satisfaction index
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Hemaid Alsulami

The present study aims to examine the relationship of instructors’ emotional intelligence (EI) with the satisfaction index of their corresponding students. For this purpose, data were collected from 650 full-time students and 6 male instructors from a major Middle Eastern University. Emotional intelligence of the instructors was measured with the help of average of students’ responses with the weightage of each assessing parameter, i.e., self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management which also reflected the students’ satisfaction index (SSI). Moreover, authenticity of the data was confirmed with the help of Cronbach’s alpha, and the analysis of data was carried out using descriptive statistics, correlation, and box plots. The students’ satisfaction index is calculated by correlating various parameters such as comfort, skill, learning, and motivation in order to identify the most critical parameter. For identifying the most critical parameter, box plots are used. Final results reveal a strong correlation of instructor’s EI with student satisfaction index (r = 0.951, p < 0.005 , F >> Fcritical). Findings of the study can be beneficial to highlight the importance of students’ satisfaction index (SSI) which is correlated with instructor’s EI.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nishant Dabhade

Virtually all the sectors of economy such as finance, banking, hospitality and other businesses have grown up substantially in the past few years due to the growth of mobile service sector. From the inception of Reliance Jio in Madhya Pradesh, It has occupied a large number of customers in terms of no. of subscribers. This creates unrest among the telecom service operators operating in Madhya Pradesh. As the market moves forward, customer satisfaction becomes imperative for service firms to remain combative at marketplace. To study customer satisfaction, it is mandatory to study socio demographics of customers. Hence efforts have been made in this research paper to study the satisfaction level of customers from several demographic variables. This is a hypothetical research study in which primary data is collected from 500 active mobile users of Bhopal (MP), India. One way ANOVA and T-test were used to analyze the data through SPSS 21.0 software. Specific variables of American customer satisfaction index (ACSI) and European customer satisfaction index (ECSI) were being studied with different socio demographic variable of customers to move ahead in present research study. Significant difference was found in level of customer satisfaction with the age group and type of connection in telecom sector.

2022 ◽  
Subham Roy ◽  
Arghadeep Bose ◽  
Debanjan Basak ◽  
Indrajit Roy Chowdhury

Abstract Municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal is a rapidly expanding sector that caters to the rising demand for disposal facilities; as a result, MSW treatment is becoming a significant challenge in concern to environmental and public health. The by-products of solid waste dumped in landfills have negative consequences on the environment and people living near disposal sites. This research aimed to assess whether the disposal of garbage in landfills affected the people who live near them. Consequently, residents living near MSW disposal facilities are exposed to various risks. A systematic questionnaire was devised and disseminated in this research to examine the adjacent people's concerns and attitudes around the landfill of the rapidly expanding Siliguri city of West Bengal. It was accomplished by assessing the opinions of persons living within the 1000m of the landfill site and how it impacts their life. The novelty of the research includes geographical analysis of physical impressions, including odour nuisance, breathing problems, impacts of flies and mosquitoes, water contamination, issues due to illegal burning, and health-related problems, which was conducted using geographic information system methodologies. Besides, the Landfill satisfaction index (LSI) tool was used to assess the perception of the people residing near the landfill. Also, to statistically validate the perception of the people related to the impact of landfills on their life, gamma coefficient (y) test of Goodman-Kruskal was applied. The findings reveal that the majority of the respondent within 600m are more susceptible to various risks due to unscientific landfill. Subsequently, a large portion of the responding sample was aware of the detrimental effects of landfills on the health and environment, therefore, individuals living near the dump yard preferred to live farther away. The findings also reveal that geographical proximity has a clear relationship between respondent perception and distance to the landfill. The study concludes with a discussion on how the research results may be beneficial for designing landfill sites and can be utilized by urban planners, environmentalists, and engineers.

Duy Quang Dang

TÓM TẮT Mục tiêu: Đánh giá chỉ số hài lòng của người bệnh đang điều trị tại trung tâm hồi sức tích cực người bệnh nhiễm Covid-19 trực thuộc bệnh viện Trung Ương Huế tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh. Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Nghiên cứu mô tả cắt ngang trên 325 người bệnh nhiễm Covid-19 đang điều trị tại trung tâm hồi sức tích cực người bệnh nhiễm Covid-19 từ tháng 9/2021 đến tháng 11/2021. Kết quả: Có 176 bệnh nhân nữ (54,15%) và 149 nam (45,85%). Độ tuổi trung bình 50,28 tuổi, trình độ học vấn cao đẳng chiếm tỉ lệ cao nhất 115 người bệnh chiếm 35,38%, không có đối tượng có trình độ học vấn cấp 1, đối tượng nghiên cứu đã tiêm 1 và 2 mũi Vaccine Covid-19 chiếm tỉ lệ cao lần lượt là 130 chiếm 40,00% và 107 chiếm 32,92%, đối tượng nghiên cứu già mất sức lao động chiếm tỉ lệ cao nhất 102 người bệnh chiếm 31,38%. Tỉ lệ hài lòng toàn diện của người bệnh về khả năng tiếp cận các thông tin trong khu điều trị mức 4 là: 9,14%, mức 5 là 89,41%, về sự minh bạch thông tin và thủ tục khám bệnh, điều trị mức 4 là 12,72%, mức 5 là 82,86%, về cơ sở vật chất và phương tiện phục vụ người bệnh mức 4 là 14,10%, mức 5 là 83,75%, về thái độ ứng xử, năng lực chuyên môn của nhân viên y tế ở mức 4 là 12,20%, mức 5 là 86,58%, về kết quả cung cấp dịch vụ ở mức 4 là 15,23%, mức 5 là 84,77%. Kết luận: Hầu hết bệnh nhân rất hài lòng với chất lượng và thái độ điều trị tại trung tâm hồi sức tích cực người bệnh nhiễm Covid-19 trực thuộc bệnh viện Trung Ương Huế tại thành phố Hồ Chí Minh ABSTRACT ASSESSMENT SATISFACTION OF IN - PATIENTS AT THE COVID-19 INTENSIVE CARE CENTER OF HUE CENTRAL HOSPITAL IN HO CHI MINH CITY Objective: To survey the satisfaction index of in - patients at the Covid-19 intensive care center of Hue Central Hospital in Ho Chi Minh city. Methods: A cross - sectional descriptive study was carried on 325 Covid-19 patients treated at the Intensive Care Center from September 2021 to November 2021. Results: There were 176 female patients (54.15%) and 149 male patients (45.85%). The average age was 50.28 years old; the higher education was in 115 patients (35.38%). Patients who receiveddose 1 and 2 of Covid-19 vaccine were in 130 patients, accounted for 40,00%, 107 patients accounted for 32.92% respectively. The elderly patients who lost their ability to work were in 102 patients accounted for 31.38%. The overall satisfaction rate of patients about the ability to access information in level 4 was 9.14%, level 5 was 89.41%, the transparency of information and medical examination procedures in level 4 was 12.72%, level 5 was 82.86%, the material facilities to serve patients at level 4 was 14.10%, level 5 was 83.75%, the behavior attitude in the treatment, professional qualificationof medical staff’s at level 4 was 12.20%, level 5 was 86.58%, the service responseresults at level 4 was 15.23%, level 5 was 84.77 %. Conclusion: All patients at the Covid-19 intensive care centerof Hue Central Hospital in Ho Chi Minh city highly satisfied with the treatment and taking care of the medical staff as well as the facilities of the center. Keywords: Satisfaction, Covid-19 patient, intensive care unit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-73
Naiana Braga Silva ◽  
Suilane Gomes Martiniano ◽  
Andreia Medeiros Rodrigues Cardoso ◽  
Yuri Wanderley Cavalcanti ◽  
Nilcema Figueiredo ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-136
Aula Putri Anindya ◽  
Iva Mindhayani

Mutu pelayanan jasa yang baik menunjukkan produktivitas serta kemampuan menghasilkan kepuasan pelanggan. Penelitian ini menganalisis tingkat kepuasan pelanggan terhadap mutu pelayanan yang diberikan oleh De Laundry dan atribut prioritas perbaikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat mengumpulkan data dengan 70 responden dan 27 butir pertanyaan. Metode pengolahan data menggunakan Customer Satisfaction Index dan Service Quality. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan pelanggan De Laundry dengan menggunakan metode Customer Satisfaction Index sebesar 80% yang menunjukkan bahwa pelanggan merasa puas dengan layanan yang diberikan. Hasil metode Service Quality diketahui bahwa atribut dimensi Assurance berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dengan nilai kualitas pelayanan (Q) sebesar 1,0, serta diperoleh melalui hasil diagram kartesius bahwa atribut pelayanan yang perlu ditingkatkan atau menjadi prioritas utama dalam perbaikan guna meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan ialah atribut yang berada di Kuadran A.

Risa Hani Safitri ◽  
I Gusti Agung Bagus Mataram ◽  
I Putu Krisna Arta Widana ◽  

This study aimed to analyze the level of receptionist service quality in increasing guest satisfaction at Hotel Yusro Jombang, East Java. The number of samples used was 60 respondents, with a purposive sampling data collection technique. The primary data collection method for service quality variables is using a questionnaire that has been tested for its validity and reliability. The analysis technique used is Customer Satisfaction Index, Servqual, and Importance Performance Analysis, presented in a Cartesian diagram. This study indicates that there is a negative, positive and neutral gap between guest perceptions and expectations. Customers are satisfied with the services provided because the value of the positive gap is more than the negative. The quality level of receptionist service in improving guest satisfaction at Hotel Yusro Jombang has been good, because the value of customer satisfaction index (CSI) of 90.22% is in the range of 81%-100%, meaning, in general, the guest satisfaction index at Hotel Yusro Jombang is on the "very satisfied" criteria. Next, based on the result of importance-performance analysis, each indicator's position in the cartesius diagram found an indicator that is a priority to be fixed, i.e., indicator in the A quadrant and an indicator that is an achievement to be maintained indicator which is in the B quadrant. As for indicators that are considered most satisfying by guests, they are X3 indicators, X5 indicators, and X10 indicators, each of them has a score of 0.04.

Nining Faperta

The purpose of the study was to determine the level of community satisfaction with the attributes of the Indomie brand instant food products in East Lombok Regency and the attributes of the Indomie brand instant food which have consumer satisfaction and collective interests. Determination of the location of the study deliberately in East Lombok Regency. The research objective estimation method uses the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), and Conjoint analysis. The results of the analysis show that the attributes of the Indomie brand of instant food with a high level of consumer satisfaction include halal labels, taste, clarity of expiration, information on nutritional values, and ease of access (marketing). Overall, the instant food attributes of the Indomie brand provide consumer satisfaction with a value of 76.64% which is included in the satisfied criteria. While the conjoint method estimates the most important factor and has a high usability value, namely quality with a coefficient of importance value of 47% at the product packaging level, product texture, and product color, the price attribute has a value of 22.6% at the selling price level and the price is appropriate. quality, while the service quality attribute with a value of 11.5% at the level of customer service numbers

Webology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-260
Ni Ketut Arismayanti

Marine tourism has the potential to develop various activities because it is supported by nature, culture and tourist activities. However, coastal and marine areas are vulnerable to damage and over exploitation. Various problems encountered in coastal and marine areas, such as garbage, damage to coral reefs, excessive fish management, social problems, conflicts of interest or limited governance. Local wisdom has a fundamental role as a way of life for people in preserving civilization. Likewise, the roles and efforts of stakeholders to participate in contributing to monitoring and providing protection for coastal and marine areas so that they can provide sustainable benefits. This research uses a mix of quantitative and qualitative methods, especially the explanatory sequential mixed method. Data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative, Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction Index. Data were collected by observation, questionnaires, and interviews by raising several cases in Indonesian territory related to local wisdom from a cultural perspective, the role of NGOs from a nature conservation perspective, and tourism assessment from a tourist market perspective. Local wisdom from a cultural perspective, a community that has potential and a central role in conservation and preservation efforts, resource development and science and technology that can be passed on to the next generation based on knowledge, values, skills, resources, decision-making and local solidarity. Stakeholders in terms of nature protection have a major role and potential contribution by supporting, implementing, advocating, engaging and influencing, and having a high commitment to realizing responsible and sustainable tourism. From a tourism point of view, it has several weaknesses related to the quality of tourist attractions in indicators, management, amenities and value for money, so that efforts are needed to improve the quality and variety of products, professional management, and various tourism activity innovations that have the value of novelty and meaningfulness for tourists.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nguyen Van Du ◽  
Le Dinh Thuc ◽  
Huu-Bang Tran

PurposePublic-Private Partnership (PPP) model still contains the obstacle in partnership, which can lead to different satisfaction between project participants. Therefore, project managers need to consider stakeholder satisfaction to ensure success in PPP implementation. However, this problem is limited in the previous studies in developing countries. The purpose of this study is to evaluate stakeholder satisfaction of PPP transport projects in developing countries.Design/methodology/approachA total of 15 satisfaction factors were identified and four main groupings were introduced by a review of the literature and expert interview rounds, including satisfaction of general public, satisfaction of private sector, satisfaction of government and satisfaction of end-users. A PPP expressway project in Vietnam was used to illustrate for this analysis. Data were collected through a questionnaire survey with 31 validated responses. The fuzzy synthetic evaluation method was then applied to evaluate satisfaction index for the stakeholder satisfaction of PPP transport projects in Vietnam as a developing country.FindingsThe analyzed result showed that the project participants are basically satisfied with gained outcomes of the experimental project with the satisfaction index = 3.46. Specifically, the general public expressed that they are “satisfied” with satisfaction index = 4.08. Meanwhile, end-users, government and private sector are “basically satisfied” with the project outcome (the satisfaction index of 3.31, 3.16 and 3.04, respectively).Originality/valueThis study provides more depth understanding of the satisfaction factor with transport infrastructure service in developing countries through PPP procurement. In addition, the decision-makers might utilize this evaluation model for rating the stakeholder satisfaction of real PPP projects to ensure project success.

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