Appraisal of social and cultural factors affecting wastewater reuse in the West Bank

2008 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 3 ◽  
Samer Al Kharouf ◽  
Issam A. Al Khatib ◽  
Hafez Q. Shaheen
Muhammad Ediyani

Arabic is the language of the tribes that inhabited the peninsula from Yemen to the Levant to the race and the borders of Palestine and Sana to reach their purposes, which is one of the Semitic languages, and the subject of the emergence of language of the subjects addressed by the researchers of old and recent, and expanded in them a lot and their work that some opinions, The most important of these are: humility and terminology, and language inspired by God. The first person was taught the names of everything (arrest), and the language was born cumulatively subject to the factor of space-time and human need. After the advent of Islam, the Arabic language evolved with the decline of the Holy Quran, because the Arabic language before the descent of the Qur'an was classified into poetry and prose. When the Quran came down, the linguistic expressions in the three Arabic languages became Quran, poetry and prose. There is no doubt that the Arabic language reached the height of its glory and rose in the era of Islam because it became part of religion, and in the era of prophecy and the origin of Islam, people take care of Arabic a lot and are keen on it because it is the language of the Koran and religion and the true and faithful messenger. Other factors affecting the development of Arabic are political, social and cultural factors.

2011 ◽  
Vol 147 ◽  
pp. 244-248 ◽  
Ibrahim Mahamid

The aim of this study is to identify the risk matrix for factors causing time delay in road construction projects in the West Bank in Palestine from consultants’ viewpoint. Three zones were used in the matrix according to the degree of factors severity on the projects’ time delay; which are: green, yellow, and red. The analysis of 43 factors considered in a survey indicates that 2 factors are located in the green zone, 28 factors are located in the yellow zone, and 13 factors are located in the red zone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 12 ◽  
Ainur Mila Rofika ◽  
Iswari Hariastuti

Background: Child marriage is still common in Indonesia both in urban and rural areas. One of possible causes is socio-cultural background. In Madura, the community still stick to culture and customs. Child marriage, one of among others, has become Madurese culture and legalized custom that was inherited to this day as seen in Pagarbatu Village, Sumenep. Objective: The study analyzed the effect of socio-cultural factors on the occurrence of child marriage to girls. Method: This study used a descriptive research design with a qualitative approach. It took place in Pagarbatu Village, Saronggi Sub-District, Sumenep District. The research subjects were women under the age of 18 who engaged in child marriages. Data were collected from April to May 2018. Results: The results showed that socio-cultural factors affect misconduct practices that leads to child marriage, especially among girls. Misconduct practices in child marriage are arranged marriages, age manipulations, witchcraft practices. Child marriage becomes a reason to ease family’s financial burden and also to keep tracing lineage to early ancestors. Religious beliefs are still strong in Madurese community. When females were tranced, they would be married for such mystical experience to get out of trance. Besides, there were other factors of child marriage, such as the lack of community leaders’ roles (village officials), the lack of health workers’ roles, age, education, knowledge, and family economy. Conclusion: There is a relationship between social and cultural factors with child marriage.

2008 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Aunur Rofiq

<p class="Bodytext20">The inhuman treatment of others, however, can not be tolerated. The acts of violence, sexual harassment, and injustice against women prevailing throughout the period are no longer compatible with human rights, and the demands of the development of the level of consciousness, the education that no longer recognize the gender limit, even the religion of Allah swt that is revealed for the freedom of human beings from the shackles of the fitrah. This paper deals with the treatment of violence against women by discussing it through various perspectives. Why violence against women can happen, what is the factor behind it? Many factors or motives behind the violence. Cultural, social, political, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious, and even gender biased factors can trigger violence. The efforts of women's liberation by Indonesian feminists, can be said to be very noble. Even so religious social and cultural factors need to be considered. However, the feminism of the West is a role model, not free from the content of sociological value, culture, ideology, philosophy born there. Thus it is not wise, if Indonesian feminism uses the paradigm, or ideology of Western femme in offering the best solution for women of the Eastern nations-especially Indonesia.</p><p class="Bodytext20"> </p><p class="Bodytext20">Perlakuan tidak manusiawi terhadap sesama, bagaimanapun tidak bisa dibiarkan. Tindak kekerasan, pelecehan seksual, dan ketidakadilan terhadap perempuan yang berlaku sepanjang kurun tidak lagi sesuai dengan HAM, dan tuntutan perkembangan tingkat kesadaran, pendidikan yang tidak lagi mengenal batas gender, bahkan agama Allah Swt yang diturunkan demi kebebasan manusia dari berbagai belenggu yang memasung fitrah. Tulisan ini mengangkat tentang perlakuan kekerasan pada perempuan dengan membahasnya melalui beragam perspektif. Mengapa kekerasan terhadap perempuan bisa terjadi, apa faktor di balik itu? Banyak faktor atau motif yang melatarbelakangi terjadinya kekerasan. Faktor budaya, sosial, politik, ideologi, ras, etnis, agama, bahkan pandangan bias gender bisa menjadi pemicu timbulnya kekerasan. Upaya pembebasan perempuan yang dilakukan para feminis Indonesia, bisa dikatakan sangat mulia. Sungguhpun begitu faktor sosial budaya timur yang religius perlu dipertimbangkan. Bagaimanapun lahimya feminisme Barat yang menjadi panutan, tidak bebas dari muatan nilai sosiologis, budaya, ideologi, filsafat yang lahir di sana. Dengan demikian tidaklah bijak, jika feminisme Indonesia menggunakan paradigma, atau ideologi femnisme Barat dalam menawarkan solusi terbaik untuk perempuan bangsa-bangsa Timur-khususnya Indonesia.  </p>

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