economic factors
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2022 ◽  
Vol 134 ◽  
pp. 104080
Ran Wang ◽  
Vahid Asghari ◽  
Clara Man Cheung ◽  
Shu-Chien Hsu ◽  
Chia-Jung Lee

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 92-101
E. O. Koshcheeva ◽  
S. Yu. Lyapina

The article considers the features of transport as an object of technological innovation, due, on the one hand, to the service nature of the main activity and the specifics of innovative processes during provision of transport and logistics services, and, on the other hand, to the high capital intensity and technological complexity of the infrastructure transport complex, which is the focus point of technological innovation.The objective of the article is to substantiate the initial prerequisites for developing an alternative approach to making strategic decisions on development of transport organisations based on technological innovations, which, besides the traditional justification of economic efficiency, considers several non-economic factors. The method of substantiation is a systemic strategic analysis, which allows to study the features of the transport complex in the context of the factors of external environment and their dynamics.Regarding the Russian Federation, the scale of the national territory, natural and climatic diversity and uneven territorial distribution of the resource and production base determine the special role and place of transport in the national economy, which quite often leads to the need to make decisions on development of the transport complex based on predominantly non-economic factors (such as security, reliability, environmental friendliness, etc.) and on scientific, technical, political and socio-economic forecasts. At the same time, private enterprises (with or without participation of the state) dominate currently almost all transport sectors where they operate on the principles of profitability, investment attractiveness and competitiveness, which leads to inconsistency of internal decision-making criteria in the field of technological strategies.The ongoing change in the technological paradigm is an additional and significant factor determining trends in transport developments. It is based on the processes of digitalisation and digital transformation of the transport and logistics business. The problems of decision-making in implementation of technological innovations in transport industry, arising from its peculiarities, necessitate a revision of approaches since economic assessments of efficiency are not always able to reflect the real needs and feasibility of choosing mainstream trends in technological development of the transport system.The analysis of the features of the transport and logistics industry based on universal experience and cases in Russian practices in the context of formation of a new technological paradigm makes it possible to substantiate the methodology for making strategic decisions on implementation of technological innovations. 

2022 ◽  
Vitaliy V. Chelnokov ◽  
Aleksey V. Matasov ◽  
Elena Zabolotnaya ◽  
Anna S. Makarova ◽  
Andrey N. Glushko

This study aimed to carry out a systematic analysis of the literature on the environmental impactsof waste resulting from year-round maintenance of roads (WMR) with deicing agents. The impacts on economic factors and the environment at all stages of the life cycle were systematically examined, taking into account the engineering and technological efficiencies, and the direct, indirect, prolonged and deferred effects. A structural-integral block-hierarchical model for monitoring and evaluating the impacts of WMR on the environment and on the industrial, social and economic system as a whole was developed.This incorporated the complex spatial-temporal industrial, biological, physical and chemical impacts of elements of the road infrastructure itself, as well as external conditions. Keywords: pollution monitoring, environmental impact of waste, pollution from transport

Г. Л. Сафарова ◽  
В.А. Кипяткова ◽  
А. А. Сафарова

Исследование смертности занимает важное место в демографии в целом и в особенности в демографии старения. России свойственна неоднородность демографического развития, в частности региональная дифференциация показателей смертности населения. Работа посвящена анализу зависимости смертности в регионах России в старших возрастных группах от социально-экономических показателей. Исследование проводили с использованием методов регрессионного анализа, где в качестве единиц наблюдения выступали субъекты РФ, в качестве объясняемой переменной - смертность мужского (женского) населения старшего (60+) возраста, представленная в виде стандартизованных по структуре населения коэффициентов. В результате работы выявлены значимые социально-экономические факторы, позволяющие объяснить различия уровней смертности в субъектах РФ. Studies of old-age mortality are an important part of demography, especially the demography of ageing. Demographic development of Russia is characterized by heterogeneity including regional differences in mortality. The aim of the paper is to analyze the dependence of mortality at old-age groups on socio-economic indicators. The study is conducted using methods of regression analysis; the units of observation are the regions of the Russian Federation, the explained variable is the mortality rate of male (female) population at older (60+) ages standardized by the population-age structure. As a result, the significant socio-economic factors, explaining the differences of mortality rates in the regions of the Russian Federation, were identified.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 702
David Ribeiro ◽  
Telmo Barbosa ◽  
Jorge Ribeiro ◽  
Filipe Sousa ◽  
Elsa F. Vieira ◽  

Nutrition is an essential part of our life. A healthy diet can help to prevent several chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases, being influenced by social, cultural, and economic factors. Meal recommender systems are a trend to assist people in finding new recipes to cook and adopt healthier eating habits. However, food choice is complex and driven by multiple factors which need to be reflected in the personalization process of these systems to ensure their adoption. We present SousChef, a meal recommender system that can help to plan multiple meals considering an individual’s food preferences, restrictions, and nutritional needs. Our approach uses recipes rather than individual food items, limiting recommendations to tasteful and culturally acceptable food combinations. Several experiments were performed to evaluate the system from different perspectives: nutritional, food preferences, and restrictions, and the recommendations’ variability. Our results highlight the importance of using extensive and diverse content in recommendations to meet food preferences, restrictions, and nutritional needs of people with different characteristics.

Economies ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Mariusz Urbański

The purpose of this research was to conduct a comparison of the push and pull factors affecting migration between Poland and Romania. The study aimed to find out which among the push and pull factors have a greater effect overall and individually on the migration activities. The study was conducted using primary data collected from migrants in both countries using a structured questionnaire. There were data from 298 and 288 surveys for Poland and Romania, respectively. The push and pull migration framework was applied to guide the study. The model suitability was confirmed satisfactory on validity, reliability and factor analysis. The hypothesis was analyzed and evaluated using multiple regression analysis. The findings of the study indicated that pull factors have a greater influence on migration in these two countries as compared to the push factors. Five out of six (economic, political and social in Poland and economic and political in Romania) pull factors were found significant as compared to two (social in Poland and in Romania) out of six push factors. Pull economic factors were significant determinants of migration in all the countries. Pull political factors were found to have the highest effect in both countries, because they influenced migrants in Romania. Economic factors are the major factors that influence migration, including the hope of finding better jobs and better life in the foreign countries, and these factors should be addressed in the effort to reduce migration. In addition, political issues such as unfair legal system, violent conflicts, underdevelopment, poverty, political instability and corruption should be addressed to control the issue of migration.

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 82-87
Shamil Gazetdinov ◽  
Mirsharip Gazetdinov ◽  
Ol'ga Semicheva

The article deals with the problems of interaction of economic and social processes in rural municipal areas, which is a determining factor in the quality of life of the rural population. The aim is to study on the basis of constructive simplification of the territorial system the allocation of its subsystems for separate study. The criterion for such allocation is to take into account the main links considered by the economic and social subsystems with the structure of the system as a whole. Rural territory can be represented in the form of interconnected spatial subsystems of the following: agricultural production, household, service, transport and information communications. At the same time, the potential for consumption of material and spiritual goods can be considered from the standpoint of three types of social accessibility: material, spiritual and spatial-temporal. It is revealed that the main disproportions in the modern development of rural areas are the disproportions between the potential of consumption, on the one hand, and the level of actual availability of material and spiritual goods, on the other. To eliminate these imbalances, it is advisable to use system analysis tools that allow you to obtain the necessary information about the interaction of social and economic factors. At the same time, the study of current trends in the interaction of economic and social processes that determine the standard of living of the rural population shows that the placement of capital investments within a rural municipal district should be based on a comprehensive cost-effectiveness analysis, since the evaluation of the effectiveness of investments for individual objects does not take into account the interrelationships, interaction and synergetic effect of socio-economic factors affecting the qual

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Alfred Moyo ◽  
Lilian Sankhulani ◽  
Stella Namalima

Most students in community technical colleges dropout before completion of their training course, particularly female students, which is counterproductive with regard to women empowerment. This paper therefore, reports on a study that was conducted at Milonga and Naminjiwa community technical colleges in Thyolo and Phalombe districts respectively. Thus, the study sought to establish probable socio-economic factors that influence dropout of female students from the two colleges, with a view of finding solutions to the problem. The two colleges were earmarked for the study because of their proximity to tea estates where manpower is the main source of labour for the tea industry. In addition, people in the two districts have similar cultural beliefs and economic status. Population of the study covered both female and male students including principals and instructors of the two technical colleges. In addition, identified parents of female students who dropped out of school were also part of the study. Thus, the study was conducted through qualitative research method so as to have an in-depth understanding of people views. Data was collected with reference to objectives of the study and then thematically analyzed. The study revealed several socio-economic factors that contribute to dropout of female students from the two colleges such as: cost of training and poverty, domestic chores and parents’ characteristics, cultural factors, early marriages and gender difference including training environment. However, the relationship among students and instructors showed that it had no effect on dropout as it was cordial and amicable. Recommendations to policy makers and other stakeholders were proposed as follows: Government and Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should have a national policy to provide bursaries and loans to needy students. The government should construct hostels at the two colleges to have conducive training environment. Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should organize awareness campaign programmes to sensitize the community surrounding the two colleges on the importance of TVET. Ministry of Labour Skills and Innovation should recruit more female instructors to act as role models to other female students.

2022 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110598
David A. Okunlola ◽  
Olusesan A. Makinde ◽  
Stella Babalola

There is a gradual tendency towards prolonged bachelorhood among men in Nigeria. Studies have linked this to socio-economic factors, but this evidence is sparsely explored in the context of Nigeria. Hence, this study fills the knowledge gap. The 2016/17 Nigeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey data of 7803 adult men (aged 18–34 years) was analysed by using descriptive and fitting binary logitic regression and Cox regression models. Results show that slightly more than one-third of adult men in Nigeria (35%) had a marriage history and their median age at first marriage was about 24 years. Educated men (than the uneducated) and those in middle wealth group (than the poor men) were less likely to have ever been married and to delay marriage, respectively. Wealthy men were more likely to delay marriage. Employed men were more likely to have a marriage history and to delay marriage.

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