Comparison of plant and snail diversity patterns in the White Carpathian Mts (Czech Republic) across forest and grassland habitats

Biologia ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
Jana Dvořáková ◽  
Michal Horsák

AbstractThe Bile Karpaty Mountains belong to the best-explored areas of the Czech Republic for both land snails and vascular plants, providing a unique opportunity for cross-taxa comparison of their diversity patterns. A total of 1,181 plant and 101 snail species, recorded in 45 grid cells of 2.8 × 3.1 km in size, were used for the analysis. We aimed to investigate the responses of forest and grassland assemblages separately, and to determine relative roles of environmental and spatial predictors on the compositional variation. We observed no significant correlation between the number of plant and snail species across the cells. While land snails showed a negative response to human-made habitats, a positive response was found for plants due to a high proportion of species confined to disturbed and ruderal habitats. Such differences can be attributed to different species pools of forest and grassland species and a high sensitivity of most land snails to habitat degradation and deforestation. In contrast, a positive correlation was found between grassland species as both groups positively responded to the same variables related to habitat diversity. Using the variance partitioning approach, we found a notably higher importance of spatial variables for grassland and forest plant assemblages, in contrast to snail assemblages, which were driven mainly by environmental conditions. These differences emerged especially for grasslands, most likely due to a long-term survival of several relict steppe plants and a notably higher species pool of grassland plants than that of snails.

2012 ◽  
Vol 72 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-86 ◽  
GKM Nunes ◽  
SB Santos

The distribution and abundance of terrestrial molluscs are affected by environmental factors, but data are lacking for Brazilian land snails. The aim of this study was to understand the relationship between measured environmental factors and the land-snail species composition of two hillsides covered with Atlantic Rain Forest on Ilha Grande. On each hillside, five plots located at 100 m intervals between 100 to 500 m asl were chosen. Each plot was sampled by carrying out timed searches and collecting and sorting litter samples from ten quadrats of 25 × 75 cm. A range of environmental data was measured for each of the quadrats in a plot. A Cluster Analysis was carried out for the richness and abundance data. The environmental variables were analysed using a Pearson Correlation Matrix and Discriminant Analysis. Our results show that the two mountains are similar in species richness, but species composition and abundance are different, probably reflecting observed differences in environmental conditions. The environmental factors associated with compositional variation between the two mountains were: atmospheric temperature, soil temperature, litter depth, and relative air humidity. Distinct luminosity and canopy closure conditions were related to the composition of the land-snail community of one hillside.

Geoff H Baker

ABSTRACT Two Mediterranean snails, Theba pisana and Cernuella virgata, are agricultural pests in southern Australia. The two species are rarely found together in large numbers in the field, at small scales (<1 m2). In laboratory experiments, the presence of T. pisana reduced the survival of C. virgata, but only when food (carrot + lettuce) was provided. When C. virgata was exposed to only the mucus trails and faeces of T. pisana, produced while feeding on lettuce, both the survival and activity of C. virgata were reduced. When carrot was substituted for lettuce, there was less effect. In addition, when C. virgata was exposed to T. pisana’s faeces only, derived from access to a mix of lettuce and carrot, there was no effect on C. virgata’s survival. The observed reductions in the survival of C. virgata were stronger in autumn (the breeding season for both snail species) compared with spring. Inhibitory components within the mucus trails of T. pisana may (1) help explain the observed distribution patterns of the two species at small scales in the field and (2) provide a novel method for control of pest populations of C. virgata, in some situations.

The Holocene ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 095968362110116
Lucie Juřičková ◽  
Jakub Menšík ◽  
Jitka Horáčková ◽  
Vojen Ložek

The Alps are an important hotspot of species diversity and endemism, as well as a presumed glacial refugium of several species’ groups including land snails. The recent ranges of Alpine endemics are well known, but their fluctuations during the postglacial period mirroring local climate changes are understudied. By analysing five Late Glacial and Holocene mollusc successions from two areas in the southernmost part of the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic) situated about 100 km north of the Alps, we reveal details of these fluctuations. The Alpine endemic rocky dweller Chilostoma achates had reached the southern part of the Bohemian Massif already in the Late Glacial and disappeared in the Mid-Holocene canopy forest optimum. On the contrary, the northern boundaries of Alpine canopy forest epigeic snails extended further north than today at the turn of the Middle and Late-Holocene, pointing to a more favourable forest microclimate. The earliest known occurrences of several temperate canopy forest central European species, especially Causa holosericea and Discus perspectivus, imply the role of different areas in the Alps as their glacial refugia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Nattaphop Noothuan ◽  
Kantamas Apitanyasai ◽  
Somsak Panha ◽  
Anchalee Tassanakajon

Abstract Objective Snails secrete different types of mucus that serve several functions, and are increasingly being exploited for medical and cosmetic applications. In this study, we explored the protein pattern and compared the biological properties of the mucus secreted from the mantle collar and foot of two snail species, Lissachatina fulica and Hemiplecta distincta. Result Protein profile showed a different pattern between the two species and between the two secretory parts. The mantle-specific protein bands were further characterized and among them was an antibacterial protein, achacin. Accordingly, the mucus from the mantle exhibited the higher antibacterial activity than that from the foot in both snail species. The mucus from H. distincta, first reported here, also showed antibacterial properties, but with a lower activity compared to that for L. fulica. Snail mucus also exhibited anti-tyrosinase activity and antioxidant activity but with no significant difference between the foot and mantle mucus. These results indicate some different protein compositions and biological activities of snail slime from the mantle and foot, which might be associated with their specific functions in the animal and are useful for medical applications.

2003 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 15-18
Michal Horsák

The molluscs of a previously unexplored site the “Ženklavský les” forest in North Moravia (Czech Republic) were investigated in 2002. Altogether 47 snail species were recorded (46 terrestrial and 1 aquatic). The molluscan fauna was dominated by woodland species including sensitive and endangered ones (e.g., Platyla polita, Sphyradium doliolum, Ruthenica filograna, Vitrea subrimata, and Daudebardia brevipes). The species Vertigo pusilla, and Vestia ranojevici moravica were encountered in the Štramberk environs for the first time and are of regional importance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Paulo Borges ◽  
Lucas Lamelas-Lopez ◽  
Isabel Amorim ◽  
Anja Danielczak ◽  
Mário Boieiro ◽  

Azorean volcanic cave biodiversity is under considerable pressure due to ongoing threats of pollution, land use change, touristic activities or climate change. In this contribution, we present the IUCN Red List profiles of 15 cave-adapted arthropod species, endemic to the Azorean archipelago, including species belonging to the speciose genus Trechus (Carabidae), which is represented in Azores by seven species. The objective of this paper is to assess all endemic Azorean cave-adapted species and advise on possible future research and conservation actions critical for the long-term survival of the most endangered species. Most species have a restricted distribution (i.e. occur in one or two caves), very small extent of occurrence (EOO) and a small area of occupancy (AOO). A continuing decline in the number of mature individuals is inferred from the ongoing cave habitat degradation. The two troglobitic species of the homopteran genus Cixius are in great danger of extinction due to major land-use changes in epigean habitats above their known localities. We suggest, as future measures of conservation, the regular monitoring of the species (every five years), the creation of additional protected caves, the limitation of several aggressive activities around the caves (e.g. decreasing pasture intensification) and in some cases the creation of fences in the entrance of the most important caves.

Mang Ngaih Ciin ◽  
Tanakorn Proungvitaya ◽  
Tanakorn Proungvitaya ◽  
Temduang Limpaiboon ◽  
Sittiruk Roytrakul ◽  

Background: Cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) is the second most common primary hepatobiliary cancer. These patients have meager prognosis and short-term survival. Precise assessment of glomerular filtration rate is a fundamental aspect of clinical care in cancer patients. Cystatin C has been proposed to be superior to creatinine, a well-known marker of renal function. This study aimed to evaluate cystatin C as a marker of GFR calculation in CCA patients. Materials and Methods: One hundred thirty serum samples from CCA patients and 32 from controls were included in this study. Serum cystatin C was measured using immunoturbidity assay. Estimated glomerular filtration rate was calculated by three equations established by chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration (based on creatinine and/or cystatin C). Results: Serum cystatin C in CCA patients was higher than that of controls (p=0.0002). Cystatin C was positively correlated with BUN in CCA group (p=0.019). eGFR based on cystatin C and based on both cystatin C and creatinine in CCA was low with significantly different from those of control (p<0.001). Although there was no difference in eGFR using three equations in control, creatinine based eGFR was high with significantly different from eGFR based on cystatin C and on both creatinine and cystatin C in CCA (P=0.000). Proportion in each eGFR stage by three equations showed a high sensitivity with significantly different in CCA (p<0.05). Conclusion: There was a high sensitivity of cys C with significant difference between creatinine and/or cystatin C based eGFR in CCA patients. It should be taken into consideration of mild changes in eGFR by cystatin C which is important in managing drug dosage for CCA patients.

2010 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 223-232
Baghdad Science Journal

The present study is considered a pioneer investigation that deal with the terrestrial brown garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller), in Iraq. Cornu aspersum however is considered an exotic species in many parts of the world ,The species is most probably infiltrates with plants transferred from one place to another. The species has gained importance in many ways. Nutritionally, the species is consumed as food item in many countries, but in other cases it is considered as pest for the damage it causes when feeding on valuable plant shoots. It also has medical importance for its role and ability in healing wounds, burns and remedy of other skin problems. This snail species however may act as a vector for some parasitic nematodes that cause serious diseases. The species is also important in scientific research, usually referred to as ‘ecological indicator’ employed in environmental pollution problems such as the one caused by heavy metals. A great deal of research on this species has been carried out in different parts of the world, however, in Iraq, the scientific attention given to land snails in general and to Cornu aspersum in particular is rare and may be negligible in comparison with the research carried out on aquatic Mollusca species. A total of 1880 individuals of Cornu aspersum were collected from all sampling sites. The study was carried out for the period November 2007 to November 2008 on three sites within the Jadiriya district in Baghdad.. Growth, size classes and shell dimensions of Cornu aspersum populations, and their relationship with major environmental factors; ambient temperature; soil pH, moisture, texture; and the soil content of organic matter have been also investigated. Identification of the species was confirmed by the British Natural History Museum.The data were analyzed by means of standard statistical procedures.

1993 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-95 ◽  
Lars Fröberg ◽  
Anette Baur ◽  
Bruno Baur

AbstractA laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the damage caused by snail grazing to 35 calcicolous lichen species and cyanobacteria from the Baltic island of Oland, Sweden. Individuals of four species of land snails (Balea perversa, Chondrina cliema, Clausilia bidentata and Helicigona lapicida) were allowed to graze on identified lichen species growing on pieces of limestone. Snail grazing on thalli and ascocarps was classified into four categories ranging from no damage to completely eaten. In general, some lichen species were heavily grazed, whereas others were only slightly damaged or not injured. Aspiciha calcarea, Tephromela atra and Verrucaria nigrescens were preferred by all snail species except Chondrina cliema. In general, lichen thalli that were not immersed in the calcareous rock and cyanobacteria were preferred, whereas ascocarps were avoided by one of the snail species (C. clienta). Immersed perithecia with a carbonized outer layer were avoided by all snail species except C. bidentata. Possibilities of chemical and mechanical defence properties in calcicolous lichens are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 282 (1804) ◽  
pp. 20143063 ◽  
Kazuki Kimura ◽  
Satoshi Chiba

Several taxa of simultaneously hermaphroditic land snails exhibit a conspicuous mating behaviour, the so-called shooting of love darts. During mating, such land snail species transfer a specific secretion by stabbing a mating partner's body with the love dart. It has been shown that sperm donors benefit from this traumatic secretion transfer, because the secretions manipulate the physiology of a sperm recipient and increase the donors' fertilization success. However, it is unclear whether reception of dart shooting is costly to the recipients. Therefore, the effect of sexual conflict and antagonistic arms races on the evolution of traumatic secretion transfer in land snails is still controversial. To examine this effect, we compared lifetime fecundity and longevity between the individuals that received and did not receive dart shooting from mating partners in Bradybaena pellucida . Our experiments showed that the dart-receiving snails suffered reduction in lifetime fecundity and longevity. These results suggest that the costly mating behaviour, dart shooting, generates conflict between sperm donors and recipients and that sexually antagonistic arms races have contributed to the diversification of the morphological and behavioural traits relevant to dart shooting. Our findings also support theories suggesting a violent escalation of sexual conflict in hermaphroditic animals.

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