Examining the Relationship of Sale Manager’s Leadership Styles and Employee’s Job Satisfaction at Daroupakhsh Company

2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (10) ◽  
pp. 74-84
Arzam Rahimi
2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (3) ◽  
pp. 56-62
Abdolzahra Naami ◽  
Mahmood Shirazi ◽  
Ali Arab ◽  
Sareh Mirshekar ◽  
Reza Imankhah ◽  

Bella Oktavianita ◽  
Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo

Iklim komunikasi organisasi merupakan persepsi pegawai mengenai peristiwa yang terjadi di lingkungannya. Kantor Desa Cibalung, Kecamatan Cijeruk, Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu kantor desa yang memiliki berbagai prestasi. Prestasi yang sudah diraih tentu saja tidak lepas dari peran kinerja aparatur pemerintahan desa dan masyarakat yang terlibat dalam menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang produktif dan kepuasaan kerja yang dirasakan. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan iklim komunikasi organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja dan hubungan kepuasan kerja dengan kinerja aparatur pemerintahan desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dengan kuesioner yang didukung oleh data kualitatif melalui teknik wawancara mendalam dan studi literatur dengan responden sebanyak 36 orang. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan nyata antara iklim komunikasi organisasi dengan kepuasan kerja dan hubungan sangat nyata antara kepuasan kerja dengan kinerja aparatur pemerintahan desa.Kata Kunci: iklim komunikasi, kepuasan kerja, kinerja, komunikasi organisasi=====ABSTRACTOrganizational communication climate was the employee's perception of events that occurred in their environment. The Cibalung Village Office, Cijeruk Subdistrict, Bogor District was one of the village offices that had various achievements. The achievements that have been achieved certainly could not be separated from the role of the performance of the village government apparatus and the community involved in creating a productive work environment and perceived job satisfaction. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the relationship of organizational communication climate with job satisfaction and the relationship of job satisfaction with the performance of village government officials. This study used a quantitative approach through a survey method with a questionnaire supported by qualitative data through in-depth interview techniques and literature studies with 36 respondents. The results obtained indicated that there was a real relationship between organizational communication with job satisfaction and the very obvious relationship between job satisfaction by the performance of the village government apparatus.Keywords: communication climate, job satisfaction, performance, organizational communication

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Jodie Louise Stewart ◽  
Karl Kilian Konrad Wiener

Purpose This paper aims to examine the quality of the relationship between a supervisor and their subordinate, conceptualised as leader member exchange (LMX), and the mediating influence of subordinate’s job embeddedness on job satisfaction. The LMX model considered the four-gender dominant leadership style facets, female – affect and loyalty (communal), and male – contribution and professional respect (agentic). Social role theory was applied to explain societies influence on leadership style. The moderating influence of supervisor gender on the relationship of LMX facets and subordinate embeddedness is investigated. Design/methodology/approach This cross-sectional survey study of 213 self-selected employed participants investigated the mediation of job embeddedness LMX and job embeddedness and the moderation impact of supervisor gender on this mediation. Findings Job embeddedness mediated the relationship between all four facets of LMX and job satisfaction. Supervisor gender did not moderate the relationships of the four LMX facets and job embeddedness. These findings highlight the potential impact of a homogeniuos sample in relation to industry type and culture as this may impact on the findings. That is, participants in this study were predominantly females working in female dominant industries. Originality/value This study builds on the work of Collins et al. (2014) who examined the moderating impact of subordinate gender on the mediating relationship of job embeddedness on the relationship between LMX facets and job satisfaction. Previously, the gender role of supervisors on this relationship was not explored.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 83 ◽  
Hakan Turgut ◽  
Ismail Tokmak ◽  
M. Fikret Ates

<p>It is known in the business world that employees’ display of emotional labor in their relations with customers contributes to the success of the organization. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out how the emotional dilemmas that employees experience affect their perceptions on job satisfaction and turnover intention and whether leader-member exchange has a moderating role on these relationships. In this respect, we performed a survey on the 371 employees of a company in Turkey. We used the scale developed by Diefendorff et al. (2005) to test emotional labor; the scale developed by Scandura and Graen (1984) to test leader-member exchange; the scale developed by Chen et al. (2009) to test job satisfaction and the scale developed by Scott et al. (1999) to test turnover intention. The all scales were measured valid and reliable for this sample group. In the hierarchical regression analyses, done to test the hypotheses, all variables were included in the model. According to the findings, emotional labor has a significant and positive direct effect on turnover intention and it has a significant and negative direct effect on job satisfaction. All these results taken into consideration, it was confirmed that when emotional labor increases, turnover intention also increases, and job satisfaction decreases. Furthermore, the moderating role of leader-member exchange between the relationship of emotional labor and turnover intention wasn’t approved; however, its moderating role between the relationship of emotional labor and job satisfaction was approved. To sum up, it is estimated that performing emotional labor is inevitable for organizational success and it is essential to develop new methods in order to prevent the negativities resulting from emotional dilemmas.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3218-3231
Meimoon Ibrahim, Ilyas Lamuda

Objective: This study aims to analyze how the effect of leadership variables on employee performance with job satisfaction as intervening in the provincial government of Gorontalo-Indonesia. Methods: The approach used is explanatory research, pattern of research that seeks to explain the relationship of variables referred so that the relationship of these variables can be tested with a quantitative approach and hypothesis testing used is the method of Structural Equation Modeling, with analytical tools of Loading Factor and Critical Ratio which is preceded by a validity test and reliability test.  The sample was drawn randomly according to representative samples at the level of the position group as many as 5% employee population of the Provincial it. Results ;The results of the study show that leadership style has a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction and leadership style has an effect on employees' performance, but job satisfaction has negative and non-significant effect on employee performance. Conclusion; Expected that this research could also be developed in other fields or a wider scope and not only because each region has different characteristics. So it is recommended that policy makers as bureaucratic managers to pay more attention to job satisfaction factors in order to further improve employee performance.

2010 ◽  
Vol 38 (7) ◽  
pp. 963-968 ◽  
Yadollah Hamidi ◽  
Zahra Eivazi

The purpose in this study was to determine the levels of employees' job stress and job satisfaction in urban health centers in Hamadan, Iran, and the relationship of these levels to the organizational performance. Employees' stress levels were assessed using the Eliot Stress Questionnaire (Eliot, 1994), and job satisfaction levels were measured using the Robbins Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (Robbins, 1991). The performance of the centers was evaluated by using a series of outcome indicators. On average, the employees in all of the health centers reported a moderate level of stress. A positive correlation was found between performance and the midlevel of employees' stress was found (r = 0.69, α < 0.05).

2020 ◽  
pp. 001391652094260
Gabrielle Gatt ◽  
Lixin Jiang

Organizations are increasingly adopting non-territorial organizational models with unassigned desks. However, previous research has: (1) shown mixed results regarding the impact of non-territorial working on employees, (2) largely examined non-territorial working in its purest sense without considering the nuanced differences in non-territorial working, and (3) not understood the mechanisms underlying the relation between non-territorial working and employee outcomes. To address these research gaps, we apply self-determination theory, which argues that meeting basic psychological needs of autonomy and belonging allows optimal human development, to the physical environment of office spaces. Specifically, we investigated whether the relationship of two types of non-territorial working with employee work engagement, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and affective commitment is mediated via autonomy over office spaces and belongingness. Data were collected from 127 working New Zealanders who have adopted two types of non-territorial working (i.e., work arrangement 1 and work arrangement 2) in an organization. We found that although workers with work arrangement 2 did not report higher belongingness than those with work arrangement 1, workers with work arrangement 1 reported higher autonomy over office spaces than those with work arrangement 2. Moreover, belongingness was related to higher work engagement, job satisfaction, and affective commitment but lower emotional exhaustion, while autonomy over office spaces was related to increased job satisfaction and affective commitment but decreased emotional exhaustion. We also found that autonomy over office spaces, but not belongingness, mediated the relationship of non-territorial working with emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction.

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