scholarly journals A Micro-Political Analysis of Local Governance in Nigeria: The Case of Irepodun Local Government Authority

2021 ◽  
pp. 119-141
Olawale Olufemi Akinrinde ◽  
Ademola Mubarak Adebisi

The study examined local government autonomy and local government service delivery in Nigeria. the study discovered that, Nigerian local government needs to be autonomous in the discharge of its statutory responsibility, if ongoing agitation for local government autonomy from different quarters in Nigeria is given an approval, this will strengthen local government’s service delivery. The study discovered that some states in Nigeria oppose local government autonomy due to political and economic considerations. The study further revealed that Irepodun local government (the micro-case study) in Nigeria is not totally autonomous. Although, local governance is transparent and accountable in Irepodun Local Government, especially in the identification, formulation and execution of its projects, Irepodun local government authority has a huge financial challenge in carrying out service delivery. The study therefore recommends that; the state joint local government account should be abolished from the Nigerian constitution to enable allocation of funds directly to the local governments from Federation account. they should also put a stop to the persistence deduction from the monthly allocation of local governments. Again, states should henceforth be made to remit regularly the constitutional 10% of their internally generated revenue to the local government authorities. Irepodun local government and other local government authorities in Nigeria emplace more efforts on sustainable wealth creation rather than depending solely on the grants from the federal and state governments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 63-72
Egware O.N. ◽  
Akporien O.F. ◽  
Otuya S.

Lack of financial autonomy and undue interference by state governments have been identified as some of the impediments to effective administration of local governments in Nigeria. To this end, this study was carried out to examine the effect of financial autonomy on rural development using Isoko North Local Government Area as a case study. The study adopted a survey research design; hence, data were collected through the use of questionnaires administered to the management and staff of selected departments in Isoko North Local Government Council. The findings of the study indicate that financial autonomy will contribute positively to rural development and service delivery in the area of study, and recommends that local governments should be made financially autonomous to promote rural development and enhance better service delivery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 147-161 ◽  
Okey Marcellus Ikeanyibe

This paper examines the conceptual contradiction between a nationally uniform local government system as constitutionally provided in Nigeria, and, the principles of governance model that is presently believed to advance the course of service delivery in government. The paper argues that the straitjacketed constitutional provisions that require every state government to establish a patterned, uniform local government system, is conflict-generating, opposed to effective management and harnessing of local differences in a highly differentiated country like Nigeria, and averse to the multi-jurisdictional principle advocated by the proponents of the governance model. The focus of the paper therefore, is to investigate the extent the prescribed uniform system of local government hinders the application of the governance model that could advance the course of service delivery at the local level. The author suggests that contrary to the constitutional provisions on the nature of local government, which autonomy is not strongly protected by the constitution, the state governments should be allowed to determine the nature and structure of local governments in their domain to reduce the abuse of the local government system and entrench competitive local government practice. This will advance the greater use of local networks in local governance.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-54
Harsya Harun

Penyelenggaraan kewenangan pemerintah daerah telah bergeser ke arah prinsip ultra vires doctrine yang nampak pada perumusan kewenangan pemerintah daerah menjadi urusan pemerintah daerah, dan pembagian kewenangan pemerintah pusat dan daerah mengedepankan prinsip yang kongkuren.Kondisi ini ditandai dengan penyelenggaraan urusan pendidikan yang terbagi antara pemerintah kabupaten/kota dengan pemerintah provinsi, dimana untuk pendidikan dasar diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah kabupaten/kota sedang pendidikan menengah dikelola oleh pemerintah provinsi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan motode kualitatif melalui observasi dan kajian pustaka.  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan penyelenggaraan urusan pendidikan menengah yang dialihkan kepada pemerintah provinsi akan menimbulkan sejumlah kecenderungan baru dalam pengelolaannya baik pada pemerintah daerah maupun pada pemerintah provinsi. Pertama, bahwa kebijakan – kebijakan yang selama ini dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah terkait bidang pendidikan tidak seluruhnya akan diakomodir oleh pemerintah provinsi. Kedua, kecenderungan pada meningkatnya alokasi anggaran pada pemerintah provinsi sebagai ekses pengalihan kewenangan tersebut. Ketiga, proses evaluasi, pengawasan dan pengendalian penyelenggaraan pendidikan menengah oleh pemerintah provinsi yang akan semakin berat dilihat dari sisi letak geografis wilayah, dan keempat kekhawatiran akan kurang terakomodirnya muatan kearifan lokal dalam penerapan kurikulum, dimana sebelumnya setiap kabupaten/kota tentunya memiliki karakteristik budaya yang berbeda sebagai bentuk kearifan lokal yang dapat menjadi penguat dalam penyusunan kurikulum pendidikan. Key Words : Penyelenggaraan Urusan Pemerintahan, Pendidikan Menengah   Abstract Implementation of local government authority has shifted towards the principle of ultra vires doctrine which appears on the formulation of local government authority to the affairs of local government, and the division of central and local government authority put forward the principle of kongkuren. This condition is characterized by the implementation of educational affairs divided between district / municipal governments and provincial governments, where basic education is administered by district / municipal governments while high school is managed by the provincial government. This research was conducted with qualitative motive approach through observation and literature review. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of secondary education affairs transferred to the provincial government will lead to new trends in the management of both local government and provincial governments. First, that the policies that have been issued by local governments related to the education sector will not be entirely accommodated by the provincial government. Second, the tendency to increase budget allocation to the provincial government as an excess of the transfer of authority. Third, the process of evaluation, supervision and control of the implementation of high school by the provincial government will be more severe in terms of geographical location of the region, and the four concerns will be less accommodated local wisdom content in the application of the curriculum, where previously each district government / different as a form of local wisdom that can be a reinforcement in the preparation of educational curriculum. Key Words :Implementation of Government Affairs, High School

Peter Demediuk ◽  
Stephen Burgess ◽  
Rolf Solli

Local governance occurs where a local government gives citizens a say in things that really matter to them, and e-governance initiatives provide electronic means to enable citizens to participate in this shared governing of the community. The clearer a local government is about the nature and degree to which it needs to act as a democracy actor (better citizens and better government) and/or a service delivery actor (better decision making), the greater the prospect that it can choose appropriate electronic means through an e-governance approach to meet those ends. In order to guide an e-governance practice and inform further research, this chapter: provides models that articulate the elements that constitute better decision making, better citizens, and better government, and presents examples from five local governments of how electronic means can satisfy particular ends.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Rika Putri Wulandari ◽  
Muhammad Helmi Fahrozi

AbstractLaw Number 3 of 2020 is a new chapter in the development of mining law politics in Indonesia. The latest Minerba Law brings a number of major changes, one of which is the regulation of the authority to issue mining permits which has been transferred entirely to the central government. These changes caused controversy because the were considered contrary to constitutional values and the spirit of reform by eliminating the role of local governments in mineral and coal mining activities. The purpose of this study is to determine the legal politics of transferring mining permits to the central government and its implications for local government authority. This research is quantitative study using a normative juridical method through a statue approach and conceptual approach. This research finds that the legal politics of transferring mining permits to the central government is aimed at solving mining permit problems that facilitate investment activities so as to increase the country’s economic growth. However, the implications of this transfer of authority make regional governments no longer have attributive authority to issue mining permits. The current mining law should move to create synergy between governments, not by placing the central government and local governments on different paths for the sustainability of future development.Keywords : Politics of law; Mining Permit; Local Government Authority.                     AbstrakUU Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 merupakan babak baru dalam perkembangan politik hukum pertambangan di Indonesia. UU Minerba terbaru membawa sejumlah perubahan besar salah satunya mengenai pengaturan kewenangan penerbitan izin pertambangan yang dialihkan seluruhnya kepada pemerintah pusat. Perubahan tersebut menimbulkan kontroversi karena dianggap bertentangan dengan nilai konstitusi dan semangat reformasi dengan menihilkan peran pemerintah daerah dalam kegiatan pertambangan minerba. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui politik hukum pengalihan izin pertambangan kepada pemerintah pusat dan implikasinya terhadap kewenangan pemerintah daerah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode yuridis normatif melalui pendekatan undang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa politik hukum pengalihan izin pertambangan kepada pemerintah pusat ditujukan untuk mengurai permasalahan izin pertambangan yang memudahkan kegiatan investasi sehingga dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara. Namun, implikasi yang ditimbulkan akibat pengalihan kewenangan tersebut membuat pemerintah daerah tidak lagi memiliki kewenangan atributif dalam melakukan penerbitan izin pertambangan. Seharusnya hukum pertambangan yang ada saat ini bergerak untuk menciptakan sinergisitas antar pemerintahan bukan dengan menempatkan pemerintah pusat dan pemerintah daerah pada jalan yang berbeda demi keberlangsungan pembangunan di masa depan.Kata kunci : Politik Hukum, Izin Pertambangan; Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah.

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 259
Siti Maimunawaroh ◽  
Antikowati Antikowati

Article 19 of the Law on Legal Aid provides the authority to local governments to deliver legal assistance to the poor by allocating budgets in the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets, all of which are subsequently regulated by Regional Regulations. However, some areas have not yet implemented the mandate of Article 19 of this Legal Aid Law, because there is still doubt that the fulfillment of legal aid for the poor is part of the absolute government affairs relating to the justice sector. This includes establishing a Judicial Institution, appointing Judges and Prosecutors, establishing human rights and immigration policies, granting pardons, amnesty, abolition, legislation, Substitutionary Rules of Law, Government Regulations, and other national regulations. Unlike Jember Regency, which has legalized the Regional Regulation of Jember Number 6 Year 2016 regarding Legal Aid for the Poor, this Regulation of Jember Regency cannot be implemented since there is no Regent Regulation that regulates the implementation of the Regional Regulation. This article discusses how to regulate the authority of local government in fulfilling legal aid for the poor, and how to fulfill legal aid for the poor in Jember.  This article concludes with a suggestion for the Local Government of Jember to immediately approve the Regent's Regulation as the implementing regulation of Jember District Regulation No. 6 of 2016 on Legal Aid for the Poor, and to provide opportunities for community participation in supervising the fulfillment of legal aid in Jember. Keywords: Local Government Authority, Legal Aid, Legal Protection, Poor People

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (35) ◽  
Priyantha W. Mudalige

Many countries decentralize the administrative, fiscal, and political functions of the central government to lower-level governments. In many developing and developed countries, governments and their policymakers have used decentralization as a means of improving the delivery of local service. Accordingly, this study is based on the delivery of local services to the people by the local governments of Japan as a developed country. The overall objective of this article is to review the performance of decentralized local service delivery in developed countries and based on a case study of Japan. The study also aims to examine the correlation between the revenue and expenditure of local governments of Japan and its trends. Basically, this article has been written based on secondary data materials. This data consists of qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Hence, a qualitative and quantitative descriptive method has been applied to analyse the performance of local government decentralization in Japan, and descriptive statistical methods are used to analyse the data and the correlation between revenue and expenditure. The problem in this research is how the functional political institutions created for local service delivery at the sub-national governments in Japan affects the success of decentralization. This research revealed several findings. The local governments of Japan have a sound institutional system and several powers recognized by the constitution. Japanese local governments monitor over 70% of national works, but a majority of the standard public services are the responsibility of local governments. Karl Pearson’s correlation value of revenue and expenditure is 0.979, and there is a strong positive relationship between revenues and expenditure. In Japan, the highest value of local government spending is on public welfare. It is followed by education, civil engineering works, and general administration, second, third, and fourth, respectively. Also, its central and local administrative institutions are maintained in a mutually dependent and mutually complementary relationship. Most of the local governments are collaborating with the private sector in Japan. As a result, the efficiency of service delivery has improved at the local level. In this way, waste management, which is a major local problem in Japan, is being dealt with closely by the central government and the local governments.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-126
Assefa Fiseha

AbstractBased on the literature on decentralization, this article investigates the institutional arrangement and autonomy of local governments in Tigray Regional state. It is based on two rounds of field work covering nine districts. At a formal level, local governments are autonomous units with some defined mandates including power to decide on policy issues. In reality however, local governments in the study area act more as deconcentrated than as autonomous units since their autonomy is curtailed by higher level governments and party structures. Local governments are thus extension arms of the regional state with little autonomy of their own. Institutions such as elected councils, mayors and the executive exist at the local level but there is more vertical than horizontal accountability. As a result, local Councils have not been able to ensure accountability. Thus decentralization has not resulted in popular control of local governance and local-level development as interests of the party and the local political elite prevail over popular interests. The article calls for rethinking the design of local government that would constitute a local government deal that shifts decision-making away from higher level institutions to the local level, constituting multi-stake holders having control over the affairs of local government.

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