando la atención sobre la necesidad de modifi car la cultura democrática existente para que los derechos de acceso y participación y la difusión de la información en materia de ordenación del territorio y el medio ambiente se apliquen adecuadamente. Ingurumen arloan, sarbide, partaidetza eta tutoretza judizialeko eskubideak, bai eta informazioaren zabalkundeak ere, bilakaera handia izan dute, Aarhusko Hitzarmena berrestearen ondorioz. Europar Batasunak nahiz estatu guztiek berretsi dute hitzarmen hori. Baieztatu egin behar da, inondik ere, araudi horren izaera demokratikoki aurreratua, nahiz eta arauaren eta errealitatearen arteko aldea handitu egiten bide den arlo honetan. Horrela jartzen du agerian egileak, legebiltzar-berrespena bezalako tresnak erabiltzen direla baieztatzen duenean, hau da, legebiltzarren esku-hartzea epaitegiek legez kanpokotzat jo dituzten esku- hartze batzuk legeztatzeko zenbait kasutan, edo ahalbidetzeko beste batzuetan. Gai horretan, partaidetza erabat ukatzen da, eta legebiltzarraren bidez beste prozedura batzuen bitartez ¿eta bereziki, biztanleriaren partaidetza-prozesuak errespetatuz¿ hartu beharko liratekeen erabakiak ezartzen dira lurralde-antolamenduaren arloan. Informazioaren teknologia berriek beharrezko tresnak eskaintzen dituzte, informazioaren sarbidea eta zabalkundea errazago egin ahal izaten daitezen. Ingurumenaren arloan, aurrerapen handi bat gertatu da, nahiz eta herritarrek informazioa jasotzeko eskubideen eta aginte publikoek zabalkundea egiteko betebeharraren arteko oreka ez den behar bezalako eraginkortasunez betetzen. Horrela frogatzen da azterlan honetan, ingurumen arloko informazioeduki jakin bat izan behar duten web-orrialdeen azterketa egiten denean. Eta amaitzeko, egileak honako hau nabarmentzen du: dagoen kultura demokratikoa aldatu behar da, sarbideko eta partaidetzako eskubideak eta informazioaren zabalkundea, lurraldearen antolamenduren eta ingurumenaren arloan, behar bezala aplika daitezen. The rights to access, participation and judicial protection together with the dissemination of information in environmental matters have undergone a great evolution because of the ratifi cation of the Aarhus Convention. Both the EU and different States did ratify this Convention. The democratically advanced nature of this Convention has to be stated, although the gap between rule and reality seems to become wider in this area. That is what the author points out by showing the use of instruments as the legislative convalidation, that is, the intervention by Parliaments to legalize in some cases, or authorizing in others, actions considered illegal by the courts. Regarding this point, participation is radically vetoed, and decisions on zoning which should have been adopted by means of other procedures, specially by observing participative procedures, are imposed by the Parliaments. New technologies of information offer the necessary instruments to attain that access to and dissemination of information are easy. There has been an important advance in the environmental fi eld although the confrontation between the rights to information and the obligation of dissemination by the public authorities is not fulfi lled with the due effectiveness, as it is proved by the analysis of the web sites which must have a specifi ed informative content. The author fi nishes this article attracting our attention to the need of change in the existing democratic culture so as to apply properly the rights of access and participation and the dissemination of the information in the fi eld of zoning and environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 221-241
Mariusz W. Sienkiewicz

The fact that Poland and Ukraine share a border, the convergence of the political goals of the peoples of both countries, and the constant efforts towards the development of democracy and decentralisation of public life determine the need to intensify cooperation in various areas of the functioning of society and the economy. An important sphere of cooperation is the public sector, in particular at the level of local government. The local government cooperation of both countries was already visible at the beginning of the social and political transformations after 1990. The development of this cooperation, with varying results, took place in the 1990s and, to an even greater extent, after Poland’s accession to the European Union. In the last three decades, local and regional communities in Ukraine have become an important partner for Polish local governments, both at the local and regional levels. The local government cooperation that has been implemented is based on the diversification and multidimensionality of forms and models. Some result from legal regulations, while others are based on mutual experiences, previous contacts, and sympathies of public authorities. The aim of the study is to analyse and present the conditions and forms of Polish-Ukrainian local government cooperation. The aim is also to show the barriers to cooperation and to define proposed solutions to improve partner contacts of territorial units. The local government cooperation of the two countries is undoubtedly hindered by the fact that Ukraine is not a member of the EU, and often by mutual misunderstanding and non-acceptance of historical experiences. On the other hand, common goals at different levels of social, public, and economic life are a significant factor motivating parties to increase cooperation and achieve a synergistic effect thanks to it.

Markus Patberg

This chapter takes up the public narrative of ‘We, the multitude of Europe’, which suggests that the only hope for progressive change in the EU lies in a politics of disruption, and asks whether this idea can be defended based on a systematic model. To that end, it resorts to the political theory of destituent power, according to which opposition to or withdrawal from public authority can function as a legitimate trigger for constitutional change. Distinguishing between anti-juridical and juridical conceptions of destituent power, the chapter discusses to what extent the disruptive political strategies put forward by protest movements in the EU can be regarded as justifiable. Focusing on the juridical strand as the more plausible one, it argues that ideas of destituent power as ‘state civil disobedience’ run into a problem of authorization. By contrast, popular sovereignty-based approaches illuminate a neglected dimension of constituent power: the right to dismantle public authorities without the intention to create new ones. While such a model of destituent power in part captures the actions and demands of EU protest movements, it can only complement, not replace, the constructive side of constituent power.

Sergiu-Vlad Stan ◽  
Marius-Anton Stupar ◽  

Romania's accession to the EU depended largely on the ability of Romanian public authorities to implement reforms among public organizations in the country. Globally, however, a successful public administration has become a key factor in determining a nation's competitive advantage. The purpose of this article is to emphasize the efforts of the Romanian public administration to submit to the process of administrative reform and as a consequence to contribute to the creation of an administrative reform strategy based on which Romanian public organizations can be reformed.

Suzanne Kingston ◽  
Zizhen Wang ◽  
Edwin Alblas ◽  
Micheál Callaghan ◽  
Julie Foulon ◽  

AbstractEuropean environmental governance has radically transformed over the past two decades. While traditionally enforcement of environmental law has been the responsibility of public authorities (public authorities of the EU Member States, themselves policed by the European Commission), this paradigm has now taken a democratic turn. Led by changes in international environmental law and in particular the UNECE Aarhus Convention (UNECE, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Convention (1998). Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention), signed on June 25, 1998.), EU law now gives important legal rights to members of the public and environmental non-governmental organisations (“ENGOs”) to become involved in environmental governance, by means of accessing environmental information, participating in environmental decision-making and bringing legal proceedings. While doctrinal legal and regulatory scholarship on this embrace of “bottom-up” private environmental governance is now substantial, there has been relatively little quantitative research in the field. This article represents a first step in mapping this evolution of environmental governance laws in the EU. We employ a leximetrics methodology, coding over 6000 environmental governance laws from three levels of legal sources (international, EU and national), to provide the first systematic data showing the transformation of European environmental governance regimes. We develop the Nature Governance Index (“NGI”) to measure how the enforcement tools deployed in international, EU and national law have changed over time, from the birth of the EU’s flagship nature conservation law, the 1992 Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC). At the national level, we focus on three EU Member States (France, Ireland and the Netherlands) to enable a fine-grained measurement of the changes in national nature governance laws over time. This article introduces our unique datasets and the NGI, describes the process used to collect the datasets and its limitations, and compares the evolution in laws at the international, EU and national levels over the 23-year period from 1992–2015. Our findings provide strong empirical confirmation of the democratic turn in European environmental governance, while revealing the significant divergences between legal systems that remain absent express harmonisation of the Aarhus Convention’s principles in EU law. Our data also set the foundations for future quantitative legal research, enabling deeper analysis of the relationships between the different levels of multilevel environmental governance.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 458-469 ◽  
Gérardine Garçon

Joined Cases C-404/12P and C-405/12PThe Aarhus Convention was concluded in order to strengthen the rights of the public on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters. The Convention provides that members of the public shall have access to administrative or judicial procedures to challenge measures by private persons and public authorities that contravene provisions of national law relating to the environment. At EU level, a regulation made the Aarhus Convention applicable to EU institutions. Pursuant to that regulation, review of measures adopted by EU institutions is limited to administrative acts. Two NGOs challenged the legality of that limitation and filed legal action. The case was related to the establishment of EU maximum residue levels for active substances contained in crop protection products. The Commission refused to review this measure which it considered to be no administrative act. The Court of Justice of the European Union has recently given its judgment in that case. The impact of the judgment goes beyond the crop protection sector as it concerns the scope of the internal review concept in general. Further, but not less important, the Court has clarified to which extent international treaties concluded by the EU can be relied upon by individuals.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-90 ◽  
Kerikmäe Tanel ◽  
Särav Sandra

Abstract Estonia has created of itself the image of an e-state that is being supported with novel ICT-solutions, the perhaps most renowned of which is e-residency. However, created as a governmental start-up in the national best interest, e-residency could be of marginal relevance in light of global digital identity management. Purely national digital identity or an e-residency grants its holder several rights unknown to, or at least unapplied in a majority of the EU Member States and in the world more generally. But currently it lies on a vacillating legal pedestal which has resulted in copious administrative issues and proposed legal amendments already during its first year of implementation. Concerns, such as the administrative capacity of Estonia to handle potentially 10 million customers of national e-services, arise due to contingent legal footing. On this basis, efficiency of e-residency is critically analysed from the perspective of an autoschediastic regulatory framework presuming high-level administrative competence yet leaving the scope and limits of the functions of the public authorities legally unfurnished and isolated from the EU legal space.

Comunicar ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 18 (36) ◽  
pp. 87-94 ◽  
Mercedes Medina-Laverón ◽  
Teresa Ojer-Goñi

Some authors question the existence of public television companies in the new environment of digitalization, Internet proliferation, growing competition and audience segmentation. However, others believe they should act as a driving force in the process of convergence and even that the new media present an opportunity to redefine the public broadcasting service (PBS) remit. The current challenge for the public media companies is to deliver their content through the maximum number of devices, not only via television sets but also broadband and mobile devices. Over the years, the BBC has adapted to new market situations and has implemented solutions that have been adopted by other public and private broadcasters around the world. The objective of this article is to show how the BBC has taken up the leadership of transforming public TV companies into online services in order to maintain market share; and how it has influenced Spain’s public TV broadcaster, RTVE. The methodology is based on internal and external documents of both corporations, and the findings are complemented by interviews with online service managers at RTVE. We conclude that these public companies have adapted their activities to the new technologies and have developed interactive services to reinforce their public service mission.Algunas voces cuestionan la permanencia de las televisiones públicas en el nuevo entorno digital, caracterizado por una mayor presencia de Internet, más competidores y la fragmentación de la audiencia. Sin embargo, hay otros que creen que deberían actuar como una fuerza motriz en el proceso de convergencia e incluso que los nuevos medios representan una posibilidad de redefinir la misión de las televisiones públicas. El reto actual de las corporaciones públicas es proporcionar los contenidos a través del mayor número de soportes posibles, no solo a través de la televisión, sino también a través de Internet y dispositivos móviles. Un rasgo de la BBC es haberse adaptado siempre a los cambios del mercado y muchas de sus soluciones han sido transferidas a otras empresas de comunicación tanto públicas como privadas de todo el mundo. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar cómo la BBC es uno de los modelos en los que las empresas televisivas se han fijado para transformar sus servicios digitales a fin de mantener su existencia en el mercado, y conocer cuál ha sido su influencia en la televisión pública española RTVE. La metodología empleada radica en el análisis de los documentos internos y externos de las compañías y entrevistas realizadas a los responsables de los servicios digitales de RTVE. Las conclusiones apuntan a destacar que estas compañías han adaptado sus actividades a las nuevas tecnologías y han desarrollado servicios interactivos como refuerzo de su misión de servicio público.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 168-172
Т. О. Tour

The article, based on the methodology of system analysis, considers the application of measures to ensure the claim in the administrative proceedings of Ukraine. Judicial protection includes various components, including procedures for reviewing decisions and actions or inaction of public authorities. The institute of securing a claim on an administrative claim, which was formed in administrative proceedings, is the result of a discussion on the formation of a European system of administrative justice in Ukraine. It is established that the mechanism of securing a lawsuit in an administrative lawsuit has a pronounced positive effect on achieving the key goal and objectives of administrative proceedings. This applies to ensuring legality and discipline in the system of public administration, elimination of violations by officials of public authorities. The applied mechanism promotes full realization of the right of subjects directly involved in public legal relations to judicial protection from illegal actions and decisions accepted by the public power and its officials, on realization of full and effective protection of the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of physical and legal persons. The institute of securing the claim can be considered as a logical conclusion of the procedure of establishing the public-law specialization of the procedural provision of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the plaintiff. It is determined that the allocation of security of the claim as a special institution in the system of administrative proceedings is explained by the following factors: security measures, typical for the exercise of judicial power; the specifics of the legal environment, where the prerequisites for the existence of institutions of administrative law, for the emergence of public disputes, the further development of which occurs in the implementation of administrative powers of public authorities in relation to all other persons involved in administrative relations.

Miguel Ángel Valero Tévar ◽  
Nuria Huete Alcocer

The Roman villa of Noheda has become one of the crucial site to understand the messages that the high Roman aristocracy intended to convey by the building infrastructure in these large rural complex of Late Antiquity. Therefore, for the application of a correct archaeological methodology we should add the use of the most modern techniques of research and analysis that were within our grasp, in order to document in the best possible detail, the archaeological remains. Understanding that only through a close reading we can get to properly decrypt the data housed in the cluster of structures and artifacts hosted in the stratigraphic sequence. Therefore, the aim of this article is to present concisely, how technological advances have been used such as ground penetrating radar, 3D scanning, laser scanner, photogrammetry, etc. and the best results which have been obtained. In the same way, we will explain that these results are just a first step, because today the project of musealisation of the site has begun in order to be ready for its opening to the public and, within the innovations that bring the new technologies will be taken into account and they will be used in situ with mobile telephony, such as 3D modeling of parts and its Georeferencing, the increased virtual reality, etc. Nonetheless we must not forget other advances which help understand, spread and bring archeology closer to society.

elni Review ◽  
2006 ◽  
pp. 55-58
Jill Michielssen

Europe's public authorities spend the equivalent of approximately 16% of the EU's GDP on purchasing goods and services. It is therefore crucial that public procurement takes into account environmental protection if the EU is to achieve its Kyoto Protocol target of reducing greenhouse emissions by 8% from 1990 levels, by 2012. “Green” procurement can also contribute significantly to the EU's Strategy for Growth and Jobs. The EU has been legislating on public procurement since 1971 but in 2004, it adopted a new series of public procurement directives which make it absolutely clear that public authorities can take into account the environment when procuring goods, services and works. In 2003, a European Commission study showed that if all public bodies in the EU switched to green electricity, they would avoid more than 60 million tonnes of CO2 emissions per year, thus contributing towards 18% of the EU’s Kyoto target. Each year, the public sector buys more than 2.8 million PCs. If it started purchasing energy-efficient desktop computers, another 830 000 tonnes of CO2 would be prevented, which would bring us an additional 0.25% closer to the Kyoto goal. Other environmental benefits include more sustainable use of natural resources, waste prevention and recycling, and more sustainable cities.

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