formal level
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Adamu A ◽  
Awosan K.J. ◽  
Ango U.M. ◽  
Umar M.T. ◽  
Bello M.M. ◽  

Introduction: Traditional uvulectomy (TU) is one of the common negative cultural practices in Nigeria, particularly in the Northern Nigeria. The procedure persists in developing countries probably due to low socio-economic status and non-formal level of education. This study aimed to determine the prevalence, reasons, complications and factors associated with the practice of traditional uvulectomy among mothers of under five-year children (0-59 months) in Sokoto state, Nigeria. Methods: A community based cross sectional study that was conducted in Sokoto st State, Nigeria on 320 mothers with their under-five year children from 1 January st to 31 March 2021. The study participants were selected using multi stage sampling method. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information and throat examination was done for the children to confirm the practice of TU. Data was analysed using IBM SPSS version 22. The level of significance for Chi square was set at a p value of < 0.05. Results: The prevalence of TU is 59.1% among children under five years of age. The major reason for the practice of TU in most 93(29.1%) of the respondents for their U5 was because of tradition. The main complication after TU was fever 24(35.2%), followed by bleeding 18(26.5%). The respondent's educational status (p = 0.004) and occupation (p = 0.001) were associated with the practice of TU. Conclusion: Practice of traditional uvulectomy is high and is odue to traditional beliefs. Fever was the most common complication, educational status and occupation were associated with the practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28

The impacts of urbanization on landscapes andecosystems have been increasing globally. Howurban landscape is shaped, in other wordsdesigned, is a fundamental human activity interms of urban sustainability. Landscape is oftendealed with mostly by aesthetic concerns whichpresents sustainable/ecological/naturalqualities only at formal level, is limited bylegislative framework, hardly responds tohuman needs and behavioral patterns and lacksa holistic approach within the Turkish spatialdesign practice. This study aims to develop alandscape matrix in the example of Istanbul(Golden Horn) region as an open spaceoperation model within the existing urbantexture, which the built environment has beenrepresented with different layers of historicaldevelopments. The matrix presented in thisstudy presents a design process on the basis ofurban ecology as well as the physical and socialrelations of the study area located in the GoldenHorn, one of the cultural identity values ofIstanbul, formed by urban layers belonging todifferent historical periods. It is thought that theconstruction of the coastal and hinterlandrelationship through the open space system bothcontributes to the dissolution of the urbantexture towards the coastal zone andstrengthens the character of the waterfront.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-258
Jeries Khoury

Twentieth-century Arab poets undertook a search for alternative means of poetic expression that went beyond experimentation at the stylistic and formal level. The result was a violent rebellion against the traditional qa??da form in the mid-1940s, an urgent striving for freedom and breaking free from accepted forms. One of the rebellion’s manifestations consisted of a renewed interest in folklore, especially folksongs, as a source of inspiration. Early on, folksongs became a fundamental pillar of Arab Modernism; most of the poets of the first half of the twentieth century were, in fact, affected to differing degrees by the folksong style. Ultimately the present study shows that folk literature in general, and folksongs in particular, are a critical source of inspiration for Arab poets, one which has enabled them to forge a link between their art and their public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12

Usaha ternak sapi potong rakyat dikelola secara intensif dan tradisional, dikelola masyarakat pedesaan pada skala kepemilikan 1-2 ekor dengan sumber daya terbatas. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengulas profil usaha peternakan sapi potong rakyat. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Jatian, Kecamatan Pakusari, Kabupaten Jember. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara purposive dengan pertimbangan sebagai bagian dari Rencana Kerja (Renja) Program Satu Desa Satu Dosen (SDSD) yang merupakan salah satu wujud kerjasama Pemerintah Kabupaten Jember dengan Universitas Jember melalui Tenaga Ahli Pendamping Desa (TAPD). Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), dan servei. Survei lisan dilakukan dengan wawancara mendalam (depth interview) dan survei tulisan dilakukan dengan pengisian kuisioner terbuka  dan tertutup dengan menggunakan skala likert. Responden penelitian ialah seluruh peternak di Desa Jatian (total sampling). Data dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dengan IBM SPSS Statistics 26. Usaha peternakan rakyat didominasi oleh peternak tua dengan usia >61 tahun sebanyak 34%, didominasi oleh peternak dengan pendidikan formal level Sekolah Dasar (SD) sebanyak 62%, namun memiliki pengalaman memeilihara sapi >12 tahun sebanyak 67%. Permasalahan utama usaha peternakan sapi potong rakyat ialah sulit pakan saat kemarau yang mencapai 66% di Dusun Prasian, 92% di Dusun Krajan, dan 64% di Dusun Plalangan. Usaha peternakan sapi potong rakyat masih berorientasi pada usaha peternakan, belum mengarah pada bisnis peternakan, dan bermotifkan sebagai tabungan keluarga sebesar 55,12%.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Inna V. Kovtunenko

Reference as a logical-semantic category is implemented in the blog text based on a variety of lexical and grammatical means (personal, demonstrative and possessive pronouns, definite article, nominative phrases). At the same time, we consistently differentiate the functional and formal level of analysis (connectivity relations – means of expressing connectivity). The conceptual difference between the functional category and the formal implementation of this category reveals some implications that are important for our study. First, the noun or nominative phrase that acts as a segment of the propositional stimulus message is repeatedly replaced by a certain range of formal (and contextual) anaphoric means. Responding to this message, the interlocutor constructs a mental representation of the relationship of formal or contextual connectivity between the antecedent and the substitute. At the same time, the connectivity tool performs a specific referential function in the mental map of blog communication participants. If the referential interdependence between the antecedent and the substitute becomes contextual, the blogger and respondents identify the similarity of the concepts manifested by these components of the stimulus and reaction, establish not only formal equivalence, but also semantic and pragmatic similarity of the conceptual meanings of the associated language units. In the developed blog, there is a contextual relationship between the indicators of connectivity of thematically correlated constituents and the pragmatic consistency of messages of participants in computermediated communication. In the blogosphere, lexical and grammatical tools that function in an anaphoric or cataphoric function are endowed with such semantics that acquire relevant meaning for the interlocutors only taking into account the previous or subsequent messages. These messages, in turn, turn out to be the context against which these units are identified and interpreted by the blogger and respondents. The relationship of connectedness is manifested not so much in the blog text, but at the moment of perception by the interlocutors of each other’s discursive works. The category of connectedness is a value proportional to the communicative ability of the interlocutors to compare and coordinate the semantics of discursive elements, taking into account the referential schemes activated in their minds.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-41
Danwood CHIRWA ◽  
Nojeem AMODU

AbstractThe attention that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has given to public–private partnerships in solving global concerns including poverty, sustainable development and climate change has shed new light on the question of duties of corporations in relation to economic, social and cultural (ESC) rights. At the same time, objections to recognizing the obligations of corporations in relation to human rights in general and to ESC rights in particular have continued to be made. At the formal level, these objections are reflected in new distinctions such as between the duties of states and responsibilities of corporations, between primary duties of states and secondary duties of corporations, and between obligations of compliance and obligations of performance. All these objections and distinctions are untenable and serve only to stultify the discourse on business and human rights. The current state of human rights is dynamic, not static; commodious, not stale. There is ample space in it to accommodate duties of corporations regarding ESC rights.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-50
Ahmad Wachidul Kohar ◽  
Achmad Dhany Fachruddin ◽  
Soffil Widadah

This is a design research which aims to describe the learning trajectory of volume and surface area of rectangular prism by considering the involvement of the multiple intelligences-based activities within the realistic mathematics education (RME) learning activity. A total of 39 students of grade five at an elementary school in Sidoarjo, Indonesia were involved in teaching experiment phase. By collecting data through documentation, interviews, and classroom observations, the Hypothetical Learning Trajectory which was developed in pilot experiment was then revised to get a revised learning trajectory reported in this paper. Such a revised learning  trajectory are the learning activities around drawing the nets of cube and cuboids through rolling activity, comparing surface are and volume of two models with different sizes, finding surface area using the constructed nets, building miniature buildings using cube unit model, predicting the number cube units in a box, constructing various models of cuboids to various sizes using particular number of cube units, rearranging a number of cube units arrangements with different layers to get different volume and surface area, and comparing the volumes of two rectangular prism made from the same rectangular model of paper. Lastly, at the ‘formal level’ students developed their  informal  knowledge  into  formal  concepts  of volume and surface area of rectangular prism, which in this case is cuboid and cube.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Ariyadi Wijaya ◽  
Elmaini Elmaini ◽  
Michiel Doorman

This research is aimed to describe a learning trajectory for probability through game-based learning. The research employed design research consisting of three stages: preparing for the experiment, design experiment, and retrospective analysis. A hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) using Sudoku and Snake-and-ladder games was developed by collecting data through documentation, interviews, and classroom observations. The HLT was implemented in the classroom to investigate students’ actual learning trajectory. The results of this research indicate that the games helped students understand the concept of probability. The learning trajectory for probability based on game-based learning is seen from the perspective of four levels of emergent modeling. In the first level – ‘situational level’ – Sudoku and Ladder-and-Snake games were played by students. The second level is the ‘referential level’ where the rules of the games were used as a starting point to learn the concept of probability. Communication during game playing stimulated students' knowledge about random events, sample spaces, sample points, and events. At the third level – ‘general level’ – students used tree and table diagrams to generalize possible outcomes of an experiment and develop an understanding of sample spaces and sample points. Lastly, at the ‘formal level’ students developed their informal knowledge into formal concepts of probabilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2019 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-158
Stefan Palaver

Zusammenfassung: Nähert man sich der Frage, wie Individuen zu innerer Sicherheit gelangen, aus der Perspektive von Subjektivierungstheorien, so lassen sich diese nur in einem komplexen Wechselverhältnis von Fremd- und Selbstformungsmodi erklären. Um diese sichtbar zu machen und zu verstehen, können Artefakte der Kunst wertvolle Impulse geben, indem sie eine Verschiebung gewohnter Wahrnehmung bewirken können. Für eine subjektivierungstheoretisch verortete Erforschung individueller Generierung von innerer Sicherheit bieten sich Comics in besonderer Weise an. Aufgrund ihrer sequentiellen Erzählstruktur weisen sie eine spezifische Analogie zu Vorstellungen von Subjektivierungsprozessen auf. Somit versprechen sie, nicht nur inhaltlich, sondern auch formal, aufschlussreiche Perspektiven auf die Konstruktion innerer Sicherheit zu eröffnen. Am Beispiel zweier dominanter Motive in Daniel Clowes’ Comic David Boring wird gezeigt, wie der Protagonist innere Sicherheit zu gewinnen sucht: Das erste stellt seine Auseinandersetzung mit dem einzigen Zeugnis seines Vaters dar, einem Comic. Das zweite Motiv bildet seine Suche nach der idealen Frau. Dabei liegt das Hauptaugenmerk auf dem komplexen Verhältnis des Individuums zu seiner Adressierung auf der Handlungs- und Gestaltungsebene.Abstract: If one approaches the question of how individuals attain inner security from the perspective of subjectivation theories, these can only be explained in a complex interrelation of modes of external- and self-forming. In order to make these modes visible and to understand them in their complex interconnectedness, artifacts of art can provide valuable impulses by causing a shift in habitual perception. For a research approach to the individual generation of inner security based on theories of subjectivation, comics offer themselves in a special way. Due to their sequential narrative structure, they exhibit a specific analogy to concepts of processes of subjectivation. Thus, they promise to open up insightful perspectives on the construction of inner security, not only in terms of content, but also in terms of form. The example of two dominant motifs in Daniel Clowes’ comic David Boring shows how the protagonist seeks to gain inner security: the practices of the protagonist’s confrontation with a comic that is the only link to his father who left him early in his life, and as second theme his search for the ideal woman. <?page nr="142"?>The main focus is on the complex relationship between the individual, its addressing by the actors and their environment, and on the formal level in which they express themselves in comics.

Matheus Libório ◽  
Willian Maia ◽  
Carlos Martins ◽  
Petr Ekel ◽  

The installation of lightning detection sensor systems involves a large volume of resources. However, the absence of these systems can lead to irreparable damage, such as the death of a person. How to reduce the costs of implementing these systems to protect workers and citizens or even public and private equipment? Usually, this problem is not solved on a formal level, but based on the intuition of the involved specialists, without applying optimization techniques. Taking this into account, this research explores the theoretical structure of locational optimization methods to propose a simplified heuristic method that does not require any programming skills for its application. Specifically, its use directly demonstrated by reducing costs of preventive lightning systems in an area containing 41 mines. All mines must be covered by the sensor system which has a coverage radius of 10 km. The experimental results demonstrate that the application of this method generates more effective results than those obtained using known methods of locational optimization. The method proposed in this research contributes directly to reduce costs of preventive lightning systems and indirectly to protect workers in mining areas as well as to protect populations in urban areas where the frequency and incidence of lightning is especially high.

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