scholarly journals Data-plane Defenses against Routing Attacks on Tor

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (4) ◽  
pp. 276-293 ◽  
Henry Tan ◽  
Micah Sherr ◽  
Wenchao Zhou

Abstract Tor is susceptible to traffic correlation attacks in which an adversary who observes flows entering and leaving the anonymity network can apply statistical techniques to correlate flows and de-anonymize their endpoints. While an adversary may not be naturally positioned to conduct such attacks, a recent study shows that the Internet’s control-plane can be manipulated to increase an adversary’s view of the network, and consequently, improve its ability to perform traffic correlation. This paper explores, in-depth, the effects of control-plane attacks on the security of the Tor network. Using accurate models of the live Tor network, we quantify Tor’s susceptibility to these attacks by measuring the fraction of the Tor network that is vulnerable and the advantage to the adversary of performing the attacks. We further propose defense mechanisms that protect Tor users from manipulations at the control-plane. Perhaps surprisingly, we show that by leveraging existing trust anchors in Tor, defenses deployed only in the data-plane are sufficient to detect most control-plane attacks. Our defenses do not assume the active participation of Internet Service Providers, and require only very small changes to Tor. We show that our defenses result in a more than tenfold decrease in the effectiveness of certain control-plane attacks.

Doan Hoang

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a networking paradigm that can remove the limitations of current network infrastructures by separating the control plane from the data forwarding plane. As an immediate result, networks can be managed cost effectively and autonomously through centralising the decision-making capability at the control plane and the programmability of network devices on the data plane. This allows the two planes to evolve independently and open up separate horizontal markets on simplified network devices and programmable controllers.  More importantly, it opens up markets for infrastructure providers to provision and offer network resources on-demand to multiple tenants and for service providers to develop and deploy their services on shared infrastructure resources cost-effectively. This paper provides an essential understanding of the SDN concept and architecture. It discusses the important implications of the control/data plane separation on network devices, management and applications beyond the scope of the original SDN. It also discusses two major issues that may help to bring the disruptive technology forward: the intent northbound interface and the cost-effective SDN approaches for the industry.

2014 ◽  
pp. 35-43
Igor Kotenko

The paper considers the approach to investigation of distributed cooperative cyber-defense mechanisms against network infrastructure oriented attacks (Distributed Denial of Service, network worms, botnets, etc.). The approach is based on the agent-based simulation of cyber-attacks and cyber-protection mechanisms which combines discrete-event simulation, multi-agent approach and packet-level simulation of network protocols. The various methods of counteraction against cyber-attacks are explored by representing attack and defense components as agent teams using the software simulation environment under development. The teams of defense agents are able to cooperate as the defense system components of different organizations and Internet service providers (ISPs). The paper represents the common framework and implementation peculiarities of the simulation environment as well as the experiments aimed on the investigation of distributed network attacks and defense mechanisms.

Doan Hoang

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has emerged as a networking paradigm that can remove the limitations of current network infrastructures by separating the control plane from the data forwarding plane. As an immediate result, networks can be managed cost effectively and autonomously through centralising the decision-making capability at the control plane and the programmability of network devices on the data plane. This allows the two planes to evolve independently and open up separate horizontal markets on simplified network devices and programmable controllers.  More importantly, it opens up markets for infrastructure providers to provision and offer network resources on-demand to multiple tenants and for service providers to develop and deploy their services on shared infrastructure resources cost-effectively. This paper provides an essential understanding of the SDN concept and architecture. It discusses the important implications of the control/data plane separation on network devices, management and applications beyond the scope of the original SDN. It also discusses two major issues that may help to bring the disruptive technology forward: the intent northbound interface and the cost-effective SDN approaches for the industry.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 243-246
Lasma Yulianti N ◽  
Sherry Hadiyani

Perilaku membeli merupakan kegiatan dalam mendapatkan atau menggunakan barang atau jasa baik secara langsung maupun tidak langsung yang bertujuan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan.Perkembangan teknologi informasi disertai mudahnya mengakses internet menyebabkan para produsen melakukan pemasaran produknya melalui internet sebagaimana disebut dengan ecommerce.Kemudahan akses dan banyaknya pilihan semakin mendorong konsumen untuk melakukan pembelian produk secara online. Hasil riset Asosiasi Penyedia Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII)menunjukkan bahwa remaja adalah mayoritas pengguna internet di Indonesia dengan berbagai macam kegiatan yang bisa mereka lakukan salah satunya adalah berbelanja online.Remaja yang berada pada tahap imagery audience ingin selalu diperhatikan oleh lingkungan sekitarnya sehingga mereka membutuhkan atribut-atribut agar dapat diakui oleh lingkungan, salah satunya adalah pakaian. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini difokuskan pada perilaku membeli produk pakaian onlinedi kalangan remaja. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik statistik dekriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa-siswi SMA Santo Thomas 1 Medan berjumlah 290 orang. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah skala perilaku membeli yang disusun berdasarkan aspek perilaku membeli yang dikemukakan oleh Kotler (2008). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran perilaku membeli produk pakaian online subjek berada pada kategori sedang.   Buying behavior is an activity in obtaining or using goods or services either directly or indirectly that aims to fulfill the needs. The development of information technology along with easy access to the internet causes producers to market their products through the internet as e-commerce. The easy access and varied choices encourage consumers to purchase products online. The results of research by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) showed that teenagers were the majority of internet users in Indonesia with various kinds of activities that could be done; one of which was shopping online. The teenagers who were in the step of imagery audience bound to be noticed by their surroundings. Therefore, they needed attributes to be recognized by the environment, one of which was clothing. Therefore, this study focused on the behavior of buying online clothing products among teenagers. This study used descriptive statistical techniques. The subjects of this study were students of Santo Thomas 1 Medan High School consisted of 290 people. The measuring instrument used was the buying behavior scale compiled based on the aspects of buying behavior proposed by Kotler (2008). The results of this study indicated that the description of the behavior of buying clothing products online was in the medium category.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Munadhil Abdul Muqsith

Abstract:The internet developed for the first time in Indonesia in the early 1990s. Starting from the pagayuban network, it is now expanding without boundaries anywhere. A survey conducted by the Indonesian Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) said that the number of internet users in Indonesia in 2012 reached 63 million people or 24.23 percent of the country's total population. Next year, that figure is predicted to increase by close to 30 percent to 82 million users and continue to grow to 107 million in 2014 and 139 million or 50 percent of the total population in 2015. million people. This matter also results in political communication with the internet media, or is often said to be cyber politics. Cyber politics in Indonesia has faced growth in recent years. There are many facilities that support the growth of cyber politics, such as Facebook, Twitter, mailing list, YouTube, and others.Keywords: Cyberpolitik, Internet  Abstrak:Internet berkembang pertama kali di Indonesia pada awal tahun 1990-an. Diawali dari pagayuban network kini berkembang luas tanpa batas dimanapun juga. Suatu survei yang diselenggarakan Asosiasi Penyelenggara Jasa Internet Indonesia (APJII) mengatakan kalau jumlah pengguna internet di Indonesia tahun 2012 menggapai 63 juta orang ataupun 24,23 persen dari total populasi negeri ini. Tahun depan, angka itu diprediksi naik dekat 30 persen jadi 82 juta pengguna serta terus berkembang jadi 107 juta pada 2014 serta 139 juta ataupun 50 persen total populasi pada 2015. juta orang. Perihal ini pula berakibat pada komunikasi politik dengan media internet, ataupun kerap diucap dengan cyber politic. Cyber politic di Indonesia hadapi pertumbuhan sebagian tahun terakhir. Banyaknya fasilitas yang menunjang pertumbuhan cyber politic semacam terdapatnya facebook, Twitter, mailing list, youtobe, serta lain-lain.Kata Kunci: Cyberpolitik, Internet 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 168-177
Haerdiansyah Syahnur ◽  
Jafar Basalamah

This study aimed to analyze the customer experience seen from the level of actual performance and the level of importance of services provided by internet service providers PT. XYZ in Makassar City. Variables and attributes issued by TM Forum GB 912 consisting of Customer Management, Fulfillment, Assurance, and Billing, are used to analyze the performance provided by customer service in the field. The analysis technique will be carried out using the Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index consisting of quadrant analysis and gap analysis used to investigate customer satisfaction and identify variables whose performance is deemed to need improvement. Data were collected using a platform-based questionnaire application from 100 respondents selected using random sampling techniques. The results showed that customers were satisfied with the performance and quality of services provided. The customer satisfaction index value obtained by CSI analysis shows a value of 82.006%. In conclusion, that the Fulfillment variable is a service variable that is considered the most important customer and requires improvement because its performance is still relatively low. While the variables considered good and need to be maintained are the Billing variable. Other service variables are sorted based on priority of improvement in a row, namely Fulfillment, Customer Management, and Assurance.

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