2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Muryanti Muryanti ◽  
Rokhiman Rokhiman

The massive scale of forest fire by big companies in Kapuas Hulu have caused smog disaster that affect surrounding areas suh as Kalimantan Island and Malaysia.These companies cleared land without considering season calendaras indigenous peopleof Dayak did. As a result, forest fire is uncontrollable that cause serious haze disaster. In contrast, the Dayak people have local wisdom called bambi‘ari to prevent forest fire. According to bambi ‘ari, Dayak people clear small scale land and use season calendar before fire the forest.This research concern swith bambi ‘ari’s implementation to prevent forest fire haze by using qualitative method to collect primary data. This research argues that as a local wisdom, bambi ‘ari was built upon collaboration among the Dayak people to develop social solidarity. Since the Dayak people rely heavily on natural resources, they set a system to help natural resources management, such as forest. This set of system called tembawang, applies season calendar to determine planting in the field and land clearing. Forest fire as a tool of land clearing, conducted in natural ways and in particular time to avoid haze disaster. Collaboration among the Dayak people occurred when they fire forest by monitoring hot spots and supplying water to prevent uncontrolled forest fire.This research concludes that the implementation of bambi‘ari as a long term natural resources management by the Dayak people enable haze disaster prevention.Bencana kabut asap yang terjadi di Kapuas Hulu disebabkan oleh pembakaran hutan  untuk membuka lahan baru. Mayori tas pelakunya perusahaan yang membakar dalam skala massif dan tidak menggunakan kalender musim. Masyarakat Dayak pun melakukan pembakaran hutan dalam skala kecil dengan meng gunakan konsep bambi ‘ari untuk mencegah terjadinya kebakaran hutan. Penelitian ini hendak mengkaji bagaimanakah implementsai bambi ari’ dalam penanganan bencana kabut asap. Metode peneli ti an kualitatif untuk mendapatkan data primer dari masyarakat Dayak tentang bagaimana mengelola hutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa masyarakat Dayak memiliki kearifan lokal dalam mengelola sumber daya alam untuk dimanfaatkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pengelolaan hutan untuk kehidupan sehari-hari dengan sistem tembawang yang mengenal kalender musim untuk proses penanaman di ladang. Pembakaran hutan sebagai bagian dari pembukaan lahan dilakukan dengan cara dan waktu yang tepat sehingga secara alami tidak menimbulkan bencana. Pada saat proses pembakarran hutan dilakukan dengan melibatkan banyak orang (keluarga atau komunitas) dengan menjaga titik-titik yang rawan terbakar dan menyediakan air untuk mencegah kebakaran hutan. Konsep bekerja bersama dan membangun solidaritas sosial tersebut yang mereka namakan bambi ‘ari. Sistem ini memungkinkan pengelolaan alam dalam jangka panjang dan menggunakan tanda-tanda alam dalam prosesnya, yang mampu untuk mencegah timbulnya bencana kabut asap.

2017 ◽  
Muryanti Muryanti ◽  

The massive scale of forest fire by big companies in Kapuas Hulu have caused smog disaster that affect surrounding areas suh as Kalimantan Island and Malaysia.These companies cleared land without considering season calendaras indigenous peopleof Dayak did. As a result, forest fire is uncontrollable that cause serious haze disaster. In contrast, the Dayak people have local wisdom called bambi‘ari to prevent forest fire. According to bambi ‘ari, Dayak people clear small scale land and use season calendar before fire the forest.This research concern swith bambi ‘ari’s implementation to prevent forest fire haze by using qualitative method to collect primary data. This research argues that as a local wisdom, bambi ‘ari was built upon collaboration among the Dayak people to develop social solidarity. Since the Dayak people rely heavily on natural resources, they set a system to help natural resources management, such as forest. This set of system called tembawang, applies season calendar to determine planting in the field and land clearing. Forest fire as a tool of land clearing, conducted in natural ways and in particular time to avoid haze disaster. Collaboration among the Dayak people occurred when they fire forest by monitoring hot spots and supplying water to prevent uncontrolled forest fire.This research concludes that the implementation of bambi‘ari as a long term natural resources management by the Dayak people enable haze disaster prevention

V.P. Karakin

Социально-экономическое развитие российского Дальнего Востока зафиксировано как национальный приоритет РФ на XXI в. Для эффективной реализации заявленных стратегических целей развития необходимо их адаптировать к территориальной масштабности региона, географической и экономической неоднородности пространства, что требует проведения различного вида районирований региона в целом и его субрегионов. При разнообразных подходах к разделению востока Азиатской России на субрегионы практически всеми исследователями в качестве самостоятельного выделяется побережье Тихоокеанской России (береговая зона и территории прилегающих административных районов). Географические особенности данной части российского Дальнего Востока требуют его рассмотрения как отдельного субрегиона с определением сценариев развития. В качестве начального шага в этом процессе разработано мелкомасштабное природно-хозяйственное районирование побережья Тихоокеанской России по природным условиям хозяйственного освоения. Районирование проведено на основе анализа информации о пространственной дифференциации природно-ресурсных факторов, значимых для природопользования и жизнедеятельности в пределах субрегиона: агроклиматических ресурсов, комфортности климата для проживания, ледовых условий и др. Как и при проведении большинства природных районирований, которые в качестве основного фактора дифференциации природных условий рассматривают изменение теплообеспеченности и зональных типов растительности, использована схема разделения пространства побережья Тихоокеанской России на три пояса: арктический, субарктический и умеренный. Окончательно границы поясов и подзон скорректированы с учетом реакции на природные условия территории хозяйственных субъектов. Также выделены два сектора: материковый и островной, важнейшее различие которых значимость проявления опасных природных явлений. Обосновано, что лучшими условиями хозяйственного освоения, умеренно благоприятными и относительно комфортными для жизнедеятельности и природопользования (товарное сельское хозяйство и др.), в пределах побережья Тихоокеанской России обладает умеренный южнотаежный и лесостепной пояс. Результаты районирования следует учитывать при определении перспектив хозяйственного освоения береговой зоны.The socio-economic development of the Russian Far East (RFE) is set as one of the national priorities of the Russian Federation for the 21st century. The effective implementation of the stated strategic development goals demands adapting to the territorial scale of the region, its geographical and economic heterogeneity by means of various zoning of the region as a whole and its subregions. As an initial step in this process, a small-scale natural-economic zoning of the Coastal Zone of Pacific Russia (CZ PR) was done. This zoning was based on an analysis of information about the spatial differentiation of natural resource factors that are significant for natural resources management and livelihoods within the subregion, namely agro-climatic resources, climate comfort for living, ice conditions, etc. Following the prevailing geographical tradition and most natural zoning approaches, which consider variations in heat supply and zonal types of vegetation as the main factor of differentiation of natural conditions, the author divided the space of the CZ PR into three belts - Arctic, Subarctic and Moderate. Several subzones within each belt are also distinguished according to the changes in heat supply and changes in the type of botanical and geographical subzones. Finally, the borders of the zones and subzones are defined by reaction to the natural conditions of the subjects of regionalization. Two sectors are also distinguished, the Mainland and Island ones. The most important difference between them is in manifestation of dangerous natural phenomena for life and natural resources management. It is substantiated that the moderate South-taiga and forest-steppe belt within the CZ PR has the best conditions for economic development (moderately favourable and relatively uncomfortable conditions for life and natural resources management, commodity agriculture, etc.). There are no rigid restrictions for port activity due to ice conditions in winter in this belt. The zoning results provide information for selecting the most acceptable strategic development models from the resource and economic point of view for apportioned territories of the CZ PR (belts, subzones) e.g. frontal, focal and pointed ones.

Nefilinda Nefilinda

The purpose of this study is to reveal and analyze the management of natural resources based on local wisdom on the welfare of the community in Nagari Sungai Antuan, Lima Puluh Kota District. This research uses qualitative methods. Primary data were obtained from interviews with informants (community) and key informants (Wali Nagari, Niniak Mamak and Clean Water Management). The location of the research is in Nagari Sungai Antuan, Lima Puluh Kota district. The results of the study: forest management system or ulayat land is principled ganggam bauntuak based on kinship system, although the ownership of forest or ulayat land based on tribe. In case of a dispute between the tribe then settled by Niniak Mamak among the disputing tribes. The value of custom which feels thick here like gotong royong and often held musyawarah. Some local wisdom of society in Nagari Sungai Antuan are: 1) Manage gambier, 2) Manage mixed garden, 3) Manage paddy field and 4) Manage water resources.

2003 ◽  
pp. 108-116
A. Bykov

According to the legal norms of the Russian Federation in the ownership, usage and disposal of natural resources the author analyses interaction between natural resources users and local authorities. The interaction is based upon ecological and economic factors, which cause the peculiarities of requirements put before natural resource users in the Far North. The strategic directions of resource saving economic development of these regions are considered.

Marine Policy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 128 ◽  
pp. 104465
Laís S. Araujo ◽  
Ulises Rodrigo Magdalena ◽  
Tayana S. Louzada ◽  
Paulo S. Salomon ◽  
Fernando C. Moraes ◽  

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