scholarly journals Um debate sócio-econômico sobre a legalização do aborto: primeiros resultados

Barbara Oliveira ◽  
Samara Jamile Mendes

Historicamente, o aborto induzido sempre esteve presente na sociedade ocidental. Os greco-romanos, que entendiam que o aborto poderia ser realizado desde que se obtivesse o consentimento do pai, até o pós revolução francesa, onde, devido aos avanços médico-científicos atrelados a necessidades do Estado, (índices maiores de natalidade) o feto deixa de ser considerado como o apêndice da mãe e seu nascimento se torna de interesse do Estado. Aliado a isso, a crescente influência das tradições e valores católicos à legislação do Estado faz com que o aborto passe a ser considerado uma prática ilegal, sendo estabelecidas  políticas punitivas  à mulheres que realizassem tal prática. Com o movimento feminista, mais proeminente a partir da década de 60, existe uma crescente discussão  sobre as decisões relacionadas a posse do corpo feminino, e àquelas ligadas a sexualidade e a maternidade, principalmente sobre  sobre gestar ou não um feto. Neste movimento, o entendimento do abortamento como uma questão da saúde da mulher se estabelece e este é a base para que hoje se trate aborto como uma questão de saúde pública no Brasil, em detrimento das questões morais exploradas por alguns grupos da sociedade. Mesmo com a expressiva produção científica acerca da prática do aborto, perfil sócio-economico de quem realiza, dados demográficos, consequências e ética, a literatura existe a respeito dos possíveis impactos econômicos positivos ou negativos da legalização do aborto ainda é pequena. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a produção científica disponível acerca dos impactos sócio-econômicos da legalização do aborto. Método: Para cumprir os objetivos deste artigo, foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, cuja questão norteadora será:  Como a legalização do aborto pode impactar sócio-economicamente os sistemas de saúde? Foram utilizadas neste estudo as seguintes bases de dados: Scopus, PubMed (Publicações Médicas). As palavras chaves foram escolhidas a partir de consultas ao DECs (Descritores em Ciências da Saúde) para bases de dados latino-americanas e ao MESH (Medical Subject Headings) para bases de maior alcance. Por fim, os descritores utilizados foram: “abortion”, “induced abortion”,  “economics”, “costs and cost analysis” e “cost-benefit analysis” “health” e “health system”, buscadas em um primeiro momento individualmente para entendimento da quantidade de produção científica disponível de cada descritor e depois, utilizando a técnica do funil construção da sintaxe de busca.  Não houve restrição de idioma e nem de período na busca de dados. Resultados: A partir das buscas individuais e exercícios de construção de sintaxe, nota-se que a sintaxe que melhor atende os objetivos deste estudo é: (((("abortion, induced"[MeSH Terms] OR ("abortion"[All Fields] AND "induced"[All Fields]) OR "induced abortion"[All Fields] OR "abortion"[All Fields]) AND ("economics"[Subheading] OR "economics"[All Fields] OR "economics"[MeSH Terms])) AND ("costs and cost analysis"[MeSH Terms] OR ("costs"[All Fields] AND "cost"[All Fields] AND "analysis"[All Fields]) OR "costs and cost analysis"[All Fields])) AND ("cost-benefit analysis"[MeSH Terms] OR ("cost-benefit"[All Fields] AND "analysis"[All Fields]) OR "cost-benefit analysis"[All Fields] OR ("cost"[All Fields] AND "benefit"[All Fields] AND "analysis"[All Fields]) OR "cost benefit analysis"[All Fields])) AND ((Heath[All Fields] AND System[All Fields]) OR ("health"[MeSH Terms] OR "health"[All Fields])) para o PubMed com 158 artigos encontrados e ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( ( ( ( abortion )  AND  economics )  AND  ( costs  AND  cost  AND analysis ) )  AND  cost-benefit  AND analysis ) ) )  AND  TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( health  OR  health  AND system ) ) ) para a base de dados Scopus com 26 artigos. Busca semelhante foi realizada na base de dados Lilacs que retornou apenas 1 artigo para inclusão. Considerando todas as bases pesquisadas, partiu-se do número de 185 artigos disponíveis na literatura internacional que atendem à sintaxe descrita. Após a triagem dos artigos que foram encontrados por meio da estratégia de busca, foram selecionados os artigos a serem incluídos na revisão integrativa de acordo com os seguintes critérios de inclusão( (a) abordar a discussão acerca do aborto do ponto vista sócio-econômico; (b) evidenciar custos sobre a legalização do aborto para os países em que foram realizadas as pesquisas; (c) evidenciar os custos para os sistemas de saúde da prática do aborto ilegal) e exclusão: Exclusão: (a) artigos que não incluam a perspectiva econômica ao abordar o tema aborto, (b) artigos que abordem a temática do aborto sob o ponto de vista puramente técnico;(c) artigos que abordem apenas diferenças de eficiência ou custo de diferentes métodos de realização do aborto;(d) artigos que sejam em outras línguas que não português,inglês ou espanhol. Dos 185 artigos, 9 artigos foram excluídos por serem duplicatas, 1 por não atender o critério de idioma, 94 artigos por não abordarem o tema aborto e 27 por não possuírem o ponto de vista econômico em sua abordagem. Existem outros 26 artigos classificados como indefinidos por não possuírem abstract nem artigo disponíveis nas bases de dados. Nas análises preliminares já é possível notar que a produção científica acerca do aborto não é recente, com os primeiros artigos datando de 1968, porém, ocorreu aumento significativo de publicações nos últimos 10 anos, com 45% das 185 publicaões entre 2008 e 2018 e 25% do total das publicações entre 2014 e 2018, sendo que as principais revistas a publicar o tema do aborto são revistas de obstetrícia e ginecologia. Além disso grande parte dos artigos, especialmente em países onde o abordo já descriminalizado traz análises de custo-benefício de diferentes métodos abortivos.

1997 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-221 ◽  

Among the tools of the economic trade, cost-benefit analysis is the most widely used in policy circles. Asking whether there is a role for cost-benefit analysis is like asking whether there is a role for the weatherman. Of course there is.

2016 ◽  
Vol 18 (9) ◽  
pp. 1069-1078 ◽  
Amaia Malet-Larrea ◽  
Estíbaliz Goyenechea ◽  
Miguel A. Gastelurrutia ◽  
Begoña Calvo ◽  
Victoria García-Cárdenas ◽  

2007 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Virginia Anne Taylor ◽  
Martin Rudnick

 Simply put, a cost analysis studies how you spend your money. Activity based costing models associate costs with services and cost benefit analysis weighs whether or not the costs expended were worth the money given the efforts involved and the results achieved. This study seeks to understand the financial choices and information seeking behaviors of managers in the non-profit world.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Mayara Fontes Marx ◽  
John E. Ataguba ◽  
Jantina de Vries ◽  
Ambroise Wonkam

Objectives: Discussions regarding who and how incidental findings (IFs) should be returned and the ethics behind returning IFs have increased dramatically over the years. However, information on the cost and benefits of returning IFs to patients remains scanty.Design: This study systematically reviews the economic evaluation of returning IFs in genomic sequencing. We searched for published articles on the cost-effectiveness, cost-benefit, and cost-utility of IFs in Medline, Scopus, PubMed, and Google Scholar.Results: We found six published articles that met the eligibility criteria of this study. Two articles used cost analysis only, one used cost-benefit analysis only, two used both cost analysis and cost-effectiveness, and one used both cost-benefit analysis and cost-utility to describe the cost of returning IFs in genomic sequencing.Conclusion: While individuals value the IF results and are willing to pay for them, the cost of returning IFs depends on the primary health condition of the patient. Although patients were willing to pay, there was no clear evidence that returning IFs might be cost-effective. More rigorous economic evaluation studies of IFs are needed to determine whether or not the cost of returning IFs is beneficial to the patient.

Vaccines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Francesc López ◽  
Martí Català ◽  
Clara Prats ◽  
Oriol Estrada ◽  
Irene Oliva ◽  

(1) Background: In epidemiological terms, it has been possible to calculate the savings in health resources and the reduction in the health effects of COVID vaccines. Conducting an economic evaluation, some studies have estimated its cost-effectiveness; the vaccination shows highly favorable results, cost-saving in some cases. (2) Methods: Cost–benefit analysis of the vaccination campaign in the North Metropolitan Health Region (Catalonia). An epidemiological model based on observational data and before and after comparison is used. The information on the doses used and the assigned resources (conventional hospital beds, ICU, number of tests) was extracted from administrative data from the largest primary care provider in the region (Catalan Institute of Health). A distinction was made between the social perspective and the health system. (3) Results: the costs of vaccination are estimated at 137 million euros (€48.05/dose administered). This figure is significantly lower than the positive impacts of the vaccination campaign, which are estimated at 470 million euros (€164/dose administered). Of these, 18% corresponds to the reduction in ICU discharges, 16% to the reduction in conventional hospital discharges, 5% to the reduction in PCR tests and 1% to the reduction in RAT tests. The monetization of deaths and cases that avoid sequelae account for 53% and 5% of total savings, respectively. The benefit/cost ratio is estimated at 3.4 from a social perspective and 1.4 from a health system perspective. The social benefits of vaccination are estimated at €116.67 per vaccine dose (€19.93 from the perspective of the health system). (4) Conclusions: The mass vaccination campaign against COVID is cost-saving. From a social perspective, most of these savings come from the monetization of the reduction in mortality and cases with sequelae, although the intervention is equally widely cost-effective from the health system perspective thanks to the reduction in the use of resources. It is concluded that, from an economic perspective, the vaccination campaign has high social returns.

Francesc López ◽  
Martí Català ◽  
Clara Prats ◽  
Oriol Estrada ◽  
Irene Oliva ◽  

(1) Background: in epidemiological terms, it has been possible to calculate the savings in health resources and the reduction in health effects of COVID vaccines. From the point of view of economic evaluation, some studies have estimated its cost-effectiveness with the vaccination showing highly favorable results, which in some cases is cost-saving; (2) Methods: a cost-benefit analysis of the vaccination campaign in the North Metropolitan Health Region (Catalonia). An epidemiological model based on observational data and before and after comparison is used. The information on the doses used and the resources assigned (conventional hospital beds, ICU, number of tests) has been extracted from administrative data from the largest Primary Care provider in the region (Catalan Institute of Health). A distinction is made between the social perspective and the health system; (3) Results: the costs of vaccination are estimated at 137 million euros (€48.05/dose administered). This figure is significantly lower than the positive impacts of the vaccination campaign, which are estimated at 470 million euros (€164/dose administered). Of these, 18% corresponds to the reduction of ICU discharges, 16% to the reduction in conventional hospital discharges, 5% to the reduction in PCR tests and 1% to the reduction of RAT tests. Monetization of deaths and cases with sequelae avoided account for 53% and 5% of total savings, respectively. The benefit/cost ratio is estimated at 3.4 from a social perspective and 1.2 from a health system perspective. The social benefits of vaccination are estimated at €116.67 per dose of vaccine given (€19.93 from the point of view of the health system); (4) Conclusions: the mass vaccination campaign against COVID is cost-saving. From a social perspective, most of these savings come from the monetization of the reduction in mortality and cases with sequelae, although the intervention is equally widely cost-effective from the point of view of the health system thanks to the reduction in the use of resources. It is concluded that, from an economic perspective, the vaccination campaign has high social returns.

Tatiana Nikolaevna Pomazunova ◽  
Tatyana Vladimirovna Kotova ◽  
Elena Vladimirovna Chernikina

Production cost is an important indicator of the industrial and economic activity of the organization. The amount of profit and profitability depends on cost optimization. The cost reflects all aspects of the enterprise: the degree of equipment of the production, operating capacity, material and labor resources. The article studies the aspects of analysis and cost optimization for the railway infrastructure in the Russian Federation. There have been revealed shortcomings in current practice for Distance of civil water supply and drainage facilities. The technique of optimization of cost analysis for the infrastructure of JSC "Russian Railways" is under consideration. The article offers an algorithm for cost-benefit analysis taking into account the peculiarities of railway transport under cost optimization. The authors highlight main factors affecting the costs of linehaul cargo railway transport, study stages of implementation of the cost analysis methods, which considers peculiarities of the railway transport. It can be inferred that using cost analysis methods the enterprise can control all costs as well as factors influencing them, which will help to find reserves for reducing costs and upgrading the quality of services offered by the Distance.The use of cost-benefit analysis methodology, taking into account the peculiarities of rail transport comply with the requirements of internal control in managing costs.

Francesc López ◽  
Martí Català ◽  
Clara Prats ◽  
Oriol Estrada ◽  
Irene Oliva ◽  

(1) Background: in epidemiological terms, it has been possible to calculate the savings in health resources and the reduction in health effects of COVID vaccines. From the point of view of economic evaluation, some studies have estimated its cost-effectiveness with the vaccination showing highly favorable results, which in some cases is cost-saving; (2) Methods: a cost-benefit analysis of the vaccination campaign in the North Metropolitan Health Region (Catalonia). An epidemiological model based on observational data and before and after comparison is used. The information on the doses used and the resources assigned (conventional hospital beds, ICU, number of tests) has been extracted from administrative data from the largest Primary Care provider in the region (Catalan Institute of Health). A distinction is made between the social perspective and the health system; (3) Results: the costs of vaccination are estimated at 137 million euros (€48.05/dose administered). This figure is significantly lower than the positive impacts of the vaccination campaign, which are estimated at 470 million euros (€164/dose administered). Of these, 18% corresponds to the reduction of ICU discharges, 16% to the reduction in conventional hospital discharges, 5% to the reduction in PCR tests and 1% to the reduction of RAT tests. Monetization of deaths and cases with sequelae avoided account for 53% and 5% of total savings, respectively. The benefit/cost ratio is estimated at 3.4 from a social perspective and 1.41 from a health system perspective. The social benefits of vaccination are estimated at €116.67 per dose of vaccine given (€19.93 from the point of view of the health system); (4) Conclusions: the mass vaccination campaign against COVID is cost-saving. From a social perspective, most of these savings come from the monetization of the reduction in mortality and cases with sequelae, although the intervention is equally widely cost-effective from the point of view of the health system thanks to the reduction in the use of resources. It is concluded that, from an economic perspective, the vaccination campaign has high social returns.

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